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    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Post Melanotan II Guide 2012

    Melanotan 2 alters pigmentation at at the cellular level. Melanotans are increasing in awareness & demanded in USA, EU (Norway), AUS/NZ, S. Africa

    Dose Range for Melanotan II:
    Begin: 100mcg
    Light: 250mcg
    Common: 500mcg
    Stout: 1mg
    Large: 1.5mg
    Max: 2mg

    Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is a melanotropin peptide analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) => created/communicated through the brain/skin. Synthetic Melanotan 2 travels systemically to produce a dark tan. MT-II comes in the form of a freeze dried (lyophilized) peptide in a sterile multi-use vial. Melanotan molecule is bioavailable through subq injection only.

    Melanotan II guide-melanotan-injection-1.gif

    Melanotan binds to melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function.

    Melanotan 2 is a smaller and more potent (as compared to M-I which targets MC1R only) targeting an array of receptors.

    MT-II has a protective ring-like amino acid structure as compared to a linear peptide such as Melanotan 1.

    Melanotan II guide-melanotan_ii_chemical_structure.jpg

    The fair skinned can achieve a natural tan with assistance from synthetic MSH. For those with sun allergy melanotropin peptides are life changing. The best defense against skin cancer is a natural tan developed over time. MT-2 was originally designed to reduce skin cancer rates.

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use Melanotan II intermittently to increase tanning efficacy, the aphrodisiac and appetite suppression. MT-2 was dubbed the Barbie drug and has been highlighted in wired magazine. Synthetic melanocortin use helps to attain a tan with the least amount of exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

    Melanotan II guide-fitzpatrickchart.jpg

    Best candidates for Melanotan 2 are those on the low side on the Fitzpatrick scale. Higher Fitzpatrick scale skin types, those with moles/freckles, darken at rates which can lead to pigmentation issues (dark when you'd prefer not to be - genitals, under-eyes, lips, etc have more melanocytes/melanosomes/etc => word to the wise: protect yourself by covering, spf, sunglasses & knowing your UVR environment). Blonds, red heads and those with very pale skin have dramatic results with diligent patient supplementation/therapy.

    Melanotan treatment stimulates melanin extremely effectively when combined with UVR
    Note: Melanotan is 1,000 times more potent than natural a-MSH

    Disclaimer: Please pursue information regarding the usage of these products from your own research, academic journals, or the research of your in-house scientific team. Products are sold for research purposes are not for human consumption. Remember when you contact these types of stores/suppliers not to relate the questions or topics to human consumption or they tend not to answer. Inquire in a research type question when working with customer service.

    There is no magic pill or formula. Few dermatologists are familiar with Melanotan. The skin is a large, unpredictable organ. Feel comfortable and confident with MT-II before use. Check out as many before and after photos and user logs as you can. A skin type I individual may have to commit months of dedication before attaining desired result.

    Melanotan 2012 Instruction
    Reconstitute Melanotan II from freeze dried powder with bacteriostatic water (BW), MT-2 is a durable peptide that remains potent and preserved for months. Reconstituting (mixing) your Melanotan 2 peptide is a necessity, unless pre-mixed products are purchased (use extreme caution). MT-II experimentation is a large commitment - use careful consideration. Nasal sprays, pre-mixed peptides, pills, oral and loose powder are not often legitimate. There are successful reports of nasal spray experiences, however, they are few and far between. Enzymes will render the peptide inactive if ingested.

    Melanotan II guide-melanotan2-250x250.jpg

    Melanotan II Shipping: Melanotan peptides are stable and do not require special treatment during shipping. Highlighted in study, reconstituted MT-2 was shown stable at 37 degrees Celsius (98 degrees Fahrenheit) for one month. Shipping MT-2, even in summer months, is not a problem. Do not pay for cold shipping as it is not a premium or something to fear. After receiving MT-2 it is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

    Mixing Research Peptides: Add BW to the vial when you are ready to begin research. View the instructional youtube video on the PT-141 Reconstitution.

    Remove plastic flip top from vial to expose rubber stopper. Needle will pierce the stopper making way inside the vial to turn the white powder into a clear liquid. Pure peptides will dissolve immediately in regards to Melanotans. No mainstream Melanotan peptides are manufactured with filler as it is unnecessary. Sensationalism, fear of mannitol and link bait from particular sources is unfounded.

