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  1. #41
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I wish I could offer you advice. All I can say is good luck to you.

    You said you can't afford an attorney? There are free legal aid places you can go to and get some of your questions answered. You can find out if the search was legal or not.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #42
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    This seems like it would be a very expensive case. I hired a lawyer for my larceny charge. Semi minor case I think, and it costed me 3 grand. This seems like a much bigger deal, only cause im looking at a year in the slammer. I dont think ill be able to save that kind of money in such a short period of time. Im gonna have to look into some free legal advice like you said, and make my decision as to waht to do, after that point.

  3. #43
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would just make a random name out. they can't track it overseas even if you made it up. But first talk to a lawyer and know ur rights.

  4. #44
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    This seems like it would be a very expensive case. I hired a lawyer for my larceny charge. Semi minor case I think, and it costed me 3 grand. This seems like a much bigger deal, only cause im looking at a year in the slammer. I dont think ill be able to save that kind of money in such a short period of time. Im gonna have to look into some free legal advice like you said, and make my decision as to waht to do, after that point.
    Try thinking about the money you're going to lose if you have to go inside for a year. You will have a full year where you dont make a dime, not to mention that it just outright sucks. I would strongly advise you against getting a public defender as most of the time they are just interested in pleading you out rather than having to take anything to trial. You're going to need counsel when you challenge wether or not the search was legitimate or not. As far as squealing, ever see that news report about where steroids were coming from overseas and sources like A**N were mentioned? He is still up and running and no one has hurt his business yet. I'm sure if you 'rat' out these sources not a single damn thing will happen to them because these local idiots wont be able to do anything. If the US government cant touch guys like A**N and V****R than they certainly cant. However, this is why their deal sounds fishy to me, because usually with deals like that they require that it lead to a CONVICTION of the person/business that you fingered. What good are you just by saying "i got my juice at this website"...

  5. #45
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Good luck. I'd definately get a lawyer though.

  6. #46
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    always put anything valuable, illegal (steroids ,drugs etc.) in the dashport of your vehicle!

    They are not permitted nor have a right to open the dash. They need a warrant for that!
    Wrong. Anything considered within arms length of the driver is able to be searched without a warrant. If you are driving with gear you need to keep it in the trunk. All they can search is what is on your person and what is within reach inside the vehicle. For the trunk they will need a warrant or an alert from a narctoics canine. If you refuse search of the trunk they will call in the dog and obviously you will not get an alert as the dog cannot smell gear.... my advice, do not say anything..get a lawyer. Not to be a dick but you knew what you were doing and what the possible consequences could be. IMO there is nothing worse than a rat. Someone helped you out and you are ready to **** him over.

  7. #47
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont give up your source...thats not cool at all bro

  8. #48
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by style74
    Just get a lawyer and don't tell them anything, thats my opinion!

  9. #49
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    dude..i live in mass me what part of mass youre from..i just made a thread about needles being illegal in a few months sept 18th and it got no attention

  10. #50
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Best advice, don't travel with illegal stuff, especially if you have warrants or suspended/revoked driver's license etc.... Your vehicle, person and property was all able to be searched due to incident to arrest. Once your under arrest you lose all rights to your property. Yes even the trunk can be searched incident to arrest, I just did it less than 24 hours ago and have done it 182748596749 times before.

  11. #51
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    I wish I had a trunk. I drive a Wrangler. I knew what I had, and I knew it was illegal. I dont deny that. As far as the needles go, he told me they were illegal to posess in Mass. Not sure where this will end up. Like I said earlier in the post. The mother of my son has a cousin whos a cop in this town. Technically my son is related to him. I think I can use this to my advantage. I put a call into him earlier today. He has no idea im sure, or i would of heard from him already. I think he can have a big influence on my arresting officer. Maybe persuade him a lil. Ill let you guys know what he says.

