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Thread: Who will be the next president of the USA

  1. #41
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    yes ^^^^ I cant wait for it because I want to see what trump is really about

  2. #42
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    This will be one of the most important elections in US history. I know it doesn't seem that way but so many still do not see the rapid deterioration of our country and its constitution. I truly fear the worst. If Clinton gets into office she will finish what Obama started, the dismantlement of world power of the US from the inside out and a administration with no regards to the constitution that will not be held accountable to anyone. Clinton already doesnt care nor answer to anyone. Benghazi, emails, foreign donations, she doesn't care, I couldn't even imagine if she were president. She wont even answer to her own parties administration for whom she once was part of. I just pray America (women and blacks mostly) don't fall victim to being prayed upon again.

    As far as Trump goes, he cant be president and I don't think he wants to be. It would suck, being president takes up every minute of your time, he has far to many other things going on. As far as picking someone, Ill wait until things thin out and we see who the actually real players are........I hope there's a couple good ones.
    PrettyPlease? and bass like this.

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    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #43
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    exactly things have to thin out first but trump will be a lot better than Hillary and Obama and im afraid she is going all the way and if you think about it we don't need a politician to run things this country wasn't built on politics just common sense and 99.9% of politicians don't have any they do what they are told not what they believe in or what's right im not sure if trump will make it but either way he has done good for this country already by bringing up major issues that nobody else would even touch

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    This will be one of the most important elections in US history. I know it doesn't seem that way but so many still do not see the rapid deterioration of our country and its constitution. I truly fear the worst. If Clinton gets into office she will finish what Obama started, the dismantlement of world power of the US from the inside out and a administration with no regards to the constitution that will not be held accountable to anyone. Clinton already doesnt care nor answer to anyone. Benghazi, emails, foreign donations, she doesn't care, I couldn't even imagine if she were president. She wont even answer to her own parties administration for whom she once was part of. I just pray America (women and blacks mostly) don't fall victim to being prayed upon again.

    As far as Trump goes, he cant be president and I don't think he wants to be. It would suck, being president takes up every minute of your time, he has far to many other things going on. As far as picking someone, Ill wait until things thin out and we see who the actually real players are........I hope there's a couple good ones.
    Every single one of your political posts that i've seen are spot on.
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  5. #45
    PrettyPlease? is offline Banned
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    Ben Carson impressed me tonight.
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  6. #46
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    He was impressive I think trump hurt himself. It will be interesting to watch this play out in the coming months.

  7. #47
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    I agree i dont think trump did as well but mabe he will make a comeback in future debates

  8. #48
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    Carson had my eye from the getgo way before trump did yet when trump came in i will admit i hopped on the wagon..Seems like he has alot of programmed answers...I'd like to see Trump focus alot on this presidency and really impress me..How realistic that is? Idk..But no matter what if he's up against Hilary he'll get my vote

  9. #49
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    The only guy who will make actual change in Rand Paul. Balancing the budget in 5 years. No one comes close to this guy. Everyone talk about it but NO ONE is willing to make the drastic changes that would be required except for him. He will never win, but I am going to support him financially and with my vote for as long as possible.

  10. #50
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    Yea i like rand paul also but he has pretty low numbers so wel see how far he makes it also im not sure if he really can balance the budget america has almost always been in debt i belive the budget was balanced once and fell back into debt in a day or 2 but we can and need to reduce debt and our reliance for china
    Last edited by djgreen; 08-06-2015 at 10:37 PM.

  11. #51
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    Truth is we actually had a surplus when Clinton was president. But totally agree with you on china!!

  12. #52
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    there was a surplus for a short time but government didn't do it although they take credit for it they moved numbers around to make it look good for themselves but it was actually investors paying taxes during a good time in the economy when they made a lot of money Has Congress Ever Really Balanced the Budget? - George Jarkesy - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
    Last edited by djgreen; 08-07-2015 at 10:13 AM.

  13. #53
    Papapump652 is offline New Member
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    Cant stop the Trump
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  14. #54
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    I like Ben Carson too!! Just not sure if he has a big enough following to get elected.

  15. #55
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    Trump still going strong how long will it last?