    Peptide Calculator: Add 100 units (1ml) of water to the vial. 1ml/100 units will minimize the volume that you have to inject and will simplify the arithmetic in your MT-2 experiment.

    Melanotan II guide-peptidemcgmeasure.png

    1ml syringe (U100), 1ml BW to reconstitute
    Calculations for a desired 500mcg dose:
    Step 1= 1ml syringe
    Step 2= 10mg MT-II
    Step 3= 2ml bact water
    Step 4= 500mcg dose
    => 5 ticks on your insulin pin or 10 units

    Needles: 29-31 gauge X 1/2", 1 CC (100 unit). That is a typical insulin needle used to mix as well as inject. Use needles one time only. Once your technique perfected, injections are almost painless. Smaller syringes are nice for accurate measurement...large syringes can be bulky and less precise.

    Starting dose: Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg) or better yet 100mcg. See how you react as sensitivity varies greatly. Goal should be to feel nothing, why get sick? Dose after dinner, before bed. Any dosing chart stating that you should take a high dose (according to your weight) is outdated and dangerous.

    Loading dose: Load with 0.5-1mg once a day. Folks who have used doses in this range generally report getting excellent results. Don’t worry about missing occasional days/doses - this is a lifestyle product meant to be used intermittently. Developing desirable pigment changes while on synthetic melanocyte stimulating hormone(s) can take weeks to months for results.

    Maintaining on Melanotan: Maintenance dosing Melanotan 2 is taking doses less frequently (and/or with less dosage) to avoid becoming darker than desired. Tanning on melanotropins will likely yield a super-physiologic pigmentation. A maintenance dose can help prolong photo-protection delivered through greater melanin density.

    UV Radiation: Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner. UV (from sun or a tanning bed) light is necessary to develop a tan. Without it, almost nothing happens. In other words, NO UV = NO TAN. Well, user will pigment depending on skin type.... If you have loaded for a full month and then start UV exposure, you (and your friends) will be astounded by how fast tanning is possible and how dark you get w/ least damage to skin/body. Moreover, it is advisable to keep areas of your skin that ordinarily get exposure covered up with a towel and/or zinc oxide (nose/lips/face) and let less exposed areas develop pigmentation first. Areas of skin that are typically sun-exposed in your day to day life will respond more readily to the effects of the melanotan peptides.

    Continue Melantan II dosing protocol until you have reached desired tan. Cut injection frequency and experiment to find the frequency that maintains color while keeping side effects non-existent. Ceasing Melanotan II for an extended amount of time returns users sensitivity to the tanning peptide analog. Dosing an anti-histamine, such as Claritin or Zyrtec, works to eliminate sides such as nausea after injecting at first.

    Melanotan 2 Storage: Store freeze dried and reconstituted peptides in the refrigerator. Pre-loading injects is good practice, helps evaluate dosage received/planned.

    Note: There are many things you will need to consider before experimenting with this peptide. Cyclic analogues (MT-II) have a wide range of peripheral effects and systemic control is always going to pose an issue in clinical use. Needless to say, MT-II is not an approved or regulated product. MT-II is legal to buy, possess, etc. Variables such as skin type and individual goals benefit greatly from peer review. Ask for critiques, plans and create a user log during use. Seasoned users are generally more than happy to offer tricks of the trade.

    When supplementing a-MSH to tan keep in mind that tanning is a side effect. The tanning response is, in reality, a physiological repair mechanism to instant UV damage of the skin cells (epidermis/dermis). MSH is not going to color your skin, it is going to make your own skin create its own tan and that in turn creates protection (melanin density). If you are looking to be some bronzed beach God with perfectly uniform melanosomes at a specific tone, go mystic tan. Redheads, for example, naturally produce a variant form of melanin that is yellowish-red (pheomelanin). Do not expect a brown tan on a ginger body right away...or ever.

    Know your skin type: Knowing your skin type is just one detail which will help create a user log. There are 10s of thousands of melanotan users worldwide who share the experience. Raise awareness and help others who want to hear success stories, complications and failures.

    Am I a good candidate for MT-II?
    Melanotan is best suited for the folks with skin types I & II. Prior sun damage, scars, tattoos, freckles, moles, hair color, etc are deciding factors prospective MT-2 users consider.

    Melanotan II guide-melanindensitychart_part11.jpg

    Melanotan II peptide levels the playing field for skin types I & II. Darker skin types can really go off the charts with MT-II tanning (easy to attain a foolish dark tone - explaining yourself may become necessary).

