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  1. #1
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    When did it become cool to be a douche bag ? (all you cheaters)

    When did it before cool to cheat on your partner ? Some guy was bragging about it at work and it started to piss me off. I walked away because its not my business and i knew if i didn't leave i was going to put a kill on his happiness real quick.

    Some guys on these boards brag about cheating and i just let it slide but thinking about it, why do you guys do it? Don't you feel like an asshole ?

    I can't find one reason why you should be cheating. If you are unhappy then get the @#$ out of the relationship. I am not talking about an open relationship/swinger. I am talking about cheater where the other person is under the impression its just the two of you.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 11-04-2010 at 10:40 AM.

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    I agree man, if its something you feel you "need" to do, then go ahead, but braggin about what would surely hurt your current partner is most definitely not cool.

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    People are actually proud of it which boggles my mind.

  4. #4
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    Same woman, 25 years. Never slept with anyone cept her since the first time with her. had a really hot GF, was dating around, but broke it off with them all after hooking up with future Mrs. Times Roman.

    100% agree.

  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
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    It is in some peoples's genes!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    It is in some peoples's genes!!
    judt like being gay is genetic being a cheater too

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I agree DSM...And odds are those guys bragging never had their boyfriend/girlfriend come home and tell them that were in someone else's bed. If so, i bet their view would change.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I don't know about people, though. I've been acquainted with some bro's that got off watching some other fella bang his woman. They called it an open relationship. I call it a piece of crap. But you didn't hear it from me, cuz I don't judge

  9. #9
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I try not to be quick to judge people but it does get annoying the more and more you see it.
    Theres a thread floating around the lounge right now that I was very put off with, and I know if I had posted I would have been suspended my first day back lol.
    But its a straight dirt bag move the majority of the time. If your wife is handicapped, ill, has a terminal disease, then MAYBE under certain terms it might be acceptable. But what I see here and in real life is a bunch of insecure braggarts in a relationship, who are writing threads about some chick they're obsessing over, who most likely doesn't even know they fvcking exist.

    If you're going to cheat, the first rule is to keep your g/damn mouth shut about it. Even though I may have less respect in general for you, I'm still going to have more respect if you go about it a certain way and don't flaunt it to the world like chicks actually dig you. The thread I was reading last night was hilarious because the same person who was trying to make it seem like he was cool, came off like a desperate obsessed moron... who was yet to even interact with the assumed girl he'd be cheating with.

    I really think it has A LOT to do with insecurity. I try to stay in the middle with shit like this but I still understand exactly what you're saying.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    It is in some peoples's jeans!!

  11. #11
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    but yeah, you should get out if you feel the need to do other people, but some (weak) people have to have their cake and eat it too....we are talking about humans here...

  12. #12
    ReX357's Avatar
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    OK let me stir some sh*t here.

    Let's say your favorite dessert is chocolate cake. You love chocolate cake. You have chocolate cake at home most of the time.

    But sometimes, you want ice cream. I mean chocolate cake is still your favorite but ice cream is delicious too. So once in a while you have a couple scoops of ice cream. But chocolate cake is still your favorite. And you still love chocolate cake dearly. But this ice cream is a good change of pace sometimes.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    OK let me stir some sh*t here.

    Let's say your favorite dessert is chocolate cake. You love chocolate cake. You have chocolate cake at home most of the time.

    But sometimes, you want ice cream. I mean chocolate cake is still your favorite but ice cream is delicious too. So once in a while you have a couple scoops of ice cream. But chocolate cake is still your favorite. And you still love chocolate cake dearly. But this ice cream is a good change of pace sometimes.
    that's fine if you're swingers or in an open relationship, but not if someone has your trust that you're in a monogamous relationship

  14. #14
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    Chocolate cake is not going to try cutting your balls off with a nail file when you come home smelling like perfume.

    The simple answer to that would be, there are NO CONSEQUENCES for eating icecream (other than being fat but if you're already eating chocolate cake not like it matters).
    But there are about a million and one consequences for cheating, which include breaking someones heart, and traumatizing them for quite some time.

    My aunt was cheated on 30 years ago, she got divorced, and NOT ONCE since has EVER dated another man again. That just goes to show how long lasting the consequences can be. Is it part her problem? Sure. But the douchebag who cheated on her is the piece of shit who should have suffered like that.
    You just need to be more in tune to peoples emotions. If your wife is down with it, then go to town fvcking ice cream... I mean women.

