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  1. #161
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    Slapped the pass out of my calfs and abs

    Calfs and abs on my inbetween/off days
    Slow negatives, explode up and squeeze as much as possible.
    30seconds rest between sets

    Started with seated single leg calf raises on the leg press cable machine.
    Went from one calf to the other with no rest other then the time it takes to do my set for one calf.
    4-5 sets each calf roughly @ 6-8 reps

    Standing calf raises super set with standing body weight calf raises super set with seated calf raises.

    5-8 reps standing weighted calfs, 20 reps standing body weight calf raises, 4-5 reps seated calf raises.

    I did my first 3 triple drop sets with shoulder width foot spacing, then my last 3 sets I kept my feet next to each other and really felt it on my outside gastrocalfious lol or whatever the rear bulk calf is called lol.
    I also incorporated some ret pause extra reps in my last 2 triple super sets.
    Also on the last 3 triple super sets I would do standing weighted raises then seated calf then standing body weight ...instead of going weighted standing,then body weight and then seated raies last. Just to pre exhaust different areas more or less by changing up the order

    Weighted ab crunches using lat pull down machine and the rope .I would hold rope behind my neck and crunch down, super set with super decline weighted sit ups (set bench to steepest incline then raised the end up on a wood block to increase angle to id say about 70 degrees at least, and I held a 10lb plate instead of a medicine ball ) and did as many sit ups that I could, then I dropped the weight and did as many body weight super decline sit ups I could, super set with hanging leg raises , super set with weight oblique twist machine .for each side

    After super set, drop set, super set , super set i would wait prob 30-45 seconds and repeat . X 3 sets
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-21-2017 at 07:19 PM.

  2. #162
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    I always heard one must use higher reps on calves because it is such a hard trained muscle? Dont know if it is true or not. I have tiny calves genetically. Trying to fix that lately with seated and standing calf raises a 25-60 rep....

  3. #163
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    Back day

    Switched things up a little.

    All to failure. 30seconds rest between sets.
    Total time in gym was about 1.15 hours roughly.
    Upper back:

    Super wide weighted pull ups super set with wide grip Lat pulldowns.
    4-8reps pull-ups, 4-6reps pulldowns . X 4 sets

    Seated wide grip cable rows, super set with seated middle trap isolation shrugs (arms straight forward and shrug straight back )

    6-8 reps wide rows, 4 reps mid trap shrugs. X 4 sets

    * Normally head over to the chest supported rows but I wanted to build independant strength and size for each side of my back(left n right) Instead of having the stronger side do most the work. So I opted for chest supported dumbbell rows

    Laying Face down on adjustable incline bench (20 degrees incline ((roughly) Chest supported dumbell wide rows. Elbows out and up for upper back
    Triple drop set.
    6reps, 4reps, 4 reps. X 4 sets

    Couldn't resist so I went to the chest supported row station. Threw a few 45plates on plus a 25'plate or so and did wide grip rows.
    6-8 reps x 4 sets
    After 4th set I did another set of as many reps as I could(6reps) then did rest pause for another frew reps(3-4reps), then drop set by stripping a plate off, did my reps(4reps) then rest paused again a did another few reps(2-3), drop set and then burnt out with as many light reps as possible .

    Lower back:

    Shoulder width chin ups (palms up) super set with shoulder width palms up lat pulldowns.
    3 reps chin ups, 6 reps pull downs.

    T bar rows (Olympic bar bell loaded up one side with 25lb plates for more R.O.M and shoved the other end in ththe corner, used a V grip to hold bar. Super set with face down incline Y raises. Super set with Lower trap shrugs.
    6reps Tbar, 4 reps Y raises, burnt out with lower trap shrugs. X 4 sets.

    * I see a certain way to do the lower trap shrug by holding a bar attached to a high cable, hold the bar behind your back , lower back area and let the weight pull your shoulders up then while arms are behind you shrug down pretty much opposite of regular upper traps shrug.
    I didn't like these as I didn't feel it really and wasn't enough weight on the stack to exhaust at all it was just making my rest time longer I think before I did tbar again..smh . And with my knowledge of how the shoulders blades rotate to activate the lower traps I don't think i works to great because the shoulder blades only went down and out a bit and not down and inward.

    So next time I will use the lat pulldown machine, I'll grb the bar above wide grip and simply shrug down rotating my shoulder blades down and inward. Similiar to a lat pulldown but only using my scapula or I assume lower traps to pull the weight while keeping arms stretched above. Based on the bodies mechanics this should beat the crap out of my lower traps.since pull-ups work the lower traps as well as lat pull downs I imagine ..I will simply be eliminating the other muscles used to do the pulldown and isolating my lower traps hopefully

    Ok back to the session!

    Face down on incline bench , chest supported dumbell rows (elbows kept tight to body for lower lat) drop set with the same kind of rows, then super set with seated cable rows (palms up, shoulder width elbows kept against body)

    6reps DB rows, 3reps DB rows, 3 reps cable rows.

    Straight leg deadlifts, focused on contracting lower back and glutes.
    4reps x 4 sets
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-23-2017 at 01:14 AM.
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  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I always heard one must use higher reps on calves because it is such a hard trained muscle? Dont know if it is true or not. I have tiny calves genetically. Trying to fix that lately with seated and standing calf raises a 25-60 rep....
    I do high volume the thing is I don't do the same shit. I use heavy weight I can only do reps of 6-8 utilizing multiple drop or,super sets to reach my total desired rep high range. I want to challenge my muscle. I don't want or lift pussy weight for 50 reps. I want heavy weight and high volume achieved through various methods (drop/super sets etc.) that will force the muscle to grow. We walk on our calfs all day everyday essentially lifting our body weight with one calf each step. So I want much heavier weight and for high volume. Something new and grueling for the calfs. I'm seriously watching my calfs grow every other week or so left calf is catching up to where my right calf was and that's why I add extra.. for my left to catch up , and I'm watching my right calf get larger. They are forming the split inbetween like a horse shoe more and more and getting knots on the inside back part lol

    That's why I do the heavy standing calf raises and super set with the body weight standing raises to burn out and get my 20-30 reps in but after my heavy. No rest inbetween. What's the point of using weights if your doing 30 reps.
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-23-2017 at 01:25 AM.

  5. #165
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    All to failure absolute failure and beyond , 30seconds rest between sets
    Was sweating my ass off. 70 degree in th gym as cold as the AC would go. Even though it's Feb. it was 75 degrees outside that day..

    Shoulder and upper trap day.
    I'll try to remember exactly what I did because this was super random and thought of different methods on the spot.

    Started with my compound military because if I were to do my shrugs first I would lack the strength to boost some dumbells up and over my shoulder.

    military DB press triple drop set

    First set I Started light and pyramid up to heavy ,second set I did opposite by starting heavy and drop setting lighter , 3 rd set I started heavy and went all the way down the rack drop setting till I was using 15lb dumbell
    1st set - 12reps, 6reps,3reps
    2nd- 3, 4,4
    3rd- 2reps, 2,4,5,6

    DB shrugs triple drop set
    3reps, 3reps, 3reps. @ 3 sets

    Barbell shrugs, behind back shrugs super set with front shrugs.

    6reps behind,3 reps front x 4 sets.
    After last set I added one more set but included an extra rest/pause set for front and back.
    4behind and did 2 more reps. Super set with front shrug @3reps, rest and paused a few seconds then did 2more reps.
    Super set with face pulls @8 reps waited then followed up by 2 more sets.

    Middle delt side DB raises, triple drop set
    3reps, 3reps, 4reps x4sets

    Seated mid delt machine side raises. Leading with elbows . Rest pause sets.
    6 reps, rest pause 3 reps x 3 sets

    1 cable for the cable station is still Fkin broke so I had to improvise

    Revearse peck deck rear delt flys ,super set with bent over DB revearse rear delt flys, drop set with more bent over revearse flys.
    6reps rvearse pec deck, 5reps bent over DB flys, 4 reps bent over flys. X 4 sets

    Standing single arm revearse rear delt cable flys. no rest between arms other then the time it took to do other rear delt reps.
    3rep for both delts, one arm then the next. x 3 sets each arm
    7 reps for both delts , back and forth x 3 sets. Each arm

    Front delt DB raises triple drop set, super set with front delt landmine raises (held a barbell plate with both hands and performed raises )

    (DB raises) 2rep, 3 reps, 4 reps. Super set with .( front delt landmine raises )@5 reps.
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-25-2017 at 07:52 PM.
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  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    All to failure absolute failure and beyond , 30seconds rest between sets
    Was sweating my ass off. 70 degree in th gym as cold as the AC would go. Even though it's Feb. it was 75 degrees outside that day..

    Shoulder and upper trap day.
    I'll try to remember exactly what I did because this was super random and thought of different methods on the spot.

    Started with my compound military because if I were to do my shrugs first I would lack the strength to boost some dumbells up and over my shoulder.

    military DB press triple drop set

    First set I Started light and pyramid up to heavy ,second set I did opposite by starting heavy and drop setting lighter , 3 rd set I started heavy and went all the way down the rack drop setting till I was using 15lb dumbell
    1st set - 12reps, 6reps,3reps
    2nd- 3, 4,4
    3rd- 2reps, 2,4,5,6

    DB shrugs triple drop set
    3reps, 3reps, 3reps. @ 3 sets

    Barbell shrugs, behind back shrugs super set with front shrugs.

    6reps behind,3 reps front x 4 sets.
    After last set I added one more set but included an extra rest/pause set for front and back.
    4behind and did 2 more reps. Super set with front shrug @3reps, rest and paused a few seconds then did 2more reps.
    Super set with face pulls @8 reps waited then followed up by 2 more sets.

    Middle delt side DB raises, triple drop set
    3reps, 3reps, 4reps x4sets

    Seated mid delt machine side raises. Leading with elbows . Rest pause sets.
    6 reps, rest pause 3 reps x 3 sets

    1 cable for the cable station is still Fkin broke so I had to improvise

    Revearse peck deck rear delt flys ,super set with bent over DB revearse rear delt flys, drop set with more bent over revearse flys.
    6reps rvearse pec deck, 5reps bent over DB flys, 4 reps bent over flys. X 4 sets

    Standing single arm revearse rear delt rest between arms other then the time it took to do other rear delt reps.
    3rep both delts, x 3 sets
    7 reps both delts x 3 sets.

    Front delt DB raises triple drop set, super set with front delt landmine raises (held a barbell plate with both hands and performed raises )

    (DB raises) 2rep, 3 reps, 4 reps. Super set with .( front delt landmine raises )@5 reps.
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  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    My thoughts exactly.
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  8. #168
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    Awww shux really guys. I'm trying to get my front, side and rear delts up along with every other muscle group lol . Haven't done front delts in a while since they alway "overheated" from my days as a mason laborer loading blocks with an upright row movement etc. I think they will reveal more when my bf drops.
    Like Arnold got to show your muscles that your in charge and that they can't predict wht you will do next, I.e shocking.

    I sometimes wonder if I'm doing to much. I drink bcaa and glutamine during. But I never think it's thorough enough and it feels like I can keep going even though I know when enough is enough and I am going to actual failure. I try to hit any muscle from as many angles as possible. But them DB shrugs demotivated me, killed my grip and They had me not feeling like deep squatting them from the ground then drop set two more times with similar weight . Those had me saying ok this is enough and because I couldn't shrug anymore.
    I guess I'm just trying to not half ass things, but I can handle everything I'm doing so I don't think it's too much even though it's somewhat heavy weight with high volume and intensity. Pretty sure it's paying off mass wise, and I want the grueling sessions . then again it's only been about 1.5 months with a gym pass and actually paying attention to my diet I.e limiting sugar and carbs mainly to roughly 1.5 hours pre and post workouts. Off days I'm doing keto, then maybe some wheat bread or sugars around dinner or later to spike my IGF1 Again (I have no idea what I'm talking about. Just making shit up lol ) seems like it's working though
    Thanks fellas
    Last edited by Marsoc; 02-26-2017 at 01:36 PM.

  9. #169
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    Arm day: tricep/biceps.

    To be continued...

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    My thoughts exactly.
    I can fit my workout into one sentence. Marsoc is a furious animal man.
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  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I can fit my workout into one sentence. Marsoc is a furious animal man.
    I heard it's all good as long as you go to actual failure and challenge the muscles. Mines written out long because I go in detail lol, I case y'all can't follow. I personaly like little more variety and volume. One month I'm going to affect long negatives and see what tht does.. I know it kicks your ass anytime I tried it
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  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I heard it's all good as long as you go to actual failure and challenge the muscles. Mines written out long because I go in detail lol, I case y'all can't follow. I personaly like little more variety and volume. One month I'm going to affect long negatives and see what tht does.. I know it kicks your ass anytime I tried it
    You are gonna rock out on this cycle man!

  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    You are gonna rock out on this cycle man!
    If I ever start man.. I just don't want to lower my natural ability to produce test after it's over. I'm going To wait a while and get blood work done to see what's my natural test levels are and then lab max my gear and then proceed
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  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    If I ever start man.. I just don't want to lower my natural ability to produce test after it's over. I'm going To wait a while and get blood work done to see what's my natural test levels are and then lab max my gear and then proceed
    Well I hope you start soon. I want to watch.
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  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Well I hope you start soon. I want to watch.
    I'll be looking like you in no time
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  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I'll be looking like you in no time
    You prob already do.

  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    You prob already do.
    How much you weigh

  18. #178
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    Triceps and biceps

    All to failure and beyond. 30seconds rest between sets.
    * I will take pics of the machines I use if I can't describe them


    DB curls, shoulder/a little inside width grip, triple drop set
    3reps,3,3 x 3 sets

    Seated curl machine super close grip. (possibly hammer strength machine, loaded with barbell plates not the pin and stack kind ). Super set with a triple drop set of DB hammer curls
    6-8 reps close grip curl machine. Super set with triple drop set of DB hammer curls @3 reps , 3 reps, 3 reps. X 3 sets.

    Standing super wide grip (way beyond shoulders) barbell curls. Regular sets.
    3reps x3 sets
    6-7 reps x 3 sets.

    Triceps: I do triceps in 3 phases. ( not in specific order) 1. Laying down with arms up i.e skull crushers or seated wth arms straight forward etc.
    2. Arms above head
    3. Standing tricep arms press down.
    ************************************************** *************
    DB skull crushers , drop set DB skull crushers , super set with seated machine tricep extensions (arms straight forward from body, same as skull crushers but as I'm seated upright)

    3reps DB skulls,3 reps DB skulls,3 reps machine tricep extensions


    One arm, arm above head tricep press. Triple drop set each arm. No rest between arms other then the time it takes to do my other arms set.
    these killed me as I havent done these in forever. I used my other arm to help spot on the very last rep sometimes if needed to force reps.

    3 reps, 3reps, 3 reps (each arm)

    Standing above head DB press. (Used both arms and held 1 DB on the end )
    Triple drop sets

    Standing tricep Cale press downs using neutral grip.
    I used the full stack and hung a 35lb plate on the pin and did my reps, then drop set by un hanging the plate and doing the stack, the drop set by lowering the pin a notch.
    3-4 reps with extra plate, dropped set with plate off for another 4 reps, drop set and lowered stack weight and did 2 more reps. (3-4 reps, 4reps,2reps)x 4 sets.

    On last set i kept lowering the stack pin every other hole and drop set for another extra 3 sets roughly 2-3 reps each.

    Seated dip machine
    4 sets rest pause.
    6 reps, 6 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps.

