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Thread: *The official Interview thread*

  1. #201
    marcus300's Avatar
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    marcus300 interviews collar

    marcus300: Tell us where you come from, where you live now and whats it like living in this part of the world?
    collar: I was born in lebanon and came to australia in 1991 with my brother. I was 9 and brother was 8 years old if im not wrong. We came on plane by ourselves it was bit scary and little tough to deal with. Leaving our mum and going on plane to another country by ourselves. I remember on the plane I had fallen asleep when I woke up I had pissed my pants it was so embarresing. hehe.........
    I am blessed to live in Australia with the freedom and peace we have here, compared to how my country is.
    Pretty much lebanon is all about war, I have always said for some reason its the only way they know how to live is to fight. So I thank god and I thank my dad for decision he made to bring us to Australia.
    My dad came to Australia in 1989 by himself, and then my brother and I followed two years later once we were approved for citizenship.

    marcus300: Tell us about your family?
    collar: Well what can i say about my family, when my dad chose to come to Australia my mum and dad had gotten a divorce. Then he decided to go to Australia and once he got my brother and I citizenship. The decision was had to be made that it was best for us to go live in Australia in a safer country and to grow up a normal healthy no voilence life. So this was ment we had to leave our mum behind, which was extremely tough on my brother and I, I also believe till this day my brother holds anger or some sort of like hatred towards mum in some way for letting us go. But on other hand he knows and I know that dad was not going leave us in lebanon he was hard headed mean man and got his way no matter what. Or he pretty much would have blew up everything. eeeeeeeeeep. I know it would have to be the hardest thing for a mother, to let go of her kids and pretty much know she may never see them again. So once we were in Australia, we didnt get to see our mum for 14 years, lost contact with her. We grew up not carring about who is our mum and where would she be right now.I guess its the immaturity and the young mind of boys. We never really worried and thought we miss our mum and so on. I guess its harsh the way it sounds but for some reason we just didnt think much about it. We grew up not knowing our mum really and forgoten about her, so we didnt really think we had a mum. As time went by my dad remarried in Australia and had a daughter by this woman. But my brother and I had the worst time of our life with this lady. Simple things like going to kitchen and opening the fridge for food, we would get yelled at. Or looked at wrong way for just being kids I guess. So I told my dad I dont like her and we should leave her, so he did so. My dad has being married six times, yeah it seems like a lot and it is, but I dont blame him really..... he was trying some what to find someone for us that will look after us and it was very hard thing to find. Since a lot of women didnt want two young kids to look after when they are not her own. My dad went from one marriage to another struggling, trying find someone sincere and willing to stick around. It seemed a impossible thing to find. Then my dad married a lady who he is currently with, when he married her she had already had three kids of her own.Then they had a daughter together and she took care of us very well and till now things are going well for them, thank god. Eventually my mum had found our contacts, my real mum that is and we spoke to her for first time on phone after 14 years or so. It did seem very awkward and I really didnt treat her very well on phone. I guess cause I didnt really think of her as a mum.
    My brother didnt even speak to her on phone. As time went by we started building relationship with her and things were getting better. Also we found out over the years she has being trying find us and trying get in contact with us but everyone back home from my dads side of family kept telling her we dont know much about them and kept giving her bad news like. They are locked up and they are into all sorts of things.
    Making her suffer and struggle. Then eventually I did go over to see her, which was in kuwait.
    Where she lives now with her husband and her two kids a boy and a girl. A beautiful happy family, once I met her i started getting all my young memories of her again and which was great. I some what felt at home again and complete for some reason, I felt like we were continuing from where we left off was so easy.
    The only thing the first time she seen me I was massive, she was shocked how big and muscley I have gotten.
    She remembers me as a little boy hehe. Also my brother went over and seen her, first time round he didnt stay too long. He couldnt really warm up to her. I went once again to her few years ago and brother went few months ago and this time he started warming up to her little more. So all in all things are improving and getting better. Sorry for all the ramble but there is so much more but I will stop now. I have the stories about seen my dad in the war and the memories I have of him and his enemies. Also he was a tough man, getting belted by him damn was a tough thing and scary thing to deal with.. but I wont ramble about that for now hehee.. sorry if I wasted all your time hehe..

