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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    LOL. Haz's manfriend who is slightly d-baggish????
    I can dig it.

  2. #82
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    LMFAO! I dig it too

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  3. #83
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    There are no ""gray" areas when it comes to whether it's acceptable to cheat on a significant other or not. A commitment is a commitment. I made a commitment to join the military and serve my country, if I just deserted, would you judge me? Would you look differently upon me? If a company takes on a contract to build something for another business, and proceeds not to, do you think that business would ever hire them again? Would they judge them differently than they had before? You can cut and paste anything in the context of "commitment" and get the same answer. When you commit yourself to someone, something, anything... And fail to follow through you "will" be judged by those involved and those around you.
    Yesssir 100% agree

  5. #85
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    I dig dug it

  6. #86
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    Cheating keeps her on her toes and it means i can share the love...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #87
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    There are two types of cheaters. The first is the D-Bag, the bragger that DSM started this thread up over. The person who think's they are fvcking smart and clever and have no sense of the consequences they wrought over their actions. Then there is the unhappy cheater. Someone who is miserable, but in an impossible situation where they cannot get out of their relationship, and cheat out of a need to feel wanted and special again. Both types however, have insecurity issues.

    The former I have no time for. Those are the people you should never trust, which is ironic seeing as they are some of the people saying "i dont trust women". The latter are to be pitied more than everything, but not everything is black and white.

  8. #88
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    So your saying this girl screwed up your life because of cheating and you are willing to do the same the other peoples lives ?
    No, I would not do the same to other people, or condone that it be done. I just did it back to her, kind of an eye for an eye sort of thing. I have never been that way (mind set that eye for an eye, or two wrongs make a right) but in that very long situation I ended up saying "f*ck it" and trying it to see if it would make me feel better. It didn't. I felt bad.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Tell me where it says anything about hating women in there? Yes I distrust them... All of them (except my mother). I believe the post I agreed to "exactly" was talking about how when men shouldn't feel bad for fvcking a girl who is cheating because it's her choice otherwise it would be rape. They lie and manipulate as much if not more then men. They get most men by the balls so they will do anything not to hear her bitch.
    Why is it 2 times now that you are saying you don't hate women when not one time did I even say you did?

    First you agreed to a post that just *sounds hateful.
    Then I came in and merely quoted DSMs post not referring to you in anyway. And DSMs post happened to have to do with hating women.

    Then, for w/e reason (I can only assume you felt implicated) you had to clear up the idea that you DON'T in fact hate women, but that you just distrust them.

    What's confusing me even more now, is the fact that I wrote "glad we got that cleared", with a smiley face to reinforce the fact that I was happy and no longer confused… yet you still come back asking where the post says something about hate?
    So now I'm even more confused.

    The entire reason for that post was that you seemed to be agreeing with 2 contradicting standpoints, almost like you're agreeing with so many people you are confusing yourself, which is in turn confusing me.

    The post you agreed to "exactly" is the post you quoted. Yet now you only seem to be mentioning half of that post, the part that spoke about the mans behavior (which reads in your post "I believe the post I agreed to was.." ). My question is do you know what else you agreed to that you intentionally seem to have ignored in your last post?

    The part about all women being lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention they get?
    Not to mention the poster who wrote that was agreeing with a self-professed misogynist? (but god forbid if that means you are one yourself lol).

    I can still try understanding if its possible that someone can not hate a woman, and just not trust them… and the obvious answer is YES. But you keep saying "I don't trust them" when that had nothing to do with what I was addressing in the first place. In fact, the post you agreed to didn't even touch on the area of trust.. it clearly touched on other things.

    Only because you felt it was necessary to tell me the part of the post you were agreeing to (it being ok for men to cheat), which was only half the post you quoted, I'll mention it again.


    That part.

    Now lies the fact of whether or not you can think that about a group of people, w/out actually hating them. And to figure that out, all we have to do is consider the opposite, love.

    Is it likely that stack-it loves women because:

    1. They are ALL insecure.
    2. They are all cold-hearted.
    3. They are all whores.
    4. They only care about themselves and the attention they get.
    5. They should never be trusted.


    No, in no way do I believe that’s likely. But do I have the right to say you *hate* them because of that? To you I don't, to me I do.. and to A LOT of other people I also do. But to keep this argument convenient for yourself, like you were doing in your response, I will say:

    ITS POSSIBLE that stack-it actually doesn't hate women. Possible like the possibility of me getting struck by lighting 3 times tomorrow. If you don't hate women, you sure as hell don't like them. Because you can't tell me one thing worth liking about a person after a list like that. I don't wanna read #6 and I don't think anyone else would either.

