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Thread: fat and powerlifting

  1. #41
    terraj's Avatar
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    sorry...web link issues
    Last edited by terraj; 06-28-2011 at 07:52 PM.

  2. #42
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    Last edited by terraj; 06-28-2011 at 07:49 PM.

  3. #43
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    Last edited by terraj; 06-28-2011 at 07:49 PM. Reason: poor web link

  4. #44
    terraj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    dude your an idiot terraj. I didnt say squats wernt functional i said squatting with knee braces and benching with suits and using wt lifting belts are unfuntional. Telling me that basing your whole "workout" on resting 50 out of 60 mins is good for athletics is a joke. Wake up to the yeaer 2011 no squatting 1000lbs one time is not going to be beneficial over all. Please answer some of my above questions and maybe youll have some credit. Ya lift for 10 seconds rest for 3 mins.... thats a good use of your time seeing as no sports are played that way. And judging form your avitar you look like a fat guy too... my point exactly. Overweight guys need a sport they can hold onto. I do heavy squats all the time but that doesnt make me a powerlifter. I showed 2 other trainers/ pro mma fighters this forum and they laughed at you guys. I work in a gym and have for years do what you want but my knowlege is cutting edge and eventually youll realize its not the 80's anymore and there is much more to fitness then how much wt you can move for one rep
    Oh...looks like I hit a nerve with "Balance Ball Brad".

    Can I call you BBB for short?

    It's the internet so I can say anything...I'm not a powerlifter or a BB, but I have trained both ways (powerlifting/BB) and fought at a good level both in OZ and Japan many years saying this, IMO powerlifting gave me much more athletically.
    I've trained with some good powerlifters, their focus and zone was awesome and it was very rarely that they lifted in the way that you seem to think all of them lift...single lift with a lot of rest....only when training for max, which is a small part of their training in terms of time.

    Post yourt pics big mouth.

    I'm guessing 1986 was the year you graced us with your presence.....and you know it al already
    Last edited by terraj; 06-28-2011 at 07:51 PM.

  5. #45
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
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    please dont bring up your degrees and certs, ive visited a gym before because i want to have my own like evenesh and defranco, thinking this guy knew his stuff(he had a degree in exercise kinesiology), well it ended up being painful to my eyes, he told me that i need to get a cert to learn more about exercise or a degree, lol what a fakkin joke, that guy was a terrible trainer, anybody can get a cert just buy it offline, i will always only take advice from someone thats either very big, very strong, or both... experience>text books brad you only seem to have book knowledge, not in the trenches knowledge

  6. #46
    Bigd89's Avatar
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    Yes, brad. Lifter65 has potential to become a powerhouse, and he's only 19! He has my respect.

  7. #47
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    Your right idk what I was thinking... Speed, agility, balance endurance... They play close to no role in athleticism what was I thinking. Lol. I find it funny that the title of this is fat and powerlifting and two of the guys arguing with me are fat. Maximum force production and strength are big parts of it too but if you want you and your athletes to be one dimensional go right ahead

  8. #48
    terraj's Avatar
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    Yo Triple B,

    Where's them pics princess?

  9. #49
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    One dimensional athletes, seriously dude? DeFranco has trained pro bowlers and heisman candidates. The athletes I've trained play at major D1 colleges and go on to play on Sundays. What's on your resume? And where are these "alarming" injuries coaches are inflicting on their kids? You are ridiculous! And the fact you are stooping to calling me fat, proves how juvenile you are, because at 12%, you aren't "ripped" to perfection either! And 315 for a double is weak, to me. Especially when I have 185lb, defensive backs, who are 16-17 years old who do more than that. So keep off a powerlifting site, when you know nothing of the sport.

    And your ideas of football and what it takes to be successful in the sport is also laughable. It proves that you have never played the game. Go back to your crossfit and P90x, you have no place in real strength and conditioning and definitely no place in strength athletics.
    yosimitesam likes this.

  10. #50
    MastaMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Yo Triple B,

    Where's them pics princess?
    Well handled Terraj & well defended BgMc!

  11. #51
    Braveone is offline Junior Member
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    315 for two? Meh, that gives you about 325 for a single. That's a warm up in the 198's open division. Shit, I was doing that in my late 40's. I'm 53 and still getting stronger. That's functional strength brother, not fictional!

