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Thread: K.Biz SD Log

  1. #81
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kato
    you bang any models then?
    damn i wish

    anyway bump for my question above

  2. #82
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    syringe says .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1m

    clomid says 35mg/ml

    so then almost 3 full syrnges would be my 100mg i need correct?

  3. #83
    SLYDOG69 is offline Associate Member
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    where can i find some oxodrol 12 ?? every where i look it says sold this stuff still legal..some one pm me please

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by SLYDOG69
    where can i find some oxodrol 12 ?? every where i look it says sold this stuff still legal..some one pm me please

    haha i think they just banned it actully. try methyl drol. same sruff

  5. #85
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    ohh and thank you upstate!

  6. #86
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    oh yea andd..

    Wednesday: off (thankgod im so damn tired)

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    do i wanna split this up throughout the day? or can i just down it all in the am?

  8. #88
    number twelve's Avatar
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    i think ur supposed to take pct stuff b4 bed...

  9. #89
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    i think ur supposed to take pct stuff b4 bed...
    really... good to know we are both mid cycle and have no clue

  10. #90
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    i asked upstate tank a while back and i think thats what he said. if you hear anything differant lemme know.

  11. #91
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    syringe says .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1m

    clomid says 35mg/ml

    so then almost 3 full syrnges would be my 100mg i need correct?
    the stuff i have is more concentrated then that.and half the price.

  12. #92
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Ug i feel like shit. decided to go out last ngiht with my budddies (nope didint drink, i feel like such a sober ass though haha) anyway ended up stayin in my buddies dorm, and didint get to pop my first sd pill till 6 tonight.... so what should i do? should i pop one before i go to bed. im kind of sketchy about the gyno. dont need none of that, and i think i already ahve a lil forming in my left pec... anyway going to eat some food, then hit my legs. be back.. also BUMP! for my question above. am i taking my clmoid throughout the day, or all at once in the am or before i got bed? when?? and gyno is runnin through my mind should i pick up some letro?

  13. #93
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    The Gym was closed

  14. #94
    number twelve's Avatar
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    why?? i hate that shit

  15. #95
    hanibal829 is offline New Member
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    Whats your weight at now? Strengh gains?

  16. #96
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Sunday: Chest/ tri's

    Flat bb bench
    135 x 10 (warm up)
    185 x 10
    195 x 8
    205 x 6
    215 x 2
    225 x 0

    Incline db
    65 x 10 (warmup)
    70 x 10
    75 x 7
    80 x 3
    90 x 0 < - - i could have definetly got it up but this f*cking guy didnt know how to spot me so.. never ended up getting it up. what a clown.

    single arm cable pull down
    40 x 10
    50 x 10
    50 x 8
    60 x 5

    4 Sets till failure

    Good day. my bench is crusing of my chest its pretty insane. tuesday ends my cycle i cant wait for my next one. im very happy with SD, it gave me insane strength and i look almost twice the size of what i did 3 weeks ago. i almost want to go for 1 more week. but since its my 21st and i want to go out for drinks in a couple weeks without ruining my liver im stopping this tuesday. I want to thank a bunch of people for helping me out:

    Upstate - dude thanks for all the support and the endless amount of question asking that me and a bunch of people have put you through on this insane forum haha

    Notorious mem - thanks bro for helping me find a bunch of stuff and pretty much guiding me for my support sups and many other things. i appreciate it a ton

    Number twelve - we just kind of started our sh*t together. kinda helped havin a guy to compare my numbers to. but ur throwing up insane weight keep up the cycle bro, what u got like another week or so? also thanks for all the support.

    and to everyone else who helped me along the way.. im sure i missed a few names. thanks guys. my first cycle has been a great experience

    Also havnt gotten an answer yet(its all good though) hahaha. I know i begin my pct the day after my last pill. but am i taking my clomid all at once in the am or the PM or throughout the day? thanks bros!
    Last edited by K.Biz; 02-11-2007 at 04:43 PM.

  17. #97
    number twelve's Avatar
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    good work today bro.
    it was def better having some1 to relate to while on this stuff!