    marcus300: Woooow thats some story, sounds like you had a rough time and it must of been hard for your mother leaving you and your brother.

    marcus300: What are your current stats?
    collar: currently due to injuries, I am just trying stay cut and lean all year round. I am 72kg at 7-8%bf all year round. I am 5,6 - 5,7

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    collar: Currently unfortunatly unemployed, I was doing personal training for while. But dealing with people that un motivated and dont turn up due to a big weekend. Was discusting to deal with, since I am so proud in what i do. Also I have to stay near my dad, due after his back surgery things have gone down hill. Now he takes so much medication which has led him to having constant on going seizures, its scary he could be anywhere and just fall to ground and happens. Seen your dad in that state is a very tough thing to deal with and knowing his not himself anymore.. This is also a long complicated story I can go into but i will not bored you guys with it

    marcus300: Are you married, have children or girlfriend?
    collar: not married, no kids and unfortunatly no girlfriend...........

    Memebers question: Why can you not stand pets?
    collar: Well They piss everywhere,shit everywhere they lick their own ass and then try lick your face ummm I dont see it as good thing.Plus I dont have the time and care to really look after a pet.Plus I have seen a lot of people with pet, all they do is stress and whinge about their thanks.. hehe

    marcus300: The story about you being born with the same wound where your Dads brother was shot is remarkable, tell us some more about that story?
    collar: Well at the time there was a huge war my dad and his family were involved in. Pretty much whole of lebanon really, anyway as the war had escalated and started getting out of control. Mum started relising she may have to have me where ever she maybe due to war. Well one day dads brother was walking towards home but he was along way out of his area, he got ambused was shot below his belly button about 5 cm bellow. Then next day mum had fallen in labour she was underneath our building in a hide out, cause things were really dangerous. The hospital about 1km away but she could not get there because bullets were flying all over the place. Dad was not home he was out fighting of course and trying find the killer of his brothers death, his mum my grandmother was helping my mum to bring me into this world hehe.So my dad arrives home, he knew any time soon my mum would be having me. His mother runs out and tells him your brother is back!! his back !! god blessed us and didnt let us lose him. My dad was a little lost cause he wanted to name me something else, but when he went in and seen why she was speaking in such way. He had realised I had the same wound as his brother same spot and all, the only thing I was bleeding out.His brother never got to bleed out, he had got internal bleeding which had also lead to his death. So my dad agreed and didnt open his mouth, and let his mother be happy with the decision of having same name as his brother. Then the realisation came, he must get me to hospital. They begged him and told him you cant do this just wait it out, we will do what we can here. He did not listen he was a mad man, picked me up and ran with me to the hospital. Bullets were flying all over the place, and at once stage he got shot with two bullets but he did make it. By the way he had been shot eight times hehe, crazy man ...Now that I have grown up my dad tells me there is many characteristics that his brother had, that I have excatly the same, attitude,behavour,determination and just looks and height..

    marcus300: Bloody hell, that sounds amazing and so crazy.

    marcus300: In your 11 facts you said your obsessive and compulsive, what kind of OCD things do you do and how does it effect your life?
    collar: oh the thing is im not diagnosed with it, But I do believe to some extent I must have it. Just some things I do. hehe I pretty much need the shoes in certain place, if someone walks in to my house and knocks the shoes out of place or put their shoes bit too far from where the shoes should be it really bothers me hahah.. If the light is switched on in the room or fan and no one in there I cannot sit there knowing their on.If for example everyday the sunglasses are in certain place on table but today they are moved slightly I must move them back in place hahaha. Just little things, but also I must say we must all have litle bit of obessiveness in us for the life style we live, repeat and do things every day excatly the same we will never quit. Its just the way we live hehe.

    marcus300: Your a long standing member here at AR, what makes you still come back day in day out?
    collar: I guess the people, the friendliness, the humour of all different type of people is just amazing and really makes me laugh every day. Learning and educating myself, always learning. People might not really know me here on AR but I do look at these guys like family, come in and just post and join in.Its good fun and good it is the only forum I have ever joined and only forum I do view, in my own way I look myself as a loyal member hehe..

    marcus300: Tell us about your AAS use and why you first started bodybuilding?
    I started bodybuilding at 13 years old, the reason was I was a sprinter an athletic runner. One day decided needed to go in and just strengthen my body up for my running and for speed, then before you know it I was growing and it was getting out of control and was really loving it.Before you know it i had dropped the running and kept bodybuilding hehe.Was looking to compete and was getting in great shape, then unfortunatly I had my car accident and have not recovered since then.This was in 2005, it was tough to hear from many drs and specialist to tell you, you must stop training and it is only going make things worst.They were the tough days and terrible days.Bodybuilding was everything to me.Now I just do what I can and work around it, but mind you not alowed to train my upper body and no squats.So I just do bit of arms, plenty of cardio and some legs like leg press and calves.Better than nothing I guess.Not AAS yet cause I am not educated enough on the subject.

    marcus300: Tell us about your first and only love, do you feel you will ever love again and do you still love her?
    collar:My first ahh my first love what can I say.She was amazing, she was everything, I loved herith all my heart and would have done anything for her.She also felt the same way, but unfortunatly family and timing would not alow us to be happy and be together.She is afraid of losing her family if she decides to stand up to them and she dont know if she is able to do that.I also cant let her do that if she really thinks she may lose her family, it is unfair and selfish.Do I still lover her, with all my heart.She was my soul mate and I trully believe something is missing from me.There is not a day goes by where I dont think of her.Maybe one day who knows, if its ment to be, its ment to be.Would I love again, I trully believe not.True real love I believe only comes once.People might say other whise but once you have experienced the real thing, nothing will ever compare and I can never settle for second best and would rather live single. Than with someone where I cant give my complete heart and soul to them, I think it would be very selfish of me.Also its just in my character and who I am, I just cant see anyone else when my mind only thinks of one person.Thats just me all or nothing type of guy.

    Members question: whats your biggest mistake you ever made?
    collar: I have made many poor decision in my life.When I was younger I got in so many fights and just couldnt stay out of trouble.I guess if I knew what I know now that would be one of them.Second I would have to say my ex-girlfriends family, if I only kept my mouth shut many times and treated her family well.Meaning not speak out, just keep my mouth shut for her sake.. But I couldnt do it many times I got into fights and arguements with them.Then they eventually stopped me from seen her, thats biggest lesson I learnt.Treat the inlaws well and keep your mouth shut hehe..

    Members question: I would like to know what you fear most?
    collar: My fear I would have to say is always not achieving what I would like to achieve in this life.
    Not succeeding and just failing.

    marcus300: What are you proud of?
    collar:I would have to say my loyalty,my strength and my individualty never get tempted by anything or anyone.
    I think that is something to be proud of

    marcus300: I believe you have never drank,took drugs or smoked, thats some statement. Why have you never tried these common past times?
    collar:Ummmm to be honest with you, I believe due to starting gym so young it had kept me out of trouble and out curiosity for trying such things.Also I dont look down on anyone for what ever they do, but for myself.
    I just dont believe there is reason for drinking, I can have fun without it.Drugs ummm I dont know im that not type of person to take such things and smoking it just smells horrible I dont see how I can put it in my mouth.
    Also I train how can I claim im fit and healthy when I do such thing, thats just me though.No hard feelings for anyone that does enjoy those things hehehe..

    marcus300: Are you religious?
    collar:Not at all, mind you my religion damn there some religious crazy ones out there I tell ya...

    marcus300: Whats your passion in life?
    collar:hmmmmm very interesting question...I guess my passion is pretty much like things I would like to ahieve in my life.Im not the fussy type.Hopefully god willing one day to have my own house, A good job nothing too fancy just to live comfortably and to live with my true love..I guess at this stage of my life I dont have much passion for anything, to be honest with you my heart is still broken and find it hard to look at the positives right now.But lifes moves on as they say right????