    Bye gym .

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post

    I can fit my workout into one sentence. Marsoc is a furious animal man.
    Yeah me too. If did all that he does I'd just lay in bed all day. I don't do well with lots of volume.
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  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    Yeah me too. If did all that he does I'd just lay in bed all day. I don't do well with lots of volume.
    This is somewhat wht I do...I usually get between 8-10 hours of sleep a Night.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post

    This is somewhat wht I do...I usually get between 8-10 hours of sleep a Night.
    I can only wish for that much sleep.

  22. #182
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    I'm currently doing some classes for court now and only working at home so I got plenty of down time ..I wish I had money for blood work and labmax test for everything before I start this cycle. I'm hesitant on starting it because I don't want to mess my natural up. So I will decide depending on what my natural test levels come back as and if my gear is solid. Which it should be. i know my AI, nolva , clomid and HCG is pharma. My juice is Maha pharma in amps .just want to be sure
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  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I'm currently doing some classes for court now and only working at home so I got plenty of down time ..I wish I had money for blood work and labmax test for everything before I start this cycle. I'm hesitant on starting it because I don't want to mess my natural up. So I will decide depending on what my natural test levels come back as and if my gear is solid. Which it should be. i know my AI, nolva , clomid and HCG is pharma. My juice is Maha pharma in amps .just want to be sure
    Hell with it. Run it.

  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Hell with it. Run it.
    It's def tempting but for whatever's gains possible I don't want to damage my system in the process. I want to see what my levels are naturally I guess and make sure my juice is legitimate. I dunno man, i guess I'm just worried that I won't recover regardless of how carful I am

  25. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    It's def tempting but for whatever's gains possible I don't want to damage my system in the process. I want to see what my levels are naturally I guess and make sure my juice is legitimate. I dunno man, i guess I'm just worried that I won't recover regardless of how carful I am
    Oh, not without bloodwork. Sorry. I would just shoot it without getting the labmax though. Its a waste of time. Even if it tests good it can still be cut indefinitely. Let your results tell you if its good gear.

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Oh, not without bloodwork. Sorry. I would just shoot it without getting the labmax though. Its a waste of time. Even if it tests good it can still be cut indefinitely. Let your results tell you if its good gear.
    That's the thing I shot 100mg of the Aqua suspension one day after I got my Arimidex . And I guess I had high expectations, but I may have felt a surge a little bit like some adrenaline and got amped up. But that may have been placebo. Then again it may be real and not what I was expecting. Ya see I'm huge on having peace of mind in my situation if not I stress like a fucker cuz I def don't wanna waste my time injecting my body with garbage. I mean it seems legit. Maha pharma amps. Sus 250 and aqua test suspension. I know my pct , AI, and HCG are pharma for sure.

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    Atomic sonic Leg session.

    Dude I switched things up this time,
    . increased intensity by upping the volume and weight.
    Def getting stronger, able to handle heavier loads and higher volumes. All this while I'm managing to lower body fat and my body weight. I weigh 203.5lbs roughly now ..down from 211lbs. At 6' tall
    -All to failure and beyond .
    -30seconds rest between sets. When I payed attention. Most of the time I kind of used my internal clock and started up asap.

    Back Barbell squat super set with plyometric weighted(50lbs of dumbells) jumping squats.
    6reps barbellsquat, 8reps plyometric jumping DB squat
    5reps barbellsquat, 8reps plyometric jump DB squat
    3reps barbell squat , 8reps plyometric jump DB squat
    (3sets total)

    Instead of going to the leg press and extensions to work my quads I continued blasting my hams and glutes .

    Super duper sprinting position machine with weight stack and pin I did Single leg ham and glute kickbacks super set with single leg Leg curls.
    4reps super sprint kickbacks, 5reps leg curls. X3 sets.
    After each legs last sets last rep on leg curls, I did a triple drop set by lowering the pin 3x and got 2-3 extra reps for each of the 3 extra sets.

