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    g0dsend's Avatar
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    The Iranian Threat to America

    Im suprised noone posted an article on this yet...

    Tehran significantly raised tensions in the Persian Gulf yesterday by conducting missile tests and making clear that its weapons could be used against Israel and US forces if Iran was attacked.

    According to Iranian official reports, the military exercise involved nine missiles, one of them a new Shahab-3 long-range missile that could easily reach Israel and a number of US bases in the region.

    The R*********ary Guard air force commander, Hossein Salami, said the test was not routine but a demonstration of resolve as pressure grows on Iran to curb its nuclear programme. "We warn enemies who threaten us with military exercises and empty psychological operations that our hand will be on the trigger and our missiles will always be ready to launch," Salami said. He added that Iran had thousands of missiles ready to be launched against "pre-determined targets".

    Days earlier, Ali Shirazi, an aide to Iran's Supreme Leader, said Iran would retaliate against Israel and the US if it was attacked. "If they commit such a silly move, Tel Aviv and the US fleet in the Persian Gulf will be Iran's first targets and they will be burned with Iran's crushing response," he said.

    In my own view, it seems like Iran is provoking the USA to create tensions, but on the other hand is playing it off as the USA creating propaganda. Making USA look like the bad guy while Iran is the innocent person.

    For example in this article...

    "I assure you that there won't be any war in the future," Ahmadinejad told a news conference during a visit to Malaysia for a summit of developing Muslim nations.

    Ahmadinejad's comments came less than 24 hours after Iran's R*********ary Guards announced that its forces were carrying out a military drill involving "missile squads" and warned that the country would retaliate against any military strike by targeting Tel Aviv and U.S. warships in the Gulf.

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
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    Well the saber rattling has been going on for some time.

  3. #3
    RangersLTW's Avatar
    RangersLTW is offline Si vis pacem, para bellum
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    Never hit us base thanks to them ada guys. Iran is just trying to play in the yard for a minute, they will get back on the porch. All offense and no defense, a whole bunch of targets for us to aim at. Isreal alone could care less about there missile silo's, there just playing the good guy, right now. I have trained with Isreals forces and let me tell you first hand, they have solid equipment to take anything Iran has. Iran does not want Allied forces knocking at there door because of the great funding from terroist supporters. I would be more worried about what they are covering up with all the missile threats than what they are actually going to do with them.

  4. #4
    g0dsend's Avatar
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    Seems like Iran Media has been photoshopping images to make their missiles look more mean.

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    They apparently photoshopped an image cause one of them failed....

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    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    I am not a big fan of Iran or any other country, including the US, having nukes, but I think Iran is just trying to assure their sovereignty. The US, or anyone else for that matter, can't really invade them if they have the means to nuke us.

    The cold war lasted for decades without a shot being fired because of the threat of nuclear weapons.

  7. #7
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangersLTW View Post
    Never hit us base thanks to them ada guys. Iran is just trying to play in the yard for a minute, they will get back on the porch. All offense and no defense, a whole bunch of targets for us to aim at. Isreal alone could care less about there missile silo's, there just playing the good guy, right now. I have trained with Isreals forces and let me tell you first hand, they have solid equipment to take anything Iran has. Iran does not want Allied forces knocking at there door because of the great funding from terroist supporters. I would be more worried about what they are covering up with all the missile threats than what they are actually going to do with them.
    Lets everyone reading this forum get one thing straightened out from that article above. Iran is NOT a threat to the MAIN LAND United States. Iran however, may be a threat to the United States armed forces illegally occupying sovereign territory. Those are two things, that are not to be confused. Had we not pursued our imperialist ventures and implemented a policy of non-interventionism, the number of Iranian missles would be irrelevant since they dont have any ICBMs. The idea that Iran even has the slightest chance of "threatening" United States forces is absurd unfounded neo-con rhetoric.

    Second point. Israel is a sovereign country, and what happens to it, should be of absolutely no concern to the United States, and should not influence United States policy at all. I think that every member of AIPAC should either be imprisoned or deported back to Israel. To think that we actually have a lobby who's sole purpose is to ensure continued US support of their country (One which is guilty of thousands of international human rights violations by the way) is as equally as absurd as the idea of Iran being able to threaten the United States homeland.

    Neo-con fear mongering is all this shit amounts to. I would seriously question the sanity and IQ level of anyone who buys this shit hook, line, and sinker.

  8. #8
    Act of God's Avatar
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    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Lets everyone reading this forum get one thing straightened out from that article above. Iran is NOT a threat to the MAIN LAND Second point. Israel is a sovereign country, and what happens to it, should be of absolutely no concern to the United States, and should not influence United States policy at all. .
    It's my opinion that we should let the Muslims and the Jews fight it out like they have done for thousands of years. Far too much religious passion over this peice of land. The Jewish people of this country would not be too happy though.