  18. #98
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    take it in the pm before bed!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz

    Upstate - dude thanks for all the support and the endless amount of question asking that me and a bunch of people have put you through on this insane forum haha

  19. #99
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    WOw that was like an acceptance speech at the Grammys or something

    Naw, I'm glad that u had good results bro. It was a year ago when I first used SD and I can honestly say it was a life changing experience if it's ur first cycle and its only uphill from now on.. But take it from me, the 2nd SD cycle is'nt as powerful as the first, maybe it was just me though..

  20. #100
    number twelve's Avatar
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    was it negatively life changing??

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    WOw that was like an acceptance speech at the Grammys or something

    Naw, I'm glad that u had good results bro. It was a year ago when I first used SD and I can honestly say it was a life changing experience if it's ur first cycle and its only uphill from now on.. But take it from me, the 2nd SD cycle is'nt as powerful as the first, maybe it was just me though..
    The second cycle of superdrol is almost not worth doing IMO. On my first cycle I gained about 12-15 lbs with ZERO diet knowledge. On this last cycle, I had (in my mind) an extremely well planned diet and did not gain much at all. My second cycle I would estimate I gained about 4-5 lbs of LBM over the course of my cycle. I want to say that I was using the SD during a cut though to maintain muscle, and it was NOT a good idea. Bulk, Bulk, Bulk when using any sort of anabolics!

  22. #102
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    K.Biz hit me up with a PM if still interested in the joint thread idea...

  23. #103
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre
    WOw that was like an acceptance speech at the Grammys or something

    Naw, I'm glad that u had good results bro. It was a year ago when I first used SD and I can honestly say it was a life changing experience if it's ur first cycle and its only uphill from now on.. But take it from me, the 2nd SD cycle is'nt as powerful as the first, maybe it was just me though..

    It was great expeirence and still 1 day left tomo. i hit back and bi's today it was awsome again but no log, just to lazy this lethargic shit is making me lazy to do logs hahaha.

    I will run another cycle definetly (oral) as i have no source for real AS. but i will prob run a pp cycle or mabye a winztrol before the summer as a good cutting cycle. as far as another methyl drol cycle.. probably i have another half bottle of it so why not

  24. #104
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
    K.Biz hit me up with a PM if still interested in the joint thread idea...
    I'll be pming you soon.

  25. #105
    number twelve's Avatar
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    bro im gonna run a pp cycle next too, lets coordinate so we can do it at the same time. itll be cute! lol

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    bro im gonna run a pp cycle next too, lets coordinate so we can do it at the same time. itll be cute! lol

    Sounds good to me. i wanna start my new cycle tomo hahaha, but i have to do a damn pct and then wait a lil bit after that to.... damn toxicity haha.

    But yes definetly should cordinate this pp cycle.

  27. #107
    number twelve's Avatar
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    yeah man for real, i wish this party could never end im lovin the way i feel.

  28. #108
    D-Bo Dre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EcToMoRpHiAn
    The second cycle of superdrol is almost not worth doing IMO. On my first cycle I gained about 12-15 lbs with ZERO diet knowledge. On this last cycle, I had (in my mind) an extremely well planned diet and did not gain much at all. My second cycle I would estimate I gained about 4-5 lbs of LBM over the course of my cycle. I want to say that I was using the SD during a cut though to maintain muscle, and it was NOT a good idea. Bulk, Bulk, Bulk when using any sort of anabolics!
    Damn Ecto, you hit the nail on the head! I experienced the same exact results bro.. I thought that my diet was also on point, However, did not gain more weight.. But regardless, the results were not that bad.. I gained strength and my muscles look fuller and leaner.. but I dont know about running another oral in the future.. I'm on week 2 of PCT (nolva) and cant wait to be done with this and have a DRINK!!!!

  29. #109
    hanibal829 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    thanks boys, popped my first pill this morning @ 9am and im popping my second one right now and about to hit the gym in about 35min... so physced. not feeling of anything yet.
    hey man
    You said you were doing 10mg the first week but why did you end up taking 2 pills?

  30. #110
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    i skipped it. i felt like 10mg was a waste of time so i bumped it up to 20mg right out the gate

  31. #111
    number twelve's Avatar
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    in retrospect i prob would do the same thing.