  12. #52
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    Wrong. Anything considered within arms length of the driver is able to be searched without a warrant. If you are driving with gear you need to keep it in the trunk. All they can search is what is on your person and what is within reach inside the vehicle. For the trunk they will need a warrant or an alert from a narctoics canine. If you refuse search of the trunk they will call in the dog and obviously you will not get an alert as the dog cannot smell gear.... my advice, do not say anything..get a lawyer. Not to be a dick but you knew what you were doing and what the possible consequences could be. IMO there is nothing worse than a rat. Someone helped you out and you are ready to **** him over.
    where do you this info from?

    in toronto canada my buddy got like a pound of weed in the dash and the cop pulled him over and said open your dash he said you need a warrant and the cop just left.

  13. #53
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    US isnt as liberal.

  14. #54
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29
    Wrong. Anything considered within arms length of the driver is able to be searched without a warrant. If you are driving with gear you need to keep it in the trunk. All they can search is what is on your person and what is within reach inside the vehicle. For the trunk they will need a warrant or an alert from a narctoics canine. If you refuse search of the trunk they will call in the dog and obviously you will not get an alert as the dog cannot smell gear.... my advice, do not say anything..get a lawyer. Not to be a dick but you knew what you were doing and what the possible consequences could be. IMO there is nothing worse than a rat. Someone helped you out and you are ready to **** him over.
    They can command the dog to hit even if it smells nothing just to produce probable cause to search the trunk. Its an ugly little trick. Another one they like to use to fabricate probable cause is "i smell weed." This one is automatic probable cause to search the vehicle. However, a good defense attorney should argue that since no evidence of marijuana was found the officer obviously did not smell marijuana therefore all resulting evidence from the bad search is fruit from the poisonous tree and is now inadmissable in court.

    To the thread starter...If the cops in your town are stupid enough to offer you a deal that you can walk simply by naming a source and giving them the web address, then google some bullshit juice sites and hand em over to em. I cant believe they would offer you a deal that wasn't conditional on a conviction. However, if they're ignorant enough to do such a deal, then by all means take advantage of it.

  15. #55
    kman's Avatar
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    Bottom line, the police can do whatever they want. Its your word against there's. They could lie and say they saw it in plain view. The most important thing to do, is say nothing, and ask to speak to your lawyer...

  16. #56
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
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    FVCKING COPS!!!!!!! i hate em so much i don't even respect them or anything they do. all cops can f off and die....

  17. #57
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Or pick an email address of a scammer list and use that

    Bingo! Do us all a favor and send them on a wild goose chase after a lowlife scammer.

    Ratting out a legit source could spell trouble for any of the guys on here who may order from them in the future.

  18. #58
    Polska's Avatar
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    They cannot do anything to an overseas source. I agree with all advice given by godfather. Number one thing to remember when dealing with police when you're guilty: keep your mouth shut and seek counsel.

  19. #59
    Ufa's Avatar
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    If you haven't been charged get the hell out of Dodge. Seems they would charge you first then make a deal to drop the charges.

  20. #60
    mikehawk82 is offline New Member
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    shitty ass situation you're in. i know a dude that had nothing to do w/ a drive by shooting(im in socal and most of my friends are cholos) and he did 2 yrs for attempted murder and wasnt even there(he knew who did it, and kept his mouth shut). moral to my story-F**K that sucks. give em a fake ass web addy to pretend u are cooperating and see how far they go with this. like said before..sounds kinda fishy they are giving u a "bargain" w/out being charged. it just doesnt work like that..usually bargains are given by a jugde in court. u are def in a rock/hard place...keep us posted. tell em to google..GOF**KYOURSELF.COM.ORG.GOV (wish it was that easy for you)..keep us posted man. GOOD LUCK-FOR REAL

  21. #61
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    bump for updates?

    what happened bro? you in jail ?(if you dont reply i guess so)

  22. #62
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Tell them, but..

    There is a good chance than they'll say "that information is no good to us" and they'll go back on their word..

    I had a friend who did some sort of Credit Card scam thing, with some guy in Russia.. i dont know the details.. but apparently he was visited by the FBI.. and he told them it was a guy in russia.. and the feds told him "that information was no good to them"

    but in the end the Feds never charged him with anything.. so i don't know...but than i only can go on what he told me happened, I hadn't witnessed anything myself.