    Members question: If you could turn back time and change 1 thing, what that would be?
    collar: If I can turn back time, I would really have put my head down through school and got a serious education.And try make something out of myself, to succeed I guess work harder and do everything in my power to achieve success.Which I didnt do.

    Members question: Where would you most like to go in the world?
    collar: France, romantic and a beautiful place thats for sure.With a loved one of course.

    marcus300: How do you get on with your brothers?
    collar:As I have said earlier and all of you know I have many step brothers and sisters.But only one true brother, he is amazing the guy is the best.He has his own life and his own friends.But its who I live with, its him and me.Dad lives next door.When he comes home my brother, we just sit there and watch tv and do the simple things in life.Its great we may not communicated all the time but knowing his there is awesome.We go out together and just have like dinner and so on.To be honest with you he is my only brother and only friend right now.I currently have no friends in my life, thats also another story with my friends but right now.Im pretty much a loner, oh well......

    marcus300: Tell us about your injuries at this present time?
    collar:I currently have two subluxation of the left and right sternoclavicular joint (due to car accident)
    Left elbow.5 bludging discs ( due to car accident and training such heavy ass squats to an extent)both knees ( due to squatting I have to believe)

    marcus300: Explain to us whats a typical day look like for you?
    collar:Right now hmm my day, my boring day hehe.Pretty much get up, brush teeth and clean up.Go do cardio
    come back home shower.have my meal relax little bit and try lay down go pay bills and my dads bills if there is any watch some tv come on here and see whats going on go do some cardio again come home shower
    have my meal and just depends watch some tv,jump on here,see my dad little bit, nothing much really.
    My life sucks and boring, need to really get a job.........

    Memebers question: If someone is raising his/her voice around you, are you able to keep calm? or do you lose control of yourself?
    collar:of course I can control myself, what I mean is its something that I find annoying but I stay calm or I just walk away if I am not part of conversation hehehe..

    marcus300: If you could be *admin* for a day, what would be your first 3 decisions?
    collar: let the f word appear, we are all adults hehee..To give advice on certain topics for example the q&a section, you must go through a test and prove yourself and pass with flying colours to be able to give advice there.I see a lot of horrible advice sometimes and im no expert on topic and I see it from miles away.
    third thing ummm pretty much, not too sure really but I guess no flaming means no flaming.......

    Members question: what do you think of BJJ?
    collar:BJJ hmmmm very interesting character, unique in his own way I must say.Great guy, has had a lot of experience in his life who makes his who he is now.His very inteligent and got a good head on his shoulders.He has had a interesting hard life thats for sure.I wish him all the best ..

    marcus300: What would you do if you won the lottery?
    collar:Buy my dad house, give him enough money to enjoy himself and go on holidays Buy my brother a house, give my brother enough money to start his on business. Buy myself a house and invest in a business.If there is money left, give to the poor.

    marcus300: Tell us something what would shock the AR audience about yourself?
    sorry nothing really...hmmmmm I have to really think about this.nothing shocking, but things I hate I guess anyone speaks loudly next to me, anyone where when I say something, they reply with what was that???? just to give themselves that extra time to think about what they would like to say back.
    I guess nothing shocking just felt like letting people know that heheheh....sorry.

    marcus300: Thankyou very much

  2. #202
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Very touching interview man.

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  3. #203
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    That's amazing bro.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    As personal as it gets.

    You have my best.



  4. #204
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    Wow moving interview, Great job Collar!

    And best of luck to you!!!
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  5. #205
    jbm's Avatar
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    you're the man collar!

  6. #206
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    thanks you guys.
    im glad you guys enjoyed it and thanks for your kind words.

  7. #207
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    I believe among the words you have written there is an implicit constant: you have got incredible will power.

    Your story is a touching one.
    I wish you all the best you can achieve and a job which fits your expectations.

    Thank you very much for your kind and, unexpected, words.
    I really would like to know who asked that question and if that person received the answer he was waiting for...

  8. #208
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    Very well done. Keep up the good work guys.