    But if you're going to hide it like some teenager trying to avoid punishment, then you KNOW its wrong, and you know there lies the potential that you are ruining another persons live.
    Most people don't get cheated on and just forget it about in a week, they wind up in therapy, on drugs, with drinking problems, become manhates/womanhaters.

    I've only recently began to take this position myself. And I use to say "cheatings fine because its only nurturing the end of something that was going to end anyway, saving the other persons time". But its a lame belief, because all you have to do is break up with the person and save their time that way, then go fvck who ever you want.

    The simple answer being: ice cream doesn't have feelings, people do.

  15. #15
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
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    Shut up DSM u bang all over the greater north east.

  16. #16
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    I think it's up to the individual person.

    Say that there's a couple that has been together for 25 years and are as happy as can be. Now throughout that 25 years the husband or wife fealt unsure or tired of there current relationship so he or she cheated a few times. No serious feelings, no long term affairs, just a little change of pace to make them realize how much they love there wife/husband. Now say that in that relationship the other Partner never knew. That person is still perfectly happy and so is the cheater. They still love eachother and cheating could be what kept them together. When if the cheater hadn't cheated it could have caused tension in the relationship causing it to be unpleasant or even end.

    I've never cheated in a longterm relationship and have been cheated on in them. I believe cheating has it's place but I think longterm affairs on the side are wrong.

  17. #17
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    cheating ruined my life growing up. with everything my mother has done (im 19y/o) i have alot of trust issues. so i suffered from it but she suffers more like when she calls my cell and i dont answer and i go visit her once every 2 months. she even cried about it to my ex girlfriend.
    i also have been cheated on and that changed everything on how i see relationships. either way ive been affected 2 ways here. but im the kind of person that if you got stories and you wanna tell em to me feel free whatever you do with yourself doesnt affect my life

  18. #18
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Cheating is just wrong, plain and simple. If you cheat you're breaking that trust with your partner, and trust is the number 1 thing in a relationship. If you don't have that trust, then that relationship shouldn't be. How can you live with yourself knowing you've betrayed your partner? Hiding an act such as this is just cruel. A real man wouldn't act on his desires, he'd be able to control them. And if one did act on his desires, then he can try to regain a little bit of dignity by telling his partner the truth. it's a very selfish thing to do. You're not taking your partner's feelings into consideration, just your one. If this is the case you shouldn't have made that "commitment" to be with one person.

  19. #19
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    Every Woman is a Cheating Whore
    Oh yes, that’s right. That’s what I said. And I said it because it’s true. All women are cheaters.

    I don’t mean this to be a provocateur or to prance around in the realm of the hypothetical like some kind of dandy. I mean, flat out, that every woman in the world is a cheater, has cheated, and is probably cheating at this very moment.

    Getting a woman to cheat on her husband or significant other is not like getting a woman to go to the gym — by heaping shitloads of gifts and attention on her like a spoilt child and then ultimately getting no burn for your earn. Getting a woman to cheat is like getting a duck to eat bread crumbs or a rat to eat rubbish. All you have to do is toss it in front of their face.

    It’s not a hard conclusion to draw, so let’s just look at the facts. Getting attention from men is a woman’s lifeblood. That’s why women worship men in the form of menial tasks that they’re not very good at — because men control our attention like the gods of old controlled the sun and the crypt. We giveth and we can taketh away.

    Good attention, bad attention, the worst kind of attention; it doesn’t matter. To a woman, being in a Girls Gone Wild video is just as laudable as serving in a highly respected public office. They stack up eyeballs like empty pie plates at a NOW convention.

    So let’s compare: a woman’s lust for attention versus a man’s desire to consume or waste things — something very manly indeed. Take throwing a sandwich in the street for example. Do you know what’s better than throwing a sandwich in the street? That’s right, throwing two sandwiches in the street. Now what if that sandwich cost twice as much as the first? What if you had to wait in line again to get it? I would probably still do it and I’m betting that most men would. But what if dealing with two sandwiches cost you your dignity, your job, and your soul?

    Women, of course, have none of those things — or at least don’t have 2 out of 3. That’s why when we change ‘sandwiches’ to ‘men’ and ‘throwing them in the street’ to ‘getting any kind of attention from them’, we can easily draw the conclusion that women would do anything, and would stop at the destruction of nothing, for more of it.

