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    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    I need roomate advice before I kill someone.

    Ok well, my roomate is in Iraq right now and he left his little ugly miserable girlfriend here behind for the time being. Hes only going to be gone for a few more days. They both lived here before me and what not, but she thinks she has control of EVERYTHING. I dont talk to her because shes this little spineless ugly troll looking girl who cries everytime i say something to her.

    Today pissed me off, I bought groceries yesterday and I bought about 30 cans of tuna, and some bread and other little things. And I had no room for the cans and the bread and the pb in the cabinet so I left em on the table. Not slob like- just in the corner of the kitchen table.

    So today she cleaned the living room while I was here, and moved ALLL of my shit. My water bottles that were in the corner of the room, are now in my room. My dogs food, now in my room, the tuna and bread are in 3 stacks on the kitchen counter. So i shrugged it off and left it the way it was and go into my room.

    I walk out of my room, and there is a note next to my tuna that says:

    "Please put your shit away, your shit does not need to be left on what little counter space we have".


    Other things she has done to piss me the **** off.

    No one was home, so i decided to play xbox 360 in the living room. Not crazy loud but loud enough where i can immerse myself lol. 20 minutes into my GTA4 deathmatch session the bitch walks in. Goes down stairs to her room, then comes up with a magazine. Sits at the computer desk next to the TV and opens it up and starts reading it. Big deal right? 10 seconds into her sitting there, not saying a word... she gets up, walks over to the stereo and lowers it to a whopping 1 and then goes and sits back down reading her magazine. I said to myself, wtf? But i let it slide and kept playing. The very next day literally the same exact scenario. I was by myself in the crib after work and here she comes. First off... a magazine at the ****in computer desk? w.e so when she turned it down i took off my headset and kinda bugged on her. I said "Ya know, not for nothing, when you sit in here blasting your 9 yr old eminem cd and have 3 songs on constant loop I dont say a word to you. Dont come in here while im enjoying myself and start lowering my shit." She goes "You dont need it that loud". Thats when i flipped. I told her if she doesnt ****in like it, her room is down stairs.
    Jsut stupid shit like that, the bitch just started paying rent after living here for over a yr at a whopping 200 a month.

    As far as her cleaning the living room I have no room to bitch however, if I leave something in there... it winds up thrown into my room. I get mail- thrown in my room. I used bleach one day - thrown in my room on my bed and bleached the shit out of it.

    My problem here is, its not the fact that she does this shit, its the fact that If I do it she complains to my roomate and then he cries to me.

    So what do i do? Do I kill her and her little disgusting chihuahua? Or do I suck it up?

  2. #2
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
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    SLAP THAT B*TCH IN THE FACE AND BE LIKE YO! I LIVED HERE FIRST...YOUR LUCKY I DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT AND THAT YOUR BF IS A NICE GUY CAUSE IF IT WAS ME I WOULD OF PICKED THAT C*NT UP BY HER G-STRING AND THROWN HER OUT OF THE APARTMENT...put her in her place....and with the gta thing.. i would of been like hell no and blasted it just to piss her off...let her do something ill make sure her shit gets F*cked up..

  3. #3
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    usually the only way out of this is moving.....obviously try to communicate civily with her but it sounds like you've already tried that route.

  4. #4
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    rear naked choke ... works every time

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33 View Post
    rear naked choke ... works every time
    and by that he means take your pants off and choke her from behind

  6. #6
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    shit in her bed.

    then, draw a smiley face on the wall in shit.

    hilarity ensues. way better than killing someone :P

  7. #7
    gst528i's Avatar
    gst528i is offline Senior Member
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    That sucks, Just move out unless you bound by a contract or get your own gurl to move in. Generally a bitch knows how to take care of another bitch. Besides 3's a crowd so move out or suck it up. Good luck.

  8. #8
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Tell your friend you walked in on her and another dude.

  9. #9
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Tell your friend you walked in on her and another dude.
    oh shit dood! that's the best that shit up

  10. #10
    200byjune's Avatar
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    do it up. say she was giving him head.

  11. #11
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
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    and then when she says she wasnt..Slap that h*e and say shuddup B*Tch! lol

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    You live in America and you all carry guns dont you ?

  13. #13
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
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    i dont own a gun? lol

  14. #14
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Start walking around the house in your underwear carrying a loaded gun. For no particular reason. All the time. This will remove many an unwanted houseguest.
    Last edited by Ernst; 07-05-2008 at 01:25 AM.

  15. #15
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33 View Post
    rear naked choke ... works every time

  16. #16
    RaWRZ0R!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Start walking around the house in your underwear carrying a loaded gun. For no particular reason. All the time. This will remove many an unwanted houseguest.

  17. #17
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    God i love you guys...

    I do actually own a 45.

