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  1. #41
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigt10 View Post
    I like what AandF6969 said like some of those hot chicks that just need to lose like 30-40 pounds.

    Honestly maybee just walk up and tell her shes good lookin and it isnt hard to lose 30-40 pounds.
    LOL..I know a girl just like this. She had a real pretty face big tits, ass, but she is just too fat. she is like 5'9" so you couldn't tell as much but she prob weighs close to 2 bills.

    I've tried to whip her into shape but she just doesn't have it in her...

    There are enough horndogs with no standards around to keep these chubby girls just happy enough to get that 2nd helping of mac and cheese, or hit up taco bell after they go out...

  2. #42
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    The nuclear family is broken and children are growing up with out fathers. So 10% may have genetic issues but the other 90% suffer from any number of social disorders. So instead of getting disgusted about fat people get disgusted about the food companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical industry, and politicians exploiting the disease for profit.
    Sorry bro but this post makes me want to puke. Next you are gonna tell me that its not the rapist fault that he rapes people because he was molested as a child or its not the bank robbers fault that he killed the teller, its because of his meth addiction. Please. People make bad choices everyday and it is total cop out to defer the responsibility to somebody else, like food companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical industry, and politicians. What happened to accountability and personal choice. I am sure that most of us don't perceive ourselves as mindless robots, that can't think, that are controlled by outside forces, so why would someone assume that others are.

  3. #43
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Interesting question. I think about it all the time how can people let themselves get to be the way are? My g/f was thin in her twenties hooked up with a bum and they fell in love for 8 years and she gained weight cause they ate crap. I asked her what let yourself go, and she replied when people are in love they get comfortable. Comfortable? Is that the excuse we go by these days, do people not have any self-respect? If I loved my better half I would be damned to let her start slipping and eat a tub of ice cream or any junk food to be over-weight. IMO, using the term we are comfortable or we love each other so we except it is a boat load of crap. If two people truly care about each other they won't let it get that far.

  4. #44
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Will power. That is all there is to it. People will make up any excuse they can but it wont get them anywhere at the end of the day.
    There is just absolutely NO arguing that obesity does not involve will power.

  5. #45
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Will power. That is all there is to it. People will make up any excuse they can but it wont get them anywhere at the end of the day.
    There is just absolutely NO arguing that obesity does not involve will power.
    Bino...why dont you care that your so effin handsome....hahahha

  6. #46
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    Its cool if people want to lets themselves go and be comfortable. It only makes me look better.

    But i do know, that if i was 60-70, obese, suffering from diabetes, heart disease, on a ton of meds, and paying out the ass for visits to the doctor, and on my deathbed, that i would be really pissed off knowing that i could have avoided all of that by just adopting a healthy lifestyle of staying active and eating somewhat healthy. A lot of these people could have easily lived 10-20, maybe even 30 more years if they just took the time of day to stay active.

  7. #47
    DNoMac's Avatar
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    The only thing that really bothers me is the so-called "fat tax" everybody pays. I wish I knew where I read it, but there was an article that showed how much extra healthcare costs (which ends up being shared by everyone such as healthcare insurance costs) increases because of obesity. They broke it down to how much the costs increases dollars/per lb overweight. As we all know in the U.S., healthcare costs are out of control. If maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help reduce costs, I would fully support implementing a "fat tax". Hell, tax fast food the way tobacco and liquor are taxed.

  8. #48
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    Actually without overweight and obese people I would not have a job.

  9. #49
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    So I guess this wouldn't be the best time to say I am sitting here eating Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans and baking some pizza rolls?

    You fat haters!

    ***No source checks!!!***

  10. #50
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    I love pizza roles.

  11. #51
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac View Post
    The only thing that really bothers me is the so-called "fat tax" everybody pays. I wish I knew where I read it, but there was an article that showed how much extra healthcare costs (which ends up being shared by everyone such as healthcare insurance costs) increases because of obesity. They broke it down to how much the costs increases dollars/per lb overweight. As we all know in the U.S., healthcare costs are out of control. If maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help reduce costs, I would fully support implementing a "fat tax". Hell, tax fast food the way tobacco and liquor are taxed.
    i never wanna hear that 3 letter word again.

    People need there own money and make their own decisons.

    ya you cant blame the food companies but more a different life styles changes.

    Food now has become cheaper, quicker, easier to get.

    People forget you buy food from the grocery store and the ingredients are cooked.