    Not even guilt will stop women from being the cheating harlots that they are. That’s because women think that cheating requires some kind of expressed willingness or premeditation on their part to actually count. I shit you not, that is exactly what they say. To a woman true cheating requires a planning and malice on par with a bank robbery. If the only evidence of infidelity you can produce is that she got drunk and put herself in a compromising position, you’re up argument creek without a chance in hell.

    Can you believe that? It means if a woman can somehow convince a co-worker to force himself on her, or to “rape” her, that doesn’t count as cheating. It’s just another horrible thing that’s happened to poor defenseless her in this dog eat dog, man-world of rape happy abusers. That’s obviously a bunch of bullshit, but stand back because it gets worse.

    Women also don’t count miring themselves in twisted, Dynasty-styled emotional affairs as cheating. For instance, a woman may hang around with as many as five or six of her ex-boyfriends without batting an eye. She may accept niceties from male co-workers or university staff members without ever questioning the motive of a free backrub. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to be handing out, isn’t it? A free backrub? They’re like porno pamphlets in Vegas. Sometimes I can’t even get to work without getting two or three.


    Like any virus, women are not content with ruining their own lives. Ultimately, they seek out the lives of decent, honest men and tempt and corrupt them until they appear to be cheaters as well when nothing could be further from the truth. Cheating is like getting pregnant. It’s 100% a woman’s fault 100% of the time.

  20. #20
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    FYI I have never cheated on anyone my entire life. I"m 43yrs old and been with hundreds of women. I've been with the same woman 8 years now, married 5, but am entertaining the idea of getting with another woman as I almost got divorced back 5 months ago or something and my marriage goes up and down and am not sure if we will stay together, get separated, or get divorced. This is the first time I have found myself in this type of situation and am not sure how I will handle it, be it separating and telling wife we should see other people, grab a mistress, get divorced and then get with other woman, whatever.

    But I have recently been entertaining the notion of cheating for the first time in my entire life. The situation is complicated and this is the only long term relationship I have been in (runner up was a 3 year non committed relationship with some really rich dudes mistress- she obviously was not exclusive with me and I did not try to get her to think I was exclusive with her. She wound up falling in love with me and breaking it off with her rich suggar daddy and I bailed on her a short time later as I wasn't looking for love or a committed relationship).

    So I really have no experience in managing a committed long term relationship, this is my first and it turned into marriage. I've never had to deal with breakups from relationships or whatever as I have only had one other committed relationship with a woman and that was only 3 months and the only reason I kept it exclusive was because I was her boss and even though she came onto me at work I didn't want to chance a false accusation of that sexual coercion shat at work, whatever it's called as her mouth was on my knob in my office 20 minutes after she put her hands on my shoulders and neck in a suggestive way from behind me while I was sitting down.

    I don't want to cheat, I love my wife, but I don't want to deal with tantrums from her. But since we were kind of separated for a while, although still living together, I was focused on divorce so started talking to other women I guess you could say. When I was in my late teens and 20's I used to date a lot of women in their late 30's and early 40's. Now I"m in my early/mid 40's, wife is 35, but attention from early/mid 20's chicks at my age is very pleasing and very tempting.

    Does this make me a bad person?
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 11-04-2010 at 08:12 PM.

  21. #21
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    "Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." I'd rather take a more misanthropic and misogynistic, pessimistic, cynical viewpoint:

    Love is bullshit, you never know anyone, everyone is someone different for/to different people. You could have been with her representative/pr agent for a version of herself for years. The 'love' only exists within you, and hers cannot be proven. Solipsism. The only thing you set yourself up for is existential pain, that no one cares about but you. In fact you are truly alone forever, to believe otherwise is delusion.

    Prostitutes are really all you need. Rather than a marriage of convenience and cohabitation, why not be up front and find someone who you be honest with? Cash=sex. Simple. No regrets. Except the HIV.

  22. #22
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post
    "Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." I'd rather take a more misanthropic and misogynistic, pessimistic, cynical viewpoint:

    Love is bullshit, you never know anyone, everyone is someone different for/to different people. You could have been with her representative/pr agent for a version of herself for years. The 'love' only exists within you, and hers cannot be proven. Solipsism. The only thing you set yourself up for is existential pain, that no one cares about but you. In fact you are truly alone forever, to believe otherwise is delusion.

