Hey guys, i havent been on here for a while, few years maybe. But to make a long story short, I moved to a new city, and gave up the gym for a few years and focused on school and my career , but now that i have the job i want, My next goal, is to get big again. I lost alot of weight. I dont want to do a cycle yet, since ive been in the gym for about a 2 months now, and im making some nice gains. So for now ill stick to the supplements. I picked up some Kre-Alkalyn by EFX, i have never tried it, and didnt really feel like the bloaty monohydrate, so im giving it a shot. IT says take 2 before workout, but all these other pill form creatines, i have been reading about say ,2 before and 2 after , has anybody had some experience with these babys?

feels good to be back