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  1. #1
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    George Zimmerman Arrested Today For Second Degree Murder

    Yep Florida brought in a special prosecutor to file murder charges against George Zimmerman for the Murder of Trayvon Martin. Second degree murder charges were filed. I feel so much safer now that we have this mass murderer of racist proportions off the streets. There are way too many racist murders in the US these days, one a year possibly. There were six black people murdered in the last few days in KC but they were black on black crime and that is ok cause no one who is black gives a crap about that. But at least we got that racist murderer off the streets. It's crazy that blacks are fine with killing each other but don't let anyone else kill one of them. I feel for George Zimmerman he was tried and convicted and sentenced in the media. Lost his house, his family and his job and had to go into hiding due to a bounty being on his life from the black panthers and others. At least he is safe in jail now till the trial which btw has no evidence to convict him. But his innocence will bring riots on the streets down in Florida as a segment of the black society goes on a rampage of violence, burning, stealing and beating up anyone in their path, whites, mexicans, asians are all to be targets. As well as local stores as they run in and loot for all they can all in the name of justice because a kid whom they had never heard of was killed by a man they had never heard of but that is ok. They now have a reason to rob steal and maime. Ya got to love our system and they will all get away with it because everyone is so politically correct so no one will be held accountable.

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    Better late than never.

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yep Florida brought in a special prosecutor to file murder charges against George Zimmerman for the Murder of Trayvon Martin. Second degree murder charges were filed. I feel so much safer now that we have this mass murderer of racist proportions off the streets (no one ever said he was a mass murderer, just someone who got away with murder). There are way too many racist murders in the US these days, one a year possibly (as of 2009, of Single-Bias hate crime incidents, 48.5% were racially motivated and of Offences of bias incident of which there were 6598, 49.1% of those were race related) . There were six black people murdered in the last few days in KC but they were black on black crime and that is ok cause no one who is black gives a crap about that (so if no one gives a crap about that, we shouldn't give a crap about this. You see how tragic this statement you have said is?) . But at least we got that racist murderer off the streets (it's said Zimmerman has had quite a history of violence throughout his life, that said, to his credit he handed himself in). It's crazy that blacks are fine with killing each other but don't let anyone else kill one of them (since when are black people fine with being killed, regardless of race?). I feel for George Zimmerman he was tried and convicted and sentenced in the media. Lost his house, his family and his job and had to go into hiding due to a bounty being on his life from the black panthers and others. At least he is safe in jail now till the trial which btw has no evidence to convict him (well if there is no evidence, why are you getting so bent out of shape over all this?). But his innocence will bring riots on the streets down in Florida as a segment of the black society goes on a rampage of violence, burning, stealing and beating up anyone in their path, whites, mexicans, asians are all to be targets. As well as local stores as they run in and loot for all they can all in the name of justice because a kid whom they had never heard of was killed by a man they had never heard of but that is ok. They now have a reason to rob steal and maime. Ya got to love our system and they will all get away with it because everyone is so politically correct so no one will be held accountable.
    I bolded this post. Some of this is gross misinformation with too much emotion by it that you seem more focussed on the colour of peoples skin as opposed to the actual crime.

    You seem so convinced that the U.S. government does nothing but keep whitey down, that you probably forgot that Shawn Tyson, a black teenager was given a mandatory life sentence last week for the killing of two british, very white, tourists. Happy?

  5. #5
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    I would convict for manslaughter but not 2nd degree murder. From the tapes and the one eye witness it sounds like Zimmerman was getting his ass beat.

  6. #6
    warchild's Avatar
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    riots will happen like in LA 1992 if he is found innocent.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I would convict for manslaughter but not 2nd degree murder. From the tapes and the one eye witness it sounds like Zimmerman was getting his ass beat.
    I'm assuming the have enough evidence for murder 2. The prosecutors want a conviction in a high profile case. I doubt they would over charge if they couldnt get it
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  8. #8
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Shol'va, I'm more concerned with the fact that they want this guy's blood that it'll be impossible for him to get a fair trial. I mean the media has done everything they could to demonize Zimmerman despite the evidence they disclosed being contrary. I would expect the prosecutor to get at least one biased person on the jury who will vote guilty at all costs.

  9. #9
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Flagg;5972076]I bolded this post. Some of this is gross misinformation with too much emotion by it that you seem more focussed on the colour of peoples skin as opposed to the actual crime.

    You seem so convinced that the U.S. government does nothing but keep whitey down, that you probably forgot that Shawn Tyson, a black teenager was given a mandatory life sentence last week for the killing of two british, very white, tourists. Happy?QUOTE]

    In all seriousness I would be happy if after the trial regardless of the outcome that there will be no riots and stealing and robbing over this incident anywhere in the US. And I was being facetious on this story not to be taken seriously. I figured most here would have known that. It's when I take a subject and stretch it so far beyond belief that I assume everyone, ok most know it's BS coming from me and read between the lines as to what I'm really saying. Oh well sorry for your upset. It's been one of those

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    Shol'va, I'm more concerned with the fact that they want this guy's blood that it'll be impossible for him to get a fair trial. I mean the media has done everything they could to demonize Zimmerman despite the evidence they disclosed being contrary. I would expect the prosecutor to get at least one biased person on the jury who will vote guilty at all costs.
    In all seriousness I agree that the chances of him getting a fair trial will be slim, but still possible. And in the end, the courts should decide his guilt or innocence. Sad thing is no matter what the outcome it is a tragedy because someone lost their life and now possibly another may be sentenced to life. So nothing good will probably come from any of this except hopefully justice for Trayvons family and Zimmerman if found innocent. I also hope that if Zimmerman is cleared of any wrong doing, that he can return to some kind of liveable life again without this hanging over him the rest of his life. My life has been threatened on more than one occasion and I've been attacked once, I won that fight, but there wasn't guns invloved. I know what it is like to always have to look over your shoulder just for patronizing a club or being somewhere where someone thinks you shouldn't or just different from the norm.
    Last edited by Shol'va; 04-11-2012 at 06:52 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I'm assuming the have enough evidence for murder 2. The prosecutors want a conviction in a high profile case. I doubt they would over charge if they couldnt get it
    If the witnesses that said he was getting his arse whipped...are greater than 1, AND he has a GOOD ATTORNEY...he will walk.