  32. #112
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    well boys took my last pill yesterday ...partys over haha. but no log cause it was an off day. shitty way to end a cycle... on an off day. but oh well. take my first squirt of nova tonight..already planning my PP cycle, im pumped

    anyway ill keep everyone posted through my PCT. i will prob not log my PCT as much because im getting insanly busy with work, and school but its all good. ill let u know how it goes.
    Last edited by K.Biz; 02-14-2007 at 08:23 AM.

  33. #113
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    wait did i say nolva? i ment clomid

  34. #114
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Sunday: Chest/ tri's

    Flat bb bench
    135 x 10 (warm up)
    185 x 10
    195 x 8
    205 x 6
    215 x 2
    225 x 0

    Incline db
    65 x 10 (warmup)
    70 x 10
    75 x 7
    80 x 3
    90 x 0 < - - i could have definetly got it up but this f*cking guy didnt know how to spot me so.. never ended up getting it up. what a clown.

    single arm cable pull down
    40 x 10
    50 x 10
    50 x 8
    60 x 5

    4 Sets till failure

    Good day. my bench is crusing of my chest its pretty insane. tuesday ends my cycle i cant wait for my next one. im very happy with SD, it gave me insane strength and i look almost twice the size of what i did 3 weeks ago. i almost want to go for 1 more week. but since its my 21st and i want to go out for drinks in a couple weeks without ruining my liver im stopping this tuesday. I want to thank a bunch of people for helping me out:

    Upstate - dude thanks for all the support and the endless amount of question asking that me and a bunch of people have put you through on this insane forum haha

    Notorious mem - thanks bro for helping me find a bunch of stuff and pretty much guiding me for my support sups and many other things. i appreciate it a ton

    Number twelve - we just kind of started our sh*t together. kinda helped havin a guy to compare my numbers to. but ur throwing up insane weight keep up the cycle bro, what u got like another week or so? also thanks for all the support.

    and to everyone else who helped me along the way.. im sure i missed a few names. thanks guys. my first cycle has been a great experience

    Also havnt gotten an answer yet(its all good though) hahaha. I know i begin my pct the day after my last pill. but am i taking my clomid all at once in the am or the PM or throughout the day? thanks bros!
    im glad you have done so well on your cycle.any time you need to compare ideas just hit me up.good work k biz.

  35. #115
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    WASUP BOYS! haha bumping this bad motha f*ckin thread back to the top cause i got a few questions...

    Heahaches baby!
    : whats the deal, is my blood pressure gonna be a lil whacky the first week? going into my second week? actully today is my 1st day fo my second week and i feel like shit actully. bad headache, insomnia, just shitty, i dont no why. whats the deal?

    Also gyno, i think i might have to pick up some letro, i have a little bump under each nipple, not big at all, very very tiny, i might keep running the clmoid and if it worsens ill pick up the letro, as far as right now its nothing visual.

    Also hearts beating out of chest!, its not like its beating fast just seems like its been beating extra hard or somthing? i dunno it makes it hard to fall asleep at night. dont no what this means.

    anway give me some input boys, i need it


  36. #116
    number twelve's Avatar
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    damn bro good luck with all of paranoid about gyno too right now, i keep checking my nips every night lol

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    damn bro good luck with all of paranoid about gyno too right now, i keep checking my nips every night lol
    O hear that, i check mine everytime i take my shirt off (multiple times a day )

    Im just concerned about the heart thing really, the headaches and insomnia will go away. every once in a long long while i get a like few days of insomnia for some reason. or mabye im just so used to sleeping like a baby on the SD reg sleep isnt as good anymore... who knows.

    Wheres upstate!? hahaha

  38. #118
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    LOL i was interning all day

    For headaches are you still taking hawthorne berry for your bp? and are you drinkin enuf water during the day?

    I have the same problem when trying to go to sleep...I never really thought twice about it, but if your worried def go to your doc

    I'm not too sure about the whole gyno thing...keep an eye on it

    btw how was your berfday?

  39. #119
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    btw how was your berfday?

    yeAH i was gonna ask you also, did u get crunked?

  40. #120
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    bro im gonna run a pp cycle next too, lets coordinate so we can do it at the same time. itll be cute! lol

    Sounds like a good idea to me. I damn sure would be checking it out. Good luck on it.

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