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  1. #1
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    Prostitution is common?

    When I was younger (18ish) I was old enough to experience the world..I never paid for a prostitute before (but probably would if I had a lot of money and little time to dick around with floozies..why not go for a high class hoe?)...which brings me to my point...

    now that I am older I see that prostitution is actually quite highly common... I first realized at the Houston Offshore Technology Conference, there were SO many extremely pretty women...people told me that they were mostly "working women" either flown in from different countries or different states, but also that Houston has a big "working" woman scene...

    then I realized that very possibly, almost any woman could be seduced with money..then i pondered the ethics of that... I conclude that prostitution is okay with me as long as the women are not forced into it...(like a stripper who is making thousands of dollars every couple me , she likes it)

    it is just such a revelation that there are common prostitutes all around, you just need money to access them...and finally, that this has been going on for a LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME Mary Magdalene anyone?

    anyone have the same outlook or a different one?

  2. #2
    jasc's Avatar
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    personally I wouldn't pay for sex, but I don't see anything wrong with prostitution... If 2 consenting adults want to have sex and 1 is willing to pay for it... why not? Its the females choice and if she wants to sell her services for money then why shouldnt she be allowed to? Granted I am talking about women 18+ who are willing, not minors or women forced in to it. That said, I would look down on the woman and if I knew the guy I'd give him shlt about it.

    I don't feel the government should be allowed to infringe on an adult womans choice if it is not hurting anyone else, it may not be ethical but it shouldn't be illegal. Same goes for government trying to make laws on abortion, but thats another topic.

    Women want to be pampered/spoiled.. not all, but many... You take a girl out to dinner, buy her flowers, buy her dinner, buy her drinks and/or take her out to clubs/bars/plays whatever you do.. Buy her jewelery n presents if it takes a while, and all along the guys underlying motivation is to get laid... so whats the difference? its probably cheaper to get a hooker...

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    spywizard's Avatar
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    so from this post we can see that all women are prostitutes?? some just have long term contracts with a hell of a early termination clause in the contract??
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    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    yes its common. This winter the was an influx of thousands of escorts in Dallas for superbowl weekend

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    so from this post we can see that all women are prostitutes?? some just have long term contracts with a hell of a early termination clause in the contract??
    not all.. but those that are in it for the money or financial benefit as opposed to respectable women who have good intentions and are genuinely interested in the guy

    so ya.. many women these days..

  6. #6
    amnkeefe is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    not all.. but those that are in it for the money or financial benefit as opposed to respectable women who have good intentions and are genuinely interested in the guy

    so ya.. many women these days..
    Why can't a woman who is a prostitute be respectable? As long as she is being up front and honest about it, there is nothing that I see wrong with it. Personally I see escorts as more respectable than some woman who misleads a man into marriage with ulterior motives.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by amnkeefe View Post
    Why can't a woman who is a prostitute be respectable? As long as she is being up front and honest about it, there is nothing that I see wrong with it. Personally I see escorts as more respectable than some woman who misleads a man into marriage with ulterior motives.
    I agree with this point.. however I still do not have respect for someone who sleeps with people for $..

  9. #9
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    so from this post we can see that all women are prostitutes?? some just have long term contracts with a hell of a early termination clause in the contract??
    Wellllll... not all of them are but here in So Cal most of them are..whether they actually take money after sex or look for the guy to buy her nice things or take her to nice places before they release the pvssy its all the same to me..frickin goldiggers!!

  10. #10
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    I know an x-call girl. I believe, it takes a certain type of woman to openly sell her body.
    Dating a woman and pampering her to get her into bed is a whole other story. Some women like being showered with gifts and others don't. In the end, it depends on the type of woman.

    Prostitution is generally not OK with me because it can lead to the spread of horrible diseases. Why would you even want to stick your dick into a slut who has probably slept with multiple hundreds of guys and who knows what could be with her health?

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    I know an x-call girl. I believe, it takes a certain type of woman to openly sell her body.
    Dating a woman and pampering her to get her into bed is a whole other story. Some women like being showered with gifts and others don't. In the end, it depends on the type of woman.

    Prostitution is generally not OK with me because it can lead to the spread of horrible diseases. Why would you even want to stick your dick into a slut who has probably slept with multiple hundreds of guys and who knows what could be with her health?
    most can be cured with anti-botics

  12. #12
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    most can be cured with anti-botics
    Most! Except a case of the herpaly-erpalys!