  9. #209
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Another great interview

  10. #210
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    Collar u da man...if i ever go down there expect to get a pm

  11. #211
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Next interview will be with DSM4LIFE please send me your question via PM, he is open to answer anything you want to know.

  12. #212
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    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Great stuff.....very open collar...thanks

  13. #213
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Last edited by BJJ; 11-24-2009 at 11:21 AM.

  14. #214
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    very nice guys

    dsm is next? oh geez lol

    i interviewed myself last night using some of the questions used in previious interviews.. realized i dont even know myself that well...

  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    very nice guys

    dsm is next? oh geez lol

    i interviewed myself last night using some of the questions used in previious interviews.. realized i dont even know myself that well...
    doesnt surprise me at all

  16. #216
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Keep your questions coming for DSM4LIFE

  17. #217
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    thank you guys so much for words.

    thank you for your kinds bjj, it means a lot.


  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Collar u da man...if i ever go down there expect to get a pm
    any time man .

  19. #219
    marcus300's Avatar
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    DSM4LIFE interview now closed.................

  20. #220
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    That's amazing bro.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    As personal as it gets.

    You have my best.



    I would've never thought that you're originally from Lebanon (like myself).

    Have you ever had the chance to go visit Lebanon? I'm going this summer and I'm so excited (I haven't been since 2006).

    Very moving story of yours bro, you went through a lot of shit.

    I really liked how you described your relationship with your brother, that even though at times you guys don't really talk to each other, you still appreciate the fact that your brother's around you and everything.

    Good Luck with your job hunt, and once again, great interview.



  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphatier View Post

    I would've never thought that you're originally from Lebanon (like myself).

    Have you ever had the chance to go visit Lebanon? I'm going this summer and I'm so excited (I haven't been since 2006).

    Very moving story of yours bro, you went through a lot of shit.

    I really liked how you described your relationship with your brother, that even though at times you guys don't really talk to each other, you still appreciate the fact that your brother's around you and everything.

    Good Luck with your job hunt, and once again, great interview.


    thanks for that alpha.

    um i have had the chance to go back if i want to.
    but many factors come into it.

    one is im not really the type that really would like to go back sort of thing.

    second i think the compulsary army thing is not sorted out yet, so i cant go there otherwise i will end up serving time for no reason hehe.

    thank you for your kind words and im glad you see what im talking about my brother and so on.


  22. #222
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar View Post
    thanks for that alpha.

    um i have had the chance to go back if i want to.
    but many factors come into it.

    one is im not really the type that really would like to go back sort of thing.

    second i think the compulsary army thing is not sorted out yet, so i cant go there otherwise i will end up serving time for no reason hehe.

    thank you for your kind words and im glad you see what im talking about my brother and so on.

    Anytime bro.

    Yeah, I think you're right about serving time in the army being compulsory. That would be a fun vacation hehe

    Hey, no problem man. You did a great job describing it.

    Again, I wish you only the best.



  23. #223
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    Where is DSM's interview already, I'm really curious to see what he has been through .....oh no, I didn't mean that.

  24. #224
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    Sorry guys I was called away, DSM4LIFE interview should be posted in a few hours time.

  25. #225
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    marcus300 interviews DSM4LIFE

    marcus300: Well this is going to be interesting, here goes. Where do you live and do you like living there?
    DSM4LIFE: I live in Philadelphia, PA and love it.

    marcus300: What are your stats?
    DSM4LIFE: 5’6 170lbs 14% BF

    marcus300: How old are you?
    DSM4LIFE: 28

    marcus300: How long have you been training for?
    DSM4LIFE: 7-8 years

    marcus300: Do you ever cycle AAS?
    DSM4LIFE: I have once before but I feel at the time I wasn’t ready. I won’t make that mistake again.

    marcus300: What do you do for a living?
    DSM4LIFE: I work for a utility company (I don’t go into details anymore than that on here).

    Members question:Why do you mostly speak through pictures?
    DSM4LIFE: For laughs.

    marcus300: Do you have a close relationship with your family?
    DSM4LIFE: I do. My family is my rock. I don’t know what I would do without them.

