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Thread: K.Biz SD Log

  1. #41
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    it says 70ml 35mg/ml

  2. #42
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    So bad news

    so mad right now. but my cycle will be stopping right now. My work ( i am a touch up graphic designer. yeah im the guy who airbrushes models). is sending me to europe in 5 hours for a Ducati models bike shoot and then a full edit. i wont be back till f*ckin saturday... so my cycle will be post-poned till then... ohh god i been waiting so long to do this, now i gotta wait another week. f*ckin A

  3. #43
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    I followed Upstates Log, great info. I did Sd for 3 weeks gained 8 lbs lean, know would have gained more but last week caught the flu ( which sucked and not in a good way) Anyway I added MyoGenx my second week on PCT 4 ed ( had to wait for it to get delivered) within a week it got the boys back up to normal or larger size. I definately would add it starting the first week. Good Luck interested in seeing rest of your log.

  4. #44
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    Danm, hard to feel sorry for when you got to spend a week airbrushing models

  5. #45
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shane35aa
    Danm, hard to feel sorry for when you got to spend a week airbrushing models
    hahaha true

  6. #46
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    im back boys

    time to start this cycle tomorrow. so pumped!

    heres what my schedule looks like

    9:00 Wake up

    8 Egg whites (2 yokes)
    1 Cup of Oats
    2 Peices of toast
    Protien shake ( 1 scoop of ON Whey)

    1100 mg hawthorn
    1200mg milk thistle
    3600mg fish oil
    1000mg flush free niacin
    1 Red yeats rice
    GNC Multi B complex
    10mg of methyl drol

    Small meal
    Protien shake ( 2 scoops of ON Whey)

    Small meal

    Small snack
    Protien shake ( 1 scoop of ON Whey)
    1100 mg hawthorn
    1200mg milk thistle
    3600mg fish oil
    1000mg flush free niacin
    1 Red yeats rice
    GNC Multi B complex
    10mg of methyl drol


    Protien Sake (2 scoops of ON Whey)
    Small Meal - Chicken or Steak

    I think some people might think im overdoing the protien shakes, but money for meals is limited so i try and pack as many carbs and protien as i can into a meal. I will be posting the rest of my meal schedule and in more detail later on tonight as I work out my money and figure out really wtf i want to eat. ill keep you posted
    Last edited by K.Biz; 01-22-2007 at 03:20 PM.

  7. #47
    number twelve's Avatar
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    hey bro howd it go with the ducati models? haha
    good luck with your cycle. i saw you posted on my thread, its good that we'll be running a cycle at the same time so we can compare results and what not. is this your first cycle? it is for me.

  8. #48
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    hey bro howd it go with the ducati models? haha
    good luck with your cycle. i saw you posted on my thread, its good that we'll be running a cycle at the same time so we can compare results and what not. is this your first cycle? it is for me.
    yup first cycle. a lil nervous and crazy excited at the same time. this should be a great 3 weeks

  9. #49
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Well started my cycle late today, cause im stupid and dont set my alarm clock.... real responsible huh?

    I didint want to skip today as well so i ended up taking my first pill @ 12pm and my second will be taken at 6pm then i will go work out at 6:30.

    pretty much i just bumped all my meals up in time and kind of crammed them into my short day today. once again i haven not released an official diet yet for the cycle, but as im writing this i have a notepad next to me perfecting it. i have a pretty good idea of what i want to do. around 3800 cals a day. i have been dieting for the last 5 months with limited cheat meals keeping my intake at around 3500 cals. been workin like a mofo to gain weight

    so going to workout at 6.. be back with the log

  10. #50
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    Good luck bro, its gonna be a fun ride. I've ran to SD cycles in the past, and both were outstanding. Just wondering are you fellas running Anabolic Xtreme's Superdrol (Original) or a knock off brand?


  11. #51
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    im running knock off. nutrition solutions methyl drol

  12. #52
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Yesterday: Tuesday - Back/Bi's | no log, from now i will have logs for everyworkout.. considering this is a "log" i should be taking down what i lift. just havnt had time yet.

    Wednesday: Off day

    quick question: since kidney stones sort of run in the family..... my mom had them more then once. i want to make sure that im not going to get any of these either. i shoudl be ok since i drink a gallon+ of water a day. but i no u want to keep your urine acidic... anything i can drink that will make sure im not going to create stones? like either a supplement or mabye a drink? I herd cranberry juice is good for that. anything else?

