Lately there has been several questions about which PHs actually work and which plain suck. I have a lot of expierence with PHs because I was afraid to use the needle at first (probably not the only one).

Legit Superdrol Clones: M-Drol by CEL, Methyl-Vol by EST, S-Drol by Fastaction.

* I gained about 12-15 lbs on them and got a decent amount of strength. I used 30 mg ED for 4 weeks. My personal favorite clone is the Methyl-Vol by EST because it has some additional Nitric Oxide boost and it gave me crazy veins. These are generally used in bulking, but will also harden your muscles up. Superdrol NG is a bunch of junk and should not be used by anyone.

Legit Halodrol Clones: H-Drol by CEL, H-Drol by Fastaction.

* Not nearly as potent or powerful as Superdrol but did give decent gains. Strength did not go up that much but I had a much harder look to me. This would be a good choice for cutting and also a good choice for a first PH cycle. generally use between 50-75mg ED for 4 weeks.

Spawn by Myogenix: Epistane/Tren combination This is the only PH I could see myself using again. Gained a solid 15 lbs and the body fat went up very little. Strength went through the fcking roof. I got better strength gains off of Spawn then when I ran Test/Dianabol . This is the closest anyone is going to get without touching real AAS. It is really once kick ass OTC steroid .

Mass Tabs: I am undecided on this one. Gained a good amount of weight but it seemed like it was wet. I only used 1 capsule a day, which may be the reason for why I'm not a huge fan. My theory is, why not just use Spawn instead of this?

3-AD/Trenadrol Stack: Biggest mistake of my life using this bs. My sex drive was shot, didn't gain any weight, strength went up very little, and the acne was outrageous. Stay away from these two.

* All of the above PH require a SERM for PCT such as Nolvadex or Clomid. Novedex XT, 6-oxo, and the other OTC junk is not going to be sufficent to run with any of these. Personally, I would take Milk Thistle with all of the products mentioned above to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps!