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  1. #1
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Haven't gotten stronger (or more muscular) in 3 years, any thoughts?

    Well the title pretty much says it all. I've been lifting for 5 years and haven't seen gains in 3 years. We can attribute the first 2 years of gains to newb gains I'm guessing.
    When I first started I did my PL coaches routine which called for training each muscle about 2x a week. All the core lifts were trained once a week. After that I moved on to training each muscle group once a week for about 8 months. I didn't gain shit off of training everything once a week. A good 1 and a half years into lifting I started doing Westside Barbell. Me and my brother even went down to meet Bob Youngs and train with him for a day. I've read all the articles on, and pretty much know how to train. I'm a certified personal trainer if it's relevant at all here.
    I trained Westside for about 2.5 years. Just six months ago I decided that it wasn't helping me at all and I switched over to High Frequency routines. I train each muscle group 4 times a week now with very little volume and all compound movements. I always avoid failure and generally leave 2-3 reps in the tank.
    I've tried many different methods. I've trained intense as hell and to failure on most sets. I figured that wasn't helping, so I decreased the intensity and now leave a couple reps in the tank each set. I find that I am less sore now, but I do not get stronger. I have not gained any strength in 3 years.
    Actually its safe to say that I was alot stronger 2 years into lifting than I am now.
    For some reason I could take 2 weeks off of squatting, and when I get back to it I decrease like 75lbs on my squat. Deadlifts are the same way.
    This is very frustrating, anyone have any ideas? I'm a fully healthy individual, besides naturally high estrogen levels.

  2. #2
    2deizel's Avatar
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    (mr test)

  3. #3
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    warrior21, whats up. well id like to blame it on the estrogen levels. try aromasin for about 2 months. that will squash like 85% of it i think?

  4. #4
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    oh and get a bloodtest and get total T, free T, estro, SHBG, and thyroid

  5. #5
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Total T 900. SHBG 98.2%. Estro 36. Thyroid within normal ranges.
    My estro seems to be a bit on the high-normal range. I'm currently taking Clomid for it and have Letrozole on the way.

  6. #6
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    ok, letro is overkill for that in my opinion. aromasin should lower it tto about 10. my estro was 36 on arimidex , and it shud be alot lower now since starting aromasin

  7. #7
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    ok, letro is overkill for that in my opinion. aromasin should lower it tto about 10. my estro was 36 on arimidex, and it shud be alot lower now since starting aromasin
    Hows your cycle going now? Isn't it like your 11th week on CYP? Are you responding now? Maybe estrogen does have something to do with it?

    One more thing. Blood tests only test for estradiol right? Isn't there another form of estrogen?

  8. #8
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    ya im fine now, i found out my thyroid is terrible, and so are my adrenals. i need cortisol drugs and thyroid drugs to feel up to snuff. but ive definitely seen a difference now. anger bouts, alot of acne. stuff like that. but estrogen plays a key role, plus it will take up receptors

  9. #9
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    ya im fine now, i found out my thyroid is terrible, and so are my adrenals. i need cortisol drugs and thyroid drugs to feel up to snuff. but ive definitely seen a difference now. anger bouts, alot of acne. stuff like that. but estrogen plays a key role, plus it will take up receptors
    I pretty much figured that when I take steroids my estrogen and cortisol would go up like crazy to counteract the roids. This is due to the fact that I'm young, and my endocrine system is still developing. I started Clomid for anti-e, and got letro on the way. I might try a cycle in the future of course with anti-e's. What are you on to control cortisol?
    Oh and does masturbation play a part with the adrenals? I jack it way too much, I only get laid like 2x a month but I dont even have a gf.

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i'd use proviron before i used letro in this case, there is a chance of rebound with the letro..

    anywho.. about the training.. food might be an issue as well as the training style.

    I love static training. can only do it for 6 weeks then back to something more reasonable, but it will shock the system, and push through plateau
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  11. #11
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    After using letro I will come off of it with a bit of nolva. I'm not going to be using a huge amount either. Maybe 1mg letro ED or EOD.
    Have you seen my bulk diet? I posted it up recently, it's in the diet forum. It was said to be pretty good. Even I** (who hates my guts) told me it was perfect over on M&M.

  12. #12
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    I**MFKR is a good guy, you guys just got into an arguement. anywho, moving onto more important topics. yeah, why not use an aromatase inhibitor and stop estro from being born completely? id use .5 mg letro if i were u. and ur cortisol is NOT gunna jump up while on gear. gear like stomps cortisol from attacking your muscles (hence the fast recovery?) try some test suspension if u can get it. im amazed high amounts of gear pass thru u so quickly.

  13. #13
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    I**MFKR is a good guy, you guys just got into an arguement. anywho, moving onto more important topics. yeah, why not use an aromatase inhibitor and stop estro from being born completely? id use .5 mg letro if i were u. and ur cortisol is NOT gunna jump up while on gear. gear like stomps cortisol from attacking your muscles (hence the fast recovery?) try some test suspension if u can get it. im amazed high amounts of gear pass thru u so quickly.
    I read an article that said sometimes people will have feedbacks mechanisms when they inject gear and it makes estrogen and cortisol go up to lower androgen levels, thus deactivating the roids.
    I'm aware one of the pathways of anti-catabolism of steroids is through blockage of cortisol. But it's kinda like 'which came first, the chicken or the egg? situation'. Is the gear binding to receptors, or is cortisol raising as soon as roids get into my blood?

    Dunno, but anyways I'll try the .5mg letro, if need be I'll bump to 1mg. Thanks for the help dude.

  14. #14
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah no prob. im doin my best to help.

    so back to the IMPORTANT topic...did the egg or the chicken come first....

  15. #15
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    LOL, nice. Glad to have a lil bit of humor releif every now and then. You know I didn't sleep for about a month while that 'non-responder' thread was hot?

  16. #16
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    daaang dude. relax, u have a good build already anyway. its not like ur build is shitty or anything. it could be way worse, imagine having ur condition or whatever, and being on HRT, and nur body wasnt making any of ur own...

  17. #17
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    I got some nice goodies on the way, I will take pics /w my bros digi camera to give u a better idea of my physique. Sure it isn't the worst, but I have tons of room for improvement. And I'm definately not complacent.
    Sometimes I get down because I think I have shitty genes. Thats when I see people in wheelchairs or /w mental defects, then I think "You worry about stupid shit, be happy you're normal".

  18. #18
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    a building
    whats current stats?

  19. #19
    nap's Avatar
    nap is offline Junior Member
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    whats your eating like?

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