  13. #53
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    ^^^ Bizzidity bump

  14. #54
    number twelve's Avatar
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    hey bro i took my first pill today..check out my log

    in referance to your question i thinnk youll be straight drinking a lot of water but maybe give the cranberry juice a try. like upstate tank ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! lol

  15. #55
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    hey bro i took my first pill today..check out my log

    in referance to your question i thinnk youll be straight drinking a lot of water but maybe give the cranberry juice a try. like upstate tank ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! lol
    i feel like i have seen that quote in prob over 100 threads

  16. #56
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    So i finally worked out my diet. around 5000-5500 cals a day. keepin the intake as high as possible. and I love eating so this isnt a problem from my last diet it has changed almost completly. so check it out!!

    Meal 1
    8 egg whites plus 2 whole eggs scrambled,
    4 peices of toast w/honey or fat free jam
    8 ounce glass of orange juice or pinapple juice.

    Meal 2
    2 chicken breasts,
    1 1/2 servings rice
    1 serving veggies
    2 scoops of peanutbutter

    Meal 3 (Pre-workout meal consumed 1 1/2 before gym)
    2 cans of tuna with mayo - 1 bowl of special K cereal w/ 1% milk

    Protien Drink (30min before gym)
    1 scoop

    Workout- 60-90 minutes

    PWO Protien Drink (30min before gym)
    1 scoop

    PWO Meal 4
    2 small baked potato's from the Wendy's drive through
    1/2 lb of lean sirloin steak, burger, or chicken,
    1 banana, 2 slices of whole wheat bread

    Meal 5
    2 cans of tuna stirred in w/ Mayo
    Small salad w/ fat free italian or ceasar

    Meal 6(1 hr/ before bed)
    Protien Drink 2 scoops
    3 spoonfulls of Extra Virgin olive oil

  17. #57
    number twelve's Avatar
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    did u calculate your macros?
    you should, then post this diet in the diet forum and youll probably get some good critique

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    did u calculate your macros?
    you should, then post this diet in the diet forum and youll probably get some good critique
    yeah thats a good idea. my diet is actully pretty much like stolen from someone else on this forum. i was checking it out and i really like how he made his diet. for me at least its cheap enough and i like all the food. so i made a few changes. . to customize to my needs and i will be recalculating it tonight.

    anyway for the damn logs! lets get this thing started shall we.

    Friday: Leg day

    Smith Machine Squats
    360 x 15 (warmup)
    450 x 10
    480 x 8
    500 x 5
    360 x 11

    Leg Curls
    100 x 15 (Warm up)
    150 x 11
    160 x 7
    170 x 4
    190 x 1 (if u can call it 1 i barley made it)

    Leg Extensions
    150 x 10
    165 x 8
    180 x 7
    200 x 3 wtf?

    Standing calf raises
    100 x 15 (warmup)
    165 x 10
    170 x 9
    200 x 4
    200 x 2

    My legs are definetly the weakest point. i hope during this cycle i can bulk these up a good amount

    remeber im only 5'7 165 pounds so if i coudl get my squats closer to 600 pounds i woudl be pumped

  19. #59
    number twelve's Avatar
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    why do u do smith squats instead of regular? your pushin a lot weight regardless. are you feelin any effects yet from the sd??

  20. #60
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    why do u do smith squats instead of regular? your pushin a lot weight regardless. are you feelin any effects yet from the sd??
    I do the smith squats because i like the feeling of somthing being able to catch the bar if i screw up. 500 pounds isnt somthing i need to drop on me.

    and as far as the effects of the SD i felt in my legs for sure. really in my calves though, the pump was insane. it took me twice as long to walk out of the gym today

    Tomorrows a rest day, and then chest on sunday, which im physced for. i just wanna keep lifting and i cant stop thinking about my diet and working out. might be physcological but its keeping me in check. im really super focused on sticking to everything, never really had this type of strong focus like this before. so i would definetlly call that a good side.

    as far as bad sides, a little headache today, nothing that lasted more then 15min or so, and a tiny bit of back pain.. perhaps my kidneys? which isnt a good thing at all. but i think it just might be from the deadlifts on my back day 3 days ago. the deads seem to destroy my back everytime. but if it continues into next week (mon) i might think about putting a hold on the SD, i dont need to be screwing up my kidneys. i make sure i drink at least 5+liters of water a day, so its definetly not lack of water. so we'll see, hopefully its just from the deads

