I posted this in the new member section and someone suggested I bring it here.

I am 52 and have been on TRT since last July. I am at 180 mg per week, 2 at 90 per week and 500 Iu of HCG 2 times per week, 3 MG of anastrozole. I have put on 20 pounds since last July. I have read so much I think I know more than my docs most of the time. That knowledge is in large part to reading for an insane number of hours on forums like this one.

I am considering a "first" cycle of 400 mg per week or 500 mg a week for 12 weeks to hopefully pick up 15 pounds. I will probably start in August (I take off 3 weeks in July for vacation time).

I have historically lifted for many years and then took off about 8 years (life happens) have been very consistent since last July (2012) in a gym at my home (very nice gym). I typically do the following split

Legs (quads)
Legs(hams and calves)

I am 6' 3"

I started at 175 lbs and about 11% bodyfat. I am now at 195 lbs and I would guess 15% bodyfat. My fat is 100% isolated to my gut and love handles.
With respect to weight, I typically do 8-12 sets for major muscle groups and 4-6 for minor, lifting progressively starting in the 10-12 rep range and ending in the 5-8 for major muscle groups and 8-15 for minor muscle groups. For calves I am in the 25-30 rep range and for traps I am in the 12-15 range.

For example, when doing dumbbell flat bench I would do 65 each, 70 each, 75 each and end with 4-5 reps on 80 each. I try to add either weight or reps each workout to keep the progressive component in place.

I do no cardio as I am clearly ectomorph body style, 33 inch waist X 34 inch inseam (used to be 36) and 46 in shoulders (based on suit size) with skinny arms and bird legs.
With respect to nutrition, I am pretty informed. I eat three meals and snacks in between. I drink 3 ON shakes a day with 84 grams of whey isolate, 3 grams of Creatine, take fish oil, D-3, multivitamin and biotin (hair). I eat a LOT of chicken, broccoli, rice, steak, roast beef, turkey, fish (grilled), pork steak, squash (grilled), eggs, bacon, biscuits, potatoes (no butter). Most of my foods are grilled or baked. I do not drink or smoke. I average 4,000 calories per day. I am not a perfectly clean eater but I am more strict than most. No sweets for example, ice cream or heavy sugary foods. I do like bacon and good old sage-based sausage.

Sleep is typically 6 hours a night (I know, I know). I do not suffer from stress at all and I do have a high pressure job and a great sex life with my beautiful wife.
Recently I have been suffering from a sore left bicep (ortho says no tear, just take off and I did back off my weight for a month, still an issue but I do not want you to get hung up on the bicep issue.)

My E2 and E3 are low and I do get some severe joint pain about 2 days after my leg workouts (I do not go to 90 degrees on squats, about 75 degrees and about 70 degrees on leg extensions) Fish oil seems to help.

I want to reach 220 lbs at about 8 percent body fat and maintain.

I hope this is enough info for a good start. I really appreciate any feedback and guidance.