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  1. #1
    slimswole is offline Junior Member
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    supplements and nutrition during deployment

    Hey guys, I just left for deployment and was wondering about my diet. All those who have been in the military know that the food is not necessarily the most nutritious. I was wondering what kind of diet those who have gone out were on. i am a 6'3 215 lbs. sailor who has been working out for the past couple of years and am at 8% bf. i am trying to get a bit more cut while keeping most of my body weight. We only get 3 meals a day,as much as you can eat. I can also order food online to keep in storage to eat between meals but can't be refrigerated foods.I am currently not on any supplements because hey have not arrived yet. Any insight on what supplements to take would help out alot as well. I also currently do very little cardio because it makes me drop weight very quickly. Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    When you go to the galley grab some extra food for later. I take it that you will be on a ship, unfortunately they sometimes cook crappy food, but with a little knowledge in nutrition you should be able to eat wisely.
    As for supps well it seems you have low bf, not sure why you want to get more cut, hell since your on deployment you might as well go for size and start cutting a month or two out, that’s just my opinion. Good luck and stay safe on deployment.

  3. #3
    slimswole is offline Junior Member
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    yea but its hard to sneak food. I just need to get more protein shakes in. The meat on the food is what we call "mystery meat" because we sometimes don't know what meat it is but as for as supplements i don't really want to bulk up now because i usually leave that for fall and winter. Right now we are hitting ports left and right and go to the beaches alot. i just want to add more vascularity and lose that extra something while staying hard. It's so hard to keep up with all the supplements coming out and what's real. But thanks for the support and we're doing our best about the staying safe part.

  4. #4
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    pick up some myogenx to keep your test levels nice and high, that will harden you up and make you somewhat more vascular. also some L-arganine or No2 will make your veins pop out.

  5. #5
    Shane35aa's Avatar
    Shane35aa is offline Senior Member
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    I'd pick up some BCAA's. They will help prevent muscle loss. There's alot of good info on here just do a search.

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