    Weighted (holding a plate) Ham and glute hyperextensions/raises
    6-7 reps x4 sets.

    Single leg Leg press, super set with single leg Leg extensions.
    No rest between legs other then the time it took to work the other leg.
    5-6 reps leg press, 4reps leg extension x3 sets
    After last rep for each legs last set I performed a triple drop set by dropping weight with the pin 3x.
    After those sets I decided to load up the leg press and to regular Both leg Leg press, super set with regular Both leg Leg extensions.
    6 reps leg press, 5 reps leg extension x 1 set. After leg extension last rep I performed a triple drop set @ 2-3 reps each.

    Leg Aduction /Abduction. Each machine I did a triple drop set. X3sets.
    3rep,3reps,3 reps..continued for each set for both machines.

    Wobbled out that bitch
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-04-2017 at 08:13 PM.
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  28. #188
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    There my weekly subscriber buddy. OBpowerstroke lol. Hey honey how are ya ..jk. Mr jiggly puff legs today

  29. #189
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    Chest day.
    Been feeling it lately In any muscle group or workout I'm getting stronger and overall mor efficient.

    All to failure , 30 seconds rest between any set.

    Flat DB bench drop set with flat DB bench, super set DB flys.
    2reps DB bench, 3 reps DB bench , 4-5 reps DB flys x 4 sets. Increased weight of DBs every other set.

    (Did these between flat, decline and incline ) incorporated a 5-6 rep set of pull overs. (Using lat pulldown manchine, arms stretched above head and pull over , stopping arms in the decline bench position in relation to the body .

    Single arm seated decline bench using hammer strength machine, super set with standing single arm decline flys.
    6reps bench, 6reps flys (1st set)
    5reps bench, 5 flys. (2nd set)
    4 reps bench, 4 flys (3rd set)
    3 reps bench rest n pause then 1 more rep, 4 reps flys.
    Then after last rep of last set for each arm I did a drop,set with the flys. (4th set).

    Incline DB bench, drop set with incline DB bench, super set with incline DB flys.( as I brought up the fly palms up, I rotated the small finger of each hand towards my face to get an extra contraction and I really felt it .
    2 reps DB bench, 3 reps DB bench, 3 reps DB flys.

    Pec deck flys. Random sets. Some were rest n pause, other were double or 3x drop sets and so,e were regular.
    After any type of pec deck set I would do I would allways super set after with pullovers (same style as described above) i wanted to see if pre exhausting with other moves prior would allow me to feel the burn more.
    Roughly 5-6 total sets @ 4-6 reps (1 set may have included a 3x drop.set.or rest pause etc.)
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-07-2017 at 01:33 PM.

  30. #190
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    Note: on the db bench there was a point i was struggling pretty hard and something almost naturally happened. Now this was all in a split second inbetween reps but i noticed that if i focused concentration on imagining my pec lifting the weight from my chest instead of my front delts doing the work from a deep positiin..since your shoulders are involved more when you lower the weights all the way down. Same as how your triceps are engaged when you lock out on top.i somtimes try to keep my r.o.m in that sweet spot in the middle to just use my pecs. As best as i can describe right now. But all i did was imagine my pecs contracting to start the lift from deep (in the bucket) instead of my front delts and it allowed me to do a 2 rep max when i would have failed if i didnt get that mind was weird. I dunno. I cant describe it. Mind and muscle connection i guess
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-07-2017 at 01:43 PM.

  31. #191
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    OK I've been taking it pretty good I haven't been getting pissed but past few days i've been getting kind of annoyed because I haven't been able to go to the gym when I wanted to. Would look at the clock and it's too late or I would have to wake up early the next day and since I work out late I didn't want to be up until 2:30 AM and not get my sleep so I always try to get my 8-10 hours of sleep. so if I ever get the chance to supplement a work out while I'm doing work around the house I will . True earth gym style


    Today since I was hauling a pile of wood from the house to the firepItt roughly 100-150' thats in the backyard I'll load the wheelbarrow up with these big sections of pine tree logs and I will sprint them back to the fire pit .