    Prostitutes are really all you need. Rather than a marriage of convenience and cohabitation, why not be up front and find someone who you be honest with? Cash=sex. Simple. No regrets. Except the HIV.
    Well said, man.

    I could of not write it any better.

  23. #23
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SomeRandomGuy View Post

    Every Woman is a Cheating Whore
    Oh yes, that’s right. That’s what I said. And I said it because it’s true. All women are cheaters.

    I don’t mean this to be a provocateur or to prance around in the realm of the hypothetical like some kind of dandy. I mean, flat out, that every woman in the world is a cheater, has cheated, and is probably cheating at this very moment.

    Getting a woman to cheat on her husband or significant other is not like getting a woman to go to the gym — by heaping shitloads of gifts and attention on her like a spoilt child and then ultimately getting no burn for your earn. Getting a woman to cheat is like getting a duck to eat bread crumbs or a rat to eat rubbish. All you have to do is toss it in front of their face.

    It’s not a hard conclusion to draw, so let’s just look at the facts. Getting attention from men is a woman’s lifeblood. That’s why women worship men in the form of menial tasks that they’re not very good at — because men control our attention like the gods of old controlled the sun and the crypt. We giveth and we can taketh away.

    Good attention, bad attention, the worst kind of attention; it doesn’t matter. To a woman, being in a Girls Gone Wild video is just as laudable as serving in a highly respected public office. They stack up eyeballs like empty pie plates at a NOW convention.

    So let’s compare: a woman’s lust for attention versus a man’s desire to consume or waste things — something very manly indeed. Take throwing a sandwich in the street for example. Do you know what’s better than throwing a sandwich in the street? That’s right, throwing two sandwiches in the street. Now what if that sandwich cost twice as much as the first? What if you had to wait in line again to get it? I would probably still do it and I’m betting that most men would. But what if dealing with two sandwiches cost you your dignity, your job, and your soul?

    Women, of course, have none of those things — or at least don’t have 2 out of 3. That’s why when we change ‘sandwiches’ to ‘men’ and ‘throwing them in the street’ to ‘getting any kind of attention from them’, we can easily draw the conclusion that women would do anything, and would stop at the destruction of nothing, for more of it.

    Not even guilt will stop women from being the cheating harlots that they are. That’s because women think that cheating requires some kind of expressed willingness or premeditation on their part to actually count. I shit you not, that is exactly what they say. To a woman true cheating requires a planning and malice on par with a bank robbery. If the only evidence of infidelity you can produce is that she got drunk and put herself in a compromising position, you’re up argument creek without a chance in hell.

    Can you believe that? It means if a woman can somehow convince a co-worker to force himself on her, or to “rape” her, that doesn’t count as cheating. It’s just another horrible thing that’s happened to poor defenseless her in this dog eat dog, man-world of rape happy abusers. That’s obviously a bunch of bullshit, but stand back because it gets worse.

    Women also don’t count miring themselves in twisted, Dynasty-styled emotional affairs as cheating. For instance, a woman may hang around with as many as five or six of her ex-boyfriends without batting an eye. She may accept niceties from male co-workers or university staff members without ever questioning the motive of a free backrub. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to be handing out, isn’t it? A free backrub? They’re like porno pamphlets in Vegas. Sometimes I can’t even get to work without getting two or three.


    Like any virus, women are not content with ruining their own lives. Ultimately, they seek out the lives of decent, honest men and tempt and corrupt them until they appear to be cheaters as well when nothing could be further from the truth. Cheating is like getting pregnant. It’s 100% a woman’s fault 100% of the time.
    You area a man of wisdom. Majority of women are all lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention that they get. In the same aspect, I see nothing wrong with fooling around with a woman who has a boyfriend or husband. All us men are doing is accpeting the twat that is being thrown at us...You don't just fall into a dick...Women need to stop trying to play the sympathy card whenever they get caught red-handed.

  24. #24
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    cheat or be cheated of them is going to happen

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    You area a man of wisdom. Majority of women are all lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention that they get. In the same aspect, I see nothing wrong with fooling around with a woman who has a boyfriend or husband. All us men are doing is accpeting the twat that is being thrown at us...You don't just fall into a dick...Women need to stop trying to play the sympathy card whenever they get caught red-handed.
    Exactly. If you don't fvck her the next guy will.

  26. #26
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    That being said tho. I would never sleep with a buddies girl or a buddies ex.

