Finaflex NO Ignite (pre-workout)

I am a beta tester representing Redfine Nutrition’s product Finaflex NO Ignite pre-workout drink. Today was my first day taking it, I used one scoop in approx. 8 oz. of water. I have fruit punch flavor and it tasted a bit strong for me with a bit of a bitter after taste, but was not hard to get down. Tomorrow I plan on using 12-16 oz. water to dilute it a little more, probably was just trying to drink it too concentrated. Within 20 minutes I started to feel the prickly tingles of the beta alanine, with a warm flush feeling in my face, neck and upper back. This feeling seem to last for approximately 30 mins after it started, which was approximately 10-15 minutes into my back workout. I do mainly high reps with medium to light weight depending on where I am in my work out. All in all I had a great work out, plenty of energy, good muscle pump, no jitters, with a good mental focus. I did not lift any heavier than usual and besides my last two exercises finishing with drop set burn outs, I did my normal number of reps. Normally, if I am going to do my hour of cardio on the same day as a work out, I come back to the gym hours later when my energy returns, but today I was able to do my hour of cardio and get it all over with, so good day with high energy levels. The only other pre-workout drinks I have tried before are NO Explode and NO Shotgun. So far I like it better than both due to similar high energy levels and pump like NO Shotgun, but without the jitters. The container is smaller than both of the above mentioned pre-workout drinks, with a smaller scooper and more servings.

Finaflex N.O. Ignite Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: Scoop (5 grams)
Servings per Container: 50
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
N.O. Ignite Propietary Blend: (3455 mg / 3455 mg)
Ignite Stimulant Matrix:
Green Tea Extract (60% EGCG), Caffeine Anhydrous, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine, Theophylline (from Guarana Extract), Schizandrol A (330 mg / 330 mg)
N.O. Amplification Blend:
Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG), Beta Alanine, Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)
(3125 mg / 3125 mg)
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
** Percent Daily Values not established.
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Red # 40, Sucralose, Malic Acid, Tropical fruit flavor, Silicon Dioxide, Beet Juice Powder, Citric Acid, Acesuflume-K
Finaflex N.O. Ignite Directions:
As a dietary supplement, take 1-3 scoops 15-30 minutes prior to workout. Begin with 1 scoop of N.O. Ignite to assess tolerance. Do not exceed more than 3 scoops daily. For best results, consume N.O. Ignite on an empty stomach. Use N.O. Ignite only on training days to maximize effectiveness as a pre-workout supplement.