    This allowed me to do straight leg deadlifts With these big 3-4' long and about 1.5-2' diameter logs into the wheelbarrow.
    After I got onto a flat area I busted out into a full sprint pushing the wheel barrel (it was a two wheeled wheelbarrow so I don't have to worry about balance, though I was just worried about slipping And stabbing my face on a branch sticking out of the logs ) Either way that was about eight sets of those sprints. that's about it, it was just a little cardio/light workout
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-11-2017 at 07:22 PM.
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  32. #192
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    I was just working with what I had the pine was light essentially that's why I was loading it up it's still did the job LOL I just didn't want to load up some hardwood that I have stacked already in which I'm burning
    It's not like I planned this out it's just some work I had to do

  33. #193
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    Slapped the piss out of my triceps again

    Triceps and calfs: HIT N HIIT hybrid

    I train triceps in 3 phases. Arms out front, arms above head, and pressing down movements.
    Note: I keep proven movements and workouts In my sessions. Switching things up,doesn't exactly mean excluding or including proven methods. Rather I increase the intensity by increasing weight, sets, or I tweak various things by doing extra super or drops, rest pause sets in and etc.

    All to failure and beyond. 30seconds rest between full sets of any type (super,drop etc.)

    DB skull crushers, drop set with DB skull crushers, super set with seated arms forward machine tricep press. (arms out front with same mechanical position like skull crushers do to hit the same tricep head)
    3reps DB crushers, 2reps DB crushers, 2 reps seated machine press. @ 4 sets.
    After last rep of the last set on the machine I finished with a triple drop set 2reps x 3 sets.

    Standing single arm above head DB tricep extensions. Triple drop sets.
    3reps, 3reps, 3reps x 3 sets

    Standing, both arm above head DB extensions ( holding one DB with both hands grip on one end of DB.) triple drop sets.

    3reps, 3reps,3 reps. X 3 sets.


    Standing tricep cable downward press. Triple drop sets.
    I hang a 45lb plate off the pin using the full stack with it. I do my sets then I strip the 45lb plate off and continue with full stack, then I drop the pin and do another set.
    2reps, 3reps, 4reps. X 4 sets.
    After the last rep on the last set I would continue with another triple drop set. I do this by keeping on lowering the pin and weight. (By this time I'm doing pretty light weight since my arms triceps are fatigued ). Got 3extra sets @ 2-4 reps each.

    Seated dip machine.
    Just did a few rest pause sets at 3reps each roughly. Roughly 3 sets and after the very last rep I did a trip, drop lowering the pin I got 3 extra sets @ 3 reps each roughly.


    Standing straight leg calf raises, drop set with another set, super set with standing body weight calf raise.
    Note: I would do each sets with a different foot position (close, neutral or wide) and if I did my weighted calf raises with a close foot position I would do my super set body weight raises with a wide stance . Just to hit different areas.

    4reps weighted standing raises, 3 reps weighted standing raises, 15 body weight raises. X 4 sets

    Seated calf raises. Triple drop set. X3 sets.

    Seated single leg calf raises done on mxhine leg press.
    I'm not even going to get into detail on all the random sets I did. I would so drop sets, jump back and forth from one leg to the next , pre exhaust my left calf and then do a. Multiple drop set with both legs..etcetc..

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  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Slapped the piss out of my triceps again

    Triceps and calfs: HIT N HIIT hybrid

    I train triceps in 3 phases. Arms out front, arms above head, and pressing down movements.
    Note: I keep proven movements and workouts In my sessions. Switching things up,doesn't exactly mean excluding or including proven methods. Rather I increase the intensity by increasing weight, sets, or I tweak various things by doing extra super or drops, rest pause sets in and etc.

    All to failure and beyond. 30seconds rest between full sets of any type (super,drop etc.)

