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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz View Post
    damn that what i neeed badly. my hand strength just blows, i have a lot of trouble holding 2 plates, anything over just kicks my ass, and i personally just hate straps! but i ned them... ugh.

    Hows that legarthy effecting everyday life? is it unbareable? or does it just blow? and does it effect you in the gym?

    Got my next cycle already #12

    12 weeks of sust
    10 weeks of deca
    4 weeks od dbol (kick start)


    damn you kev i cant let you get so much bigger than me...oh well i guess ill be coming to the dark side sooner than later LOL

    and the lethargy is was prob the worst its been, my strength is through the roof but im yawning and sleepy in between sets

    chest today
    incline db with 115's for a set of 8

    a few sets of flat bench with 225 for a few sets of 12 no spot at all

  2. #122
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    lol at least with the lethargy, you know its working!

    Keep it up man.

    and Kev, you need to cut the crap! haha I thought we were all about the designer roids man!!!

    we don't like your kind around the supp section


  3. #123
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    your lifts are pretty fckin impressive man... have u gained any weight? bloat?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    lol at least with the lethargy, you know its working!

    Keep it up man.

    and Kev, you need to cut the crap! haha I thought we were all about the designer roids man!!!

    we don't like your kind around the supp section

    Wellllll.... your right! i guesssss. hahaha

    mabye ill kickstart with 2perdrol just so u all can have some kicks

    I really likethe sound of this m1t though... so who knows, i might be hopping back to the designer side for a little run

    I no you all miss me

    And 12... lifts are lookin snazy man. Next time your online hit me up, i got a few questions for you

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    lol at least with the lethargy, you know its working!

    Keep it up man.
    haha yeah thats true...thanks bro!

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    your lifts are pretty fckin impressive man... have u gained any weight? bloat?
    hey thanks man im getting still not where i was b4 i broke my collarbone...i have put on a few lbs and i do notice some bloating but thats ok with me...

  7. #127
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    im about to do legs in a lil while so ill be back with an update later...


  8. #128
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    k well my lower back is so ****ing tight i cant do shit...another side im noticing is im having shortness of breath at times...

    did legs today high rep squats, walking lunges, leg extensions and curls...calves and stomach as always...


  9. #129
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    did arms yesterday...close gripped 225 for 15 i think...
    did shoulders today...nothing special i am stressed out for finals but have been getting a lot of complements...


  10. #130
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    im gonna skip a dose of m1t today...i dont wanna deal with the lethargy when im studying...a final today at 2...two more tomorrow and then one more the next day....AHHH

  11. #131
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    good idea man

  12. #132
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    can not wait for finals to be last one in the gym today tho did back and legs...nothing crazy just did some squats and step ups and leg curls and some pull ups and db rows...

  13. #133
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    *subscribed, just saw this thread, read the whole thing

    lookin good guys!

  14. #134
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    lol finals suck.

    but thermodynamics is pretty cool.

    good luck on yr finals

  15. #135
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    ahh who skips a day? You p*ssy!

    Anyway goodluck with finals. Mabye its time to step up that ester c buddy!

    Are you running ester c at all right now? And what dose

    Also that shortness of breath could be caused by high bp, go get that checked so
    where! They have those machines everywhere now.

    Also if it is high, I would think about stepping up the hawthorn, fish oil and add another 2-400mg of coq10 a week.

  16. #136
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    i ended up not skipping a day i just doubled up the afternoon dose lol

    im taking ester c about 3g a day, ill boost it up if i feel i need it...

    the 1,4 ad is done, i prob would not run it again it wasnt anything crazy and not worth the money. i upped to 30 mg of m1t today so im gonna pro stick it out for another 7-10 days and then start my pct.

    feel free to add any comments..


  17. #137
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    k so basically i should have just done m1t from the start

    shit is goin awesome!
    did arms today they were exploding did lock outs with 405 for reps and did BB curls with 135 for a set of 8

    also im freakin also up to 199


  18. #138
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    what was your starting weight man?

  19. #139
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    like 190 or so

  20. #140
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    beasted chest today...did 2 sets of flat db press with 120s for 8
    then went and inclined 225 for a set of 8...


  21. #141
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    damnnnnn son, thats awsome, we need pics. NOW!

    22's son! 22's!

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz View Post
    damnnnnn son, thats awsome, we need pics. NOW!

    22's son! 22's!
    I second this motion!

  23. #143
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    all i gotta say is i did shoulders today...115's on db press for 5...not bad for having a broken collar bone 5 months ago

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    all i gotta say is i did shoulders today...115's on db press for 5...not bad for having a broken collar bone 5 months ago
    damn dude 115 on shoulder press is beastly. pics pics!

