I used to work out frequently but, just started back in th gym. I there a site that I can see a drawn or photo description of a few excersizes so I can try to figure out what the heck muscle and fitness means in their fat loss work out? I am old school and I know the basic press's and dubmbells but there are some that are not as self explanatory for me.
Cable Crunch
Double Crunch
One-Arm Standing Low-Cable Row
Sissy Squat
Dumbell Step-up
Arnold Press
Dumbell Five
Hanging Knee Raise
One-Arm Dumbell Row
Seated Alternating Dumbell Curl
Hack Squat

I know this is alot but before some smart ass says hire a personal trainer, I dont want to pay somebody to teach me certain excercizes. My form is preety good and so is my diet
Any help would be great, as I am trying for a new begining to life.