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    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Is it racist if it's true?

    So my roommate works at Buffalo Wild Wings as a waiter. On Tuesday nights, they have a really cheap wing night, I think they're 25 cents or something like that. He absolutely hates going into work on Tuesdays, because he says that there are a lot more black people who show up than normal, and they don't tip hardly anything. He said everyone else tips normally that day as well.

    Is it racist for him to say that "black people don't tip well" based on his experiences and observations from working at that restaurant?

  2. #2
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Its probably just more of "poor" people don't tip well.

    My friend works at a place that has a majority black clientele. He told me a good one the other night.

    2 chicks come in and eat. The bill is 40 and change. My buddy takes the check and goes to ring it all up and the chick had given him a $20 gif card and $20 bucks. She tried to not even pay the full ticket...LOL.

    He had to go back and get the change from her. She didn't leave him a tip.

  3. #3
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    And some ppl are just tight with their money. My friend worked in Manhattan at an upscale restaurant and shes a very good waitress. She's told me that people would pay with an American express black card and not even tip 10%

  4. #4
    Lightsout2184's Avatar
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    i used to own a restaurant and a night club u really cant judge a book by its cover when it comes to tips. this one guy used to come in and sit in the corner by himself he would buy a well drink and give a hundred everytime and not want any change. i just thought it was crazy that he didnt atleast buy top shelf since he was tipping 98 bucks a drink. He would get 6 or 7 drinks before he left. he wasnt dressed nice or anything.

  5. #5
    T_Own's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows View Post
    And some ppl are just tight with their money. My friend worked in Manhattan at an upscale restaurant and shes a very good waitress. She's told me that people would pay with an American express black card and not even tip 10%
    if your bill is high enough, even 10% is pretty legit.

    normally i'll go about 20% but the last time i went out was to hooters for the last ufc fight, and since we were there for like 4 hours i left a 25% tip. so it depends

  6. #6
    Tock's Avatar
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    Yep, I've seen that too.
    Two major things that seem to influence tipping, aside from the level of service given to a customer . . .
    1) personal wealth
    2) people who tend to be stingy with their emotions (emotionally reserved) tend to be stingy with their $$$, and are generally lousy tippers.

    Race doesn't figure into the equation. Tell your roommate to get a better job . . .

  7. #7
    BuffedGuy's Avatar
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    Peace be unto you all.

    Skin color has nothing to do with anything. There was a study done in which they found a correlation between coffee and lung cancer. The study found that statistically it was more likely that a coffee drinker would develop lung cancer. So the simplistic conclusion to reach is that coffee causes lung cancer. However, there were confounding variables at play. They realized that coffee drinkers were more likely to smoke.

    When it comes to racial issues like these, there are almost always confounding variables at play. There might be correlations to be made, but certainly race is not a causative agent.

    What bothers me the most is when some non-blacks say "why are blacks this way or that way", as if the fact that blacks were enslaved and oppressed for hundreds of years up until the 1960s is just supposed to be forgotten now. I wish people would study history more, and realize how populations take time to change their status quo. Things cannot and will not change in just one generation. The problem is that most people do not study history so they don't even know about their own race/religion/etc which probably went through similar problems sometime in history. That is why almost always it is the extremely ignorant who become bigots. The one who has studied history realizes that the way it is today was not as it was always. The ignoramus only knows about today, and cannot appreciate the anthropological trends throughout history which inevitably and necessarily repeat themselves.

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    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 02-09-2009 at 04:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    I never tip and im not black...

  9. #9
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think it depends on the location.

    I use to managed a restaurant, and in the winter when it's not tourist season, if a black family came in, they were poor and ghetto. Servers knew they were not getting much of a tip, if she was good looking she was going to be harrassed for her phone number, there was going to be some food sent back and you are probably going to have a hard time understanding their form of dialect.

    in the summer, it was different, you would get nice families of all races coming in, and you can tell who was going to tip well most of the time. 75% of the time, I felt you could read what kind of tip you were going to get upon seating the customer. I always treated them all the same....cause it evens out right?

    If a few blacks come in, talking in slang, dressed like Method Man and hit on everything that walks by, you are probably going to get stiffed.

    If they come in, in jeans and a t-shirt, are well spoken and seem genuine, they will be fair.