  23. #63
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    always put anything valuable, illegal (steroids ,drugs etc.) in the dashport of your vehicle!

    They are not permitted nor have a right to open the dash. They need a warrant for that!
    except for when they impound the vehicle, and must inventory all contents..

    did they ask you.... "Do you mind if we search your vehicle?"

    funny.. you are screwed.. they can bring charges later as well..

    good luck
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  24. #64
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    except for when they impound the vehicle, and must inventory all contents..

    did they ask you.... "Do you mind if we search your vehicle?"

    funny.. you are screwed.. they can bring charges later as well..

    good luck
    well if they impound your car then thats a different story and that only happends if you do something serious which gives them a right to do so.

    if the cop asked me that I'd say yeah I do mind I do not want you to search my vehicle.

  25. #65
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    well if they impound your car then thats a different story and that only happends if you do something serious which gives them a right to do so.

    if the cop asked me that I'd say yeah I do mind I do not want you to search my vehicle.
    good job...

    he must have had the stuff out in the open... it's amazing how many gym bags get left open and the substance is in plain view..
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  26. #66
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    good job...

    he must have had the stuff out in the open... it's amazing how many gym bags get left open and the substance is in plain view..
    Yes I agree.

    Cops are very sneaky too watch out for there wording big time.

    You ever watch cops on t.v when they say can we search the house ? 90% of dumb asses say yes then they find some drug, gun etc and charge them but you dont have to let them in your house or can unless they see something in plain view then obviously at that point it gives them a right to search the area.

  27. #67
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    if they wanna search you rride and you say no automatic probable cause your getting searched,but i'd be more concerend about being on probation that's a serious problem.I live in jersey and jersey is a very big bodybuildung state people have done serious time for juice depending on how much they had,and even if you do rat you will only get a lesser charge if your info leads to a bust,so just get a lawer a good lawer to man watch out cause there's alot of lawers that are just looking for a quik payday,get a lawer that's reccommended from a friend you trust.good luck bro

  28. #68
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    sounds like you guys got it tough over there, regarding the legal system??

    im praying this has a happy ending for u dude!

  29. #69
    SS1476's Avatar
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    Honor is everything, Rat no one..

    If need be,pass off the blame to a scammer!

  30. #70
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    if they wanna search you rride and you say no automatic probable cause your getting searched,but i'd be more concerend about being on probation that's a serious problem.I live in jersey and jersey is a very big bodybuildung state people have done serious time for juice depending on how much they had,and even if you do rat you will only get a lesser charge if your info leads to a bust,so just get a lawer a good lawer to man watch out cause there's alot of lawers that are just looking for a quik payday,get a lawer that's reccommended from a friend you trust.good luck bro

    Everyone becomes an expert on the law because they've been pulled over once or twice. Denying the officer a search of your vehicle DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PROBABLE CAUSE as I have stated about 15 times previously in my posts on this thread. Please read the laws in your state before you start giving out information for which you have no knowledge of. I live in the state of New Jersey and am a pre-law student, I can tell you that denying the officer a search is not probable cause for a search, in fact its not probable cause for any of the 50 states in the USA. Probable cause is reasonable grounds for belief that an accused person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant. Exercising your RIGHT to unlawful search and seizure does not fit the criteria for probable cause. I will not quote verbatim what is REASONABLE SUSPICION/CAUSE

    "an objectively justifiable suspicion that is based on specific facts or circumstances and that justifies stopping and sometimes searching (as by frisking) a person thought to be involved in criminal activity at the time
    NOTE: A police officer stopping a person must be able to point to specific facts or circumstances even though the level of suspicion need not rise to that of the belief that is supported by probable cause. A reasonable suspicion is more than a hunch. "

    Im annoyed...bye

  31. #71
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    Im still here. I got a call from the cop a couple days ago on my cell. Im like dude im at work call me later. He hasnt got back to me. Like i stated before. It was in a locked center console of my Wrangler. He used my key to open it. I still havent been charged yet. Been about 3 weeks now since then. Wish I could trade my Prop for my E back. Im surprised its taken this long for them to even call me in and want to talk.

