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Thread: Upstates SD Log

  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by RydersWanted
    I was reading up on SD, and I have some now, and not knowing ur supose to take PCT.BTW I have current stock in chapstick becuase my lips are burning, because I was only doing SD and V-50. I Just bought some PCT today hopeing to correct my dehydration and The question I have is how much are you supose to take? And what days?
    I'm not too sure what it is you're asking...What exactly are you planning to use for PCT and what do you mean with the chapstick and dehydration thing?

  2. #162
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  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by RydersWanted
    I was reading up on SD, and I have some now, and not knowing ur supose to take PCT.BTW I have current stock in chapstick becuase my lips are burning, because I was only doing SD and V-50. I Just bought some PCT today hopeing to correct my dehydration and The question I have is how much are you supose to take? And what days?
    pct = post cycle therapy u take this to maximize your gains after your cycle and get your body back in working order like it was before the cycle.go to page 1 of this thread and read up on what tanks taking during his cycle.i hope that helps.

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by RydersWanted
    I was reading up on SD, and I have some now, and not knowing ur supose to take PCT.BTW I have current stock in chapstick becuase my lips are burning, because I was only doing SD and V-50. I Just bought some PCT today hopeing to correct my dehydration and The question I have is how much are you supose to take? And what days?
    I was told you should drink 1 1/2 to 2 gallons of water a day on sd.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad B
    I was told you should drink 1 1/2 to 2 gallons of water a day on sd.
    Thats exactly what I was drinking...Even off cycle I drink at least a gallon a day

  6. #166
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    Hey Upstate...I was wondering you used this as a bulk...but if you were to use it eating a maintenence how do you think your body wouldve reacted...Im debating on a Superdrol/Clen cycle for cutting while id be eating 2200-2400 a day with alot of am cardio...I would be throwing in the clen to prevent catabolism and the superdrol to possiblly get some lean gains out of it nothing crazy maybe 4-8 pounds while dropping 2-4% bf. So basically im asking is if you think the superdrol could be effective in a possible cut.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Hey Upstate...I was wondering you used this as a bulk...but if you were to use it eating a maintenence how do you think your body wouldve reacted...Im debating on a Superdrol/Clen cycle for cutting while id be eating 2200-2400 a day with alot of am cardio...I would be throwing in the clen to prevent catabolism and the superdrol to possiblly get some lean gains out of it nothing crazy maybe 4-8 pounds while dropping 2-4% bf. So basically im asking is if you think the superdrol could be effective in a possible cut.
    Thats a really good question and I dont have an answer for it. I guess I only like to give responses based on my own personal experience and since I've never cut using SD before I couldn't give you a "good" answer. My hunch is you could still get some solid gains off SD while eating at maintenence. I've heard of people using SD to cut and they got good results from it so I dont see why not.

  8. #168
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    Great....then maybe you can answer this...which supporting supplements now that you've done your cycle would you recomend..and at which dose do you think it would be better now that youve expierienced it.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Great....then maybe you can answer this...which supporting supplements now that you've done your cycle would you recomend..and at which dose do you think it would be better now that youve expierienced it.
    I'd reccomend all of them. As far as dosing goes I cant really give a definitive answer for that cause everyone is gonna have a different reaction side effect wise to sd. For me the doses were enough--i never got any headaches, elevated heartrate, elevated bp, nose bleeds etc. For a good base I'd say start your doses what I outlined in the first post of this log then adjust as your body tells you to do so.

    On a side note- backpumps pick up some taurine and run that at 1g/day
    and prostate pain-saw palmetto 1g/day

  10. #170
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    Thanks man. Just curious did you feel your midsection leaned up a bit at all considering you were eating alot of just basing this on if I do 6 am cardio sessions etc etc

  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Thanks man. Just curious did you feel your midsection leaned up a bit at all considering you were eating alot of just basing this on if I do 6 am cardio sessions etc etc
    Sadly thats not the case for me. Looking back I wish I had done 6am cardio cause I put on a lil bf during the cycle which was because of my diet not the sd...This week I'm gonna try and motivate myself to get up for 6am cardio sessions

  12. #172
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    Dang you didnt do any am cardio...if I could get half of ur LBM gains while reducing BF% 3% I will be very happy. I definately think I could achieve my goals with all that cardio at my clean diet. Just curious those supporting liver/BP supplements get pricey when all together...where do you reccomend me purchasing mine?

