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  1. #41
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Damn, there seems to be a lot of fatalism in the love department on this board. With phrases like cheat or be cheated on. Obviously some are picking and dating the wrong ladies. If they dont have enough dignity and self respect and honesty about them, then leave them at the curb. Or just take them out for a one time Find Um, F*ck Um, Forget UM and move on till you find Miss Right instead of Miss Right now. I mean come on now with as many of us gay boys in America, there should be a whole lotta good women out there needing a man. At least since some of you have been burnt by some bad ones at least you no longer have blinders on and can tell if the present one is doing you wrong a lot earlier so you can deal with it and not be blindsided.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You guys are cutting it to black and white...the vast majority of situations are not that simple. Everyone at some point in their lives has compromised their morals and integrity, be it via cheating or anything else. We are not infallible. No one is. To suggest that you've never done anything to compromise your morals or integrity is a blatant lie, and in the scope of things cheating and violating other forms of socially "acceptable" behavior are one in the same. I find it highly entertaining that people coming from THIS forum, dealing with the subject matter that we do are casting aspersions on people who get caught up in one situation or the other.

    Everyone has skeletons in their closet that they are ashamed of. To say that you don't is lying...which is essentially what cheating is in it's simplest form.
    ^^^^ Probably the most intelligent post in this thread.....

    Who is anyone here to criticize another person for something else? Don't pass judgements on someone for the way they choose to live their life. The members that "cheat" aren't calling the "monogomous" members of this board dumbasses for not getting as much poon as possible..... so it should go the other way also. Same goes for drugs or any other scenario..... each person has their own views and they are certainly entitled to them. Remember tho..... you may be guilty of something that someone else doesn't understand.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    ^^^^ Probably the most intelligent post in this thread.....

    Who is anyone here to criticize another person for something else? Don't pass judgements on someone for the way they choose to live their life. The members that "cheat" aren't calling the "monogomous" members of this board dumbasses for not getting as much poon as possible..... so it should go the other way also. Same goes for drugs or any other scenario..... each person has their own views and they are certainly entitled to them. Remember tho..... you may be guilty of something that someone else doesn't understand.

    Would you cheat on your wife?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    ^^^^ Probably the most intelligent post in this thread.....

    Who is anyone here to criticize another person for something else? Don't pass judgements on someone for the way they choose to live their life. The members that "cheat" aren't calling the "monogomous" members of this board dumbasses for not getting as much poon as possible..... so it should go the other way also. Same goes for drugs or any other scenario..... each person has their own views and they are certainly entitled to them. Remember tho..... you may be guilty of something that someone else doesn't understand.

    How would me not getting as much "poon" as possible constitute me as a dumbass? If you go into a relationship will an understanding from both people that it will be an "open" relationship, then by all means have all the free sex you want. But when you go into a relationship commiting yourself to them or actually marrying them and making an even higher commitment, and then proceed to break that trust (Even if they do not know), then people will judge you.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    How would me not getting as much "poon" as possible constitute me as a dumbass? If you go into a relationship will an understanding from both people that it will be an "open" relationship, then by all means have all the free sex you want. But when you go into a relationship commiting yourself to them or actually marrying them and making an even higher commitment, and then proceed to break that trust (Even if they do not know), then people will judge you.

    Amen Brother... This is the major deciding factor here, the promise of absolute commitment, then failing to live up to it. I've been in comittable relationships before, but then some say I ought to be committed. But thats another story.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I couldn't care less because I am done with having "feelings" for women. It's all bullshit. Catching feelings/falling for women is the worst mistake a man could possibly make, because it's gonna come back and bite him in the ass. Women should be treated equal and they deserve respect...yeah right...they can suck my d*ck. From my past expierences, All women are crazy, insecure, slobs who WILL bring a man down who cares about them. I think it's harder for you to see point/hatred for women here because you do not date them....I'm assuming you don't have much first hand expierence with the subject. When a whore cheats...WHY must we blame the guys that fvcked her? Because its only morally right to physically harm them instead of women. I am totally against physically assaulting women, I just think that most men who are cheated on mainly blame the other guys because they're the only ones who they can lay a finger on without feeling guility or essentially, like a fvcking pvssy..
    I don't mean to offend you, but aren't you only 21 or 22? At your age how can you possibly think you have an entire gender pegged? I remember your post where you were depressed because you said the girls you dated were just whores and all the young girls just drink and aren't into your bodybuilding lifestyle. This seems to have made you feel quite negatively about ALL women. Have you ever thought that maybe there is something wrong with the types of women you have targeted? Maybe you need to have some patience and remember you really don't know that much about the world yet. Learn to expand your horizons instead of closing your mind at such a young age. From some of your other posts, you seem like you have a decent head on your shoulders. I guess I just feel its a shame to see someone like yourself developing a mindset that will limit your potential to build lasting, meaningful relationships.
    I always feel sorry for the self proclaimed "players" in this forum spouting out how they have no feelings towards women, that it is all just a game, that women are whores. For all the action they get they sure do spend a lot of time on here wracking up tens of thousands of posts on meaningless topics. They all support each other online, probably because nobody gives a shit about them in the real world. Don't let yourself end up like that. Again although it sounds harsh I'm not trying to beat on you, just don't want someone to waste their potential.