  32. #72
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Everyone becomes an expert on the law because they've been pulled over once or twice. Denying the officer a search of your vehicle DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PROBABLE CAUSE as I have stated about 15 times previously in my posts on this thread. Please read the laws in your state before you start giving out information for which you have no knowledge of. I live in the state of New Jersey and am a pre-law student, I can tell you that denying the officer a search is not probable cause for a search, in fact its not probable cause for any of the 50 states in the USA. Probable cause is reasonable grounds for belief that an accused person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant. Exercising your RIGHT to unlawful search and seizure does not fit the criteria for probable cause. I will not quote verbatim what is REASONABLE SUSPICION/CAUSE

    "an objectively justifiable suspicion that is based on specific facts or circumstances and that justifies stopping and sometimes searching (as by frisking) a person thought to be involved in criminal activity at the time
    NOTE: A police officer stopping a person must be able to point to specific facts or circumstances even though the level of suspicion need not rise to that of the belief that is supported by probable cause. A reasonable suspicion is more than a hunch. "

    Im annoyed...bye
    well, although i did go through the police academy and work as a cop for 6 years, i guess some things change.. it was 1979... but there have been very few changes made by the Supreme court in regards to search and seizure..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  33. #73
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    Im still here. I got a call from the cop a couple days ago on my cell. Im like dude im at work call me later. He hasnt got back to me. Like i stated before. It was in a locked center console of my Wrangler. He used my key to open it. I still havent been charged yet. Been about 3 weeks now since then. Wish I could trade my Prop for my E back. Im surprised its taken this long for them to even call me in and want to talk.
    Do not ask any questions about it. Let them draw it out as long as possible. You have a right to a quick and speedy trial. The fact that they have already confiscated the CDS but have yet to even bring charges makes me seriously wonder where that gear is going, my guess is NOT to the evidence locker.

  34. #74
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    well, although i did go through the police academy and work as a cop for 6 years, i guess some things change.. it was 1979... but there have been very few changes made by the Supreme court in regards to search and seizure..
    I was not really speaking directly to you Spy...However, if you look at my posts earlier in the thread I have said what everyone keeps posting over and over again on here like 'search incident to arrest' and etc. I only get annoyed when I've already explained in depth the law pertaining to his situation and then someone either repeats it (for no appearent reason) or someone says "i got pulled over and if u dont let them search its probable cause bla bla bla" just because some jerkoff wasn't aware of his rights and let the cop strong arm him that MUST be the law.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Everyone becomes an expert on the law because they've been pulled over once or twice. Denying the officer a search of your vehicle DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PROBABLE CAUSE as I have stated about 15 times previously in my posts on this thread. Please read the laws in your state before you start giving out information for which you have no knowledge of. I live in the state of New Jersey and am a pre-law student, I can tell you that denying the officer a search is not probable cause for a search, in fact its not probable cause for any of the 50 states in the USA. Probable cause is reasonable grounds for belief that an accused person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant. Exercising your RIGHT to unlawful search and seizure does not fit the criteria for probable cause. I will not quote verbatim what is REASONABLE SUSPICION/CAUSE

    "an objectively justifiable suspicion that is based on specific facts or circumstances and that justifies stopping and sometimes searching (as by frisking) a person thought to be involved in criminal activity at the time
    NOTE: A police officer stopping a person must be able to point to specific facts or circumstances even though the level of suspicion need not rise to that of the belief that is supported by probable cause. A reasonable suspicion is more than a hunch. "

    Im annoyed...bye
    Well Mr.pre law you think a cop is just gonna let you ride off into the sunset after you deny him in searching your car I dont think so.No sir you can not search my car is there anything else I can help you with today yeah try that one on for size and see how far you get.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    If its an illegal search, itll get thrown out of court, and ill walk away fine. I dont have the cash to get a good lawyer, so i was looking for some advice from you guys. I appreciate the suggestions and im reading them intently.
    As you have been told, if you were arrested, they had the right to search. Sorry, you won't be getting off on that technicality.