    I will conclude by saying the same way I can't prove you hate women, you can't prove that you don't (being in a relationship is definitely not proof and saying you don't is what led us to this situation lol).

    All we are actually left with is reasons/evidence to believe something is true. If I showed that same exact list, to a group of 1000 randomly selected men, and it read as a woman who said:

    Men are all insecure
    They are all cold-hearted
    They are all pigs/sex obsessed
    They are selfish/attention seeking in nature.
    I have no trust for them.

    1000 of those men would also consider that great reason to believe that that woman specifically hates men.
    You also at no time even attempted to write 1 positive thing about women (feel free to make a list now if you think its actually gonna support your point), and you stated that you don't hate women twice WITHOUT ME even saying you did hate them in the first place. In one post I quoted DSM, in another I merely alluded to the idea of hate, but STILL w/out actually saying it. Yet rather then address exactly what I DID write, you still assumed I said you hated women (by asking where it was written in the post which made no sense).

    With all the evidence I DO have, I consider this last part the most convincing. Its almost like you know you hate women, all that comes out of your mouth is evidence to support that you hate women, yet you feel so bad about it on a common sense level that you deny it publically. But seriously, what IS THE POINT of even denying it when the rest of what you say makes you light years closer to hate then it ever will to love?

    If you had wrote, "yeh I agreed with that post but I don't hate women because…" and made a list of reasons why you don't hate them that would be one thing. Yet you say "no I don't hate women, however I don't trust them" If theres one thing I don't like about women it’s the logic they often apply, although theres tons of things I love about women and can name with ease. Yet I can absolutely tell you that you use the same exact logic they do.

    I don't actually give a shit if you hate women or love them, or think its ok to cheat on someone and have a thousand reasons to believe its ok. But what I do care about is when you have the audacity to agree with something like that, then try to make it sound like OTHER PEOPLE are wrong in assuming what they think about you because YOU are the one who's contradicting yourself, not me.
    Wait!!! I never said I hated women!!! I just think they're all terrible people lol. Seriously wtf?
    Now feel free to explain to me how long my post was, and that I'm still wrong and am just an asshole. Because like I already said, it doesn't mean shit. I'm working on intuition here not facts. There's nothing factual about anything either of us said, all there is - is my overwhelming belief that you DO in fact hate women. And I wouldn't be surprised if when you talk to yourself you actually tell yourself too "I don't hate women", because at no point did I ever get the impression you were clear about your own feelings.

  10. #90
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    Hate them, distrust them, whatever... I won't be hurt again. Almost put myself in prison shooting the guy she ran off with.

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  11. #91
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    I wouldn't cheat on my wife, if i were married. But a girlfriend..idk. It depends in what directions it's going I guess.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    This is something you should have on your mind the entire time you are reading this thread. Otherwise you may forget the same exact ones who "women always cheat" on are the same exact ones who apparently hate women, but I definitely won't start listing names.

    Its sad to see how bitter and insecure a break up can actually make someone.
    I believe that most women will cheat so that means that from what you believe that I hate women according to your statement in this post. The reason why I said I don't hate women is because I felt like I was included in that list. Yes I agree to the post I said exactly to. I didn't know I had to write a paper on why I agree with each word. Should I add an outline along with references? I also saw no where in this thread asking what I like about women so I just continued to stay on topic. Maybe if this thread was about what we like and dislike about women your argument would be legit. Being as this thread is about cheating we've both wasted a lot of typing. The reason why I replied after you said glad we could get this straightened up is because i felt like you were saying that I was contradicting myself and then acted like I was supposed to just agree with that when I have yet to contradict myself.

    Fact is everyone here has different views on this topic. Were gonna get as far as we would if this was a religious or political debate. It's always fun to read your debates but really sucks debating with you from an iPhone lol. It takes entirely too long to type on this thing.

    That being said I'll try to go into detail a little with my views as a whole on women. Like said before I don't trust women. I will agree that this is prolly because of my past experiences with them. That being said you can't go through life without women. I love being around women, being with them intimately, laying next to them, even taking one out for a date now and then. I'm only 24 so I'm sure one day I will find one that I will commit to and give my trust. I personally will not cheat. If I'm not happy in a relationship I leave it. That does not mean I am against it tho. I guess it's one of those things where I just don't judge others for what they choose to do. It's not my place or anyone elses. Everyone lives with the choices they make.