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    D7M's Avatar
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    Dane Cook sucks.

    They should just legalize prostitution already....

  15. #15
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Dane Cook sucks.
    Why? because he's catholic?

  16. #16
    Hazard's Avatar
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    How can one person look down on someone for selling their body? Unless you lead a perfect life..... you have no right to pass that judgement onto someone. People choose to live their lives in different ways..... if you don't like the way someone chooses to live then don't associate with them but saying they aren't "respectable" is ridiculous.

    Many people on this baord have either stolen, cheated, or used an illegal substance at one point or another...... she may think you aren't respectable. It's easy to pass judgement onto someone when they don't have a chance to pass their judgements onto you.

    As far as the prostitution thing..... I think the government should take advantage of the HUGE sexual desire that human beings have and tax the living fvck out of it. Government run brothels..... required STD testing...... and tax the hell out of sex. If your willing to pay for it and it's legal..... maybe we can finally pay off our fvckin debt.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    How can one person look down on someone for selling their body? Unless you lead a perfect life..... you have no right to pass that judgement onto someone. People choose to live their lives in different ways..... if you don't like the way someone chooses to live then don't associate with them but saying they aren't "respectable" is ridiculous.

    Many people on this baord have either stolen, cheated, or used an illegal substance at one point or another...... she may think you aren't respectable. It's easy to pass judgement onto someone when they don't have a chance to pass their judgements onto you.

    As far as the prostitution thing..... I think the government should take advantage of the HUGE sexual desire that human beings have and tax the living fvck out of it. Government run brothels..... required STD testing...... and tax the hell out of sex. If your willing to pay for it and it's legal..... maybe we can finally pay off our fvckin debt.

    heheheh...soooo true Haz...It is the American way, If you can not stop it then tax it!!

  18. #18
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    I know an x-call girl. I believe, it takes a certain type of woman to openly sell her body.
    Dating a woman and pampering her to get her into bed is a whole other story. Some women like being showered with gifts and others don't. In the end, it depends on the type of woman.

    Prostitution is generally not OK with me because it can lead to the spread of horrible diseases. Why would you even want to stick your dick into a slut who has probably slept with multiple hundreds of guys and who knows what could be with her health?
    ^ this is THE stupidest comment I have read, to date.
    Um prostitution does NOT lead to STD's does, and last time I checked ~EVERY ONE has sex. No one knows ANYTHING about anyones sexual health unless they get tested RECENTLY and ask for all the tests to be done (the normal group of tests dont cover all the baces) and they share the results with you.
    ...and you may THINK you know if a lady is a "slut" but the FACT only know what SHE decides to tell you.

    but that reveals the real issue ... if a two grown adults (males are prostitutes too ) of their own free will have sex, why the should anyone else care?
    cuz people do it all the time...they hook up at bars after spending $$ on drinks or cowaorkers go out to lunches and spend $$ than hook up on the weekend...
    IF STD were the real concern, get yourself tested and ask the prositute/escort to..if she has nothing to fear she will do it for the buisness, if she wont move to the next lady..big whoop.

    But STD's are not the real issue, its all the religious and political bs being shoved down people throuts (< lol, shoved down throuts)

    sico & hazard ....ditto!
    its been around as long as man kind has...

    if its classied as an actual job (which it TOTALY is..lets face it, some guys are down rite nastey, funckey and lousey in bed...its tuff to pretend to be into some dude thats giving you the dry heaves, never mind putting on a show for him so he feels like hes the sh*t ~cuz repeat buisness is key), than it would be safer for all (like the porn industry) and chicks wont have to be quite as worried about abuse/theft and reporting it, the prices would be comparable. Pimps would be phazed out or they would adapt and be less sh*tty to their girls, teen sex ring/slaves may even decline...

  19. #19
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ...and lets not bash on chicks to much, cuz the fact is..the whole reason for selling sex is cuz men want to buy it.

    also its in our nature to seek the man that can provide most for us, its ACTUALY hard wired in us..its how we regulate who will be the best provider for any children we may have with a man. Sure this is now a usless drive due to womens rights and equal employemnt, but it was only a few hundred years ago that we were utterly dependant on men due to the laws or tribe rulers (men). Its a survival skill installed in us to adapt to the enviroment we had to live in.
    Just like its in mans nature to be drawn to younger healthyer females cuz they will prob produce a healthyer child and your blood line will continue (exmple...not too many hott pix of fat ladyz posted all over the site lol).
    Maybe next time your ready to belittle a "gold digger" you can see it more as a chick that has perfected the skill of finding a man that will provide best for her self and possible child, and he is ok with that cuz he has mastered the skill of providing so that he can get a sexy healthy lady to produce a good child with.