    Which is exactly why you were not asked for permission to search, they didn't need your permission at that point.
    Last edited by kynetguy; 07-31-2006 at 09:18 AM. Reason: Wording

  37. #77
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    Well Mr.pre law you think a cop is just gonna let you ride off into the sunset after you deny him in searching your car I dont think so.No sir you can not search my car is there anything else I can help you with today yeah try that one on for size and see how far you get.

    A minor traffic infraction does not fall under the definitions I listed above. I'm sorry that you dont care about your rights listed in the constitution and would just happily give them up because you believe the police can do anything they want, and then patronize me still without having any understanding of the law and the definitions of probable cause and reasonable suspicion which I've ****in spelled out for you. It really doesnt matter what you "think," only the way the law is written and how it is applied.

    So let me give you an example of WHY YOU DONT EVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH. First off, you have the right to deny the search, at which point the officer SHOULD leave you alone unless he can find something to fit one of the two above criteria (ex. marijuana stems on the floor, open container, warrants, etc etc.). If you're car is completely clean and nothing visible is in violation of the law, and the officer insists on searching you have the right to deny him the search. Now, if you're officer decides to search anyway, and say finds something in the trunk or stashed away in the glove box. He may very well arrest you on the spot and take you in for it. HOWEVER, it is on record that you denied the search and that the standards of probable cause/reasonable suspicion were NOT met. Since you were (well not you, but the other members who actually listen) smart enough to deny the search, your attorney can now challenge the charge on the grounds of the search being in violation of your rights and since the officer did not meet the criteria above the search is now bad and all subsequent evidence arising from that search is inadmissable in court and cannot be used against you.

    By the way, although I'm a pre-law student the above is more than something i just read in a book during class. I was unfortunate enough to have a similar situation in my younger years, and I spoke to a lawyer on this very subject. So, if you feel that you're more qualified to explain the above to me then feel free to.

  38. #78
    SLYDOG69 is offline Associate Member
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    they dont need a warrant to search his car...

  39. #79
    SLYDOG69 is offline Associate Member
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    he had a warrant out for his arrest thats all they need

  40. #80
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    A minor traffic infraction does not fall under the definitions I listed above. I'm sorry that you dont care about your rights listed in the constitution and would just happily give them up because you believe the police can do anything they want, and then patronize me still without having any understanding of the law and the definitions of probable cause and reasonable suspicion which I've ****in spelled out for you. It really doesnt matter what you "think," only the way the law is written and how it is applied.

    So let me give you an example of WHY YOU DONT EVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH. First off, you have the right to deny the search, at which point the officer SHOULD leave you alone unless he can find something to fit one of the two above criteria (ex. marijuana stems on the floor, open container, warrants, etc etc.). If you're car is completely clean and nothing visible is in violation of the law, and the officer insists on searching you have the right to deny him the search. Now, if you're officer decides to search anyway, and say finds something in the trunk or stashed away in the glove box. He may very well arrest you on the spot and take you in for it. HOWEVER, it is on record that you denied the search and that the standards of probable cause/reasonable suspicion were NOT met. Since you were (well not you, but the other members who actually listen) smart enough to deny the search, your attorney can now challenge the charge on the grounds of the search being in violation of your rights and since the officer did not meet the criteria above the search is now bad and all subsequent evidence arising from that search is inadmissable in court and cannot be used against you.

    By the way, although I'm a pre-law student the above is more than something i just read in a book during class. I was unfortunate enough to have a similar situation in my younger years, and I spoke to a lawyer on this very subject. So, if you feel that you're more qualified to explain the above to me then feel free to.
    I commend you on your knowledge of the law but I've never known a cop too play by the law if it means he'll look like a fool it's your word against his,that's just my luck and experience with police.

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