  12. #52
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Having played football in a major D1 program i can tell you the basis of all workouts is powerlifting. Sure we did the curls and the other little things but when it came to building strength we focused on Olympic lifts.

    And brad what you are failing to see is powerlifting is not lifting the weight one time. Sure thats what you do when you compete but it takes a lot more than that to get to that point. I believe there are many guys that claim to be powerlifters based on their being fat and strong. I do not take them seriously. Unless you truly train and compete in powerlifting you are not a powerlifter. Its the same as a guy saying he is a bodybuilder yet he has never stepped on stage

  13. #53
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I wanna know what this clowns athletic background is. I, too, played D1 ball and had a 9yr professional football career (4 in the NFL) and the basis for my workouts for my entire career was powerlifting.

  14. #54
    auslifta's Avatar
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    So much arrogance from triple B. Triple B is the type of person who gets a piece of paper and use's that as justification for their limited narrow minded view. Some advice triple b, keep your mind open, never comment on anothers choice of passion, and don't judge.

  15. #55
    omegagboost is offline New Member
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    lol funny thread. sh*t, some dudes here seem to really know what they're talking about.

    BgMc31, you should be my coach lol.

  16. #56
    hoyle21 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    dude your an idiot terraj. I didnt say squats wernt functional i said squatting with knee braces and benching with suits and using wt lifting belts are unfuntional. Telling me that basing your whole "workout" on resting 50 out of 60 mins is good for athletics is a joke. Wake up to the yeaer 2011 no squatting 1000lbs one time is not going to be beneficial over all. Please answer some of my above questions and maybe youll have some credit. Ya lift for 10 seconds rest for 3 mins.... thats a good use of your time seeing as no sports are played that way. And judging form your avitar you look like a fat guy too... my point exactly. Overweight guys need a sport they can hold onto. I do heavy squats all the time but that doesnt make me a powerlifter. I showed 2 other trainers/ pro mma fighters this forum and they laughed at you guys. I work in a gym and have for years do what you want but my knowlege is cutting edge and eventually youll realize its not the 80's anymore and there is much more to fitness then how much wt you can move for one rep

    Have you ever watched a football game? The average play lasts about 6 seconds. The average football game consists of 11 minutes of action, the other 75 minutes is players standing around.

  17. #57
    RaZr is offline Member
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    Triple B, that's a great name. Where did you get your degree?

  18. #58
    the big 1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brad1986 View Post
    haha who said i was a bodybuildier? Bodybuilders are working out half asleep these days. My dad was a competitive powerlifter and an official his entire life and hes 63. I know plenty about the sport And i have worked in gyms for many years so dont lecture me on whay a powerlifting routine is. If you are in double 15% plus bodyfat your training and diet cannot be "killer." I was into powerlifting for a while so i def know what im talking about. Wow You can lift 1000 lbs 1 time!! so impressed. Whats the ****ing point? To show how much you can lift one or two times?? Im sorry that is not an athlete to me

    seriously ? how disrespectful, some of those guys who squat a grand are some of the most dedicated athletes in the world, you say it as if its easy to lift that much weight
    Last edited by the big 1; 08-26-2011 at 05:31 PM.

  19. #59
    quarry206's Avatar
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    I think there are so many good points in this whole thread, but are out weighed by the pure over generalizing of some people.

    1. Anybody that truly does like power lifting or lifting in general should admit there are A LOT of guys that are fat and use power lifting as an excuse for being fat. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE POWER LIFTERS! I can call my mustang a lambo, doesn't mean it is one... there are a lot of guys that are 5'10'' 330lbs and think because they bench 500lb they are a power lifter. its BS and nearly offense to real lifters.

    2. if you are truly power lifting you do gain more strength when you are at a higher BF so many do allow themselves to gain fat during their off season, no different than ANY sport! jay cutler, Anderson Silva, lebron james, Chad Johnson... none of these athletes stay the same weight year round, they all gain weight when not competing.

    3. Power lifting in general allows you to be able to multi train. for example a football player can't get any benefit for having the biggest chest, but having the strongest chest he does. BUT he still needs just as much time outside the gym working on his form, moves and other parts of his "sports'" skill set.

    true power lifting is about learning your CNS learning loads and deloads, about working on calorie intake and balance to maintain a weigh class, or if in open or 308+ you still have to keep your body healthy so your body can process oxygen to the muscles effectively.