    Ok in done typing lol. If you have any more questions or would like to debate further can we keep it shorter lol. I've wondered how long it would take before I was involved in a debate with you Bo. Good times.
    Last edited by stack_it; 11-07-2010 at 12:01 AM.

  13. #93
    ROXXXTAR is offline Junior Member
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    Cheating is sad business for sad people

  14. #94
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    I've never cheated on anyone, nor have I ever messed with a girl who is in any type of relationship. I try to carry myself with respect, no matter how much I get f*cked, it makes me feel better about me. Has my view of women been screwed since everything with my wife? Absolutely - but hopefully I will bounce back from that. I don't want to look at every girl as someone who would do what my wife did to me. But the way I see it, me doing a girl like my wife did me makes me no better than her. I try to take the high ground so to speak. I don't know if I was every physically cheated on, but to me the emotional aspect and everything that I discovered hurt just as bad. Pretty much the same thing to me.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I've never cheated on anyone, nor have I ever messed with a girl who is in any type of relationship. I try to carry myself with respect, no matter how much I get f*cked, it makes me feel better about me. Has my view of women been screwed since everything with my wife? Absolutely - but hopefully I will bounce back from that. I don't want to look at every girl as someone who would do what my wife did to me. But the way I see it, me doing a girl like my wife did me makes me no better than her. I try to take the high ground so to speak. I don't know if I was every physically cheated on, but to me the emotional aspect and everything that I discovered hurt just as bad. Pretty much the same thing to me.
    What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...
    That's what they say my man...I never thought I had to worry about life without her. Rough, but I'll overcome it.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    That's what they say my man...I never thought I had to worry about life without her. Rough, but I'll overcome it.
    As corny as it sounds it's true. I have lost family members and i thought the same, never thought i would live life without them but i have. As hard as it is you have to keep taking steps forward.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    As corny as it sounds it's true. I have lost family members and i thought the same, never thought i would live life without them but i have. As hard as it is you have to keep taking steps forward.
    It's ironic, in the message I found from my wifes ex-husband he was talking about there never being someone else in his life like her and he said the same shit....what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

    She seems like quite the heartbreaker, they were only married 2 months - but he got out on a lot better ground than I did. Funny how she was going to divorce him and he'd have to file bankruptcy. I told her to hold off to help him out, only for this shit to happen and now I'm the one stuck having to file it. Dirty girl bro, dirty girl

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    It's ironic, in the message I found from my wifes ex-husband he was talking about there never being someone else in his life like her and he said the same shit....what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

    She seems like quite the heartbreaker, they were only married 2 months - but he got out on a lot better ground than I did. Funny how she was going to divorce him and he'd have to file bankruptcy. I told her to hold off to help him out, only for this shit to happen and now I'm the one stuck having to file it. Dirty girl bro, dirty girl
    Keep taking steps forward....

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Keep taking steps forward....
    Everyday bro, got no choice.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Everyday bro, got no choice.
    I always try to pull the positive out of a negative situation. In your case your daughter. If you could do it all over again would you still to have your daughter in your life ? Then take that positive and enjoy it with the rest of the world.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I always try to pull the positive out of a negative situation. In your case your daughter. If you could do it all over again would you still to have your daughter in your life ? Then take that positive and enjoy it with the rest of the world.
    I understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything in this world. Now, if you would have told me BEFORE she was born, that this was going to happen, it would have been a no go honestly. Only, because I already have one daughter I see part time. I wanted to be a family, a full time father.

    However, my daughter is the only reason I don't regret anything with my wife. I got screwed, but I walked out with a clean slate. No matter what she did to me, everything I sacrificed for her - I did it because I was a husband. I did what I feel a husband should do. I have always kept my head high about that.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    I understand where you're coming from. I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything in this world. Now, if you would have told me BEFORE she was born, that this was going to happen, it would have been a no go honestly. Only, because I already have one daughter I see part time. I wanted to be a family, a full time father.

    However, my daughter is the only reason I don't regret anything with my wife. I got screwed, but I walked out with a clean slate. No matter what she did to me, everything I sacrificed for her - I did it because I was a husband. I did what I feel a husband should do. I have always kept my head high about that.
    That's my point.

    Everything works out in the end.

  24. #104
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    There is a great Latin phrase that I go by and everyone else can use it too...Illegitimi Non Carborundum...Translated it means..."Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down".