    Food doesnt come in a box you pop in the microwave, oven, or go to wendy's and its done in 5 minutes.

    Alot of people also get to comfortable. They just settle down get fat and watch TV all day and do noting and dont care about themselves, their brains, or their bodies and they just rot infront of the TV. And some people have been raised by parents who adopted this and just dont care with some people its a lack of will with some a lack of knowledge they just are clueless.

    Anyways look on the bright side as more people get fater your gettin stronger.

    And with those fat girls lol hes right theres plenty of horn dogs that will do them but then once they get older and become Whales then not many go for that either lol.

  12. #52
    fmrmarineinbiz is offline New Member
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    Fat people are just victims!

    I remember when I was working with a certain "health and wellness" network marketing type company. They're very well known for their slant on weight loss with their "shakes and tea" approach. Anyway, I was sitting down with this woman one day, doing a "consultation" where I compiled some basic health information through questions. She's about 5' 6" tall, 205lbs, late 40's, overweight, high blood pressure, bad blood circulation in her feet/legs, chain smoker. She starts telling me about her health, her family history....her dad had empheszema, high blood pressure, died of a heart attack at 55. These types health conditions "ran in her family". So did smoking, poor eating habits, and lack of exercise.

    It's amazing what people will lead themselves to believe, and also pass on to their future generations through beliefs, and lifestyle choices, and eating habits. "Obesity runs in my family", "I come from a long line of diabetics", "the men in my family all have high blood pressure", ETC, ETC. 90%+ of the time, the reality is there's a lifestyle choice, or a dietary habit to blame that has become a habit in the entire family. Cooking huge meals where everyone goes back for 2nds, and 3rds, 3 huge meals a day where everyone eats until they have to loosen their belt, Dad smokes because it's the "manly thing" to do, so does his son because Dad did....and so on.

  13. #53
    Kratos's Avatar
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    AandF has real issues with fat
    This is not the frist post of fat bashing landwhale hating.
    If they didn't look so bad you wouldn't look so good, just embrace their exsistance.

  14. #54
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  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    Why what?

  16. #56
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    ag, i dont know...... i get really irrotated when i watch shows like Jerry Springer and there is always a Fat Chick that dresses like a prozi and thinks she is Gods gift to man..... i dont know whether to be happy for her because she is actually more confident about herself than i could ever be (and its sort of Inspiring) or be mad with her because i cant beleive some one could be so BLIND???? i really dont know what to make of that

  17. #57
    qualityclrk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    AandF has real issues with fat
    This is not the frist post of fat bashing landwhale hating.
    If they didn't look so bad you wouldn't look so good, just embrace their exsistance.
    i was thinking the same thing

    and i have to agree with DSM on all his posts and i'd like to point out that schmidy (spelling?) is a real AssHole for busting on his nephew....

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    Will power. That is all there is to it. People will make up any excuse they can but it wont get them anywhere at the end of the day.
    There is just absolutely NO arguing that obesity does not involve will power.
    Completely agreed

  19. #59
    bruteman is offline Junior Member
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    i just posted a reply about this on another thread. it is out of control. the genes are totally screwed up. guys are skinny and scrawny and women are just soooo bigg and sooo fat. and they just pile on that weight. some of them don't care and eat whatever and claim they are dieting. others genuinely try but have horrible bone structure to begin with. they are just sooo big. gosh, i dont know about you guys but i cant have good sex with a girl who weighs anything close to what i weigh. and damn near every girl already weighs as much as i do. so it makes it hard to find a mate.

  20. #60
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    What I hate is how its becoming so accepted, almost as the norm.

    Late night I see this infomercial. It is a product called "Slim and Lift". Basically a fat ass slips it over her head and it sucks all the fat together and tightly holds it..molding with the material. The main advertisement was "Lose inches INSTANTLY!"

    Oh well thats healthy...because the only problem with obesity is how disgusting it looks, not the health problems. Hey, you might die 30 years early, but at least you'll look good while basically suffocating from this slim and lift bullshit.

    Last edited by football2007; 04-03-2008 at 10:55 PM.

  21. #61
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    She looks to fat for me in both those pics

  22. #62
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    shes just tucking in her stomach. lol

  23. #63
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^or sticking it out in the first.

  24. #64
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    If they didn't look so bad you wouldn't look so good, just embrace their exsistance.
    Truer words couldn't be spoken.

