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  1. #81
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SLYDOG69
    they dont need a warrant to search his car...
    Yes they do, w/o the alerting of a K9 unit, visible contraband (from where the cop is standing, or an outstanding warrant, cops CANNOT search anything outside of arms reach in a car without consent.

  2. #82
    kman's Avatar
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    All this law talk is right on, but like I and others mentioned before cops can do what ever they want and its always there word against yours. I mean they could search your glove box, and just say they found it on the seat next to you in open view. You just need to be nice and say nothing and ask for your lawyer if you get caught..

  3. #83
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    I commend you on your knowledge of the law but I've never known a cop too play by the law if it means he'll look like a fool it's your word against his,that's just my luck and experience with police.
    Cops can tell just by looking at you how far they can push. If you
    speak properly and tell them, "If you have to ask the answer is No."
    (you are home free)

    If you drive a beater, have rap sheet, missing front teeth, look like
    a crack head, they just might molest you.

  4. #84
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I was not really speaking directly to you Spy...However, if you look at my posts earlier in the thread I have said what everyone keeps posting over and over again on here like 'search incident to arrest' and etc. I only get annoyed when I've already explained in depth the law pertaining to his situation and then someone either repeats it (for no appearent reason) or someone says "i got pulled over and if u dont let them search its probable cause bla bla bla" just because some jerkoff wasn't aware of his rights and let the cop strong arm him that MUST be the law.

    that's a good point..

    my brother in law just got himself jacked for being stupid..
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  5. #85
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Cops can tell just by looking at you how far they can push. If you
    speak properly and tell them, "If you have to ask the answer is No."
    (you are home free)

    If you drive a beater, have rap sheet, missing front teeth, look like
    a crack head, they just might molest you.
    this is old now we all have different views and different experiences with cops sure if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it's a duck.Didn't you ever see the movie crash with Matt dillion,it doesn't matter what you do how you act or what you are wearing all the time you could get pulled over by some doucshbag that didn't get any ass from his wife the night before and he's just out to bust balls you gotta agree with that.I'm not out to make any one angry but hey i'm just stating my views.

  6. #86
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Everyone becomes an expert on the law because they've been pulled over once or twice. Denying the officer a search of your vehicle DOES NOT CONSTITUTE PROBABLE CAUSE as I have stated about 15 times previously in my posts on this thread. Please read the laws in your state before you start giving out information for which you have no knowledge of. I live in the state of New Jersey and am a pre-law student, I can tell you that denying the officer a search is not probable cause for a search, in fact its not probable cause for any of the 50 states in the USA. Probable cause is reasonable grounds for belief that an accused person may be subject to arrest or the issuance of a warrant. Exercising your RIGHT to unlawful search and seizure does not fit the criteria for probable cause. I will not quote verbatim what is REASONABLE SUSPICION/CAUSE

    "an objectively justifiable suspicion that is based on specific facts or circumstances and that justifies stopping and sometimes searching (as by frisking) a person thought to be involved in criminal activity at the time
    NOTE: A police officer stopping a person must be able to point to specific facts or circumstances even though the level of suspicion need not rise to that of the belief that is supported by probable cause. A reasonable suspicion is more than a hunch. "

    Im annoyed...bye
    indee it does give probable cause u say know u will sit there for about 25 min and here comes the warrant to search ur car dont have to be an expert to know that any cop will tell u if u deny them the oppurtunity to search that means u are hiding something.

  7. #87
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    I'm an attorney and I always advise to never consent to the search of your vehicle. Thegodfather is generally correct in that refusing to consent to a search is not probable cause. He also fairly accurately explained the use and effect of a "search incident to arrest."

    [the above information does not consitute legal advice and should be used for entertainment purposes only]

  8. #88
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    im definatley not saying he is wrong but the fact of the matter is when u dont give consent to search it raises eyebrows and in every situation ive been in they search anyway those@%@#@#%@#%
    i think the bottom line is dont carry more then 49 cc's of juice with u at anytime
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 08-08-2006 at 11:00 AM.

  9. #89
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    Apparently having an x cousin in law in the same department saved my ass. The cop called me today and told me that Gene(my cousin inlaw) is a good friend of his, and convinced him to just forget about it. Not sure what would of happend if Gene wasnt working there, but now ill never know thank god!!!

    Thanx for all your advice. I truly appreciate it. Next time ill swallow it needles and all.

  10. #90
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Great news bro!!Now I wonder what they did with the gear

  11. #91
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    He said he "destroyed it".

  12. #92
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    good news but it will hurt to swallow needles ouch

  13. #93
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp

    Apparently having an x cousin in law in the same department saved my ass. The cop called me today and told me that Gene(my cousin inlaw) is a good friend of his, and convinced him to just forget about it. Not sure what would of happend if Gene wasnt working there, but now ill never know thank god!!!

    Thanx for all your advice. I truly appreciate it. Next time ill swallow it needles and all.
    You are 1 lucky bastard.But congragulations man that's your 1 get out of jail free card enjoy it.No more driving with gear bro

  14. #94
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
    good news but it will hurt to swallow needles ouch
    lol, imagine what it would feel like on the way out!

    thats awesome news bro, real glad for you. i have a serious legal situation ongoing aswell, has almost been a year and its still nowhere near settled. a very crappy feeling

  15. #95
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Congrats bro; glad to hear it.

  16. #96
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp

    Apparently having an x cousin in law in the same department saved my ass. The cop called me today and told me that Gene(my cousin inlaw) is a good friend of his, and convinced him to just forget about it. Not sure what would of happend if Gene wasnt working there, but now ill never know thank god!!!