  7. #47
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    DSM, if some guy who you thought was a hot stud wanted to get with you in ways that excite you to no end but was married and told you his marriage was on the rocks... would you do anything sexual with him or always turn these type of situations down?

  8. #48
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    i like how this thread went from cheating on your bf/gf to all the other shit people do...pretty funny to see people justify or equate one bad behavior with another..or even one bad behavior with something that isn't bad...

    it's simple..if your significant other trusts that you won't go behind their back with another person and you do, you can't be trusted by that person. doesn't matter if you do steroids , smoke crack, rob banks, or kill people on the side. that's not the subject. if you can't stay on subject, or you have to justify your cheating by saying everybody does it or you justify your cheating by saying you do some other illicit behavior doesn't fukcing matter.

    it looks like in this thread, the cheaters say it's fine, and the noncheaters say it's not fine...go the saying goes...birds of a feather flock together. (and misery loves company)
    Last edited by HitIt; 11-05-2010 at 08:38 PM.

  9. #49
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    Judge not, lest ye be judged...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Would you cheat on your wife?
    u dont read much that goes on here do u?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Sounds like most of you guys who are bashing women have been burnt at one time in your life and your still feeling the effects of it.
    This is something you should have on your mind the entire time you are reading this thread. Otherwise you may forget the same exact ones who "women always cheat" on are the same exact ones who apparently hate women, but I definitely won't start listing names.

    Its sad to see how bitter and insecure a break up can actually make someone.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    u dont read much that goes on here do u?
    I think most of that was in the whore thread. He doesn't seem to go in tree much.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This is something you should have on your mind the entire time you are reading this thread. Otherwise you may forget the same exact ones who "women always cheat" on are the same exact ones who apparently hate women, but I definitely won't start listing names.

    Its sad to see how bitter and insecure a break up can actually make someone.
    I don't hate women. I don't trust them tho. There's only one woman in this world I trust and that's my mother. There are very few women out there who wouldn't cheat if the the right guy came along and he just happened to know the right things to say an do.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I don't hate women. I don't trust them tho. There's only one woman in this world I trust and that's my mother. There are very few women out there who wouldn't cheat if the the right guy came along and he just happened to know the right things to say an do.
    Are you recanting then what you agreed to in post 25? That was a rather strong statement you wrote "exactly" too. Even DSM felt it was strong enough to argue against, but you basically argued for.
    So then you don't hate women you just don't trust them? Because a lack of trust can sometimes act like healthy paranoia, its functional. But hating a group of people due to their gender is different, its almost blaringly ignorant imo. Glad we got that cleared. =]

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    You area a man of wisdom. Majority of women are all lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention that they get. In the same aspect, I see nothing wrong with fooling around with a woman who has a boyfriend or husband. All us men are doing is accpeting the twat that is being thrown at us...You don't just fall into a dick...Women need to stop trying to play the sympathy card whenever they get caught red-handed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Are you recanting then what you agreed to in post 25? That was a rather strong statement you wrote "exactly" too. Even DSM felt it was strong enough to argue against, but you basically argued for.
    So then you don't hate women you just don't trust them? Because a lack of trust can sometimes act like healthy paranoia, its functional. But hating a group of people due to their gender is different, its almost blaringly ignorant imo. Glad we got that cleared. =]
    Tell me where it says anything about hating women in there? Yes I distrust them... All of them (except my mother). I believe the post I agreed to "exactly" was talking about how when men shouldn't feel bad for fvcking a girl who is cheating because it's her choice otherwise it would be rape. They lie and manipulate as much if not more then men. They get most men by the balls so they will do anything not to hear her bitch.
    Last edited by stack_it; 11-06-2010 at 12:49 AM.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    DSM, if some guy who you thought was a hot stud wanted to get with you in ways that excite you to no end but was married and told you his marriage was on the rocks... would you do anything sexual with him or always turn these type of situations down?
    If i was in a relationship, hands down no. If said he was breaking up with his partner and i was single than maybe. If i did because i got caught up in the moment i would feel like such a douche the next day.