  10. #10
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    It's my opinion that we should let the Muslims and the Jews fight it out like they have done for thousands of years. Far too much religious passion over this peice of land. The Jewish people of this country would not be too happy though.
    I agree. I'd hope that they could redolve their differences with diplomacy. But if they can't it's not our place to force a solution or take sides.

  11. #11
    Fat Guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Lets everyone reading this forum get one thing straightened out from that article above. Iran is NOT a threat to the MAIN LAND United States. Iran however, may be a threat to the United States armed forces illegally occupying sovereign territory. Those are two things, that are not to be confused. Had we not pursued our imperialist ventures and implemented a policy of non-interventionism, the number of Iranian missles would be irrelevant since they dont have any ICBMs. The idea that Iran even has the slightest chance of "threatening" United States forces is absurd unfounded neo-con rhetoric.

    Second point. Israel is a sovereign country, and what happens to it, should be of absolutely no concern to the United States, and should not influence United States policy at all. I think that every member of AIPAC should either be imprisoned or deported back to Israel. To think that we actually have a lobby who's sole purpose is to ensure continued US support of their country (One which is guilty of thousands of international human rights violations by the way) is as equally as absurd as the idea of Iran being able to threaten the United States homeland.

    Neo-con fear mongering is all this shit amounts to. I would seriously question the sanity and IQ level of anyone who buys this shit hook, line, and sinker.
    WOW… for once you and I agree, except about the part of Israel being a sovereign nation but that is a whole other issue… however you’re right it is not our business what happens to Israel but that won’t happen considering the U.S. propped up Israel as a “sovereign” nation on other peoples’ land for religious reasons after WWII

    However you right on point with this being nothing more than neo-con fear mongering and only dumb-asses will buy into the media generated B.S.

  12. #12
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    I think it would be naive to assume that the internal propaganda disseminated by the Iranian political class necessarily translates into policy intentions.

    Suppose Iran even developed a single nuclear weapon (which is quite unlikely as the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate provides ample evidence that the Iranian nuclear has not been active since 2003). I don't think it would further any Iranian interests to launch a nuclear offensive, when the US and Israel combined are capable of massive asymetrical nuclear retaliation.

    It would hard to ignore to possibility that hyping the supposed Iranian threat serves some sort of unstated political interests.

  13. #13
    sam_sneed's Avatar
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    I study the middle east as part of my degree and personally i find it a disgusting situation.

    A Jewish Kingdom existed from the 10th Century BC in the middle east as two seperate states of Israel and Judah. These were destroyed by the Babylonians in the 6th Century BC who in turn were succeeded by the Persian Empire (which Iran is direct descendant of.)

    The problem with me is that Arabs then later Muslims have ruled this area of the world for longer than the Israelites, so why are Muslims depicted as terrorists clearly the state of Israel is illegitimate and only survives as it is propped up by the US.

    As for Iran being a threat to the US i doubt it maybe regionally within the Middle East but globally no chance.

  14. #14
    Kratos's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Fat Guy;4076213]WOW… for once you and I agreeQUOTE]

    Finding yourself in agreement with a conservative? How does it feel to be right? (pun intended)

  15. #15
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    lets give iran and all those other countries working nukes.

    let em have at it. sit back, and mind ourselves.

    it's not our business.

  16. #16
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Iran will have Russia, China, Syria, Lebanon, possibly Egypt, and a strong backing from Venezuela.

    Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt - if they get involved will focus on Israel. Venezuela will discontinue oil sales to the US, and China could stop loaning us money.

    India bought a lot of Russian Military equipment, and since we have a better relation with Pakistan, India might use that as an opportunity to go at Pakistan.

    The US and Israel will have Great Britain, Germany, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and maybe Turkey. Saudi Arabia will not do much but allow us to use the air bases there. They won't want to piss off the rest of the Arab countries by aiding Israel, but they also don't want to risk a religious theocracy moving into Iraq as it would if Iran had anything to do with it.

    If a war breaks between Iran and Israel/US, oil will sky rocket. That will cause a lot of problems for different countries and it will be interesting to see who they blame - Israel for launching a preemptive attack, or Iran for being in the "Axis of Evil"

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    lets give iran and all those other countries working nukes.

    let em have at it. sit back, and mind ourselves.

    it's not our business.
    nah, they'll blow up all the oil wells, and tank our economy if we give them nukes.

  18. #18
    sam_sneed's Avatar
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    "Axis of Evil" That's a very subjective statement. No offense but who are you to determine who is evil. If you read my post Arabs hold legitimacy in Afghanistan, Iran , Iraq , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Oman , Yemen , Jordan , Pakistan. And have claims in Egypt , Tunisia , Libya , Algeria and Morocco. If a war broke out Saudi Arabia and Pakisatan would definitely NOT support any country against Iran.