  16. #56
    Buff99 is offline Junior Member
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    I prefer Carson but will take trump

  17. #57
    OutThere is offline Banned
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    I miss the Paultards. Ron Paul is the only one who can save us. You just don't understand Ron Paul. Blah blah Rothbard blah n$ggas blah blah

  18. #58
    Joco71 is offline Senior Member
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    CNN debates coming up. I wonder how trump will do? Ben Carson is climbing in many polls!!

  19. #59
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    only thing I don't like about Carson is he wants a flat 10-15% flat tax which would in effect raise taxes on the middle class and poor and lower them for the rich and that is a big problem for me. I think taxes should stay the same or go lower and that would be possible if the government would simply live in there own budget that's all they have to do its so simple quit giving food stamps and disability out like its free and quit spending on stupid stuff in general we are giving iran I believe 150 billion to sign that nuke deal its nuts we are going to borrow 150 billion from china and give to to Iran for nothing in return but a promise they wont nuke us after we help them build a bomb after their supreme leader chanted death to America before the ink was even dry on the contract
    Last edited by djgreen; 09-08-2015 at 01:04 PM.

  20. #60
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Rand Paul is my choice for this vote. I see some smart comments from the above. I've followed Rand Paul for quite some time, and was definitely on the Ron Paul bandwagon. While Rand has fallen a distance from the mighty apple tree that is Ron Paul, he is still the candidate most likely to bring this country back to what it should be. He understands the budget and the economic changes that are required to get us back in check. He understands the constitution and liberty. He's the closest thing to a libertarian on the main ticket.

    Bipartisanship is effectively destroying this country. Our system assumes that most people lie on the outliers of the bell curve that make up the political spectrum, while in reality most people are in the middle and aren't extremist. The libertarian philosophy of being fiscally conservative and socially liberal fits the vast majority of people. Their motto isn't "don't read on me", it's "don't tread on anyone". If you aren't hurting me or my personal property, go do what you want. Be responsible for yourself and don't expect others to take up your slack. Let churches and nonprofits pick up the rest of the slack. It's the way this country worked for a long time, and we can get back to that. We've conditioned ourselves, though, to lean one way or another on this political spectrum. If you identify as a republican, chances are you don't truly agree with the extremist portion of the party. If you identify as democrat, again, chances are you don't agree with the extremist portion of the party. Yet it is the extremist portions of the party that give each party their voice, vision, and public appearance. Chances are you lie somewhere in between the two parties, but don't feel like you have a party that represents you. And you don't. Because we've let a bipartisan system take over.

    I feel a great deal of sadness for those that aren't able to see through the veil that has been draped over their eyes. Perhaps their parents conditioned them to be diehard republicans or democrats. Perhaps they never questioned what they've been taught. Perhaps they sheltered themselves against any other ideologies, and have never had to question the beliefs that were hammered into their minds from their earliest memories.

    I feel that we should have a test that you are required to take before you vote. It isn't an intelligence test, and it isn't a test of literacy as we've done in the past to prevent certain groups from voting. It is a test of your knowledge of each candidate's platform. If you have researched your vote and know what you are voting on, the test will be simple. If you haven't done your research and are voting entirely based on the political party or the color of the skin of the individual you are voting on, you'll likely fail the test. You don't find out if you have passed or not, your vote just doesn't get counted. Everyone has the right to vote, but if you don't care enough about your vote to actually know what you are voting on, your vote shouldn't count.

  21. #61
    papathesmurf is offline Junior Member
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    Trump really disappointed me this past debate especially on his matters of foreign policy and his remark about Fiorino's looks was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, lets be real she is kinda hot for a 61 year old women. He really needs to lay off these attacks on Women if he is going to be elected. Women account for a large portion of the citizens who vote and if he wants to get elected he is going to have to stop insulting them. Oh, I think Trump/Fiorino on a ballet would be a wining combination.

  22. #62
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by papathesmurf View Post
    Trump really disappointed me this past debate especially on his matters of foreign policy and his remark about Fiorino's looks was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, lets be real she is kinda hot for a 61 year old women. He really needs to lay off these attacks on Women if he is going to be elected. Women account for a large portion of the citizens who vote and if he wants to get elected he is going to have to stop insulting them. Oh, I think Trump/Fiorino on a ballet would be a wining combination.
    I can say a great many things about Trump, and none of them have anything to do with him being a good choice for president.