  17. #57
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    I'm not saying every woman cheats, but every woman I have ever met in my life so far does or has cheat. I was under the impression that if I was a good husband than I would never have to worry about being caught up in that type of stuff. Until my wife did cheat. Then lied about cheating. Then lied about lying about it. A very LONG story short (because of course I am referring to an entire time of my life) after getting screwed over, ****ed around on, lied to, etc. I felt like I was tired of being the faithful one that always made the right decision no matter what. So it was a point of "f*ck it"

    Felt bad later. Had my reasons for trying it though.

  18. #58
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    I want to cheat with DSM

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I'm not saying every woman cheats, but every woman I have ever met in my life so far does or has cheat. I was under the impression that if I was a good husband than I would never have to worry about being caught up in that type of stuff. Until my wife did cheat. Then lied about cheating. Then lied about lying about it. A very LONG story short (because of course I am referring to an entire time of my life) after getting screwed over, ****ed around on, lied to, etc. I felt like I was tired of being the faithful one that always made the right decision no matter what. So it was a point of "f*ck it"

    Felt bad later. Had my reasons for trying it though.
    So your saying this girl screwed up your life because of cheating and you are willing to do the same the other peoples lives ?

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I want to cheat with DSM
    Im lubed and waiting.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    So your saying this girl screwed up your life because of cheating and you are willing to do the same the other peoples lives ?
    Yep. That's what he's saying and I get it.

    Nice guys finish last. That's all I have to say.

  22. #62
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    There two different types of people here..... those who cheat and those who don't. It doesn't matter what the reasons are for either case..... we can all just agree to disagree on the way the other group feels. Once again..... cheating is one of MANY moral boundries..... some people choose not to cross it while others do. You can feel as strongly about it as you want but what anyone thinks of me doesn't matter to me. I'm sure some of you could give a shit less about how I feel about whatever moral shit you do wrong.....

    Nothing is ever white and black..... people have their reasons for doing the things they do..... whether it's cheating, robbing a bank, using steroids or rec drugs..... etc. You may not agree with those reasons and thats fine..... you're entitled to your own opinion.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  23. #63
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    I have a buddy who says if his girlfriend ever wanted a threesome with another chick, he would leave her because thats cheating to him.
    But 99% of guys, in that case, would love a threesome. To each their own.

  24. #64
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    I never cheated and I was never cheated on. Also, to take it one step further, I never slept with a girl that was in a relationship. My breaks are the kind of a Ferrari and top AMG class

    To me it is all about respect for myself and others.

  25. #65
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    And its cool to be a d-bag because chicks love assholes.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    And its cool to be a d-bag because chicks love assholes.
    You have to be more specific... if she likes a d-bag, then she is a dumb b!tch.

    This being said, if you are a d-bag, then you will find a lot of dumb b!tches and won't find any quality women.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    You have to be more specific... if she likes a d-bag, then she is a dumb b!tch.

    Exactly! Which is why they can't be trusted. lol

    You go to a club or party, its never the nice, quiet, reserved guy that gets the hottest ass there. Instead its the loud mouth "bro".

    There is a big difference in marriage cheating and just bf/gf cheating, for me anyways.

  28. #68
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    I think haz an nomoto have pretty much nailed it for me. Who the fvk are we to judge anybody on their life and what they do? not everything is black and white

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Exactly! Which is why they can't be trusted. lol

    You go to a club or party, its never the nice, quiet, reserved guy that gets the hottest ass there. Instead its the loud mouth "bro".

    There is a big difference in marriage cheating and just bf/gf cheating, for me anyways.

    i completely agree

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You guys are cutting it to black and white...the vast majority of situations are not that simple. Everyone at some point in their lives has compromised their morals and integrity, be it via cheating or anything else. We are not infallible. No one is. To suggest that you've never done anything to compromise your morals or integrity is a blatant lie, and in the scope of things cheating and violating other forms of socially "acceptable" behavior are one in the same. I find it highly entertaining that people coming from THIS forum, dealing with the subject matter that we do are casting aspersions on people who get caught up in one situation or the other.