  20. #20
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
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    i was in korea for a year with the army. i remember douchbag soldiers taking part in that. yes i called you guys douchbags. be offended if you want because i meant it. oh and the Filipino prostitutes, they hated their customers. me and my friend had a actual no BS person to person conversation with them. why the hell are you gonna rent a person? how are you gonna look at your own mom with respect if you do that?

    you had these idiots actually fooling themselves into acting like they had some kind of game when talking to these guys. dude snap out of it. your paying her to talk to you. one guy i work with now actually spend $15,000 on these girls during his year over there. this jabroni in my platoon spent $700 on a girl in one week. idiots.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    i was in korea for a year with the army. i remember douchbag soldiers taking part in that. yes i called you guys douchbags. be offended if you want because i meant it. oh and the Filipino prostitutes, they hated their customers. me and my friend had a actual no BS person to person conversation with them. why the hell are you gonna rent a person? how are you gonna look at your own mom with respect if you do that?

    you had these idiots actually fooling themselves into acting like they had some kind of game when talking to these guys. dude snap out of it. your paying her to talk to you. one guy i work with now actually spend $15,000 on these girls during his year over there. this jabroni in my platoon spent $700 on a girl in one week. idiots.
    i've spent that much for bottle service at a club. Whats the difference?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i've spent that much for bottle service at a club. Whats the difference?
    hey if you spend that much on alcohol or a reserved spot while being waited on constantly with some friends i guess your bruce wayne. this kid spent money to have a conversation with a girl.

  23. #23
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    hey if you spend that much on alcohol or a reserved spot while being waited on constantly with some friends i guess your bruce wayne. this kid spent money to have a conversation with a girl.
    while I would probably not pay to have a conversation with a girl..the Houston Offshore Technology Conference really opened my eyes. Oil business is a massive industry gentleman, and offshore drilling is a HUGE facet of that. These guys are not your average joe gettin his cock sucked for a couple bucks by some lot lizard. Top level executives from fortune 500 companies, companies included in the Dow Industrial and S&P 500...

    From their point of view...they have lots of money, they have access to really beautiful women... you think you will catch Donald Trump on a Thursday at 5:30 at the local speak easy looking for some wool to pull? Hell no. He can have a dime piece in his office for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Work through the day and get his jollies off multiple times, with multiple women, who are hotter than most women Ill ever have access to.

    Best of all...he is paying so there is no BS of wondering what shes actually in it for, or maybe she wont give up the nani because she wants some of his stacks or maybe she tries to get pregnant or whatever kinda crazy bs...its a simple transaction...heres the cash, okay thank you, goodbye see you next time...


    These are women that are mostly out of anyone league who does not have a good amount of $$. The name of the game in our world is get dollars - period.

  24. #24
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    All men pay for sex one way or the other...... If you went on 3 dates before getting laid..... you spent the same ammount as the "loser" who got the prostitute. Only difference is the "loser" gets to go home alone while you're trying to figure out a way to get rid of her

    I don't frequent prostitutes...... but i've taken girls out to clubs, restaurants, etc..... so I guess technically i've paid for sex. Even when you're married it aint free lol.....

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  25. #25
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    ^^^ especially when your married

  26. #26
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    As stated above, I think prostitution should be legal.

    However, for the people saying it is a respectable job.. What if your daughter was a prostitute and you knew day in and day out she was having sex with guys for money, would you respect her career choice?

  27. #27
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    ^ sex for free is better?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    ^ sex for free is better?
    it has to be!!!!!!!!! hahahaha!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    ^ sex for free is better?
    avoiding the question... n completey different...
    n ya it is better.. plus i'm guessing if your having sex for free its not multiple times a day with many different men

  30. #30
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasc View Post
    As stated above, I think prostitution should be legal.

    However, for the people saying it is a respectable job.. What if your daughter was a prostitute and you knew day in and day out she was having sex with guys for money, would you respect her career choice?
    why is it bad. Who does it hurt? It's sex, pretty much something everyone in world does. So why is it all of a sudden bad to get paid for it?