    The same happens with whites too. If they come in looking like they just got done doing meth, you have some trash on your hands and don't expect much.

    I can say you are way more likely to be harassed if you are a girl from the ghetto slang speaking black guy than you are from the white trash white guy.

  10. #10
    zimmy's Avatar
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    You can see stereotypes where ever YOU want when YOU are racist. For instance, when you are driving you see some one who is on a cell and driving like sh*t and see that they are asian. See it 4 times or so and if you are racist, just assume based on that, that asians can't drive. Or you could look at it without those bigot colored glasses on and say that people who drive and talk on the phone can't drive very good.

  11. #11
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    So my roommate works at Buffalo Wild Wings as a waiter. On Tuesday nights, they have a really cheap wing night, I think they're 25 cents or something like that. He absolutely hates going into work on Tuesdays, because he says that there are a lot more black people who show up than normal, and they don't tip hardly anything. He said everyone else tips normally that day as well.

    Is it racist for him to say that "black people don't tip well" based on his experiences and observations from working at that restaurant?
    Nope, this sounds pretty similar to the way it is here too. All of the night clubs Ive worked at for the last decade have had this problem. All the bartenders would fight to be able to work on the regular nights of the week where we played house and rock or even 80s music. They would make a killing on tips from the crowd. We always had one hiphop night each week. Management had to actually force people to work. On average, from a night with a house music crowd, each bartender would walk away with between 250 and 400 bucks. On the hiphop nights, we would get twice as many people there, and no bartender would walk away with more than $30 in tip. Management had to actually dip into the register at the end of the night to give the bartenders a little extra since they were making less than minimum wage on those nights.
    What some of them would do is on hip hop nights, they just charge an extra dollar or two for every drink since they know they arent getting tipped anyway. That way, the tip is built into the drink price

  12. #12
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    You can see stereotypes where ever YOU want when YOU are racist. For instance, when you are driving you see some one who is on a cell and driving like sh*t and see that they are asian. See it 4 times or so and if you are racist, just assume based on that, that asians can't drive. Or you could look at it without those bigot colored glasses on and say that people who drive and talk on the phone can't drive very good.
    Stereo types don't make you rasicst bro, and that's ignorant to say.

    White people can't dance well

    Blacks dance well, tend to be more athletic

    Asians are smart

    It's not the race or skin color that makes races different, it's the up brining and the culture that they are raised in. Mexican's have very close family ties, normally the grandma and grandpa live with the rest of the family. That's why there van's are always full at Wal Mart.

    A racist is not some one who recognizes cultural differences. It's someone who feels they are better than someone because of the SKIN color. Or hates someone based of their skin color.

    Saying blacks drink Kool Aid does not make you a racist.

    Saying asians drink lemon tea does not make you a racist either

    Mexicans like spicy foods, thats what they are raised on.

    That does not make anyone racist. If you think they should be hung, enslaved or feel you are better than them based off their skin color, that makes you racist.

  13. #13
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Saying blacks drink Kool Aid does not make you a racist.
    It doesn't?

    I don't drink kool aid.

    I don't scarf down 'collard greens' or fried chicken.

    The only black people i've seen doing either are the people on television, in shitty American 'comedies'.

  14. #14
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    It doesn't?

    I don't drink kool aid.

    I don't scarf down 'collard greens' or fried chicken.

    The only black people i've seen doing either are the people on television, in shitty American 'comedies'.
    Nope, it doesn't.

    Some people may assume I can't dance cause I'm white, and I can't and I don't think they are racist for thinking or assuming it either.

    A racist thinks someone is less, or deserves less because of their race, cultural stereotypes have nothing to do with it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    It doesn't?

    I don't drink kool aid.

    I don't scarf down 'collard greens' or fried chicken.

    The only black people i've seen doing either are the people on television, in shitty American 'comedies'.
    Exactly my point... most of what you just said isn't "cultural differences" , they are plain stereotypes based totally on skin. Check the word "racism" and "stereotypes".

  16. #16
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Exactly my point... most of what you just said isn't "cultural differences" , they are plain stereotypes based totally on skin. Check the word "racism" and "stereotypes".
    Sorry to tell you this, but food types is a culture.

    When I go to a Mexican restaurant, I expect to get Mexican foods.

    When I go to a Chinese restaurant, i expect to get Chinese foods.