  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Dang you didnt do any am cardio...if I could get half of ur LBM gains while reducing BF% 3% I will be very happy. I definately think I could achieve my goals with all that cardio at my clean diet. Just curious those supporting liver/BP supplements get pricey when all together...where do you reccomend me purchasing mine?
    I got them from a supplement warehouse thats actually located in my hometown...if you want the website shoot me a pm..It was kinda on the pricey side for everything if i recall correctly it was around 85-90 bucks total which is a lot up front but its enough to last about 8 weeks

  14. #174
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    Well I would only be needing half that since my PCT is my TRT therapy.

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoreyTampa09
    Well I would only be needing half that since my PCT is my TRT therapy.
    lucky duck

  16. #176
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    Monday October 16th: Chest

    "Smith" Flat Bench
    230x1 new personal best

    Incline "Smith" Machine--varied the degree of the bench today..15 instead of the usual 30--hence the increase in weight
    185x4 dropset 90x15

    Dumbell "Scoops"
    32.5x7 dropset 20x9

    Cable Crossovers
    70x5 drop set 40x14

    Had an awesome friggin workout today. Last week my chest workout sucked but it was definitely a fluke. Strength is maintaining if not increasing from on cycle. Also weighed myself today as I forgot to last week and my weight has slightly increased from the last time to 215.9 My shoulders been bothering me a lot less too (knock on wood) lately so I believe that's helping a ton in terms of my ability to lift heavier weight.

    forgot to mention...clomid's working--im starting to get some acne on my shoulders
    Last edited by UpstateTank; 10-16-2006 at 10:05 PM.

  17. #177
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    Thanks a Ton guys. I'm 2 weeks into my cycle of SD, and Milk Thistle, and I'm a noob about this mixing chemicals together to get the best gain from them, of course not getting the dreaded Gyno. possibly could u guys suggest another Chemical that would maximize my muscle growth with SD? Oh and One last thing, after Ur cycle you then are supose to take that PTC? N my question about that is it's estrogen right.. so will i get girl boobs, Cause I'm pretty sure I wanna stick with the Pecks I got now.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by RydersWanted
    Thanks a Ton guys. I'm 2 weeks into my cycle of SD, and Milk Thistle, and I'm a noob about this mixing chemicals together to get the best gain from them, of course not getting the dreaded Gyno. possibly could u guys suggest another Chemical that would maximize my muscle growth with SD? Oh and One last thing, after Ur cycle you then are supose to take that PTC? N my question about that is it's estrogen right.. so will i get girl boobs, Cause I'm pretty sure I wanna stick with the Pecks I got now.
    I'm still a lil confused on what exactly you're asking but I'll do my best.
    As far as mixing in anything w/ SD...don't. SD is a very powerful compound on its own and doesn't need anything "extra" that would make it "work better"

    And as far was PCT (Post Cycle Therapy ) you run it after you're done with your cycle. PCT shouldnt be thought of as a product but rather as something you do after running a cycle of steroids to restore your bodies natural test levels amongst other things. There are many things that can be used for pct...nolva clomid aromasin etc. For SD I'd reccomend clomid + aromasin for pct. As far as pct "being estrogen", it is in a very literal sense...products such as clomid and nolva would provide "all the benefits of estrogen and none of the side effects" (taken from pct forum stickies)...I'd suggest you go hit up the pct forum hardcore cause it doesnt sound like you understand what pct is and how to properly do it.

    Hope that helps bro!

  19. #179
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    Thanks Upstate, ya saved my ass. btw I got the Clomi, But when I get off of my cycle how much do I take?

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by RydersWanted
    Thanks Upstate, ya saved my ass. btw I got the Clomi, But when I get off of my cycle how much do I take?
    not a problem bro!

    dosage wise go:
    Week 1 & 2: 105mg/day
    Week 3 & 4: 70mg/day

    and take it right before you go to bed.

    good luck!

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    not a problem bro!

    dosage wise go:
    Week 1 & 2: 105mg/day
    Week 3 & 4: 70mg/day

    and take it right before you go to bed.

    good luck!

    Is there a reason why before bed?

    Also, hows the PCT working?

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx
    Is there a reason why before bed?

    Also, hows the PCT working?
    Not sure as the reason why but basically everywhere I read about pct timing said to take right before bed

    PCT is working great...My strength continues to increase and I'm still gaining weight (at a much slower rate)...I was 215.9 the other day when I weighed myself

  23. #183
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    Tuesday October 17th: Back

    CloseGrip Reverse Pulldowns SuperSet Widegrip behind the neck pull downs
    165x8............................................. ...............120x10
    180x7............................................. ...............135x10
    195x6............................................. ...............150x6

    155x8 (warmup)
    225x6 (warmup)

    Wide lat pushdowns

    Horseshoe pulldowns
    180x4--Tweakd the hell outta my neck here

    Well aside from tweaking my neck had a diesel workout today. Strength still continues to increase Deadlifts have definitely become my favorite exercise. I may take tommorow off to give my neck a lil time to heal + i have a busy ass day tommorow

  24. #184
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    gained 25 pounds thats pretty damn good,congratulations so far. Im glad you posted your results here or there would be alot of guys S.O.L on there gains and on there health.keep up the good work.