    I tried speaking to her normally... but she is from montana and she has been sheltered all of her life. I once overheard a story about her father "pulling her hair and smacking her" and she called it abuse lmao.

    Heres another scenario that made me want to strangle this ugly b*itch.

    I have a dog that lives with me... She is a ****in glutton. The second the food hits her dish it disappears. So she told my roomate that I dont feed the dog and its been 3 days since she saw food in the bowl. So he brings it to my attention... and i laugh about it.
    I bring it up to her and say "So brittany, whats this I hear about me starving my dog?". She facing the opposite way looking out the window... no answer. "Brittany...." no answer... "Brit..." "...." with a big boy voice i say "YO brittany im ****in talkin to you". She rears her ugly mug and looks at me with this snot nose look and says "what?!"

    me-"So i dont feed my dog?"
    her-"Did you hear me say that?"
    me-"So your going to lie to my face and tell me you didnt say it?"

    at this point she starts shaking her head back and forth with her hand on her hips like shes black (no offense to the sisters but when a pasty white girl does it its ****in funny and gross at the same time)

    me-"So why are you telling your bf that im starving angel?"
    brit-"I didnt say anything like that"

    Now im mocking her head movement and she turns around and goes downstairs and has a crying fit. Im talkin like a 3 year old crying fit. Face buried in the pillow hysterical crying. And all i can do is laugh at how pathetic it is.

    So thats a major reason why i cant confront this ugly girl, because she breaks down and cries at the sight of confrontation. Its actually pretty funny. But i have such a pet peeve for weak people like that. The sight of her makes me sick. I cant stand 20yr old women who constantly cry.

    My roommate says "Bro shes a chick"... Im like"Dude, she ****in cries when she cant reach the cereal" "Every girl cries... she cries like once every 2 weeks... its normal"
    I laughed and said "What are you ****in kidding me? Shes 20. Anybody male or female that cries twice a month for no reason is not normal. She needs therapy" He said"Naah man its normal". So I took a poll in front of him at work, and asked if its normal for a female to cry for no reason every 2 weeks. And needless to say it was a ****in landslide.

    Before i keep going, I wanna put out that im no where near perfect and Im not the perfect roommate either. But they never see me... If im not at work or the gym, im in my room killing terrorists on xbox.

    As far as me moving out. My rent here is too cheap to do that. Plus I only have a year and a half left of this nonsense.

    Im just going to be spiteful and ignore her. I left an empty gatorade bottle in the bathroom, and she shoves it in my bathroom draw. She doesnt throw it out, she stuffs it with my toothpaste and shaving cream. What the hell is that? Im not asking to be cleaned up after, however... wtf is that? seriously? So i just took it out and placed it back where i left it lol.

  18. #18
    rockinred's Avatar
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    only way to settle this is to pound her ass... or a 3some.

    sorry for the bad advice, but i'm kind of messed up like that when it cums to male-female stuff..

  19. #19
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    I think you should have a come to jesus meeting with her........and no her behavior isn't normal.....quite possible she WAS abused i'm kinda guessing.

  20. #20
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    get that bitch out

  21. #21
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Dude get a friend over their, a neutral third party, and rip that bitch's ass. I mean really give it to her. Make her cry, F*** her dude. Then when your boy gets home try and explain what she did, and bring up the dog story again. I had something very similar to this happen to me and when i had had enough I ripped my boys girls ass.. A man can only take so much bullshit. And shes not even hot

  22. #22
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    There is only one way to deal with this, leave a massive, steaming turd in the middle of her bed

  23. #23
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    haha, i feel for you man i really do, great thread, best of luck with whatever you do, i'd kill her if it was me omg

  24. #24
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    I think you should have a come to jesus meeting with her........and no her behavior isn't normal.....quite possible she WAS abused i'm kinda guessing.
    Her idea of abuse is childs play compared to the beatings I got as a kid....

    My roommate told me she used to cut herself for attention.

    She had it made back where shes from. Her father is a retired Army ranger who lives in this fat house and he runs a group home kinda deal. Thats where she met my roommate. And then she moved out here to live with him. The actual story,when i heard it, made me so aggravated.

    Originally in this house where i live now, It was my roommate now, my other boy from work and 2 other dudes. Then she moved in out of no where. And long story short, they moved out because of this ugly bitch. THEN before i moved in here, a ****in new set of people that i work with moved in here... guess what? Theyre gone 2 because of this girl. THENNNN I got another dude to move in, just to help with rent... and 2 months in his begging me to find a place with him because of her.

    i mean this chick is annoying, just now this bitch woke me up slamming doors and shit and i worked till 6 am this morning. Shes an inconsiderate self centered ugly little c unt

  25. #25
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Play your xbox butt @$$ naked and see what she does next time when she comes up.

