Hi all -

I live in Boise, Idaho - have been here for over a year now. I've been hitting the gym 4x a week - mixing weights with cardio - and youtube watching to see the best current techniques which seem to be always evolving. I'm 5'11 - and weigh between 175 - 180lbs, depending on time of day ... would like to attain a better physique than I have now. Am a bit frustrated because I'm not seeing real results - I have chicken legs - and tend to think much of this is genetics. So - technically a fat skinny guy - looking to even myself out as best I can. Am not afraid of the work to put into it - but after spending a fortune in the past few years on Hydroxycut pills, and everything else that you could think of from GNC and others with regards to protein, etc. - am now venturing into the Anabolic Steroid market to see what kind of results it can help me to produce. I don't mind trying things - at least once - but if I go through a whole bottle of something and can't tell any kind of difference - will stop and try something else. Reasoning is - I'm aware there's a ton of snake oil junk out there in the market - I've bought into it previously - am just trying to find what works best for me. I understand genetics can have a big impact on the effectiveness of a product. Any help here anyone can afford me on the topic - I'm all ears, and don't mind paying for what works.