    Personally I use power lifting workouts anytime I am in the gym. I'm 5'8'' have competed as low as 198 but usually like being between 210-220. I raw bench 495 (going for 500lbs next week) squat and DL 550+.. still run my two miles for the military in less than 15minus and can do a 40 yard in 4.95 that's not lighting fast but i can move.

    about the comment about Squatting 1000lbs for 1RM.. anybody that can truly do that can also probably do 400-500lbs about 20 times. which is more than you will find in any local gym. and since that max effort is so high the function strength of any normal task or event would not even be able to compare to a normal person.

  20. #60
    Sidney is offline New Member
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    fat and power lifting are entirely different things from each others. but we have to keep in mind that with the use of the power lifting we can easily lose the weight.

  21. #61
    jypoll's Avatar
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    i dont care how much a dude weighs if you can squat 700lbs below parallel that is very very good, that is my life time goal. If you think a fat boy doing a 700lbs squat is only mediocre why dont you tray unracking 700lbs, dont even squat it just unrack it and see how it feels. I have also rarely seen anyone in the gym do full rom on a squat and soo many dude with arms bigger than legs bounce the bar off their chest and raise their hips on a bench. Every bench rep i lower to my chest, rest on my chest for 2 seconds then press with only movement occuring in my arms. Yes i do take upto 10 minutes between sets sometimes but the amount of energy expended in a 5 rep squat or deadlift set is hell of alot more than a bobybuilder will burn doing 10 different types of bicep curls. being that i am a powerlifter i dont care if i can run a few miles, part of powerlifting is sacrificing endurance for strength. I bet if a non-powerlifter did a 5x5 and go to fail on the last set the way i do, and do this properly, you would immediately understand why i sit for most of my workout and need to waddle home. No lazy person can do a Proper! set of 5-10 squats or deadlifts to fail. It can take 10 years or more of hard training to squat 700lbs at any bodyweight, how is 10 years of hard work Not dedication?? Also for those of you who think geared suit lifting is "cheating" realize that it is a different sport from raw lifting and requires alot of technique. If you were properly fitted with a bench shirt i bet you cant even bench your raw max in it the first time because you have not yet learned the technique.
    Last edited by jypoll; 09-16-2011 at 02:40 PM.

  22. #62
    qal92's Avatar
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    i so agree with bgmc, the conditioning for the training is unreal for strongman, the yolk walks, farmers, stones, 10 rep deadlifts with cars etc. not to mention dynamic work for powerlifting, try box squating 12-18 sets of 2 with 45 seconds of rest with 75% of your max then go on to deadlift and then hit your posterior chain then push the prowler.

  23. #63
    dec11's Avatar
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    as a former comp plifter and exercise/fitness professional im appalled and shocked at brad1986's comments

  24. #64
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I train athletes too! And have sent several to both D1 college and the NFL. And yes every major D1 college uses powerlifting and the oly lifts as the basis for the strength and conditioning program. So do every major private strength and conditioning company in the country. The lifts used increase both power and speed. These lifts increase vertical jump, 40 times, broad jumps, etc. All of which are measured by all major football programs, both college and pro.

    BTW, my blood pressure is great. My doctor says that at 38, I'm in much better health than 99% of his other patients. And I carry the average bodyfat of the adult male 18%. All while still running a sub 5 second 40yd time and having a 38" vertical. All while being 6'4 and 300lbs. How about you, skinny?
    I think your 5 second 40 and 38' vertical is a little off! But if you can then you proved me wrong. Seeing you can do it easy, send a you tube video of this vertical or 40 yard dash!
    and what was your blood pressure besides (doctor saying its good) cause 120+ use to be prehypertension on they change it to 130+..Not sure how many years ago.
    again no disrespect if you can do those stats I just do not think you can!

  25. #65
    quarry206's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I think your 5 second 40 and 38' vertical is a little off! But if you can then you proved me wrong. Seeing you can do it easy, send a you tube video of this vertical or 40 yard dash!
    and what was your blood pressure besides (doctor saying its good) cause 120+ use to be prehypertension on they change it to 130+..Not sure how many years ago.
    again no disrespect if you can do those stats I just do not think you can!
    though I don't know him personally, i know his history enough to know he isn't lying... those aren't unreal numbers anyways

  26. #66
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    Seen vids of his lifts...he is quiet the athlete, I don't doubt his claims...