    Everyone has skeletons in their closet that they are ashamed of. To say that you don't is lying...which is essentially what cheating is in it's simplest form.
    I've heard this explanation before... it's usually the excuse people who have done messed up things use to justify their own actions. Go to a prison and I bet they would say something along the lines of "everyone's ___ they just don't get caught" .

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    I've had a gf cheat after 7 years together. We owned a house together and all. I didn't start questioning myself tho. I left and when I got out into the single world I realized how scandolous women are. Not to sound conceited but maybe being attractive I see more of it. I've had girls come up to me with wedding rings on and stick there hands straight down my pants in the club only to fvck them an hour later not even knowing there name. I've had girls talking to me about there husband and how much they loved him and how happy they were and then giving mr head ten minutes later. I've never cheated. I've never had to but to say that a guys a douche for cheating isn't correct in my book. To me if he wants to cheat to fill a void let him do it. This is the real world. It's full of lies and dishonesty. Anyone who believes true honesty exists is naive and hiding from reality. Everyone lies from the govt down to your best friends in life. I'm not saying you should cheat or have to cheat but if you WANT to cheat then do your thing.
    Believe me I dont live in any fairytale world,I am about as conspiricy theory pecimistic SOB as you will ever meet,however the basis of the trust comes from respect and dignity not "honesty"as you pointed out and I am fully aware of. We as homosapians are some lying,,cheating,robbing,killin machines...Soo the only thing that there is that we can do is make a constant effort every day to respect our mates and those around us and the rest will fall into line..

    Ok the after school special is you were....

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    There two different types of people here..... those who cheat and those who don't. It doesn't matter what the reasons are for either case..... we can all just agree to disagree on the way the other group feels. Once again..... cheating is one of MANY oral boundries..... some people choose not to cross it while others do. You can feel as strongly about it as you want but what anyone thinks of me doesn't matter to me. I'm sure some of you could give a shit less about how I feel about whatever moral shit you do wrong.....

    Nothing is ever white and black..... people have their reasons for doing the things they do..... whether it's cheating, robbing a bank, using steroids or rec drugs..... etc. You may not agree with those reasons and thats fine..... you're entitled to your own opinion.

    Hey you know me Haz, I've always wanted to cross your oral boundary.

  34. #74
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    Cheat or be cheated on thats the way i see it. Which would you rather be? the cheater or the cheated.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by pitbulllock View Post
    Cheat or be cheated on thats the way i see it. Which would you rather be? the cheater or the cheated.
    Maybe we can take that one step further and go with kill or be killed. It's not mandatory for someone to cheat in a relationship.

  36. #76
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    There are no ""gray" areas when it comes to whether it's acceptable to cheat on a significant other or not. A commitment is a commitment. I made a commitment to join the military and serve my country, if I just deserted, would you judge me? Would you look differently upon me? If a company takes on a contract to build something for another business, and proceeds not to, do you think that business would ever hire them again? Would they judge them differently than they had before? You can cut and paste anything in the context of "commitment" and get the same answer. When you commit yourself to someone, something, anything... And fail to follow through you "will" be judged by those involved and those around you.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    There are no ""gray" areas when it comes to whether it's acceptable to cheat on a significant other or not. A commitment is a commitment. I made a commitment to join the military and serve my country, if I just deserted, would you judge me? Would you look differently upon me? If a company takes on a contract to build something for another business, and proceeds not to, do you think that business would ever hire them again? Would they judge them differently than they had before? You can cut and paste anything in the context of "commitment" and get the same answer. When you commit yourself to someone, something, anything... And fail to follow through you "will" be judged by those involved and those around you.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and judgements..... as I have already stated. The judgement someone makes of me only matters to themself..... because I frankly don't give a shit lol.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  38. #78
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    You're a d-bag if

    you're a liberal
    you're gay
    you're against abortion
    you're a Haz wannabe guido.

    etc etc etc

  39. #79
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    I am a gay liberal for abortion who doesn't wanna be a "haz wannabe" but rather wanna be on Haz. What does that make me ?

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life;5420***
    I am a gay liberal for abortion who doesn't wanna be a "haz wannabe" but rather wanna be on Haz. What does that make me ?
    LOL. Haz's manfriend who is slightly d-baggish????

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