  27. #27
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    All I have to say is if you have ever been humbled by having the one that you love cheat on you,then one would have a differant veiw on cheating. I had it happen to me and the trickle affect that resulted from it was insane. I literally felt violated,I started to question my own judgement even in simple things like work,that had nothing to do with matters of the heart. I was so utterly blown away..How could I have been so blind? The answer to that is simple..Its called trust that is whatyou are expected to do when you love someone,let go of your insecurities..Anyways I have a wonderful wife with one boy and another one comin in 18 days,and I could never think of putting my wife thru the devistation that comes when it all hits you what has just happened.If you are just dating thats generally how or why things end,by one of you looking/finding someone more compatable,or so you think, but when you find your mate and you both enter an agreement whether it be verbal or understood,then I think you should honor that agreement.Enuf said!!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    FYI I have never cheated on anyone my entire life. I"m 43yrs old and been with hundreds of women. I've been with the same woman 8 years now, married 5, but am entertaining the idea of getting with another woman as I almost got divorced back 5 months ago or something and my marriage goes up and down and am not sure if we will stay together, get separated, or get divorced. This is the first time I have found myself in this type of situation and am not sure how I will handle it, be it separating and telling wife we should see other people, grab a mistress, get divorced and then get with other woman, whatever.

    But I have recently been entertaining the notion of cheating for the first time in my entire life. The situation is complicated and this is the only long term relationship I have been in (runner up was a 3 year non committed relationship with some really rich dudes mistress- she obviously was not exclusive with me and I did not try to get her to think I was exclusive with her. She wound up falling in love with me and breaking it off with her rich suggar daddy and I bailed on her a short time later as I wasn't looking for love or a committed relationship).

    So I really have no experience in managing a committed long term relationship, this is my first and it turned into marriage. I've never had to deal with breakups from relationships or whatever as I have only had one other committed relationship with a woman and that was only 3 months and the only reason I kept it exclusive was because I was her boss and even though she came onto me at work I didn't want to chance a false accusation of that sexual coercion shat at work, whatever it's called as her mouth was on my knob in my office 20 minutes after she put her hands on my shoulders and neck in a suggestive way from behind me while I was sitting down.

    I don't want to cheat, I love my wife, but I don't want to deal with tantrums from her. But since we were kind of separated for a while, although still living together, I was focused on divorce so started talking to other women I guess you could say. When I was in my late teens and 20's I used to date a lot of women in their late 30's and early 40's. Now I"m in my early/mid 40's, wife is 35, but attention from early/mid 20's chicks at my age is very pleasing and very tempting.

    Does this make me a bad person?
    Doesn't make you a bad person. What will make you a bad person is staying with your wife and have sex with other women. If you don't want to be with your wife then be a man and do through with the divorce.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    All I have to say is if you have ever been humbled by having the one that you love cheat on you,then one would have a differant veiw on cheating. I had it happen to me and the trickle affect that resulted from it was insane. I literally felt violated,I started to question my own judgement even in simple things like work,that had nothing to do with matters of the heart. I was so utterly blown away..How could I have been so blind? The answer to that is simple..Its called trust that is whatyou are expected to do when you love someone,let go of your insecurities..Anyways I have a wonderful wife with one boy and another one comin in 18 days,and I could never think of putting my wife thru the devistation that comes when it all hits you what has just happened.If you are just dating thats generally how or why things end,by one of you looking/finding someone more compatable,or so you think, but when you find your mate and you both enter an agreement whether it be verbal or understood,then I think you should honor that agreement.Enuf said!!
    Well said.

    Sounds like most of you guys who are bashing women have been burnt at one time in your life and your still feeling the effects of it.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    You area a man of wisdom. Majority of women are all lying, insecure, cold-hearted whores who only care about themselves and the attention that they get. In the same aspect, I see nothing wrong with fooling around with a woman who has a boyfriend or husband. All us men are doing is accpeting the twat that is being thrown at us...You don't just fall into a dick...Women need to stop trying to play the sympathy card whenever they get caught red-handed.
    How would you feel if you went down on your women and she tasted a little different only to find out i banged her right before you got to her and it was my load still inside her snatch. Oh but like you said there is nothing wrong with a guy F***ing your girlfriend because she threw herself at him.