  21. #61
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I do the smith squats because i like the feeling of somthing being able to catch the bar if i screw up. 500 pounds isnt somthing i need to drop on me.

    and as far as the effects of the SD i felt in my legs for sure. really in my calves though, the pump was insane. it took me twice as long to walk out of the gym today

    Tomorrows a rest day, and then chest on sunday, which im physced for. i just wanna keep lifting and i cant stop thinking about my diet and working out. might be physcological but its keeping me in check. im really super focused on sticking to everything, never really had this type of strong focus like this before. so i would definetlly call that a good side.

    as far as bad sides, a little headache today, nothing that lasted more then 15min or so, and a tiny bit of back pain.. perhaps my kidneys? which isnt a good thing at all. but i think it just might be from the deadlifts on my back day 3 days ago. the deads seem to destroy my back everytime. but if it continues into next week (mon) i might think about putting a hold on the SD, i dont need to be screwing up my kidneys. i make sure i drink at least 5+liters of water a day, so its definetly not lack of water. so we'll see, hopefully its just from the deads
    with all that water dont forget to drink some gaterade.u dont want to flush your body of electrolites.

  22. #62
    BigSwol's Avatar
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    That was one prob with the SD, the back pumps were freakin unreal. I couldn't deadlift more than 275 for reps without fealing like I was gonna die. It felt like everything in my lower back was cramping all at once. Not fun! But the up side was I gained 13lbs, I just saved the deads for once I was off SD. How is the weight gain going? Mine came pretty fast, first couple of weeks or so, I was seeing results.


  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigSwol
    That was one prob with the SD, the back pumps were freakin unreal. I couldn't deadlift more than 275 for reps without fealing like I was gonna die. It felt like everything in my lower back was cramping all at once. Not fun! But the up side was I gained 13lbs, I just saved the deads for once I was off SD. How is the weight gain going? Mine came pretty fast, first couple of weeks or so, I was seeing results.

    Agreed. my back day was actully my 2nd day taking sd actully so i dont think it was that but still. im gonna listen to that advice and not do them during the cycle. so ill stick to the rows, wide rows and the tbar rows from now on.

    I am starting to see weight gain, im on day number 7 and im 9 pounds. which is freaking insane! 9 pounds in 7 days? jesus i like this stuff already

  24. #64
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    keep at it!

  25. #65
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    Sunday: Chest/ tri's

    Flat bb bench
    135 x 10 (warmup)
    155 x 10 (warmup)
    165 x 8
    175 x 6
    185 x 5
    135 till failure

    Incline bb
    90 x 10 (warmup)
    135 x 8
    145 x 5
    150 x 3 - i was so done after this i couldnt rep another set. i wish my chest was as good as my arms... but another weak point im going to have to work on. i made sure i shredded it today though

    Decline bb
    135 x 10 (warm up)
    185 x 8
    185 x 6
    195 x 3

    85 x 10
    90 x 10
    100 x 6
    110 x 2

    3 Sets till failure

    overall im very happy with todays chest day.. cant wait till tomos back and bicep day. its gonna be rediculous!

  26. #66
    number twelve's Avatar
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    good job do u like hitting all 3 bb presses in the same workout? i.e. flat, incline, and decline. have you ever tried anything else? if it works for you keep it up, but maybe try doing something like flat BB then incline DB. i dunno just a friendly suggestion!! keep up the good work!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    good job do u like hitting all 3 bb presses in the same workout? i.e. flat, incline, and decline. have you ever tried anything else? if it works for you keep it up, but maybe try doing something like flat BB then incline DB. i dunno just a friendly suggestion!! keep up the good work!
    I usually do hit bb and the db, but today i was feeling the bb for some reason. just wanted to keep slappin weights onto the side of those bars haha. usually i do mix it up, but today i felt like a all bb session was the way to go

  28. #68
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    good deal brotha

  29. #69
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    Yesterday was back/bi's: didint do a log but damn those back pumps are just to narly for me man. i was in some serious pain yesterday after the gym. driving home was a chore. i had to lay down for a while. i just mowed banannas for like 2 hours haha

    As for today. day off. which im happy about. cause my back is wrecked. also today is the first day of my second week. insted of doing 10/20/30 i actully did started with 20mg my first week. i felt like the 10mg woudl be a waste of my time. so my new layout looks like this. 20/20/30

    up 11 pounds right now. in my frist week. and really no bloat at all. this stuff is amazing. i have never ever seen weigh gain like this before. and im a very very very hard gainer so this is make me like so happy u have no idea haha

