Hey guys,

So I have been having trouble with my back workouts, parrticularily for my lats. It seems everytime I try and do lat pull downs my biceps fail before my lats even start to burn. I am having a hell of a time trying to isolate my lats and make them grow. I've tried straps on the pull down bar and changing up hand position but I can't get that mind-muscle connection and focus on my lats doing the work.

Any tips? Maybe it's as simple as arching my back a certain way? I've tried everything I can think of for years now and while the rest of my body is growing my lat spread is pathetic.

OR am I being too obsessive about it? My workout on a chest day will include 275lbs at four reps on the bench... but with lat pull down I struggle to do 190-200 with proper form... yet I use 225 for BB rows. Is this proportianate?