    How much MT-II should I buy and how long will it last?
    Skin type I: 30-50mg
    Skin type II: 20-30mg
    Skin type III: 10mg
    Should last through the season

    How long will tan last?
    A tan developed using Melanotan 2 lasts much longer than an ordinary tan. A well-tanned person returning from a beach holiday will lose most of the tan in a month if they stop getting sun. But if they had been using Melanotan 2 and continued on maintenance after returning, they would still have most of their tan 3 months later.

    Side effects of MT-II?
    Possible short-term side effects you should know about, including: nausea, appetite loss, facial flushing and increased libido. These may be noticeable during the first few days of treatment but should taper off.

    Melanotan 2 Guide
    Last edited by 956Vette; 06-13-2013 at 07:30 PM. Reason: Update

  2. #2
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    8 minute clip from Epitan

  3. #3
    jbarkley's Avatar
    jbarkley is offline Member
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    This is great information, I have had great results with Melanotan II

  4. #4
    swoll4589's Avatar
    swoll4589 is offline Member
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    how long will the mixed peptide last in the fridge.

  5. #5
    Dude-Man's Avatar
    Dude-Man is offline Anabolic Member
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    This thread delivers. + rep.

  6. #6
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    It is a great product, and a great write up.. thanks..
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  7. #7
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well done G.

  8. #8
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    I've been on the fence of trying this for a while. Though i am a redhead and am not sure if im willing to risk being covered in black spots

  9. #9
    Receiver84's Avatar
    Receiver84 is offline Associate Member
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    Same here meanmachine. I would love to try this but it really does seem like everyone that uses it gets some type of mole/freckle issue and there are some real horror stories out there. I guess there are those types of stories with everything. Put it this way. I am more nervous to take the Melanotan II leap then I was to start taking anabolics. Go figure.

  10. #10
    swoll4589's Avatar
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    How long will the reconsitituted peptide last in the fridge?

  11. #11
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by swoll4589
    How long will the reconsitituted peptide last in the fridge?
    About a month

  12. #12
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I've used it a few times but do wonder about the potential risks and side-effects being this is little to no long-term studies done on the compound.

    It's great being tan but at what price I wonder, almost too good to be true.

    I've also noticed when I dropped my dosage back significantly it worked almost just as well.
    My first run I was doing 2mg/day and this last time I ran .5mg/day with similar results. With 2mg/day it was almost rediculous how fast and how dark I got where ppl would question me.

  13. #13
    juice4life's Avatar
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    What MG did you finish out with the first time you took it? I had my girlfriend on it last year, and she is a skin type I. She only did 30MG and looked like she was from the middle east! I've taken 20MG from melanocorp, and she has taken 30 again and is beating me on the tan. I think I'm gonna order some more and get some for a maintenance dosage.

  14. #14
    Receiver84's Avatar
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    I've used it a few times but do wonder about the potential risks and side-effects being this is little to no long-term studies done on the compound.
    Another hang up for me. The one thing about anabolics is that although there are few long term scientific studies on humans we do have decades of high usage by others to fall back on. We pretty much know from others experiences what happening to us. With this stuff it is still up in the air how the body will react 25 years down the road. I've done a ton of research on it and for all I can tell it is safe long term but I am still hung up on it. I'd feel better if it was FDA approved.

  15. #15
    jbarkley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Receiver84
    Another hang up for me. The one thing about anabolics is that although there are few long term scientific studies on humans we do have decades of high usage by others to fall back on. We pretty much know from others experiences what happening to us. With this stuff it is still up in the air how the body will react 25 years down the road. I've done a ton of research on it and for all I can tell it is safe long term but I am still hung up on it. I'd feel better if it was FDA approved.
    This is some info that may help:

    Melanotan and melanotan II are both analogs of the peptide hormone alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) that tend to induce skin tanning. Unlike melanotan though, melanotan II has the additional effect of increasing libido.

    Both drugs were developed at the University of Arizona. Researchers there knew that one of the best defenses against skin cancer was a natural tan which has been slowly developed over weeks. They hypothesized that an effective way to reduce skin cancer rates in people would be to induce the body's natural tanning system to produce a protective tan prior to UV exposure. They knew the body's naturally occurring hormone alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) caused melanogenesis, a process by which the skin's tanning cells (melanocytes) produce the skin's tanning pigment (melanin). With that knowledge they tested to see if administering this hormone to the body directly could be an effective method to cause sunless tanning. What they found was that while it appeared to work, natural alpha-MSH had too short a half life in the body to be practical as a therapeutic drug. So they decided to find a more potent and stable alternative, one that would be more practical.