  30. #70
    number twelve's Avatar
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    wow bro gives me something to look forward to!

    when are you taking your pills? are you taking them with food?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    wow bro gives me something to look forward to!

    when are you taking your pills? are you taking them with food?
    It varies a lil bit. but its stays with in about a 3 hour rage. either like between 9am-12am to 3pm-6pm. i make sure i never take after 6pm. no point. i wanna stay anabolic all day, and at night when im sleeping ( the most anabolic time) i dont need to be on the SD

    always taking my pills with food. im taking like prob 9 or 10 support sup pills along with every 10mg of the sd and i feel that my stomach would probably feel upset if i just loaded it with pills and no food.

  32. #72
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    Wednesday: Shoulders
    Military Press
    135 x 10 (warmup)
    155 x 10
    165 x 7
    170 x 4 This is the highest i have ever hit with the military... but it still pisses me off haha

    wide grip upright rows
    135 x 10 (warm up)
    150 x 8
    165 x 4
    165 x 4

    bb shrugs behind back
    135 x 15 (warm up)
    185 x 10
    195 x 8
    205 x 10 ... wtf? i was pumped for this though

    bb shrugs in front
    185 x 10
    195 x 7
    205 x 5 i was just to tired.

    thats it. overall decent day. im starting to feel tired mid day more and more now. but i just throw down a extra protien shake when i get tired and it seems to pick me right back up. so mabye its just my body processing the food faster then i can put it down. but im happy with my results so far. and people in the gym are starting to stare a lot more and some even ask me what im taking... gotta love the response i give = Food

    they walk away all mad and shit. cause u know its not what they wanna hear haha oh well.

  33. #73
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    riding styles donkey
    you should probably get that diet checked.
    too many protein shakes i think.
    why special k, why not oats ( maybe swap with meal 1), how about using your whey protein with the oats and having the tuna and mayo before bead.
    with your pwo protein shake, you have 30 mins before gym, do you mean after or 30 mins before cardio?
    why not add something like waxy maize to that shake (pwo)

    check out to check your macros.

  34. #74
    number twelve's Avatar
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    where u been bro?

  35. #75
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    went to maine for a few days to visit my uncle. no logs, but he has his own gym in his house... lucky bastard, so i still got to work out. tomo ill be posting for my back/bi's. but let me tell u #12 the end of the 2nd week is insane. when i did my incline DB yesterday (my weak pojnt). i felt like i could do 15 reps of every single weight i picked up, and my incline has gone up almost 30 pounds!. it was f*cking insane!. i love this this stuff. i cant wait for tomo!

  36. #76
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    nice bro im just getting to the end of my 2nd week and i feel awesome. i cant wait to see whats gonna happen lol

  37. #77
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    Yesterday was back/bi's.. didint have alog either. im getting lazy and tired. the sides are strating to show there ugly faces. im just tired all the time now. i need somthing to pick me up in the gym. should i start throwing some NO shotgun 25-30min before workout?.. anyway heres what my shoulders look like. i didint do much just because i was so damn tired.

    Wednesday: Shoulders

    Military Press
    135 x 10 (warmup)
    155 x 10
    165 x 9
    170 x 7
    190 x 3

    wide grip pull ups

    bb shrugs behind back
    135 x 15 (warm up)
    185 x 8
    205 x 7
    225 x 3

    bb shrugs in front
    185 x 7
    195 x 7
    205 x 6

    all in all crummy ass workout. and im just beat so im going to take a nap. my numbers increased a lil but.. i was just to damn tired to try and do more.

    also my PCT starts next week, and im so confused on how to get the dosage correct. im going to run a 100/50/50 and mabye add another week of 50. but with lions clomid how much is 100mg? how much do i pull with that oral syringe? if 1ML is 35mg/ml then im taking almost 3 full squirts of that for the first week then? is that how that works. also shoudl i spread it out throughout the day?

    1 more thing. my nipples seem to be getting a little puffy. nothing serious but a lil bit to where im concerned. did anyone see this while they were doing SD and can i take anything to bring it down? thanks

  38. #78
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    how many ml per syringe? if theres 3ml per syringe then one syrenge = 105ml

  39. #79
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    syringe says .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1m

    clomid says 35mg/ml

    so then almost 3 full syrnges would be my 100mg i need correct?

  40. #80
    Kato is offline Member
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    you bang any models then?

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