  25. #65
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    I am glad many people dont care about their looks. If everyone tried harder, we all would look worse than we do when compared to everyone else.
    I appreciate all those ug's making me look a bit better. Its all you good looking SOB's that piss me off! Get of the beach dammit!

  26. #66
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Here's a good look at how pathetic fat people are

  27. #67
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^ahaha, that was ridiculous.

  28. #68
    facile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Here's a good look at how pathetic fat people are

    Looks like an anxiety attack to avoid any additional exercise! I get that way on squat day.

    I can imagine the conversation later in the day over some fires,"that skinny bitch was trying to kill us!!!"

  29. #69
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Here's a good look at how pathetic fat people are
    She sounds like a pig squealing...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    Here's a good look at how pathetic fat people are
    if she never ate all those chips she wouldnt have to walk up that hill. i agree with c bino. fat people are an emabersment to america. its discusting. sure i no a couple nice fat people. but there lazy. and you cant give me this mc donaalds bull shhit and bad food. if thats the case why arent we all fat bevause we dont wanna be fat we wanna go t the beach we wanna be looked at in a positive way we wanna be strong and sexy. the list goes on the fat people dont care and have no will power. fat people just dont give a shit about themselves and therefore they shouldnt be aloud on earth. if they dont wanna have fun and live life why should they. u hear it all the time im fat i cant lose weight. the thing is i dont wanna excersise. if u dont wanna do anything and dont like the way u r change or give up live at home watch tv get a wheel chair and eat eat eat.

  31. #71
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    "Why don’t you do a little research on what factors including genetics contribute to the disease of obesity? then you Get off your ass and do something about it."

    ****en Aye

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You have 100% not clue if these people have medical problems or even mental problems ! You sit there assume and judge. Thats sad.
    No... this post is sad.

    Medical problems and mental problems are not normative... Fat people who fall into these categories account for a speck in the societal pool.

    Being fat is an acceptable societal norm.

    That's fact.


  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    Yes the human race has evolved over the last 40 yrs. We went from a labor society to a service based society. The food has less nutritional value, with more additives, refined sugars, and high fructose corn syrup. The nuclear family is broken and children are growing up with out fathers. So 10% may have genetic issues but the other 90% suffer from any number of social disorders.
    Societal shifts aren't genetic evolution.

    I wish people wouldn't, erroneously, throw terms around.

    Quote Originally Posted by wilson9d View Post
    Why don’t you do a little research on what factors including genetics contribute to the disease of obesity? then you Get off your ass and do something about it.
    Like what?

    Is there some new scientific way to do a fat-ass' exercise for him?

    Personally, as a fitness consultant i work with a number of obese individuals.

    What differentiates these people from the average member of society is the desire to change.

    That desire is intrinsic.

    Ergo... There is nothing you can 'get up off your ass and do' for the person to inspire such.


  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by facile View Post
    Looks like an anxiety attack to avoid any additional exercise! I get that way on squat day.

    I can imagine the conversation later in the day over some fires,"that skinny bitch was trying to kill us!!!"
    ROTFLMAO!!! it's sad but so true!

    Did you notice both pigs started to have their "panic attack" and it worked, they got to stop and get sympathy, sure ain't going to get in shape when they are rgetting ewarded for failure.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    It makes me sick to see a huge fatass stuffing their face with mcdonalds or cookies or something. How do they just not give a shit? Do they not see mountains of fat when they look in the mirror? Do they not realize how much better their life would be if they were skinnier and attractive? They would have more friends, get paid more money (fact), get more attractive mates, BE ABLE TO HAVE SEX WITH THE LIGHTS ON, not make people throw up when they walk by, etc. etc. Maybe they could even wipe their own ass one day.

    Whats even worse is when you see a chick that would be TOTALLY SMOKIN hot if she lost 30-40 lbs. I mean come on, she's halfway there with a pretty face, just put in some effort. I seriously want to go tell them "You know you would be SO hot if you weren't fat."
    While i don't particularly hate fat people... I do dislike the repetition.

    By this i mean.. I hate that fat people ask the same questions over and over... just for the sake of hearing the sound of their voices.


    Fat person A asks how to lose weight, never with the intention to lose weight unless the answer magically uncovers a new drug that requires no effort.

    Answer supplied, Fat person A returns 2 weeks later to ask the same question.

    While i agree that misinformation and general ignorance contribute to obesity, I still adhere to the belief that these are minor.