  25. #105
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    a better phrase for this thread: Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

  26. #106
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Why is it 2 times now that you are saying you don't hate women when not one time did I even say you did?

    First you agreed to a post that just *sounds hateful.
    Then I came in and merely quoted DSMs post not referring to you in anyway. And DSMs post happened to have to do with hating women.

    Then, for w/e reason (I can only assume you felt implicated) you had to clear up the idea that you DON'T in fact hate women, but that you just distrust them.

    What's confusing me even more now, is the fact that I wrote "glad we got that cleared", with a smiley face to reinforce the fact that I was happy and no longer confused… yet you still come back asking where the post says something about hate?
    So now I'm even more confused.

    The entire reason for that post was that you seemed to be agreeing with 2 contradicting standpoints, almost like you're agreeing with so many people you are confusing yourself, which is in turn confusing me.

    The post you agreed to "exactly" is the post you quoted. Yet now you only seem to be mentioning half of that post, the part that spoke about the mans behavior (which reads in your post "I believe the post I agreed to was.." ). My question is do you know what else you agreed to that you intentionally seem to have ignored in your last post?

    The part about all women being lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention they get?
    Not to mention the poster who wrote that was agreeing with a self-professed misogynist? (but god forbid if that means you are one yourself lol).

    I can still try understanding if its possible that someone can not hate a woman, and just not trust them… and the obvious answer is YES. But you keep saying "I don't trust them" when that had nothing to do with what I was addressing in the first place. In fact, the post you agreed to didn't even touch on the area of trust.. it clearly touched on other things.

    Only because you felt it was necessary to tell me the part of the post you were agreeing to (it being ok for men to cheat), which was only half the post you quoted, I'll mention it again.


    That part.

    Now lies the fact of whether or not you can think that about a group of people, w/out actually hating them. And to figure that out, all we have to do is consider the opposite, love.

    Is it likely that stack-it loves women because:

    1. They are ALL insecure.
    2. They are all cold-hearted.
    3. They are all whores.
    4. They only care about themselves and the attention they get.
    5. They should never be trusted.


    No, in no way do I believe that’s likely. But do I have the right to say you *hate* them because of that? To you I don't, to me I do.. and to A LOT of other people I also do. But to keep this argument convenient for yourself, like you were doing in your response, I will say:

    ITS POSSIBLE that stack-it actually doesn't hate women. Possible like the possibility of me getting struck by lighting 3 times tomorrow. If you don't hate women, you sure as hell don't like them. Because you can't tell me one thing worth liking about a person after a list like that. I don't wanna read #6 and I don't think anyone else would either.

    I will conclude by saying the same way I can't prove you hate women, you can't prove that you don't (being in a relationship is definitely not proof and saying you don't is what led us to this situation lol).

    All we are actually left with is reasons/evidence to believe something is true. If I showed that same exact list, to a group of 1000 randomly selected men, and it read as a woman who said:

    Men are all insecure
    They are all cold-hearted
    They are all pigs/sex obsessed
    They are selfish/attention seeking in nature.
    I have no trust for them.

    1000 of those men would also consider that great reason to believe that that woman specifically hates men.
    You also at no time even attempted to write 1 positive thing about women (feel free to make a list now if you think its actually gonna support your point), and you stated that you don't hate women twice WITHOUT ME even saying you did hate them in the first place. In one post I quoted DSM, in another I merely alluded to the idea of hate, but STILL w/out actually saying it. Yet rather then address exactly what I DID write, you still assumed I said you hated women (by asking where it was written in the post which made no sense).

    With all the evidence I DO have, I consider this last part the most convincing. Its almost like you know you hate women, all that comes out of your mouth is evidence to support that you hate women, yet you feel so bad about it on a common sense level that you deny it publically. But seriously, what IS THE POINT of even denying it when the rest of what you say makes you light years closer to hate then it ever will to love?

    If you had wrote, "yeh I agreed with that post but I don't hate women because…" and made a list of reasons why you don't hate them that would be one thing. Yet you say "no I don't hate women, however I don't trust them" If theres one thing I don't like about women it’s the logic they often apply, although theres tons of things I love about women and can name with ease. Yet I can absolutely tell you that you use the same exact logic they do.