  23. #63
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    only thing I don't like about Carson is he wants a flat 10-15% flat tax which would in effect raise taxes on the middle class and poor and lower them for the rich and that is a big problem for me. I think taxes should stay the same or go lower and that would be possible if the government would simply live in there own budget that's all they have to do its so simple quit giving food stamps and disability out like its free and quit spending on stupid stuff in general we are giving iran I believe 150 billion to sign that nuke deal its nuts we are going to borrow 150 billion from china and give to to Iran for nothing in return but a promise they wont nuke us after we help them build a bomb after their supreme leader chanted death to America before the ink was even dry on the contract
    I am in favor of the flat tax. A simple flat tax code will bring jobs back to the US and is the most fair tax code possible. Everyone pays the same percent. You aren't punished for being financially successful. You aren't punished for being poor. Everyone pays the same percentage. And yes, we do need to stop spending money on stupid stuff.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch535 View Post
    I am in favor of the flat tax. A simple flat tax code will bring jobs back to the US and is the most fair tax code possible. Everyone pays the same percent. You aren't punished for being financially successful. You aren't punished for being poor. Everyone pays the same percentage. And yes, we do need to stop spending money on stupid stuff.
    A flat tax would be nice but it can't work

  25. #65
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    flat tax wouldn't be nice for me because I will pay a lot more and I pay a lot of taxes as it is if it wasn't for income tax I could live comfortably
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  26. #66
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    A flat tax would be nice but it can't work
    A flat tax can and would work. It would certainly work better than a 70,000 page tax code. One flat tax for everyone. Done. Simple. No loopholes.

  27. #67
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    flat tax wouldn't be nice for me because I will pay a lot more and I pay a lot of taxes as it is if it wasn't for income tax I could live comfortably

    So you're in favor of you paying less so someone else has to pay more?

  28. #68
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    yes absolutely I need it more than they do rich people wont see a difference in there lifestyle over a few hundred dollars but a few hundred affects me greatly and I am not in favor of paying even more I pay enough taxes as it all the government has to do is live in a budget like everyone's else and stop frivolous spending and supporting drug users and scumbags in one way or another and they could afford to lower taxes for every one, every time they raise tax we go in more debt so a tax raise doesn't fix anything

  29. #69
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    yes absolutely I need it more than they do rich people wont see a difference in there lifestyle over a few hundred dollars but a few hundred affects me greatly and I am not in favor of paying even more I pay enough taxes as it all the government has to do is live in a budget like everyone's else and stop frivolous spending and supporting drug users and scumbags in one way or another and they could afford to lower taxes for every one, every time they raise tax we go in more debt so a tax raise doesn't fix anything
    Even if our government lived on a budget like everyone else and stopped frivolous spending, we'll still have to pay taxes. Lower, yes, but we'll still have to pay taxes. Why are you special in that you shouldn't have to pay the same amount of taxes as everyone else? Just because a rich person won't notice as much as someone less financially stable doesn't mean they should be punished for their fortune or hard work, in the same way you wouldn't be being punished. With a flat tax, everyone pays the same percentage. This is fair. Everyone pulls the same amount of weight. The poor aren't riding on the shoulders of the rich and the rich aren't evading taxes with loop holes to ride the shoulders of the poor.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch535 View Post
    A flat tax can and would work. It would certainly work better than a 70,000 page tax code. One flat tax for everyone. Done. Simple. No loopholes.
    You must be a Rand Paul fan....Realistically it can't work because it would be making it work better for the people than for the country as whole if that makes sense...

  31. #71
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    I don't agree with the tax code either but I will never support raising my taxes and lowering them for the rich doesn't make sense to me I know several people in my family that are well off one of them is a millionaire and the taxes they pay don't hurt them a bit not even a little nobody's being punished for how much they make that's just how it works I think taxes could be low for everyone if government spending could be controlled its so simple

  32. #72
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    anyone outside GOP establishment wold be better. i don't trust Trump because we don't know what he stands for, he repeats the something over and over... we're stupid, they're smart, we'll be great again, etc... however this is what i like about Trump,

    1. he is not politically correct
    2. he does not apologize for what he says
    3. turned the GOP Establishment on its head! this one is my favorite.