  19. #19
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    "Axis of Evil" That's a very subjective statement. No offense but who are you to determine who is evil. If you read my post Arabs hold legitimacy in Afghanistan, Iran , Iraq , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Oman , Yemen , Jordan , Pakistan. And have claims in Egypt , Tunisia , Libya , Algeria and Morocco. If a war broke out Saudi Arabia and Pakisatan would definitely NOT support any country against Iran.
    Sooner or later we have to decide whether to reach an accommodation with Iran or to fight!!!! them.

  20. #20
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    Well, I just got back from turkey 2 weeks ago and I have to say what I saw of the direction the muslim religion is moving is truely bad. The fundamedalist movment has become truely strong in Iran, and some other countries, it's moving into Turkey as well. It starts slowly, for example they tried to change the law in Turkey to allow women to cover themselves in University. That's how it starts. Next think you know they are stoning women to death who dare to drive a car. Where the religion is going, and what is written in the koran are two different things. They should be able to share the religious places of Israil, but it's about control, and a show of power.

  21. #21
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    "Axis of Evil" That's a very subjective statement. No offense but who are you to determine who is evil. If you read my post Arabs hold legitimacy in Afghanistan, Iran , Iraq , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Oman , Yemen , Jordan , Pakistan. And have claims in Egypt , Tunisia , Libya , Algeria and Morocco. If a war broke out Saudi Arabia and Pakisatan would definitely NOT support any country against Iran.
    I am an ex Royal Marine Commando mate...Been There, Seen Axis of Evil

  22. #22
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    Glow, sorry man but you cannot be serious fight them? Why? Arabs own that land and have ruled it for nearly 2000 years. You are clearly ignorant to the historical context of the situation which without this leads to statements such as fight them. What claim does America have in the Middle East please enlighten me?
    Last edited by sam_sneed; 07-12-2008 at 03:02 PM.

  23. #23
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Glow, sorry man but you cannot be serious fight them? Why? Arabs own that land and have ruled it for nearly 2000 years. You are clearly ignorant to the historical context of the situation which without this leads to statements such as fight them. What claim does America have in the Middle East please enlighten me?
    Are you serious? Iran supported Nazi Germany in WW ll. The Arabs supported Germany in WW ll. They were siding with the Nazi's who were killing US
    "bring it on" lets nuke em
    Last edited by Glow2004; 07-12-2008 at 03:09 PM.

  24. #24
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    LMFAO @ at any stupid **** who thinks Iran is a "threat" to the USA.

    Damn, they have trained you well.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    "bring it on" lets nuke em
    Statement of a brainwashed nationalistic idiot.

  26. #26
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    LMFAO @ at any stupid **** who thinks Iran is a "threat" to the USA.

    Damn, they have trained you well.
    Those piles of ***t kill and wound our Soldiers in Iraq and have sponsored terrorism around the globe, killing civilians from all nationalities

  27. #27
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Statement of a brainwashed nationalistic idiot.
    there u.s allies dont have terrorists running the country.ya know those suicide bomber fanaticle holy wars garabs that go out of there way and over the border just to shoot at some americans in iraq..ever heard of the news?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    Those piles of ***t kill and wound our Soldiers in Iraq and have sponsored terrorism around the globe, killing civilians from all nationalities
    Whilst THEIR country has been invaded and THEIR innocent civilians killed. Soldiers VOLUNTEER for this their NOT conscripted. How many people have died from terrorism in comparison to Iraqi's + Afghans.

    Your so narrow minded you can't see THEIR side of the coin. Their fighting for something they believe in are willing to die for, yet lack the capabilities for modern warfare, what are they supposed to do? Surrender their culture/beliefs etc. because America/UK and other NEO-IMPERIALISTS say so.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    there u.s allies dont have terrorists running the country.ya know those suicide bomber fanaticle holy wars garabs that go out of there way and over the border just to shoot at some americans in iraq..ever heard of the news?
    Key sentence Americans in Iraq A different continent, no WMD's = Unjust War.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Glow, sorry man but you cannot be serious fight them? Why? Arabs own that land and have ruled it for nearly 2000 years. You are clearly ignorant to the historical context of the situation which without this leads to statements such as fight them. What claim does America have in the Middle East please enlighten me?
    Are you saying Iranian's are rational people with a legit claim to the land? Why? Why is it their land? Because their skin is a certain color? Because they want to build a Mosque there? Because in Iran the have turned the Muslim religion into an excuse to muder, brainwash and control people? They have no claim to that land either. Since the time of Constantine, Christians had gone on pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Even though Moslems had ruled Jerusalem since 638. Don't forget about the crusades 1000 years ago. The land is there for everyone in the world.

  31. #31
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Key sentence Americans in Iraq A different continent, no WMD's = Unjust War.
    Did you read the reports confirming that IEDs that are blowing up British countrymen are coming from Iran? Did you not see the speedboats attempting to attack U.S. Naval ships? I could go on and on but nevermind. You can't argue with a pighead. I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time....

