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Thread: My HGH experience so far!

  1. #121
    Fixr is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck of Death
    .....Man, I thought this thread would get a lot more input, especially from the over 30 crowd and those who are just doing a first cycle, with or without HGH. Do any of you bros have similar or different experiences to mine?? The more input and discussion we have between us, the better we will understand the results we can get. My feeling is that this "augmentation" regimen is different when we get past 30, but that is a gut feeling.
    i know this is way after the post, but, this is great reading. I just started my hgh 2 days ago and my newbee gold kit is on the way as i write this. this post is getting me pumped for the whole experience!

  2. #122
    grumpy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck of Death View Post
    ...Well, let's put it into perspective. I use around 2iu/day which costs me about $7.60 per day. I know guys who drink a twelve-pack of beer every day and smoke a pack and a half of cigs to boot. Add that up and I bet it comes to more than seven bucks and change. Which one is a better investment for your health??

    Its all a matter of priorities.........
    AMEN, brother! It is very much a matter of priorities.... I am also creeping up quick on the "40" mark and your story has ecouraged me to say the least.

    I hope to find a reputable supplier and start a cycle of hgh, deca , and ??? soon. was hoping to get some more advice from this forum( which is awesome BTW). money is a little tight for me but after going to gym for 8 weeks with little more than 10lbs lost then hit a wall. I need to do something!! started out at 5'11 250 lbs. currently down to 239lbs, but would like to see 200-205. this doesnt seem possible since all my past experience with dieting and exercise isnt working this time. I feel a little better but still low on energy and strength. My max bench, 12 yrs ago, was 325.... that would certainly kill me today as i have trouble with 225!?!?... Not cool, but i'm trying to keep my chin up. Prior to this past 8 week gym visit, I havent seen the gym since i was 28, 187lbs 9% bf... dont expect to get back there but some where close would be nice..... Hell 32" waist would make me happy, currently 36" is all I can muster. Plus I have 3 kids that I would love to keep up with 16, 13, 8 who deserve a more active father!

    Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated. Recently divorced and need to get my self confidence back!

    Thankyou for a great forum!!

  3. #123
    gabagool is offline New Member
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    I researched and experimented with HGH a few years back. I too was experiencing good things with it. It was a bit expensive, even at the 11 bucks per, but the real reason I stopped was the CTS. I mean, it got so bad I would be up half the night hanging my hands over the sides of the bed, left, right, left right. After the dose got over 4, the CTS kicked in. So because of the money and the pain, I stopped.

    Good thing though. In my research I learned about its ability to help kids grow. My son was WAAAAAY off the charts small. After a few doc visits, he got a script for Huma which the insurance PAID for. The results, after 15 months are nothing short of incredible. I mean this kid was ready for the padded cell he was so distraught over being so tiny. Now he smiles, he skies, he no longer dreads buying clothes. It may not have been right for me, but for my son............I will be forever grateful.

  4. #124
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Wow i read this entire thread, and it was great. Im also wondering what happened to DOD. I would love to know how it all turned out this much time down the road for him. Would love to hear from him. DOD if ur out there, post something bud.

  5. #125
    bucs1723 is offline New Member
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    Bump. Keep it coming

  6. #126
    Never too old is offline New Member
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    I know this post ended 4 years ago but curious is any of you, especially DoD, are still around these forums.

  7. #127
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Never too old View Post
    I know this post ended 4 years ago but curious is any of you, especially DoD, are still around these forums.
    No, actually it's 10 years old..

  8. #128
    Stoptheslowdown's Avatar
    Stoptheslowdown is offline New Member
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    I am curious also. Any of the op's still around for comment?

  9. #129
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    hey Duck...this is my first post, not a expert by any meaans....I have ran hgh many cycles, i do enjoy the
    felling of energy, but my gains were minimal,and weight stayed pretty much the same, weight lifting gains
    were non exsistent, but i maintained all gains and firmness of muscle even after a month off, as i travel
    frquently and have difficult time finding a gym, or am just too lazy, but sometimes do body wieght
    exercises....I was running 2 iu of gh...jintropin I bought from the original manufactor in Hong Kong,
    that was my first cycle...have tried blue top, and ********** as it is 200 a kit in thailand....
    I am like you in that fact i am nervous about running cypionate , but I have low t so my doctor perscribed me
    some and he will be doing the injections, but he is not aware of the nolvo or arimedex (or should I saay he
    has no concern of gyno) although i have......I have been running anavar as of late, and have been making huge
    gains in strength, or i was just to scaared to try heavier weights, ( no...been making gains)...i have started running some
    arimidex 1/4 tab every other day, for cutting purposes and to maybe kick start some test, but will only run it for
    maybe 2 weeks, I will be finished var this week....i am doing hgh as of last week as i come off of var as well....
    i did notice some sorenesss in the nipples, but i think they were just getting bigger as they were kinda small,
    now it looks like im in the freezer aisle....I dont think this was gyno, or progesterone gyno, but I was concerned,
    why i an taking arimidex....I have not started the test yet, but am looking forward to it when i finish the var...
    hopegully it will cure the lows you apparently get from var...var is recommended for men over 40 so I chose this
    route first......
    a note on your weight gain could be water retention from the when you finish your cycle i would
    be concerned with maintaining your gains.....good to read your thoughts, and I was very impressed with
    gh as you are, and have been off and on for 2 years....keep up the updates


  10. #130
    Auriga66 is offline New Member
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    Duck of Death are you still here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Duck of Death View Post
    ...Hey, Thanks, Mfiver and Johnsomebody. I dunno about getting her to start a thread, because I have not discussed my usage of AS with her as of yet, and I may never do that. I will "interview" her periodically, and report to you her comments. She has noticed her skin improving and getting smoother - I have as well! This effect of HGH is one of the first things I noticed, as well.
    Haven’t seen a post from Duck of Death since May of 2005. Wondering if he’s still with us? I’m turning 54 this year and had some questions.

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