  25. #145
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    one thing i have noticed is my pee in the morning is very dark. borderline orange color. this is only for the first time i piss...i drink a lot of water throughout the day and every other time i pee, its clear/slighty yellow....any thoughts on this? should i be concerned?

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    one thing i have noticed is my pee in the morning is very dark. borderline orange color. this is only for the first time i piss...i drink a lot of water throughout the day and every other time i pee, its clear/slighty yellow....any thoughts on this? should i be concerned?
    Isn't dark piss a sign of too much B vitamins, dehydration, and/or infection?

    What multi vitamin are you taking? and when do you take it?

    I would suggest downing 16 oz of chilled water immediately after you wake up. Like before you take your morning piss and everything.

  27. #147
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    Also, I think jaundice can cause orange urine

    Have you noticed any skin color differences?

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    one thing i have noticed is my pee in the morning is very dark. borderline orange color. this is only for the first time i piss...i drink a lot of water throughout the day and every other time i pee, its clear/slighty yellow....any thoughts on this? should i be concerned?
    In your case this is because of the extra stress on the kidneys. This happened to me during my SD cycle when i upped my dose to 40mg. Is there any discomfort when u wake up in the morning in your lower back?

    First sign of jaundice would be, eye color changing to yellow.

    try having a solid glass of water or to before bed.

    also go pick up some cranberry juice, this will help flush the kidneys. Its a very good anti-oxident

    it could also be an early sgn of kidney stones forming... but dont take my word on that, just a estimation.

    I wouldnt worry about it, unless it becomes painful. Also, follow my recomendations

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz View Post
    In your case this is because of the extra stress on the kidneys. This happened to me during my SD cycle when i upped my dose to 40mg. Is there any discomfort when u wake up in the morning in your lower back?

    First sign of jaundice would be, eye color changing to yellow.

    try having a solid glass of water or to before bed.

    also go pick up some cranberry juice, this will help flush the kidneys. Its a very good anti-oxident

    it could also be an early sgn of kidney stones forming... but dont take my word on that, just a estimation.

    I wouldnt worry about it, unless it becomes painful. Also, follow my recomendations

    When I was taking Animal Pak, my piss started looking all radioactive. And about few weeks later, boom...kidney stone

  30. #150
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    yeah i drink about 1.5 gallons of water a def getting cranberry i was thinking that is what its good for i wasnt sure dont feel any pain, i was just concerned cause my pee looks radioactive in the morning haha

  31. #151
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    oh btw im also not even taking a multi right eating at least 6 whole meals a day including veges and all the other good stuff so i dont really feel i need it...

  32. #152
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    make sure you get 100% cranberry juice. And not the juice cocktail

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz View Post
    damn that what i neeed badly. my hand strength just blows, i have a lot of trouble holding 2 plates, anything over just kicks my ass, and i personally just hate straps! but i ned them... ugh.

    Hows that legarthy effecting everyday life? is it unbareable? or does it just blow? and does it effect you in the gym?

    Got my next cycle already #12

    12 weeks of sust
    10 weeks of deca
    4 weeks od dbol (kick start)


    Damn bro, sounds like a good bulk cycle! HAve u takin sust before? Im gonna start my first aas cycle in august of 500mg test cyp each week for 10 weeks, cant wait! I had the choice of sust for 10 weeks or cyp for 10 weeks at the same price but decided cyp since sust is usually said to be eod injects, didnt want that much for my first cycle. Hope u lo this aas cycle, sounds good!

  34. #154
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    just an update i made sure to drink 2 huge glasses of water b4 i went to bed last night and my pee was much clearer this morning

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    just an update i made sure to drink 2 huge glasses of water b4 i went to bed last night and my pee was much clearer this morning
    That's right! You listen to me! And u feel better. Cha ching!

  36. #156
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    K BIZ

  37. #157
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    Last edited by number twelve; 05-20-2008 at 12:01 AM. Reason: messed up

  38. #158
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    sorry bear with me im trying to figure out how to post a big pic in a post, not to attach it.

  39. #159
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    ok here is my attempt. posting 2...the head on one is from 4/18, the one where i am brushing my teeth lol is from 5/20...


  40. #160
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    ugh i dunno maybe this will work...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails #12's 1,4 ad and M1T log-5-20-08.jpeg  
    Last edited by number twelve; 05-20-2008 at 12:08 AM. Reason: i give up i just attached one from a few days ago...

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