    Great point.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Sounds like most of you guys who are bashing women have been burnt at one time in your life and your still feeling the effects of it.
    Exactly...some guys on here say the worst sh!t about women....I guess they feel the same about their mother, sister, grandmother, aunt?'s kind of pathetic....they probably bring it on theirself by dating the biggest whore around...of course they think "they aren't a whore when they are dating ME" my favorite thing is when a guy hooks up with a girl who is cheating on their bf/husband, and then when the same chick does it to them they act all hurt and surprised...fukcing idiots.....i laugh.
    Last edited by HitIt; 11-05-2010 at 07:14 AM.

  31. #31
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How would you feel if you went down on your women and she tasted a little different only to find out i banged her right before you got to her and it was my load still inside her snatch. Oh but like you said there is nothing wrong with a guy F***ing your girlfriend because she threw herself at him.

    Great point.
    I couldn't care less because I am done with having "feelings" for women. It's all bullshit. Catching feelings/falling for women is the worst mistake a man could possibly make, because it's gonna come back and bite him in the ass. Women should be treated equal and they deserve respect...yeah right...they can suck my d*ck. From my past expierences, All women are crazy, insecure, slobs who WILL bring a man down who cares about them. I think it's harder for you to see point/hatred for women here because you do not date them....I'm assuming you don't have much first hand expierence with the subject. When a whore cheats...WHY must we blame the guys that fvcked her? Because its only morally right to physically harm them instead of women. I am totally against physically assaulting women, I just think that most men who are cheated on mainly blame the other guys because they're the only ones who they can lay a finger on without feeling guility or essentially, like a fvcking pvssy..
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 11-05-2010 at 08:45 AM.

  32. #32
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    yippe Bo is back.....

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    When people started watching these morons it became cool to be a douche bag

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I couldn't care less because I am done with having "feelings" for women. It's all bullshit. Catching feelings/falling for women is the worst mistake a man could possibly do, because it's gonna come back and bit him in the ass. Women should be treated equal and they deserve respect...yeah right...they can suck my d*ck. From my past expierences, All women are crazy, insecure, slobs who WILL bring a man down who cares about him. I think it's harder for you to see point/hatred for women here because you do not date them....I'm assuimg you don't have much first hand expierence with the subject.
    My last girlfriend ruined my entire life, I'm pretty confident she cheated on me and she also made me go bankrupt and lose my house and everything. Am I feeling the effects of it? Yes I am. In fact it changed my whole outlook on life.

    I don't trust women worth sh*t. In fact I don't really give a f*ck about any of them. I now realize what my mom put my dad through for so many years. I love my dad but he was spineless and whipped. It's not going to happen to me ever again.

    In a relationship there's always a control factor. Either you control or you're being controled. Either or. There is no such thing as an equal relationship. I'd rather be in control.

    Women using pvssy to control? Not gonna happen to me ever again. Girlfriend knows. You don't put out? No big deal. There's 20 other b*tches that are ready to do so. You don't wanna do what I want? Fine, I'll find someone else.

    I rarely ever have arguments with my current girlfriend. The willingness to walk away from the deal keeps me in control.

    And when comes the times to lay our cards on the table, I'll be sure to have done more bad sh*t than she did.

    Btw, if you wonder if I'm a biter and miserable misogynistic lying assh*le, yes I am. Am I ever gonna get f*cked over by another woman and let her ruin my life? Probably not.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    My last girlfriend ruined my entire life, I'm pretty confident she cheated on me and she also made me go bankrupt and lose my house and everything. Am I feeling the effects of it? Yes I am. In fact it changed my whole outlook on life.

    I don't trust women worth sh*t. In fact I don't really give a f*ck about any of them. I now realize what my mom put my dad through for so many years. I love my dad but he was spineless and whipped. It's not going to happen to me ever again.

    In a relationship there's always a control factor. Either you control or you're being controled. Either or. There is no such thing as an equal relationship. I'd rather be in control.

    Women using pvssy to control? Not gonna happen to me ever again. Girlfriend knows. You don't put out? No big deal. There's 20 other b*tches that are ready to do so. You don't wanna do what I want? Fine, I'll find someone else.

    I rarely ever have arguments with my current girlfriend. The willingness to walk away from the deal keeps me in control.

    And when comes the times to lay our cards on the table, I'll be sure to have done more bad sh*t than she did.

    Btw, if you wonder if I'm a biter and miserable misogynistic lying assh*le, yes I am. Am I ever gonna get f*cked over by another woman and let her ruin my life? Probably not.
    Words of wisdom right here.

