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  1. #1
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hows this routine look?

    Age 22
    Training 5 years on/off. 3 years hard. By hard I mean minimum 5-6 days at the gym and most of the time 7 days.

    So because of my work schedule I have been looking to make a new routine. I had been going to the gym 6-7 times a week for about 3 years. I seem to have stopped gaining weight as fast as I once did. What I'm thinking now is hit it hard 5 days a week and add in some more rest..

    Here's What I came up with:
    Monday- Shoulders abs
    Tuesday- Legs
    Wednesday- Chest abs
    Thursday- Back
    Friday- Off
    Saturday- Off
    Sunday- Arms calves

    Am cardio for 20-30 mins after having a protein shake w/water and caffeine pill. This will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. Is there anything wrong with having protein before am cardio?

    The routine I designed was made after I read over my past logs. I looked to see which different techniques helped me get stronger and bigger. By techniques I mean volume and such. So here it is..

    Tricep bench 5x5 (currently at 185)
    French curls 3x6-12
    Decline db ext 3x8-15
    BB curls 3x6-12
    Seated DB supinated curls
    Concentration curls 3x6-12
    Hold 80lb dbs in each hands for 30-60 seconds x2

    Smith Machine press 5x5 (currently at 2 plates a side)
    Arnold press 3x8-12
    Cable lateral raises 3x6-10
    DB front raises 3x6-12
    Cable high pulls 3x10-15
    DB shrugs 3x12-20

    Front squats 5x5
    Leg press 3x8-12
    Stiff leg dead lifts 3x6-12
    Leg ext 3x15-20
    Leg curls superset seated calf raises 3 sets
    Standing calf raises ss donkey calf raises 3 sets
    Lunges 1-2 sets

    Flat BB bench 5x5 (currently at 235)
    Incline DB press 3x6-10
    Decline DB press 3x8-12
    Incline flyes 3x6-15 (pyramid)
    Pec dec 2-3 sets

    Pulls ups 3 sets
    Deadlifts 5x5 (currently at 265)
    Barbell rows 4x6-10
    Reverse pulldowns 4x8-12
    Seated rows 4x8-15
    Hyperextensions 2 sets with 25 plate

    I take 60 second rests inbetween sets. If I'm doing 5x5 and on one of the sets I only get 4 reps I take a 90 second break until that exercise is done and keep weight same for next workout.

    On Mondays and Thursday I will also be doing abs which will be as follows:
    Planks 3 sets
    Leg raises superset knee raises 3 sets
    Crunches superset roof raises 3 sets

    So theres my proposed routine. From my logs and what I can remember this was one of the better ones I followed. I subbed some exercises in for some others and more rest inbetween. I also cut down the volume per muscle group about 30%. Hopefully this helps me gain more muscle. I want to see how much more I can get before cycling. I plan to compete next year in an amateur meet just for kicks and the following year go balls out.

    My diet is in check I am intaking 3500+ plus calories.

    What do you guys think? What would you change? Want as much opinion as possible would love to hear your guys experiences with different techniques.
    Last edited by Livinlean; 10-05-2011 at 12:23 AM.

  2. #2
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    bumppp. 49 views, 0 replies? lol.

  3. #3
    scorpion62's Avatar
    scorpion62 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    An Linne Rosach
    Livinlean I dont like your lay out but thats just me mate chest & tris , back & bis ,shoulders & abs , do your calves on leg day ,if your doing deads your abs will be worked as well

  4. #4
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpion62 View Post
    Livinlean I dont like your lay out but thats just me mate chest & tris , back & bis ,shoulders & abs , do your calves on leg day ,if your doing deads your abs will be worked as well
    I followed that routine for a while but I just don't have the time to stay in the gym that long anymore. I do calves twice a week because they are lacking. I have noticed a huge improved in the 6 weeks I have been doing this. Yes deads would work abs but wouldn't it be better to throw them at the end of the workout as well to burn them out?

  5. #5
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have done something similar. Need to keep in mind to change up from time to time. I was stuck in a rut on this routine for a while.

    Mon: Arms
    Tue: Legs
    Thu: Shoulders Abs
    Fri: Back
    Sat: Chest
    Sun: off

    Cardio at least 4-6 times per week. Usually after workout due to work requirements. Also, some variations on the day off depending on how I felt.

  6. #6
    Livinlean's Avatar
    Livinlean is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    I have done something similar. Need to keep in mind to change up from time to time. I was stuck in a rut on this routine for a while.

    Mon: Arms
    Tue: Legs
    Thu: Shoulders Abs
    Fri: Back
    Sat: Chest
    Sun: off

    Cardio at least 4-6 times per week. Usually after workout due to work requirements. Also, some variations on the day off depending on how I felt.
    Thanks for your input! I change my workout every 4-6 weeks. Usually minor variations though. I am aiming for cardio 4-6 times a week as well because I play ice hockey twice a week.

    When you used that routine were you aiming for a bulk or what?

  7. #7
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    Thanks for your input! I change my workout every 4-6 weeks. Usually minor variations though. I am aiming for cardio 4-6 times a week as well because I play ice hockey twice a week.

    When you used that routine were you aiming for a bulk or what?
    I've used it for both... I bulk or cut more so with diet... I usually rest a couple of minutes between sets. I lift for strength more than anything. I lift heavy to get big and lift heavy for cutting. It works....There are many schools of thought tho bro... Just give it a go. I put on a ton of muscle mass on that routine.

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