    DB skull crushers, drop set with DB skull crushers, super set with seated arms forward machine tricep press. (arms out front with same mechanical position like skull crushers do to hit the same tricep head)
    3reps DB crushers, 2reps DB crushers, 2 reps seated machine press. @ 4 sets.
    After last rep of the last set on the machine I finished with a triple drop set 2reps x 3 sets.

    Standing single arm above head DB tricep extensions. Triple drop sets.
    3reps, 3reps, 3reps x 3 sets

    Standing, both arm above head DB extensions ( holding one DB with both hands grip on one end of DB.) triple drop sets.

    3reps, 3reps,3 reps. X 3 sets.


    Standing tricep cable downward press. Triple drop sets.
    I hang a 45lb plate off the pin using the full stack with it. I do my sets then I strip the 45lb plate off and continue with full stack, then I drop the pin and do another set.
    2reps, 3reps, 4reps. X 4 sets.
    After the last rep on the last set I would continue with another triple drop set. I do this by keeping on lowering the pin and weight. (By this time I'm doing pretty light weight since my arms triceps are fatigued ). Got 3extra sets @ 2-4 reps each.

    Seated dip machine.
    Just did a few rest pause sets at 3reps each roughly. Roughly 3 sets and after the very last rep I did a trip, drop lowering the pin I got 3 extra sets @ 3 reps each roughly.


    Standing straight leg calf raises, drop set with another set, super set with standing body weight calf raise.
    Note: I would do each sets with a different foot position (close, neutral or wide) and if I did my weighted calf raises with a close foot position I would do my super set body weight raises with a wide stance . Just to hit different areas.

    4reps weighted standing raises, 3 reps weighted standing raises, 15 body weight raises. X 4 sets

    Seated calf raises. Triple drop set. X3 sets.

    Seated single leg calf raises done on mxhine leg press.
    I'm not even going to get into detail on all the random sets I did. I would so drop sets, jump back and forth from one leg to the next , pre exhaust my left calf and then do a. Multiple drop set with both legs..etcetc..

    Glad to see someone else does skull crushers. Those and incline dumbell pullovers really put the burn on me.

  35. #195
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    I don't know if any of you have experienced muscles growing and new lines forming but I've been noticing my calfs take on new lines and development of Mass since I've been putting the extra effort into them. It's awesome watching your body grow especially in focused areas. I'm trying to focus on every area though LOL.
    I was looking in the mirror and noticed my left calf catching up and the outer rear calf muscle is separating and forming like how new continents are formed
    Last edited by Marsoc; 03-12-2017 at 09:56 PM.
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  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    I don't know if any of you have experienced muscles growing and new lines forming but I've been noticing my cast take out new lines and development Mass since I've been putting the extra effort into them it's awesome watching your body grow specially and focus areas I'm trying to focus on every area though LOL
    ... ... .... ... .. ... ... ... pin it...
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  37. #197
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    Really incline dumbbell pullovers for triceps?

  38. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Really incline dumbbell pullovers for triceps?
    Yes, I run them late in a routine most times. Arms are already jello and the final push finishes the triceps. I drop it as far as possible without hurting my shoulder and it burns like a mofo in my tris on the final reps

  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Really incline dumbbell pullovers for triceps?
    Btw, set your bench at 45º or steeper. Reach back with the dumbell behind you as far as you feel you can and bend your elbows dropping the dumbell behind your head. It will literally brush your hair. Go down too far and you will need a new shoulder. Its like a military press but your elbows are out and it isolates the hell out of your triceps.

    I realize this is not proper form for a pullover but its all I can call it. You will be pushing up more than pulling forward.

  40. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Btw, set your bench at 45º or steeper. Reach back with the dumbell behind you as far as you feel you can and bend your elbows dropping the dumbell behind your head. It will literally brush your hair. Go down too far and you will need a new shoulder. Its like a military press but your elbows are out and it isolates the hell out of your triceps.

    I realize this is not proper form for a pullover but its all I can call it. You will be pushing up more than pulling forward.
    O ok so your pretty much doing an incline over head tricep extension but it's behind your head kinda in the pull over position.
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