  25. #185
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    everything is looking good...started my SD cycle yesterday (monday, 10/16)...waiting for it to fully kick in...had a new best in leg press- 10x530 did 10x500 last week so i was pretty pumped. also felt like i had a little more left in me...hoping to get some nice gains like you did.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    gained 25 pounds thats pretty damn good,congratulations so far. Im glad you posted your results here or there would be alot of guys S.O.L on there gains and on there health.keep up the good work.
    thanks bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    everything is looking good...started my SD cycle yesterday (monday, 10/16)...waiting for it to fully kick in...had a new best in leg press- 10x530 did 10x500 last week so i was pretty pumped. also felt like i had a little more left in me...hoping to get some nice gains like you did.
    glad to hear it'll be impressed by it...dont forget to start a log too!

  27. #187
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    no workout 2day....stoopid midterms

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    no workout 2day....stoopid midterms
    booooo lol

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    booooo lol
    i kno right?

    cant wait for f'in legs tommorow

    and im sure you're pretty pumped about chest

  30. #190
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    I start mine on Monday...Still debating if im gunna run clen with it or not..I may just start it week 4

  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    i kno right?

    cant wait for f'in legs tommorow

    and im sure you're pretty pumped about chest
    yea i had a great workout the other day with my legs, chest is in about an hour so i'm getting pretty pumped

  32. #192
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    dammit all you bastards runnin sd right now are making me jealous!!!!

  33. #193
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    didn't jump weight just yet....BUT on the bench when i was donig 90 lb dumbbells last week with a spotter forcing me to get them i did 6 reps un assisted whereas last week i had 4 reps that were all assisted...awesome work out and def pumped thru out it!!!

  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    didn't jump weight just yet....BUT on the bench when i was donig 90 lb dumbbells last week with a spotter forcing me to get them i did 6 reps un assisted whereas last week i had 4 reps that were all assisted...awesome work out and def pumped thru out it!!!
    glad to hear it...its only the beginning bro just wait!

    *filled with envy*

  35. #195
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    i <3 legs

    Thursday October 19th: Legs
    300x3 dropset 185x13 -- alllmost had to throw up here

    Seated Hamstring Curl

    Leg Press
    945x4 dropset 405x15 ---wowwww i felt like death after that set

    Individual Leg Extension


    Sled SuperSet Standing BB raise

    Had another amazing leg workout. The walk back to my house suckkkked but I know it was for good reason. Almost had to throw up today (which for some stupid reason has been a goal of mine to puke from squatting)...Hopefully it will come next week Strength continues to maintain in all exercises and i look forward to legs every week

    on a side note I spilled some of my aromasin last night

  36. #196
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    I always feel like puking while squatting...its weird...why is this?

    I just get so worked up, my stomach gets all quizzy and I dont feel good at all.

  37. #197
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    this past week i almost threw up....sorry to hear about the aromasin

  38. #198
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    Friday October 20th: Arms

    Barbell Curl SuperSet Closegrip Bench
    45x10(warmup)..............................95x15(w armup)
    45x10(warmup...............................95x15(w armup)
    95x7.............................................. ....185x7
    105x6............................................. ...195x6
    115x4............................................. ...205x5

    Alternating Dumbell Curl SuperSet SkullCrushers
    45x7.............................................. .....................85x9
    45x6.............................................. .....................90x7
    45x5.............................................. .....................95x4

    HammerCurl SuperSet Rope Extensions
    40x5..........................................70x5 dropset 30x15

    Front Barbell curl SuperSet Standing-Behind-the-back-curl
    105x10............................................ x 10
    105x9............................................. . x8
    105x7............................................. ... ..x7

    had another solid workout today. strength still continues to maintain wasnt pissed off today when i got to the gym like i was last friday so it seemed my intensity was down a tad but nonetheless i was content with the workout i had

  39. #199
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    did u do any cardio while on the SD or did u skip it ???

  40. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt50
    did u do any cardio while on the SD or did u skip it ???
    ive skipped it thus far, but hopefully this week upcoming im gonna try and fit it in 3x a week

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