    Same with a sushi bar, spicy Indian food and others.

  17. #17
    spywizard's Avatar
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    No it is not racist if the experience is 1st hand... now, not all blacks are poor tippers, however in your friends experience, blacks don't tip as is customary.

    Is it racist for blacks to say "don't trust whitie?? yet their parents tell them this, if they then do not have a trust of people because they are white although they have never encountered whites in a trust relationship, that is racism.

    If your friend thinks whites are superior to blacks in tipping, that is not racist, that is an observation..
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    Sorry to tell you this, but food types is a culture.

    When I go to a Mexican restaurant, I expect to get Mexican foods.

    When I go to a Chinese restaurant, i expect to get Chinese foods.

    Same with a sushi bar, spicy Indian food and others.

    Ok...apparently add "culture" to your list of words you need to find the definition of.

    Going to a place of business whose theme is a certain type of food from a region of the world and expecting mexican food has nothing to do with stereotypes or culture. Now if you are saying , if you go to a mexican's restaurant and you expect it to be traditional food from mexico or a Chinese person's restaraunt and expecting it to be traditional food from china, then that would not be cultural at all but straight a straight stereotype based on race. Now if you were saying that you expect to go to a Mexican style restaurant and see mexican's, although that is some times the case, it is not a requirement nor do I see how that could be seen as "culture" unless they tell all children in mexico to work / own a restaurant for the last few generations.

  19. #19
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    Perception is reality, and a reality is not something easily changed when created.

    In my opinion, your friend is a racist if he PREDICTS the behavior of every subsequent black person that comes into the restaurant based on his reality and alters his level of service to spite behavior he hasn't yet observed.

    Who knows? Maybe your roommate is a shitty server and the "good" tips come from saps that feel sorry for him. Perhaps black people see through his bs.

    Impossible to know, but there are two sides to every coin.

  20. #20
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I never tip and im not black...
    u r just british

  21. #21
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    No its not racist to say what you think. The dude doesnt like working on tuesday for whatever reason, so what?
    I hate working in a neighborhood where latinamericans (ecuador, peru and colombia mainly) come to the shop where i work and ask if they can pay less. wtf??? NO!!! racist? sue me.

    btw I don't tip. Well some cents just cos i hate them. Why should i tip? Do i get extra pay when i do my job good? No. I apply the same procedure.

  22. #22
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    It doesn't?

    I don't drink kool aid.

    I don't scarf down 'collard greens' or fried chicken.

    The only black people i've seen doing either are the people on television, in shitty American 'comedies'.
    Black people do like fried chicken. Shit everyone likes fried chicken. Show me the mother ****er that doesnt like fried chicken!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    u r just british
    Oh yes..

  24. #24
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    I only tip white waiters and waitresses.

    Does that make me racist?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    I only tip white waiters and waitresses.

    Does that make me racist?
    nope. just free to choose who you tip.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    It doesn't?

    I don't drink kool aid.

    I don't scarf down 'collard greens' or fried chicken.

    The only black people i've seen doing either are the people on television, in shitty American 'comedies'.

    why is is it shitty american comedies when black people are playing the roles????

  27. #27
    BuffedGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    why is is it shitty american comedies when black people are playing the roles????
    Peace be unto you, Warchild.

    Finding yes-men and toby's in any race is an easy matter. For example, Arabs are almost always portrayed as villains. Sure, you could say that the parts are always played by Arabs, so the Arabs should be blamed themselves. But the truth is that if you offer enough money, someone from a population of millions is inevitably going to come forth. If they sought roles that portrayed Arabs in a better light, you'd see many Arabs step forward to play those parts.

    The same is the case with the way black people are portrayed in television. I think Bill Cosby did an excellent job with the Cosby show, which was both wholesome and funny at the same time; he is truly a comedic genius. Not only that, but he had a vision when he created the show. I have heard that initially he was told that he'd play the part of a mechanic or something, and his wife a maid...something like that. But he refused and said that he'd be a doctor and she a lawyer. Anyways, I have a lot of respect for that man. Unfortunately, nowadays nobody cares about promoting good values. It's "not cool" to do that. Good has become bad, and bad has become good. A sign of the End of Times. May God return us to the path of righteousness.