  27. #67
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Wtf....nobody needs to argue with this dude who said this shit about powerlifters being fat and that their workouts were easy. That statement in itself shows that this guy clearly knows absolutely nothing about the sport. Then his best defense was that he knew cause his dad was one? What an embarrassment and foolish statement.

  28. #68
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    Also, all of us who have been on this board for a while know BgMc is for real. If this brad does not like pwlifting....fine. Don't pop in this area of board and say these things. Just ridiculous.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Also, all of us who have been on this board for a while know BgMc is for real. If this brad does not like pwlifting....fine. Don't pop in this area of board and say these things. Just ridiculous.

    could not agree more..

    the fact of the matter is, this forum as a whole is for people working out, and we talk help and go over all types of workout types and plans even though most are body building.. as much as this board as a whole hates P90X i have seen alot of people helping others with the course even if they don't agree with it..

  30. #70
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    I think your 5 second 40 and 38' vertical is a little off! But if you can then you proved me wrong. Seeing you can do it easy, send a you tube video of this vertical or 40 yard dash!
    and what was your blood pressure besides (doctor saying its good) cause 120+ use to be prehypertension on they change it to 130+..Not sure how many years ago.
    again no disrespect if you can do those stats I just do not think you can!
    you're calling out one of the most experienced athletes on this board for the sake of arguing? if someone is more capable than you are then just have the humility to congratulate them on their endeavours rather than a jealous calling out

  31. #71
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    Just look at this guy, Fat and strong as an Ox

  32. #72
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    HAHAHAHAHAHA! I have nothing to prove to you, little man. My vids are available as I'm one of the very few on this board who have posted my 'actual' vids and my pics. How about you?

    Thanks for the love fellas. I haven't been around for a while because its been a helluva season for my oldest boy. It just ended and now we are preparing for this hectic recruiting season.

  33. #73
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    All I can say is that I come from more of a "bodybuilding" background. Multiple sets for 10-12 reps etc...

    Did that for many years.

    Now I've started a powerlifting routine (Starting Strength) for the first time in my life......these workouts are harder in every since of the word. Part of that I'm sure is the learning curve. I've never been so winded from lifting as I was after doing my first set of power cleans! And standing barbell military presses take a lot more out of me than doing sitting lateral dumbbell raises.

  34. #74
    youngbody is offline New Member
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    this is great. how could someone saying powerlifting isn't athletic...

  35. #75
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    kinda of agree, but thats what happens when you don't have weight restrictions in the heavy weight division, look at oly lifters in the lower weight divisions atg squatting 4-5 their bw, they're all shredded as fuuu

  36. #76
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Powerlifters deserve all the credit in the world, i got seriously injured doing it 10 years ago with terrible forms on squatting and deadlifting. If a true powerlifter was around that would not have happened.

    Lift must be perform with serious attention to forms or you can pay for it dearly. I will never squat again nor deadlift due to my injury but i have the ultimate respect for theses guys and the amount of weight they can lift.

    Note that going all out on a max squat lift can get you a serious cardio workout.

  37. #77
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    Brad1986, you don't have a clue!

  38. #78
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    i train like a powerlifter; im 5'11 and can dunk on vertical. windmill dunk off the backboard running. my vertical went up 15" in 6 months from heavy squats. Pretty non athletic i'd say.

  39. #79
    AllAmerican-PCS is offline Junior Member
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    Just because some of the Powerlifters do not have a Greek defined body does not mean there lacking in athleticism!!! We train for our sport!!! (key word here), which consist of Speed strength, Strength speed, Strength endurance, Isometric strength, AND MUCH MORE!!!!(another key word here). You cant take a NFL wide receiver and train him like a NFL line backer and visa versa, but you cant say either that the 300lbs+ linebacker is not athletic by any means when they move like they do especially when most of them are running there 40's in 5.0 flats. Yes there are a lot of fat, slow, out-a-shape powerlifters that could not even get out of there own way, but I have seen way more Wanna be Crossfiters and Personal Trainers with more problems than a powerlifter. Stay Strong and Healthy Guys.

  40. #80
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