    After synthesizing and screening hundreds of molecules, the researchers headed by Dr. Victor Hruby, found a peptide that after trials and testing seemed to not only be safe but also approximately 1,000 times more potent than natural α-MSH. They dubbed this new peptide Melanotan. Since their discovery, numerous studies dating back to the mid-1980s have shown no obvious toxic effects of Melanotan. Because skin cancer (melanoma) today is a major health concern, Melanotan is expected to be used as a drug to combat it. Melanotan will do this by stimulating the body's natural tanning mechanism to create a tan without first needing exposure to harmful levels of UV radiation. This in turn will reduce the potential for skin damage that can eventually lead to skin cancer

    LIVESTRONG Bros!!!

  16. #16
    nathanst0's Avatar
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    Bump...this is a very helpful post

  17. #17
    king6's Avatar
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    2-3 times a week in a tanning bed is plenty. I went every other day, and I got too dark. I looked like a coal miner.

  18. #18
    JC2007 is offline Associate Member
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    I work two weeks on, one off. I was wondering what the peptides life is out of the fridge?

  19. #19
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Those are excellent A-to-Z instructions. I'm trying it for the first time, starting today. I'm fair skinned and am presently recovering from a sunburn. I weigh 245 and plan to do 1 mg. per day. This ought to be interesting.

    Thanks for the instructions.

  20. #20
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by highrise
    Those are excellent A-to-Z instructions. I'm trying it for the first time, starting today. I'm fair skinned and am presently recovering from a sunburn. I weigh 245 and plan to do 1 mg. per day. This ought to be interesting.

    Thanks for the instructions.
    Definately consider dosing before bed, on a full stomach. I would even suggest taking .5mg for the first dose....

  21. #21
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Well, its been seven days and I am extremely tan. I work in an office, so I was able to get maybe 3 - 20 minute sessions in the sun. I went:
    1 mg.
    2.5 mg.
    2 mg.
    2 mg.
    3.5 mg.

    Did them all before bed after a big shake and never felt nauseous. Started to notice a change on day 3 and liked it so that's when I upped the dose. Day 5 people several different people asked me if I have been tanning. My eye color (blue) really sticks out and my teeth look really white. The last three days I've been getting really deep color. I wake up with a stiffy every morning and it doesn't go away for about two hours. It's kinda funny. I get wood thoughout the day, pretty much whenever I walk somewhere. I expect to be really dark tomorrow, and will decide what to do with dosing then.

  22. #22
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Maybe I should have stuck to 1 mg. per day. Today two side effects became prevelant. The first is extreme fatigue. I am so fatigued that I thought - there has to be something causing this. I researched and found a number of sites that explained this side effect of melanotan.

    I've been physically and mentally drained all day. Yesterday, before I suspected that it was being caused by something other than normal fatigue, my strength in the gym was quite a bit low. Just thought I was having a bad workout. But today I am so tired that I am skipping the gym.

    The second is flushing. My face is flushed red a bit. Still looks natural with the tan over it, but I figured there was no reason to be flush. The article explained that as well.

    Still a great drug. I'm just learning and glad I could share this with others. I should have listened to vette.

  23. #23
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Just an update. After skipping a dose for two days, my fatigue went away. I stayed away from it for a little over a week, then I took 1 mg. at night. The next day the fatigue was back, but not as bad. I also get that urge to "morning stretch" that I read about but didn't understand. Guess you have to feel it to know what it is. It's annoying.

    Also, through those first six doses, I never felt any nausea, but when I took the 1 mg. over a week later, I felt it pretty bad. Anyway, I'm holding my tan pretty good. Unfortunately, I preloaded my last three doses at 2 mg. each (before I knew about the fatigue problem). I don't know if I can handle another 2 mg. dose, so it's sitting in the fridge. I may inject it back into a sterile vial and pull out .5 mg. at a time and see how I handle that. Still, I think this stuff is pretty great.

  24. #24
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    IN your walls
    cant wate to get some!!!!

  25. #25
    thunderin's Avatar
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    Anybody seem to have their upper body getting darker than their legs? That's my case.

  26. #26
    znak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    Definately consider dosing before bed, on a full stomach. I would even suggest taking .5mg for the first dose....
    Good advice. The naseua during the day was killing me. I mean I actually blew chunks a few times.