    Members question: How did friends and family take the news you was gay?
    DSM4LIFE: So far it’s been 100% positive. Very supportive family and friends.

    marcus300: Let’s get the gay questions out of the way. When did you know you were gay?
    DSM4LIFE: My first experience with another man was in 1st grade. Yes, I know it sounds odd but it was. When we had to go to the bathroom in school we always had to pick a partner to go for safety. I always picked this kid named Andy and he always picked me. Let’s just say we would do more than just go to the bathroom when we got there. I didn’t know I was gay at that time was just having fun. I must have “officially” known at about 17-18.

    Members question: If he could actually choose 1 member off this board to sleep with, who would it be?
    DSM4LIFE: I couldn’t pick since I personally don’t know anyone here. I don’t sleep around.

    marcus300: you have a partner?
    DSM4LIFE: I do. Been together little over 3 years.

    marcus300: Are you openly gay in your daily life?
    DSM4LIFE: I am to my family and friends. I am not at my place of employment as it could jeopardize my career.

    Members question:why are you afraid to "come out" in certain areas of your life?
    DSM4LIFE: I wouldn’t say I’m afraid but more selective. The biggest/hardest decision for me is to come out at work. I know for a fact that it could negatively affect my career. A guy at my place came out and I was a witness to the bosses in secret bash this guy and laugh at him behind his back while I was in the room. If they only knew right ? Keep your enemies even closer… It sucks but that’s life.

    A lot of people have heard me say “treat people the way you want to be treated.” Sure it’s a nice saying but at times it’s more difficult than you might think. I know this first hand.

    I grew up in a household of racists. I am not proud of it but that’s how it was back in my parents’ time. I was raised at that time to hate black people just for their skin color. At a young age I could even say the “N” word in my house without my parents yelling at me. Thinking back on it now it’s just amazing. You would think growing up in a household like this I would have been a racist for the remainder of my life. As I grew up and started thinking on my own I really gave all this a lot of thought. In school I made some black friends and quickly realized there was no difference between my white and black friends. Some of my black friends were more enjoyable to hang out with than my other(white) friends. The meaning of that word changed for me. I stopped using that word and just from me not bringing it up my friends eventually did as well.
    Most of us have been in situations where a friend or family member might have beaten someone physically/mentally just because someone was “different.” In my eyes it takes a true man to stand up and voice his opinion when going against the grain. Even doing something small as to walk away and not participate can go a long way. We are all different in one way or another but at the same time we are the same. So next time you go to throw a hurtful word or fist just take a step back and really question what/why you are doing it. Ask yourself how it would make you feel if someone were to treat your mother/father/sister/brother the same way.

    Members question: What are the main reasons why you think gay couple have the right to adopt a child?
    DSM4LIFE: There are millions of unwanted children in this world and for people to say they shouldn’t be placed with a couple that will love as their own is simply mind-boggling. This is a topic that hits home because I do want to adopt when I am ready. Another part of the adoption process that seems odd is why it cost people thousands of dollars. Some loving couples want to adopt but can’t afford to spend 10K (read an article where the couple stated this figure).

    Members question: If there was one thing you could change in your personality what would it be any why would you change it?
    DSM4LIFE: There is nothing I can think of that I would change.

    marcus300: Have you ever been with a woman and if so, how did that feel for you?
    DSM4LIFE: I have been with more than a handful of women. How did it feel ? Good. Just because I am gay/bi doesn’t mean I am repulsed by women. I have had multiple LTR’s with women and enjoyed them all.

