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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    cardio between PWO meal and PPWO meal?

    well, with my new job and how early i'll be getting up for it (well, early for me anyways), there's no way i can do pre-breakfast cardio anymore. about the only time it seems i'll be able to fit it in is between my PWO and PPWO meals.

    i'm assuming this should still be a fairly decent time for the cardio since the PWO meal will have replenished lost muscle glycogen from my workout, but i'll still be a little lower than usual as far as blood glucose. just wanted to get some feedback from others on here and make sure there isn't any good reason to not do cardio in between those 2 meals. at this point, it really seems like my only time i'll be able to fit my cardio in anymore, at least during the weekdays. am is out and if i do my cardio too late at night it gives me insomnia. well, let me hear what you guys think?

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Never, that's a horrible idea and I'd never even consider it.


  3. #3
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    if you cant do it in the morning id do it right after your workout before your PWO shake. since your glycogen will already be depleted you should start using fat as fuel almost imediantly. also with your glycogen depleted you wont have to do cardio as long.

  4. #4
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    if you cant do it in the morning id do it right after your workout before your PWO shake. since your glycogen will already be depleted you should start using fat as fuel almost imediantly. also with your glycogen depleted you wont have to do cardio as long.
    but i always thought cardio right after working out is an absolute last resort as there is a high probably your body will prioritize muscle protein as an energy source at that point?

    what about doing my cardio after my PPWO meal? i'm talking like a good hour after it, then taking in my next meal? though it may keep me up at night initially, i'm sure i could adjust.

    only thing is, that meal is just tuna, a salad, and some fat-free dressing (yes, i'm cutting up). would that be alright, or do i need carbs to replenish the lost blood sugars afterwards?

  5. #5
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    No no and no.

    Split them up, or do the cardio after the workout, THEN eat your pwo meals.

    Eating two big meals then doing cardio is totally pointless and backasswards. No fat burning will take place, and you're only cutting into recovery and nutrients needed to begin recovery.


  6. #6
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    a.doing cardio immediately after workout is less than ideal
    b.doing cardio between PWO and PPWO meals is even worse

    since a.m. cardio is out, choice (a) is best, its just a matter of picking the lesser of two evils

  7. #7
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No no and no.

    Split them up, or do the cardio after the workout, THEN eat your pwo meals.

    Eating two big meals then doing cardio is totally pointless and backasswards. No fat burning will take place, and you're only cutting into recovery and nutrients needed to begin recovery.

    thanks for the info bro.

    all things considered, i think i'm gonna start sacking it up and try to start going to sleep earlier and getting up earlier so i can stick with the am cardio. am cardio always worked great for me, but i'm just not a morning person and was hoping to try to fit it in somewhere else.

  8. #8
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    a.doing cardio immediately after workout is less than idealb.doing cardio between PWO and PPWO meals is even worse

    since a.m. cardio is out, choice (a) is best, its just a matter of picking the lesser of two evils
    what you are saying is VERY FALSE! many bodybuilders, pros, and alot of knowledgable bros on this site do cardio right after they work out and continue thir gains.. SO what you call evil is far from it.. please stop spreading this false idea you have.. thank you

  9. #9
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    a.doing cardio immediately after workout is less than ideal
    b.doing cardio between PWO and PPWO meals is even worse

    since a.m. cardio is out, choice (a) is best, its just a matter of picking the lesser of two evils
    yea, i knew doing cardio immediately after a workout is not optimal. i tried it at one point and personally i lost some muscle along with the fat in comparison to practically none with am cardio. i just never tried it between the PWO and PPWO but after others suggestions on here, it's obviously now out of the question for me.

    as far as picking the lesser of two evils, as i've already stated, i'm gonna sack it up and go with what i know works. thanks for the feedback though bro.

  10. #10
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    what you are saying is VERY FALSE! many bodybuilders, pros, and alot of knowledgable bros on this site do cardio right after they work out and continue thir gains.. SO what you call evil is far from it.. please stop spreading this false idea you have.. thank you
    OPERATIVE WORDS: "LESS THAN IDEAL" -- I NEVER said, it wouldnt work..heck, I DO IT too!!!!! "Ideal" is a.m. cardio, even u will agree, so "less than ideal" is not saying it's bad, just second-best. As for "lesser of two evils", its just a saying...dont take it so literally

    So before you accuse me of spreading falsities, take the time to understand what I'm saying.... and trust me, my post count doesn't represent my depth of knowledge or don't be so quick to pounce on me

    no, thank YOU

  11. #11
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    OPERATIVE WORDS: "LESS THAN IDEAL" -- I NEVER said, it wouldnt work..heck, I DO IT too!!!!! "Ideal" is a.m. cardio, even u will agree, so "less than ideal" is not saying it's bad, just second-best. As for "lesser of two evils", its just a saying...dont take it so literally

    So before you accuse me of spreading falsities, take the time to understand what I'm saying.... and trust me, my post count doesn't represent my depth of knowledge or don't be so quick to pounce on me

    no, thank YOU
    lol i think your the one who should relax.. all you had to do was explain and thats all lol.. and i never brought up post counts- you did...

  12. #12
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Cardio on an empty stomach???

    good thread about cardio. many say that PWO cardio is more optimal than am cardio on empty because in the morning cortisol levels will be high. others say you might be digging into gains after a workout. either way, read the article. and i would go PWO before your PWO nutrition, and i would keep it around 30 minutes and you should be fine.

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