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    Are you saying Iranian's are rational people with a legit claim to the land? Why? Why is it their land? Because their skin is a certain color? Because they want to build a Mosque there? Because in Iran the have turned the Muslim religion into an excuse to muder, brainwash and control people? They have no claim to that land either. Since the time of Constantine, Christians had gone on pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Even though Moslems had ruled Jerusalem since 638. Don't forget about the crusades 1000 years ago. The land is there for everyone in the world.
    I don't agree with modern interpretations of the Koran i think it should be completely revised to account for changes in modern society. It's their land as i stated in earlier posts as the modern sovereign states are descendants of those which controlled the middle east in antiquity. I agree all religions should have access to Jerusalem, in fact i believe Jerusalem should be a state itself similar to the Vatican in Rome free of politics. What do you mean remember the crusades ? Despite what you may think the Crusades was not an attempt to allow Christians access to Jerusalem.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    I don't agree with modern interpretations of the Koran i think it should be completely revised to account for changes in modern society. It's their land as i stated in earlier posts as the modern sovereign states are descendants of those which controlled the middle east in antiquity. I agree all religions should have access to Jerusalem, in fact i believe Jerusalem should be a state itself similar to the Vatican in Rome free of politics. What do you mean remember the crusades ? Despite what you may think the Crusades was not an attempt to allow Christians access to Jerusalem.
    and let iran nuke isreal?
    NO WAY!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    Did you read the reports confirming that IEDs that are blowing up British countrymen are coming from Iran? Did you not see the speedboats attempting to attack U.S. Naval ships? I could go on and on but nevermind. You can't argue with a pighead. I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time....
    British countrymen who should not be there fighting an unjust war. Sorry man you can't just say because there British there exempt from being attacked in a foreign land. Attacking US ships which strayed into Iranian waters. I don't call a few dinghies an attack anyway it was hardly Midway.

    As for the pighead comment, obviously your very nationalistic bordering on xenophobic of Muslim culture. So i don't expect you to try an understand the plight of a people of whom the vast majority have done nothing wrong yet are being treated appallingly.

  35. #35
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    This is where i get my education, kleep it coming please.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    and let iran nuke isreal?
    NO WAY!
    What the hell are you talking about? There is no definitive proof Iran is enriching Uranium, which By the way is the right of any sovereign state to use its countries natural resources. let alone build nuclear weapons never mind use them. Why would Iran nuke Jerusalem it has religous significance for Muslims also.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glow2004 View Post
    Did you read the reports confirming that IEDs that are blowing up British countrymen are coming from Iran? Did you not see the speedboats attempting to attack U.S. Naval ships? I could go on and on but nevermind. You can't argue with a pighead. I don't feel like wasting anymore of my time....
    Unfortunately, I am going to make you look like a complete fool right now.

    Point number 1.

    US Soldiers Dead: 4,000
    US Soldiers Wounded: 20,000

    Iraqi CIVILIANS DEAD: 1,000,000

    That is since the start of the Iraq war in 2001. Who are the terrorists? How can you even call these people "terrorists?" Terrorism is a TACTIC OF WAR. It is not a person or place. Anyway, the victor has ALWAYS labeled the subjugated people it was attempting to conquer as "terrorists" "traitors" "evil" and the like. I find it laughable that you call these people terrorists yet when we look at the numbers, they have killed 4,000 of our soldiers and we have killed 1,000,000 of their civilians, mostly with the use of BOMBS dropped from the air. Of course, bombing the hell out of them from the sky is a completely legitimate, ok, and "moral" way to fight war, YET!!! when an Iraqi freedom fighter "insurgent/terrorist" uses an I.E.D. to TARGET SOLDIERS fighting in a WAR we have the fu*ing balls to call them terrorists?


    Americans are the first ones to claim SOVEREIGNTY whenever the United Nations or some other such organization detests an action of the United States. Yet, when another nation does something we dont agree with, we are the FIRST ONES to try to influence their actions and infringe on THEIR sovereignty. You're hypocrisy is sickening. Neo-conservative rhetorical bullshit!

  38. #38
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    Great post, Godfather. Agree 100%

  39. #39
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    BTW, it must take unbelievable courage / personal belief to be a suicide bomber. Blowing yourself to pieces for what you believe in , in my opinion is admirable.

    > The targeting of innocent civilians is unacceptable but attacks on military personnel is fair game.

  40. #40
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    What the hell are you talking about? There is no definitive proof Iran is enriching Uranium, which By the way is the right of any sovereign state to use its countries natural resources. let alone build nuclear weapons never mind use them. Why would Iran nuke Jerusalem it has religous significance for Muslims also.
    Why do you want to go back to school?

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