    Thanx for all your advice. I truly appreciate it. Next time ill swallow it needles and all.

    Connections will always help you in any situation. You saved a ton of money in fines and legal fee's thats for sure. Congrats bro... get those warrants taken care of so you dont wind up in this situation again...and just remember NEVER GIVE CONSENT...

    pumpd4lif... the point Im trying to make is that even if they do search your vehicle because you denied them the search, you've put the ball in your court as far as the ammunition your lawyer has to work with as far as getting the search thrown out...think about it dude, if they're going to search your car either way and find your shit, wouldnt you rather have the cards in your hand...

  17. #97
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Connections will always help you in any situation. You saved a ton of money in fines and legal fee's thats for sure. Congrats bro... get those warrants taken care of so you dont wind up in this situation again...and just remember NEVER GIVE CONSENT...

    pumpd4lif... the point Im trying to make is that even if they do search your vehicle because you denied them the search, you've put the ball in your court as far as the ammunition your lawyer has to work with as far as getting the search thrown out...think about it dude, if they're going to search your car either way and find your shit, wouldnt you rather have the cards in your hand...
    indeed i would i must agree 100%

  18. #98
    Rookie1974's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllGearedUp
    When they cuffed and stuffed me, i was watching him intently. I knew i had the gear in my LOCKED center console. I observed him take my keys out of the ignition and open the console. I was under the assumption you needed a search warrant to open a locked console or trunk. Since i was already under arrest, it might be different. I told him that shit was locked away and he needed a warrant to open it, and he informed me that if its within my reach he can search and open whatever he wants. I told him I got the shit over seas, through a website. I know i should of just shut my mouth, but I worry about violating my probation with a criminal offense. Automatic year in jail for me. Thats all I told him. So he knows I got it over seas. I dont want them tracking down any of my fellow bros because of what I told them.
    Will the cop testify that it was locked? Whats the chances the court will go off your creditability?

  19. #99
    AllGearedUp's Avatar
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    They wont go off my credability. Hes a cop and im a dirt bag according to the court system. Im just glad its over. Hes an ignorant ****. Hes just like society. He feels steroids are the devil. Little does he know, there more beneficial to society then the media represents. I know of more good they have done than bad. Only reason why there illegal, is because of pro athletes and abusers. I have multiple friends who have benefited greatly off of aas than anybody. Its the ****in media who makes em out to be a bad "drug". My friends lives have changed for the better because of aas. There more open, more confident, they realize the potential there body has, and hasmade them better people, i see it. Alot of em are off the juice now, because they realize you need to take a break before you get back on a cycle. There afraid of "abusing" They dont want to abuse it. Smart fellows. I see the change in them and its for the good. Try telling that to an average american, the`ll laugh at ya. Anyways, ive met more good people off this board than i will ever in my real life. You guys have been awesome, always willing to give advice and help a fellow brother out. Im touched by the PMs and support i have recieved, and again I thank you.

  20. #100
    Stumbo's Avatar
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    Glad things worked out bro.

    Quick question to anybody who can help me;

    I travel a lot, i live in 3 different locations here is southern california, due to my business. Its not really practical to keep my gear in one location all the time, so i travel with all my gear. My concern is that I drive a single cab silverado, so unless i keep my gear in the bed (yeah right) its tecnically in arms reach. What if I were to keep my gear in a locked briefcase, behind the passenger seat, could they force me to open it?

    BTW, I have no criminal history, im a young clean cut man. Im just concerned that if somthing stupid should happen, and my car gets impounded, will my goods be safe in a locked container of some form?

  21. #101
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumbo
    Glad things worked out bro.

    Quick question to anybody who can help me;

    I travel a lot, i live in 3 different locations here is southern california, due to my business. Its not really practical to keep my gear in one location all the time, so i travel with all my gear. My concern is that I drive a single cab silverado, so unless i keep my gear in the bed (yeah right) its tecnically in arms reach. What if I were to keep my gear in a locked briefcase, behind the passenger seat, could they force me to open it?

    BTW, I have no criminal history, im a young clean cut man. Im just concerned that if somthing stupid should happen, and my car gets impounded, will my goods be safe in a locked container of some form?
    My friend had this problem in high school transporting alcohol and various other things. He bought a locking toolbox for the bed of the truck. This is perfect, as one its definately not concievable you could access it easily, and two nothing short of a warrant or a dog alerting will get them into the thing. I will also P/M you some other things I've heard of...

  22. #102
    1819's Avatar
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    give them a bogus addy overseas somewhere. pick some p.o. box off the net or give them a name of a known scammer.

  23. #103
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    A locked toolbox in the back is probably the best option. That is what I used when I had a Z-71. You may run into a problem with the heat though as those things can get pretty hot.

  24. #104
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    A locked toolbox in the back is probably the best option. That is what I used when I had a Z-71. You may run into a problem with the heat though as those things can get pretty hot.
    Dangerdan, you being an attorney I'd like your opinion on this defense strategy I had come up with for my buddy if he ever got into a jam with the locked toolbox. Since the toolbox is open in the back of his bed and anyone could potentially access it if its not locked. If CDS were found in the toolbox, the defending attorney could argue the driver had no knowledge that it was there and that anyone could have placed it there had the driver forgot to lock the container at some point. So long as the defendants finerprints were not on any of the packaging or the actual CDS. I believe it would be a relevant defense to raise some level of reasonable doubt.

  25. #105
    cfiler's Avatar
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    You sure are lucky! Good thing you have connections.

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