    Most of the fat people i've met are self-proclaimed 'gurus'.

    i.e. most have read a lot of stuff... Most have tried all the supplements.

    but.. most fall short in the basic area: getting off their asses to exercise, continuing to exercise, and eating correctly.

    The ones that do get up off their asses, and use the internet for something other than porn and whining... get in shape.


  36. #76
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    ok,speaking from personal experience,iwas morbidly obese,330lbs at 5'11",food for me was a way to fix myself.Just as a drug addict does,and btw i am an addict in recovery clean 6 years.I put down the coke spoon and picked up the fork.Its so easy to gain weight if you're not actively exercising and being vigilent about your diet.I saw myself gaining weight,and would make efforts here and there to diet and exercise,when i didn't see immediate results,i gave up,i figured food wasn't as bad as drugs so i kept eating.I was in denial about my food addiction.It wasn't until i reached a point where i actually could not stand to look at myself,not to mention my failing health that i made a decision to do something about it.I took drastic measures.Today i weigh 200lbs,i got down to 187lbs,and believe it or not i don't have loose skin,due to intense 2 a day workouts in the beginning.My diet is clean and healthy,mostly chicken and veggies and good carbs,although i'll eat beef and pork from time to time,i'm actually making an effort to bulk up a little bit and i'm making great progress.I ddon't think obese or morbidly obese people like the way they look,or how they feel,and they feel even worse when some smart-ass comes along and busts their chops about it.If some wiseguy muscle head would have stepped to me and ranked on me because of my weight,i would have made sure i left him regretting he did,by any means necessary!The fukked up thing is that when i see overweight people i kinda cringe,and maybe i judge a little too,but i remember what it was like for me,and thank God i'm not there anymore.I'm going to the gym tonight with the ol lady as we do every mon-wed-fri,because now health and fitness is our way of life.i wouldn't change it for the world!

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    What I hate is how its becoming so accepted, almost as the norm.

    Late night I see this infomercial. It is a product called "Slim and Lift". Basically a fat ass slips it over her head and it sucks all the fat together and tightly holds it..molding with the material. The main advertisement was "Lose inches INSTANTLY!"

    Oh well thats healthy...because the only problem with obesity is how disgusting it looks, not the health problems. Hey, you might die 30 years early, but at least you'll look good while basically suffocating from this slim and lift bullshit.

    lol.. that ad runs on my tele almost nightly.

    'Slimming garments' are a big LOL for me.

    I'd hate to the bastard who goes home with one of those chunkers.

    I mean, hell..what happens when you get in the bedroom and take that shit off?

    Hello rebound effect.


  38. #78
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Most of the fat people i've met are self-proclaimed 'gurus'.

    i.e. most have read a lot of stuff... Most have tried all the supplements.

    but.. most fall short in the basic area: getting off their asses to exercise, continuing to exercise, and eating correctly.
    Oh, but none of the supplements worked, and a week of half-assed diet and exercise didn't work, so it MUST be genetics!!!!

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    if she never ate all those chips she wouldnt have to walk up that hill. i agree with c bino. fat people are an emabersment to america.
    No.. fat people are an embarrassment to themselves.

    What i consider an 'emabersment to america' is the fact that a large percentage of you can't, properly, converse in your native tongue:

    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    its discusting. sure i no a couple nice fat people. but there lazy. and you cant give me this mc donaalds bull shhit and bad food. if thats the case why arent we all fat (**insert punctuation here**) bevause we dont wanna be fat we wanna go t the beach (*and here*) we wanna be looked at in a positive way (*and here*) we wanna be strong and sexy. the list goes on (*and here*) the fat people dont care and have no will power. fat people just dont give a shit about themselves and therefore they shouldnt be aloud (**lmao@'aloud'**) on earth. if they dont wanna have fun and live life why should they. u hear it all the time im fat i cant lose weight. the thing is i dont wanna excersise. if u dont wanna do anything and dont like the way u r change or give up live at home watch tv get a wheel chair and eat eat eat. (*too many errors to list 'em all*)
    Ah well... at least you're in shape right?


  40. #80
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    worst thing is seeing someone who is clearly working very hard in the gym, but is VERY overweight. yes they are trying but i always want to say something to help them, but I don't want to disrespect them. it drives me to work harder when i see a 300lb man completely covered in sweat working his ass off. then i take a good look and wonder...

    Last edited by novastepp; 04-07-2008 at 08:56 PM.

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