    There are people out there doing alot worse things

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh View Post
    while I would probably not pay to have a conversation with a girl..the Houston Offshore Technology Conference really opened my eyes. Oil business is a massive industry gentleman, and offshore drilling is a HUGE facet of that. These guys are not your average joe gettin his cock sucked for a couple bucks by some lot lizard. Top level executives from fortune 500 companies, companies included in the Dow Industrial and S&P 500...

    From their point of view...they have lots of money, they have access to really beautiful women... you think you will catch Donald Trump on a Thursday at 5:30 at the local speak easy looking for some wool to pull? Hell no. He can have a dime piece in his office for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Work through the day and get his jollies off multiple times, with multiple women, who are hotter than most women Ill ever have access to.

    Best of all...he is paying so there is no BS of wondering what shes actually in it for, or maybe she wont give up the nani because she wants some of his stacks or maybe she tries to get pregnant or whatever kinda crazy bs...its a simple transaction...heres the cash, okay thank you, goodbye see you next time...


    These are women that are mostly out of anyone league who does not have a good amount of $$. The name of the game in our world is get dollars - period.
    all of these guys are douchbags period. men with money have a easy time meeting women. they could simply have the real experience and still have no strings attached. not difficult at all. why would someone want there whole life to be a transaction? the real joy of sex is when the women actually wants to have sex with you even if she is attracted to your status.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    why is it bad. Who does it hurt? It's sex, pretty much something everyone in world does. So why is it all of a sudden bad to get paid for it?

    There are people out there doing alot worse things
    never said it was bad, you're right its not hurting anybody and thats why I said it should be legal. If a man or woman is of age and chooses to have sex for money, they should be allowed to, its consentual and its their choice, however I don't believe its respectable..

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy_rocks View Post
    all of these guys are douchbags period. men with money have a easy time meeting women. they could simply have the real experience and still have no strings attached. not difficult at all. why would someone want there whole life to be a transaction? the real joy of sex is when the women actually wants to have sex with you even if she is attracted to your status.

  34. #34
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Any guy who pays for sex is a fvcking loser. Any woman who sells her body is a fvcking pig. End of story.

  35. #35
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    "sells her body" could be considered MANY things...including many of the sexy pix posted on the site lol

    some people dont need to see sex as an emotional connection every time they do it.... but other people may need the connection. Should we punish the people that dont need the connection, just cuz we do?

    "the real joy of sex is when the women actually wants to have sex with you even if she is attracted to your status" will allways be better for both people, but some people dont actualy need that, they want a show that maybe other girls/guys wouldnt do for them. (if a guy can, for some reason, only get off while someone is doin something freaky to a certain body part, but he has yet to meet anyone willing to do this for him...paying another person that finaly gets him off would be awsome for him.

    and it looks like its ok for men to have lots a sex..but a lady is trash if she does??? as if the penis is immune to all diesies yet a va-jay-jay is a magnit to them lol i dont understand this way of thinking lol

    respectable...mmmm, like a lawyer that knowing defends a serial killer? or a high powerd man that is awsome at his job but everyone in the comapny knows he is stealing from their 401k? or the strait A frat boy that gets chicks drunk at paties so he can fvck them? or the parent thats active in the community yet hasnt seen their own child/paid support in years? more respectable to be on welafre and struggeling while burdoning sociaty than to be independant ? ...Maybe prostitution is generaly seen as unrespectable beacuse its deemed illegal, or cuz some of the clints are married and getting serviced, or maybe cuz no education is needed to do it.

  36. #36
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    So I was gone for 2 weeks and all of the sudden lounge turned into women hater? cpl of threads regarding women either being prostitute and/or

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    Any guy who pays for sex is a fvcking loser. Any woman who sells her body is a fvcking pig. End of story.
    interesting....I wanted to say something but I rather not get into this now...not today anyway....

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    So I was gone for 2 weeks and all of the sudden lounge turned into women hater? cpl of threads regarding women either being prostitute and/or
    was wondering what happened to ya. ^^^^ i guess thats why you stick to the larger ones.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    was wondering what happened to ya. ^^^^ i guess thats why you stick to the larger ones.....
    thats the misunderstanding that was developed long time ago........I never corrected it. I will send you a video soon

  40. #40
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    Also notice the lounge is no longer conversation.. its filled with people that need to be heard and argue invalid points.. atleast in this thread and a few others lately...

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