  36. #36
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    Being married for 20 years I have many theories on the concept of marriage and cheating. To begin I believe that "instinctively" or "genetically" or whatever the male mammal has the disposition to mate with as many females as possible. Of course not all males, but I am speaking very generally and in my own opinion. Along the path of evolution Human Beings decided that they are too "evolved", "sophisticated", or "advanced" and they should only seek out and be with the one mate they "love".

    LOVE...quite an interesting term in itself. From the minute we hit puberty as young men were we drived by love or the desire to get laid? Which is stronger? Which is real? Which has scientific research to prove its existance? Which is merely a concept or maybe even an idea? We belong to a forum based on hormones and their proven purpose and affects...Is love a hormone? Could you imagine how rich a guy would become if he could sell an injection that caused a person to be head over heels in love with their mate? Its impossible no such drug exists or will ever exist...but we can be injected to increase our libido, our sex drive, our animalistic desire. So which is real? Which is a fairytale?

    Speaking personally my every action and thought was toward getting laid and laying as many women as possible. At least until my children were born. Now add into the relationship true, unwaivering, unconditional love...the love for your children. An undeniable emotion stronger than life itself. The one and only reason I would take my own life through any horrible means imaginable. Many, if not most married couples are held together by this attachement to their children and the uncontrolable sense of protecting them from all harm even the sadness of divorce. I am pestimistic but I believe a man and a woman has to provide more than sex to make each other happy and over the many many years we become lazy, we take our spouses for granted and we no long provide what each other attractive mate...interesting and provocitive sex...a feeling of being desiriable. Cheating is viewed as being ugly to today's society because of the deceipt and loss of trust...however the action is as natural as the leaves on the trees.

  37. #37
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    You guys are cutting it to black and white...the vast majority of situations are not that simple. Everyone at some point in their lives has compromised their morals and integrity, be it via cheating or anything else. We are not infallible. No one is. To suggest that you've never done anything to compromise your morals or integrity is a blatant lie, and in the scope of things cheating and violating other forms of socially "acceptable" behavior are one in the same. I find it highly entertaining that people coming from THIS forum, dealing with the subject matter that we do are casting aspersions on people who get caught up in one situation or the other.

    Everyone has skeletons in their closet that they are ashamed of. To say that you don't is lying...which is essentially what cheating is in it's simplest form.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    All I have to say is if you have ever been humbled by having the one that you love cheat on you,then one would have a differant veiw on cheating. I had it happen to me and the trickle affect that resulted from it was insane. I literally felt violated,I started to question my own judgement even in simple things like work,that had nothing to do with matters of the heart. I was so utterly blown away..How could I have been so blind? The answer to that is simple..Its called trust that is whatyou are expected to do when you love someone,let go of your insecurities..Anyways I have a wonderful wife with one boy and another one comin in 18 days,and I could never think of putting my wife thru the devistation that comes when it all hits you what has just happened.If you are just dating thats generally how or why things end,by one of you looking/finding someone more compatable,or so you think, but when you find your mate and you both enter an agreement whether it be verbal or understood,then I think you should honor that agreement.Enuf said!!
    I've had a gf cheat after 7 years together. We owned a house together and all. I didn't start questioning myself tho. I left and when I got out into the single world I realized how scandolous women are. Not to sound conceited but maybe being attractive I see more of it. I've had girls come up to me with wedding rings on and stick there hands straight down my pants in the club only to fvck them an hour later not even knowing there name. I've had girls talking to me about there husband and how much they loved him and how happy they were and then giving mr head ten minutes later. I've never cheated. I've never had to but to say that a guys a douche for cheating isn't correct in my book. To me if he wants to cheat to fill a void let him do it. This is the real world. It's full of lies and dishonesty. Anyone who believes true honesty exists is naive and hiding from reality. Everyone lies from the govt down to your best friends in life. I'm not saying you should cheat or have to cheat but if you WANT to cheat then do your thing.

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    WORD..Basically there are three point of views that I see.
    1. Those who cheat and dont care or think its wrong.
    2.Those who cheat because they were cheated on and wont be hurt again.
    3.Those who dont cheat becuase they have been cheated on and dont want anyone else to feel that way.
    No amount of logic or discussion or testimony will waver our opinions since every situation is single to their own.


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    ^^^ I sold used cars... My seat has been reserved for quite a while.

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