    Members question: What are the main reasons why you think gay couple have the right to adopt a child?
    DSM4LIFE: There are millions of unwanted children in this world and for people to say they shouldn’t be placed with a couple that will love as their own is simply mind-boggling. This is a topic that hits home because I do want to adopt when I am ready. Another part of the adoption process that seems odd is why it cost people thousands of dollars. Some loving couples want to adopt but can’t afford to spend 10K (read an article where the couple stated this figure).

    marcus300: Where have you travelled to?
    DSM4LIFE: I don’t travel as much as I would like but that is going to change soon. Only place I have been that I consider “traveling” is Aruba. It was an awesome experience

    marcus300:Where would you most like to go?
    DSM4LIFE: Italy.

    marcus300: Why do you continually post gay pics on the forum?
    DSM4LIFE: I do it for a couple of reasons. One reason being that I love that a “gay pic” makes people squirm in their seats. Sorry but I just find it amusing. Another reason, it points out peoples hypocritical views. When someone rants that my picture is disgusting and complains to the admin that I should be banned I just sit back allow them to rant . I then go on to explain the other side of the coin. I reverse the situation to allow them to see it from my point of view. I go on to tell them posting pictures of half naked women repulses me and makes me feel uncomfortable which normally at that point they realize how ridiculous their argument is. The member normally becomes upset that I made him look dumb in front of other members so then they start reaching for the “God , didn’t make use this way for a reason “ statement. The argument ends there for me.

    marcus300: Who would you most like to meet from AR?
    DSM4LIFE: There are a lot of members that I have become friends with on here but I would like to meet either BO or Rulh. I would like to have a sit down dinner with either of them to try and pry more into their brains and try to figure out why they do/say the things they do.

    marcus300:What makes you angry in life?
    DSM4LIFE: Greed.

    marcus300:Worse experience of your life?
    DSM4LIFE: Death of a close family member. It’s a wound that will never heal.

    marcus300: Best experience of your life?
    DSM4LIFE: When I got a college degree and had the feeling of making my parents proud of me.

    marcus300:If you could change something what you did in your past, what would that be?
    DSM4LIFE: I would live my life for me and worry less about what other people think.

    marcus300: What kind of diet do you follow?
    DSM4LIFE: Well with my 14% BF you can see I haven’t been as stick as I once was. I have never wanted the “beach body” but more of a powerbuilders body. I want to be strong/look strong. I don’t need abs but I need mass. So in my mind if I was 180-190 at 12% BF I would be happy.

    marcus300: What hobbies do you have apart from AR and the gym?
    DSM4LIFE: I enjoy racing streetbikes / gaming / lifting/ building motors (still learning) dealing with mostly import turbo cars / spending time with family friends.

    marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
    DSM4LIFE: 1) Lots of money so I could take care of my parents without them having to work another day in their life. 2) To have children in the next 5 years. 3) People around the world would start treating other people they way they would like to be treated.

  26. #226
    dangerous dan's Avatar
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    the place i love the most
    nice interview DSM & marcus

  27. #227
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Another good interview

    cheers Marcus/DSM

  28. #228
    stack_it's Avatar
    stack_it is offline Nothing to it, but to do it
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    great interview dsm. That may be the longest post I've seen u make without pictures

  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    great interview dsm. That may be the longest post I've seen u make without pictures
    stop reading my mind.......
    Gr8 interview ....thanks guys.

  30. #230
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    good stuff!!

  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    great interview dsm. That may be the longest post I've seen u make without pictures
    X2 lol

  32. #232
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  33. #233
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    thanks for sharing dsm.

    thanks marcus.

  34. #234
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    Ok guys, its taken me sometime to get this member to do an interview but its on it way.

    The next interview will be with BG

    Send me your questions via pm please

  35. #235
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    Once again, an interesting interview.

    Thanks for sharing DSM. I thought that the "1st grade" part took a lot of guts to say.

  36. #236
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    Thanks for the interview collar! Very very interesting and best of luck to you my friend!

    DSM..... Awesome interview but I must say i'm a little upset you don't want to have a sitdown dinner with me LOLOL - Things seem to be going well for you - keep it up!

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  37. #237
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    Comments are welcome after the interview but any kind of whoring/clutter/pictures/further questions will be deleted. Lets try and keep it as clean as possible so we just have interviews and comments only. Save me deleting nonsense remarks.

  38. #238
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    Questions for BG interview to be forwarded to me via PM please

  39. #239
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    thank you all

  40. #240
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    Send your questions for the BG interview to me by PM please

    still open....

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