  26. #26
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    In all seriousness, with me being so irritable lately with all this dieting shit and beating the shit outta myself in the gym, I have come across my gun and all i could think about was a bloody mess with her and her little ****in disgusting dog mangled in the living room.

    A person could only take so much. Ive tried talking to her, but now its time to get childish.

  27. #27
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Her idea of abuse is childs play compared to the beatings I got as a kid....

    My roommate told me she used to cut herself for attention.

    She had it made back where shes from. Her father is a retired Army ranger who lives in this fat house and he runs a group home kinda deal. Thats where she met my roommate. And then she moved out here to live with him. The actual story,when i heard it, made me so aggravated.

    Originally in this house where i live now, It was my roommate now, my other boy from work and 2 other dudes. Then she moved in out of no where. And long story short, they moved out because of this ugly bitch. THEN before i moved in here, a ****in new set of people that i work with moved in here... guess what? Theyre gone 2 because of this girl. THENNNN I got another dude to move in, just to help with rent... and 2 months in his begging me to find a place with him because of her.

    i mean this chick is annoying, just now this bitch woke me up slamming doors and shit and i worked till 6 am this morning. Shes an inconsiderate self centered ugly little c unt
    obviously i don't know the girl.....but the cutting thing sounds know it's very very possible that if she was abused she doesn't even consciously remember most or any of it? And regardless the results can still manifest in her behavior. It could even be as simple as if it was a man that did whatever was done to her she wont acknowledge any other men in her life as having any power or authority........i'm not claiming i'm an expert by any means, but she may need to go see a counselor for sure.

  28. #28
    200byjune's Avatar
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    ya. this is crazy. i no the kind of girl your talking about. i just dont look at her,answer her, or talk to her. i act as if she doesnt exist. start doing the same thing to her. everything you see throw it on her bed.

  29. #29
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    She cut herself when she was like 14... He told me that she cut herself because she wasnt getting 100% attention from people. however i see no scars on her wrists at all so it could be BS.

  30. #30
    jsinur7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    In all seriousness, with me being so irritable lately with all this dieting shit and beating the shit outta myself in the gym, I have come across my gun and all i could think about was a bloody mess with her and her little ****in disgusting dog mangled in the living room.

    A person could only take so much. Ive tried talking to her, but now its time to get childish.
    PMS... that explains it...

  31. #31
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    PMS... that explains it...
    God id love for her to have a little menstrual cycle fit on me... shes on the pill though. Im inches away from snapping though. Inches.

  32. #32
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    doesn't the boyfriend notice all the people moving in and out?

  33. #33
    Football_Bill's Avatar
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    Taking a poo on her bed is going a little far, even if she does enter your room. Sh*t on the "little counter space" you do have and see if she cleans it up. Tell her it wasn't you, must have been HER dog.

  34. #34
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Kill her dog and feed it to her in a curry or something. Two weeks later kill her and bury her in the basement 20 feet down. They will never dig that deep!!

  35. #35
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ajc330 View Post
    doesn't the boyfriend notice all the people moving in and out?
    Sure does... but heres the kicker...

    He told me that I scared more people away then she did because of my rep at my command. I got into some trouble back in the day so im labeled as a trouble maker.

    He said that hes asked people to move in, but they wont because i live here. lol.

    Even if that was true, which its not... I scared away potential roommates, she scared away actual rent paying roommates.

    And the odds of people from my command actually being able to move out of the barracks is slim and none due to the fact that there has to be 95% manning for anyone(e4 and below)to move out. Its at about 60% and will be until they close this base.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Kill her dog and feed it to her in a curry or something. Two weeks later kill her and bury her in the basement 20 feet down. They will never dig that deep!!
    The dog pissed on my once... i squeezed this things neck so hard i thought i paralyzed it.

  37. #37
    Skully44420's Avatar
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    i would not be able to handle it...i would have to show her what real abuse is

  38. #38
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    I know what ill do...

    She is deathly afraid of spiders...Ill go out and pick up a 100 bux worth of those 6 dollar turantulas and let them loose in her room.

    There are so many things that bother me about her... Shes allergic to EVERYTHING... seriously... she has to get shots every month because of it...

    little things like - me and my roommate were out working on my car... and she comes outside asking for him to get something from a shelf out of her reach... so he starts walking inside... and im like"Yo... naah... brittany... get a ****in chair and get it yourself were busy. Your not 11." So she stormed off in the house like a toddler.

    Her baby talk with my roommate makes my stomach turn as well..

    Its clear, that I all around hate this chick... like hate hate.

  39. #39
    Skully44420's Avatar
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    i hate her just hearing these stories

  40. #40
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    This sounds like an easy problem to fix.

    Tell her that she is getting on your nerves to the point that you want to kill her.

    Show her this forum.

    Problem fixed.

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