    In the Care of the Lord,
    Last edited by BuffedGuy; 02-09-2009 at 10:47 AM.

  28. #28
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Peace be unto you, Warchild.

    Finding yes-men and toby's in any race is an easy matter. For example, Arabs are almost always portrayed as villains. Sure, you could say that the parts are always played by Arabs, so the Arabs should be blamed themselves. But the truth is that if you offer enough money, someone from a population of millions is inevitably going to come forth. If they sought roles that portrayed Arabs in a better light, you'd see many Arabs step forward to play those parts.

    The same is the case with the way black people are portrayed in television. I think Bill Cosby did an excellent job with the Cosby show, which was both wholesome and funny at the same time; he is truly a comedic genius. Not only that, but he had a vision when he created the show. I have heard that initially he was told that he'd play the part of a mechanic or something, and his wife a maid...something like that. But he refused and said that he'd be a doctor and she a lawyer. Anyways, I have a lot of respect for that man. Unfortunately, nowadays nobody cares about promoting good values. It's "not cool" to do that. Good has become bad, and bad has become good. A sign of the End of Times. May God return us to the path of righteousness.

    In the Care of the Lord,

    Money rules all.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Money rules all.
    Yep. Sad but true.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffedGuy View Post
    Yep. Sad but true.

  31. #31
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Ok...apparently add "culture" to your list of words you need to find the definition of.

    Going to a place of business whose theme is a certain type of food from a region of the world and expecting mexican food has nothing to do with stereotypes or culture. Now if you are saying , if you go to a mexican's restaurant and you expect it to be traditional food from mexico or a Chinese person's restaraunt and expecting it to be traditional food from china, then that would not be cultural at all but straight a straight stereotype based on race. Now if you were saying that you expect to go to a Mexican style restaurant and see mexican's, although that is some times the case, it is not a requirement nor do I see how that could be seen as "culture" unless they tell all children in mexico to work / own a restaurant for the last few generations.
    you are trying WAY too hard

  32. #32
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Black people do like fried chicken. Shit everyone likes fried chicken. Show me the mother ****er that doesnt like fried chicken!
    I LOVE fried chicken and if Koolaid was not full of sugar, I'd drink it over my water any time.

    I also love mexican food and rap music. I play basketball and hate golf. I can't play hockey for crap.

    I'm white!

    You could assume I listen to country, I don't come off as a guy who would hate golf either.

    I'm not going to take offense if you assume it about me either, and I'm certainly not going to think you are a racist.

  33. #33
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    In Britain, with the liberal, lefty, marxist government and police, only white, indigenous, people can be racist!!

  34. #34
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    you have to also realize when people come in to get 25cent wings their bill is not high. and you tip on percent.

    also 15 years ago it was taught to everybody that 10% was a good tip.. now people say 20%.... I'm white and my mother tips only 10%...

    my wife is black, not that it matters, but she believes a tip should match what the waitress did. and lets face it Bufflo wild wings service sucks balls! I live in florida and they are everywhere and i kinda dislike going there because i know its going to take over an hour to eat. and if you are waiting to drink beer you better sit at the bar or know somebody or you will only get one beer every 30mins...

    look at where you work,, not at color or income of clients..

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    look at where you work,, not at color or income of clients..
    He did say that there is a significantly higher black clientele on Tuesday nights than other nights... and he doesn't experience poor tips from anyone else on that night

  37. #37
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    Am i racist if i like brown chocolate better than white chocolate???

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Am i racist if i like brown chocolate better than white chocolate???
    Oh yeah.


  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    In Britain, with the liberal, lefty, marxist government and police, only white, indigenous, people can be racist!!
    you know who don't tip, the freakin british. They got fish hooks in their pocket.
    Many waitresses have complained to me about the tipping habits of black people. Sometimes sterotypes are well deserved, but it's not true for all black people. Keep in mind it is 25 cent wing night. Anyone who's a bargain hunter when it comes to eating out isn't going to be the best tipper. If the demographic were more white in that bar, it would prolly still suck to be the wait staff of 25 cent wing night. Old people suck at tipping too, at least the ones going for the early bird special.

  40. #40
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    I guess I'm sexist then because I always have a waitress as a server. I have 2 or 3 favorites at each of the restaurants/bars I go to....and yes some are black, some are white, and one is of Asian descent.

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