    other than that he's immature. its too early for me to make a decision, but i can guarantee you any of these individuals running is far better than Clinton, socialists Sanders and Biden the creep!
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  33. #73
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by djgreen View Post
    I don't agree with the tax code either but I will never support raising my taxes and lowering them for the rich doesn't make sense to me I know several people in my family that are well off one of them is a millionaire and the taxes they pay don't hurt them a bit not even a little nobody's being punished for how much they make that's just how it works I think taxes could be low for everyone if government spending could be controlled its so simple
    A flat tax wouldn't lower the taxes on the rich. As it stands now, with 70,000 pages of tax code, there are so many loop holes those with enough money usually pay less of a percentage of their income than those who don't. As it stands, you have two options: make enough money that you have enough deductibles that its worth it to itemize, or take the IRS granted deductible. If you can afford to itemize you can count a whole lotta crap off your taxes and end up spending less. If you are operating at or just above poverty level, you aren't going to have enough expenses worth itemizing and you're going to end up paying a higher percentage of your income to income tax.

    Flat tax takes all that out of the equation. You pay the same percent that I pay, and Bill Gates pays the same percent that the kid in college flipping burgers at the Wendys pays.

  34. #74
    Mitch535 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    anyone outside GOP establishment wold be better. i don't trust Trump because we don't know what he stands for, he repeats the something over and over... we're stupid, they're smart, we'll be great again, etc... however this is what i like about Trump,

    1. he is not politically correct
    2. he does not apologize for what he says
    3. turned the GOP Establishment on its head! this one is my favorite.

    other than that he's immature. its too early for me to make a decision, but i can guarantee you any of these individuals running is far better than Clinton, socialists Sanders and Biden the creep!

    I would prefer anyone outside either of the establishments. Bipartisanship is one of the worst things that we've done to our country. Bipartisanship represents the extremes of the bell curve that makes up the political spectrum, we don't really have anyone representing the middle where most people are.

    Trump, however, doesn't apologize for what he says but he does flipflop. He also likes to generalize about things that he doesn't know much about, so he doesn't really give any substance when he talks about his ideas, policies, or procedures. The ideas that he does actually vocalize are immature knee-jerk reactions that you'd expect anyone who has lived outside reality long enough to make.
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  35. #75
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    A 15% tax would lower tax for the rich i dont know how you think it dont and im not saying im above paying taxs but i have to support myself at the same time and more money that goes out of my pocket for taxs hurts my bills the needs in life not the wants when rich people pay more they have a little less wants but the needs are still there no matter what i would be in favor of a flat tax if it was low like 8% but thats not gonna happen

  36. #76
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    I'm right behind you..
    A flat tax is appealing for its simplicity, but it's a regressive tax and would hurt the middle-class and the poor and our economy. Poor and middle-class families spend a (much) higher percentage of their incomes than do the rich. If the rich have extra money after taxes, it goes on top of their already fat pile of money sitting in a bank. When poor and middle-class families have more money, they spend it, putting that money into circulation, which is key for a healthy economy. Left with less of it to spend, the economy would slows down drastically. The US will never see a flat tax.

  37. #77
    papathesmurf is offline Junior Member
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    I wrote a paper on a flat tax (called fair tax at the time I believe) in high school. IIRC it included a tax benefit for individuals at or below the poverty line. As a frugal individual I would absolutely love a flat tax rate!

  38. #78
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    I like trumps tax plan he proposes to eliminate income tax all together for middle class and poor people USA is the most taxed nation in the world by a long shot dropping income tax wouldn't hurt a bit it will actually stimulate the economy and government can eliminate wasteful spending to make up the difference
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  39. #79
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    Rubio and Cruz would be great...But that's probably not going to happen although their numbers are increasing

  40. #80
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    Realistically Trump knows where to focus the money to better the economy...It goes without saying that he'll have better relationships with our allies than Obama did lol...He will stop spending all of these billions of dollars on education (that is not working) and he'll shift them towards things that will get people better jobs and end up making more money....Democrats are pouring TONS AND TONS of money into education YET the education standards are getting LOWER AND LOWER..Clearly not working...My vote is for Trump because he's got great financial strategies and i like how he is so passionate in wanting to create more, good jobs.
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