  27. #27
    thunderin's Avatar
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    Before and after MT2. You be the judge.
    Last edited by thunderin; 08-13-2007 at 09:27 AM.

  28. #28
    highrise is offline Junior Member
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    Wow. Another effect of MT2 - my facial hair, which is normally reddish, is growing in very dark. I first noticed about a week or so ago that my 5:00 shadow (which actually takes me about 24 hours to get) seemed darker. I thought it might be because my skin was darker and the wiskers just appeared dark on my face. But the stubble in the sink was darker too, in contrast with the shaving gel. So I started to pay closer attention. There is no doubt that my facial hair has been much darker now. I shaved off an area of my pubic hairs and, although it may be a bit early to say for sure, those appear to be coming in darker as well.

  29. #29
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin
    Before and after MT2. You be the judge.
    Very impressive results, wow!

  30. #30
    Herbster is offline New Member
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    Regarding freezing after reconstitution, the advice i read at melanworld was that you could preload syringes and put them in the freezer until ready to use. I also read that the peptide begins to degrade after about 10 days in the fridge.

  31. #31
    thunderin's Avatar
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    I've kept mine in the fridge for up to a month after reconstitution in BAC water.

  32. #32
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
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    The other day I was in the sauna talking to some girl there and she was like "wow, you can stay in here like a really long time...maybe it's because you're not white."

    I said, well I used to be.

    Amazing, people don't even think I am a white guy anymore, this stuff works!

  33. #33
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderin
    I've kept mine in the fridge for up to a month after reconstitution in BAC water.
    Ive gone as far as two months with no issues myself

    forget that preloading/freezing mumbo jumbo

  34. #34
    ShoBoat's Avatar
    ShoBoat is offline Junior Member
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    Can you sticky this...

  35. #35
    ShoBoat's Avatar
    ShoBoat is offline Junior Member
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    I was also wondering how well this will work for me..

    I have red hair and the reason why it is more difficult for me to tan is because of the genetic basis of red hair.. My hair is red is because of a genetic mutation that also causes my body to not produce melanocyte. the melanocyte cells in my body are mutated and are derived from the same characteristics that cause red hair.... and pale skin or course.. Unfortunately I have not found any studies on red heads and melanotan II.

    My final question on Melanotan II was are there any long term affects on this chem? I understand that it is still a research chemical and has not been around for a very long time.

  36. #36
    Expat's Avatar
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    Ok..I have now been taking M2 since Sept 18 @ .5 ed...the nausea is STILL w/me and dibilitating fatigue..but it is taking me this long to see results...My face is probably the would be chest and then my calves/feet...I look forward to going maintenence next week...I am sick and tired of being sick and tired....I have no strength for training so I guess becoming injured at the same time of starting this was a good thing...

  37. #37
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShoBoat
    I was also wondering how well this will work for me..

    I have red hair and the reason why it is more difficult for me to tan is because of the genetic basis of red hair.. My hair is red is because of a genetic mutation that also causes my body to not produce melanocyte. the melanocyte cells in my body are mutated and are derived from the same characteristics that cause red hair.... and pale skin or course.. Unfortunately I have not found any studies on red heads and melanotan II.

    My final question on Melanotan II was are there any long term affects on this chem? I understand that it is still a research chemical and has not been around for a very long time.
    Many redheads take MT-II. Check out the forums at and see what you find

    As long as you are not albino, melanotan peptides have the potential to work for you

  38. #38
    ShoBoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Ok..I have now been taking M2 since Sept 18 @ .5 ed...the nausea is STILL w/me and dibilitating fatigue..but it is taking me this long to see results...My face is probably the would be chest and then my calves/feet...I look forward to going maintenence next week...I am sick and tired of being sick and tired....I have no strength for training so I guess becoming injured at the same time of starting this was a good thing...
    From what I have research females more than mores experience nausea. Do you have any concerns about long term affects?

  39. #39
    ShoBoat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    Many redheads take MT-II. Check out the forums at and see what you find

    As long as you are not albino, melanotan peptides have the potential to work for you
    Yes I have checked the site for information related to red heads and MT-II however nothing has been published so far.

  40. #40
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShoBoat
    Yes I have checked the site for information related to red heads and MT-II however nothing has been published so far.
    There have to be a dozen or so quality logs with pictures of redheads using...
    Last edited by 956Vette; 06-13-2013 at 07:33 PM.

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