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  1. #161
    terraj's Avatar
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    almost 40, married 9 years.....and I shit you not, it has gotten better each year.

  2. #162
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    almost 40, married 9 years.....and I shit you not, it has gotten better each year.
    See..... thats the shit I'm talking about... I can't wait for things to keep getting better..... you sir, are blessed.

  3. #163
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I don't think any man would get married to a broad that didn't put out...... The problem is that the women STOP putting out AFTER they get married. I had no sexual issues until after we got married. There's a multitude of other problems including a pain killer addiction but those are over now and the sex drive hasn't returned. Sure it could be her medication.... but shes not willing to talk to a doctor about her lack of sex drive so theres no end in sight.

    You're damned if you do and you're damned if you dont...... I'm a douche bag to the "internet relationship police" if I cheat - and i'm an asshole to her familly and the female side of my familly if I leave her for not fvckin.....

    I'm still stickin with it..... hoping I can talk some fvckin sense into her..... maybe one day she'll goto the doc to figure this shit out so I wont have to be scared to come onto the internet and talk about how tempting cheating is..... LMFAO


    I know that opiates can cause long term damage to the sex drive even years and years after stopping. For some more serious addicts they almost never get their sex drives back. Its the same thing with long term dope addicts (theres really no major difference between what heroin does to the brain and oxy/vic/etc).

    It could also be the meds she on now, but I'd honestly assume she's suffering from PAWs and has no idea.
    Ask he if she gets chills/goosebumps alot.
    Does she get colds a lot? Anything to signify a weak immune system?
    Hypersensitive to lights/sounds/smells etc. Maybe she squints in a room with a 100 watt bulb, maybe she overreacts to sounds etc.
    Overreacts to her own emotions, can easily be brought to tears.
    Allergies, fits of sneezing etc.

    Theres about a thousand different aspects of it but opiates are one thing known to destroy the sex drive and as little as 2 years on them can cause long term affects.
    Taking opiates doesn't fix the problem, and the only thing that fixes it is time. But I find it pretty surprising that you mentioned a pain killer addiction, as that shit will DESTROY a persons sex drive.

    There are legal aphrodisiacs out there that will mildly stimulate the mu kappa receptors (opiate) as well as make her want to have sex, and even though they are legal and not technically opiates, it would only be a temporary fix and could wind up just worsening the problem down the road. But opiates will put a kill on the sex drive faster than almost any drug I can think of. And although people can still have sex after them, it changes the whole way you brain is motivated to want it in the first place.

    Good luck with that.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 11-15-2010 at 08:01 PM.

  4. #164
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Late to another great thread..... after reading the first page of this thread, it is clear to me, that there are a lot of sad men out there.

    All you men who speak of how heartless women are and how you will never let another women hurt you and she ruined your life.... I pity you, I truly do.

    I am only 27 years old but my heart has been ripped out, stomped on, spit on and kicked around like a soccer ball. What I have learned from this is..... It's your Fault!! Accept responsibility. She didn't ruin your life, she didn't make you go broke or bankrupt or any of that shit. You allowed yourself to get in that position.

    I agree that women can be just as bad if not worse than men. Women can lie and cheat with the best of them, but they can also Love and adore with the best of them. All you men out there who think you got it figured by not getting involved in a real relationship, not feeling the true love of a women and not feeling what it's like to give true love, you are sad. When you can lay in eachothers arms and know what the other person is thinking, when you can laugh and smile together and never call them names or scream during an argument because you know deep down inside he/she loves you with every ounce of their soul and they would never do anything on purpose to hurt you. When everyday for the rest of your life, you are excited to see them and spend time with them..... When you feel those things, it makes life worth living. It will give you a greater sense of power and well being than anything else on this planet. Granted Love is simply a chemical reaction in the mind that causes feelings of euphoria.... isn't that what soooo many people chase? Love is like a permanent high from drugs... all you have to do is find the drug that was made for you and never let go of it.

    All you guys who think I am crazy and wrong and you have it figured out..... you're the one who is wrong, you have just never found what I am discribing, even if you think you have. I have thought it in the past too... I mean shit I have almost been married before but until I found the girl I am with now, I never found such a thing on this planet that made me soooo happy, and you know how I know she's the one..... because if I had any stronger feelings for someone, I would probably die from an overdose

    My 2 Cents


    This was not meant to offend anyone, I am simply speaking from the heart.
    This is a great post bro. I do not dispute love, I agree it's the single greatest feeling you could ever have. However, women can be deceiving. I married my wife because she was beautiful, seemed to have an awesome personality, we had great sexual chemistry. She seemed just as crazy about me as I did her. Hell, she chased me when we got together. I never thought in a million years when I married her that she was just in it for what she could get out of me. Two years of school, had what seemed to be a perfect marriage, and then she turns the tide at the very end. Now, she portrays me as this heartless bastard who never did shit right when we were together. When in reality, I was too good to her.

    So, what I'm saying is I did in fact find what it is you're describing, at least in my heart I did. I was engaged one time before, and I never felt what I did with my wife, in half the time! So to me it was perfect. You try not to let one girl tarnish your whole opinion of all of them, but my ex fiance didn't do the best shit at the end either. So I met my wife already knowing what to look for, knowing what things I needed to work on etc, but I'm sure I had a little bit of insecurity, although I was one arrogant bastard all in all. Then, my wife ends up betraying me worse than I could have imagined. This person who was supposed to be my best friend, did things lower than anyone else has ever done to me. I thought I had it right, I had the one - truth is you never know, no matter how great they seem.

  5. #165
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    It's better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all.

    I always wanted to say that bullshit

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    It's better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all.

    I always wanted to say that bullshit
    no matter what I always love you.......

    no home.....

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    no matter what I always love you.......

    no home.....
    You have a home in my heart.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You have a home in my heart.
    fvck me......typo screwed me...didnt it

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    It's better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all.

    I always wanted to say that bullshit
    My wifes ex husband fed her that bullshit line too in the messages I found.

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    fvck me......typo screwed me...didnt it
    Freudian slip. *hugs

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