    I don't actually give a shit if you hate women or love them, or think its ok to cheat on someone and have a thousand reasons to believe its ok. But what I do care about is when you have the audacity to agree with something like that, then try to make it sound like OTHER PEOPLE are wrong in assuming what they think about you because YOU are the one who's contradicting yourself, not me.
    Wait!!! I never said I hated women!!! I just think they're all terrible people lol. Seriously wtf?
    Now feel free to explain to me how long my post was, and that I'm still wrong and am just an asshole. Because like I already said, it doesn't mean shit. I'm working on intuition here not facts. There's nothing factual about anything either of us said, all there is - is my overwhelming belief that you DO in fact hate women. And I wouldn't be surprised if when you talk to yourself you actually tell yourself too "I don't hate women", because at no point did I ever get the impression you were clear about your own feelings.
    Stereotyping is always going to exist. The past 5 women that I have seen in the past few years have either cheated on me, took advantage of me, or broke my fvcking heart. So if 5 out of 5 women have been totally dishonest and evil towards me, I am going to distrust most women and despise most until one proves me wrong (AND I REALLY HOPE ONE DOES PROVE ME WRONG ONE DAY). Let me put it in a more clear cut situation: you're walking down the street late at night and 5 Spanish guys jump you, beat you up, and rob you. You're gonna tell me that youre not gonna distrust that race when they're around you next time? In fact, most people would have it out for most Spanish guys.......(I'm not racist....just providing an example)
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-07-2010 at 01:39 PM.

  27. #107
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    If you weren't racist wouldn't you realized five men robbed you and not even take into account their race ?

  28. #108
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    If you weren't racist wouldn't you realized five men robbed you and not even take into account their race ?

  29. #109
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    I want to carve the next one up and eat her. Then she'll never cheat and she'll be inside me forever.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    I want to carve the next one up and eat her. Then she'll never cheat and she'll be inside me forever.

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  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    I want to carve the next one up and eat her. Then she'll never cheat and she'll be inside me forever.
    That's kinda weird. I usually try to be the one inside the bitch, not the other way around.

  32. #112
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    Cheaters just havent found real love. Once you do you dont want anyone else. I dont think many people have experienced true love. Most married people look at it like a business agreement. Sad.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Cheaters just havent found real love. Once you do you dont want anyone else. I dont think many people have experienced true love. Most married people look at it like a business agreement. Sad.
    Well...not to sound like a coldhearted asshole, but my wife always tried to tell me that she never felt "true love" like she did with me - and I got the same exact treatment as everybody else did. So, sad to say I hope one day she DOES find true love....and then she gets shit on and rolled over

  34. #114
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    I don't actually give a shit if you hate women or love them, or think its ok to cheat on someone and have a thousand reasons to believe its ok. But what I do care about is when you have the audacity to agree with something like that, then try to make it sound like OTHER PEOPLE are wrong in assuming what they think about you because YOU are the one who's contradicting yourself, not me.
    Wait!!! I never said I hated women!!! I just think they're all terrible people lol. Seriously wtf?
    Now feel free to explain to me how long my post was, and that I'm still wrong and am just an asshole. Because like I already said, it doesn't mean shit. I'm working on intuition here not facts. There's nothing factual about anything either of us said, all there is - is my overwhelming belief that you DO in fact hate women. And I wouldn't be surprised if when you talk to yourself you actually tell yourself too "I don't hate women", because at no point did I ever get the impression you were clear about your own feelings.

    Ok just wanna comment on this part of your post Bo. I'm not gonna talk about how long it is because everyone can see that for themselves. I will say that you seem to have a problem with me over an opinion that you created of me over one post. This entire thread is opinion based and you seem to want to make it personal. I'm not going to get into that and will not go any further than keeping it a civil opinionated debate. Otherwise we'll both just end up banned over an Internet pissing contest over women.
    Last edited by stack_it; 11-07-2010 at 07:06 PM.

  35. #115
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    Bo I think you're getting too wound up over nothing bro. I mean honestly, who gives a shit rather Stack_It loves women or hates them?

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    I think Bo and stack should have a hug fight.

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    my money is on stack_it... bets anyone?

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    I'm 31,always had good looking girls,countless oppurtunities to cheat but i'm very proud to say i have never did a girl dirty in my life...i just dont agree with it and think that if you are even debating cheating,then maybe you are not with the right person...look temptation is natural and will always exist..but i believe it is a sign of weakness and more importantly a complete slap in the face to the person you are with..i am a firm believer of karma and trust me cheaters will get a dose of their own all that disagree with me,your'e all entitled to opinions...however i think a real man doesnt cheat...

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