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  1. #41
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    They didn't just put it in the nail, but the upper finger.
    Rubbed in/massaged for 10-15 minutes.

    Wouldn't say it is a miracle worker, but I def can say there were improvements.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    One need only refer to your post history to see the type of individual you are (and your career i might add) and also your egotistical , arrogant demeanor.
    I hereby knowledge your assertion that I am arrogant. Do you need to clog the internet tubes with this every post you make? Seriously, repeating yourself every post is boring any poor souls still reading this.

    "Again i ask when will you EVER contribute to this forum based on first hand knowledge and experience?" What I do has no relevance to anything discussed on this board generally. I deal with sick hospitalized patients. Again, what I do has no relevance. It just takes a skull an two neurons to rub together to see that 90% of the advice given around here is just a game of telephone, parroting from one "bro" to another.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    They didn't just put it in the nail, but the upper finger.
    Rubbed in/massaged for 10-15 minutes.

    Wouldn't say it is a miracle worker, but I def can say there were improvements.
    Heck, rubbing might be enough in itself to explain some increase. It is plausible.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    Heck, rubbing might be enough in itself to explain some increase. It is plausible.

  5. #45
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    I hereby knowledge your assertion that I am arrogant. Do you need to clog the internet tubes with this every post you make? Seriously, repeating yourself every post is boring any poor souls still reading this.

    "Again i ask when will you EVER contribute to this forum based on first hand knowledge and experience?" What I do has no relevance to anything discussed on this board generally. I deal with sick hospitalized patients. Again, what I do has no relevance. It just takes a skull an two neurons to rub together to see that 90% of the advice given around here is just a game of telephone, parroting from one "bro" to another.

    ^^ no doc please do enlighten us with your working knowledge of workouts & training methods, anabolic steroid usage , supplementation you recommend , overall first hand pertinent experience on the topics posted on within this forum. I sure dont see any of that in your post history ...just antagonizing condescending post after post, taking threads off topic , textbook knowledge (at times debatable levels of knowledge at that) and from what ive read little to no positive contribution to the forum whatsoever.

  6. #46
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    oh wait a first - rubbing in and of itself is plausible to stimulate nail growth .... a pearl of wisdom from the doctor - actually one of your potentially best contributions. *L*
    ok im done ...for real ....good evening...

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ^^ no doc please do enlighten us with your working knowledge of workouts & training methods, anabolic steroid usage , supplementation you recommend , overall first hand pertinent experience on the topics posted on within this forum. from what ive read little to no positive contribution to the forum whatsoever.
    I don't post on anabolics for the most part becuase I don't know enough to contribute. In my universe not knowing a lot about something is a good reason not to make authoritative posts on subjects. In yours, have demonstrated your different take on that matter quite well.

    My contribution is in exposing charlatans like yourself who are only to eager to display confidence and ignorance simultaneously. I get plenty of PMs from people who appreciate my posts.

    Take a hike, you bore me.

  8. #48
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    Guys guys guys, Lighten up on the Doc a bit. You have to understand where he is coming from. He is not trying to be arrogant he is being confident. There is a difference and yes sometimes its a fine line. But in the ER or the OR or ICU, or SICU a doctor can not second guess himself or someone could die. He cant hesitate, he cant show weakness because the medical profession is extremely competitive and based on respect. It takes a lot for a doctor to earn the respect of his pears. Its not just automatically give just like any other profession. I have worked closely with hundreds of doctors on different ventures and educational experiences and at first its intimidating and you feel like all the docs are assholes, which in reality they are simple showing that they are confident and know what there doing. Except for Cardiologist they are assholes...LOL

    So just keep that in mind when he makes a post you think is arrogant, It may not mean what you looks like at first. I know he has question me in a thread or two and I could have got pissed but he was simply trying to help, plus I understand the medical culture which yes is brutally honest at times. Science is the same way and you cant get your feelings hurt.

    I am not defending him, thats between you guys. Just try to understand his perspective. I am sure most thought i was an arrogant ass when I started posting>(or still do).....LOL

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenBricks View Post
    I don't post on anabolics for the most part becuase I don't know enough to contribute. In my universe not knowing a lot about something is a good reason not to make authoritative posts on subjects. In yours, have demonstrated your different take on that matter quite well.

    My contribution is in exposing charlatans like yourself who are only to eager to display confidence and ignorance simultaneously. I get plenty of PMs from people who appreciate my posts.

    Take a hike, you bore me.
    ok Mr tren is a dht derivative and therefore does not require 5ar ...blah blah blah .... Oh but wait einstein ...its a 19 nor ...and since you have no idea about interactions invoving 19-nor and 5 ar just stick to your original info in that thread -, wandering cluelessly and aimlessly providing info on a topic that you display nothing but ignorance on. So much for not posting on topics that you dont know enough to contribute. Im so glad you are here to keep charlatans like me at bay*LOL* Once again BrokenBricks - you never cease to amaze me.... I may bore you ...the fact you are a potential doctor scares the hell out of me....
    (above info pulled from "BrokenBricks" feedback on finasteride just a day or 2 ago....)
    Id put my knowledge and experience on any thread ive posted / responded to against yours any day... At least mine is a combination of knowledge and first hand experience in most cases.....
    Actually id love to see you be a positve contributor to this board .. it would just be nice if you opened up your mind, lost the condescending, arrogant , know it all attitude, and shared a least somewhat based on first hand knowledge and experience.
    Last edited by jimmyinkedup; 01-26-2009 at 04:48 PM. Reason: some undue sarcasm removed

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    ok Mr tren is a dht derivative and therefore does not require 5ar ...blah blah blah .... Oh but wait einstein ...its a 19 nor ...and since you have no idea about interactions invoving 19-nor and 5 ar just stick to your original info in that thread -, wandering cluelessly and aimlessly providing info on a topic that you display nothing but ignorance on. So much for not posting on topics that you dont know enough to contribute. Im so glad you are here to keep charlatans like me at bay*LOL* Once again Doc - you never cease to amaze me.... I may bore you ...the fact you are a potential doctor scares the hell out of me....
    (above info pulled from "Dr I have no life or friend"s feedback on finasteride just a day or 2 ago....)
    Get lost you tool put my knowledge and experience on any thread ive posted / responded to against yours any day... At least mine is a combination of knowledge and experience in most cases.....
    Tren being a 19-nor vs a DHT is not relevant to this post *or* the post you got it from. Yet do you see how I handled my mistake in that thread? I quickly and graciously admitted my error and moved on. That is how adults handle themselves. It happens to be that whether tren is a DHT derivative or a 19-nor a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor has no effect on them. It is just not the nature of the chemical as it is understood. So the point still stands.

    If you feel like you need to stalk my post history to compensate for your complete inability to justify what is happening in *this* thread, well...ok. I don't think you will get far.

    I really am shocked a guy past 40 fills his posts with school yard taunts. Doesn't that strike anyone as odd? Being witty and insulting is one thing...but "You have no life or friends" is not just dumb. It is boring and unoriginal.

    I made a few points here you could respond to...but let me just reply for you to save you the trouble

    "You are a tool. You have no life. I am way smarter than you. But *you* are arrogant. You are a trainee nurse assistant. I know more because I have lived in the real world where I experience things. You do not experience things."

    I think that covers it.

  11. #51
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    ^^ i edited my post prior to you posting this. i was unnecessarily disrespectful. Perhaps you should re read the edited version. I stick by what i say there.....

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