    2nd degree murder requires an intent to do harm.

    The video of witnesses that i saw...said he was getting beat up. If witnesses say he was walking back to his vehicle when he was attacked...he should have never been arrested.

    This case is a Political case....a Kangaroo court will convict.

    ..but if the witnesses are telling the truth...then no case for the state and it is merely a show to appease the public.

  12. #12
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    We have the attorney general...praising a Racist.

    Do you think Zimmerman will get a Fair Trial?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    If the witnesses that said he was getting his arse whipped...are greater than 1, AND he has a GOOD ATTORNEY...he will walk.

    2nd degree murder requires an intent to do harm.

    The video of witnesses that i saw...said he was getting beat up. If witnesses say he was walking back to his vehicle when he was attacked...he should have never been arrested.

    This case is a Political case....a Kangaroo court will convict.

    ..but if the witnesses are telling the truth...then no case for the state and it is merely a show to appease the public.
    the media played this out to much and to much info was public.
    I also heard a witness that said the guy in orange(zimmerman) was on top in the struggle.
    they may have scientific evidence that we dont know about. Blood splatter, gun shot residue. Who knows.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    the media played this out to much and to much info was public.
    I also heard a witness that said the guy in orange(zimmerman) was on top in the struggle.
    they may have scientific evidence that we dont know about. Blood splatter, gun shot residue. Who knows.
    Well...if Z was ontop...then how did he get a busted nose AND Grass and Dirty soil on the back of his head?

    ...that story doesn't add up.

    Not to mention the fact that the Father of T...said on few occasions that the voice yelling for help...was not his son. He then changed his story ???

    I also read that Z said "there was a struggle for his gun" when it went off (...which i believe he carried in his Waist).

    Z doesn't seem like the aggressive type...especially after hearing that phone call. Dude sounds like he's depressed on the phone call to LE.

    Judging simply by the demeanor of Z's phone call...and the you tube witnesses who said that Z was underneath T...yelling for help...AND THE IDIOT Demagogues Jackson and Not-to-Sharpton...making this a CIVIL RIGHTS issue...i would side with Z.

    Unlike the MEDIA which has everyone believing that he followed T... he did not. He turned around after being told not to follow.

    The prosecutor will have to destroy the witnesses for Z to make their case.

    ...We will see.

  15. #15
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Anyone hearing what these black panthers and activists are saying?? ... Talking about blood needs to spill on the white man, and the need to rise up. Not positive, but I thought Zimmerman was Puerto Rican or something.

    Scares the hell out of me ... So if I pull my firearm out to protect myself, I'm going down if by chance the guy (or group) I'm defending myself from is black?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    Well...if Z was ontop...then how did he get a busted nose AND Grass and Dirty soil on the back of his head?

    ...that story doesn't add up.

    Not to mention the fact that the Father of T...said on few occasions that the voice yelling for help...was not his son. He then changed his story ???

    I also read that Z said "there was a struggle for his gun" when it went off (...which i believe he carried in his Waist).

    Z doesn't seem like the aggressive type...especially after hearing that phone call. Dude sounds like he's depressed on the phone call to LE.

    Judging simply by the demeanor of Z's phone call...and the you tube witnesses who said that Z was underneath T...yelling for help...AND THE IDIOT Demagogues Jackson and Not-to-Sharpton...making this a CIVIL RIGHTS issue...i would side with Z.

    Unlike the MEDIA which has everyone believing that he followed T... he did not. He turned around after being told not to follow.

    The prosecutor will have to destroy the witnesses for Z to make their case.

    ...We will see.
    i dont want to debate it. Neither of us know all the facts. for every thing you pointed out there is a counter argument. Only the prosecutor knows all the evidence. And this is a very high profile case. So i cant see them over charging and taking the risk of loosing. IMO they must feel like they can win murder 2 or they would have charged man slaughter.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    the media played this out to much and to much info was public.
    I also heard a witness that said the guy in orange(zimmerman) was on top in the struggle.
    they may have scientific evidence that we dont know about. Blood splatter, gun shot residue. Who knows.
    They certainly have more than we know about, or they wouldn't have brought a charge. I've been in rather serious trouble before, facing multiple felony charges and got off clean. If I were Zimmerman, and using my lawyer this charge would be thrown out before making it to trial IF what we know is indeed the only evidence. I believe that there is more evidence/to the story than we know about at current time.

  18. #18
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    he'll never be convicted of that charge... for sure..
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  19. #19
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    What is absolutely asinine is Eric Holder the Attorney General, appointed by Obama (happens to be Black) is not prosecuting the Black Panthers for For putting a "dead-or-alive" bounty on Zimmerman? Which is a felony, by the way.

    Also, why did he drop the charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP? got the Chief of the New Black Panthers, a fckin hate group....making Racist statements against Whites and nothing is done.

    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Anyone hearing what these black panthers and activists are saying?? ... Talking about blood needs to spill on the white man, and the need to rise up. Not positive, but I thought Zimmerman was Puerto Rican or something.

    Scares the hell out of me ... So if I pull my firearm out to protect myself, I'm going down if by chance the guy (or group) I'm defending myself from is black?
    Hey Gix....i don't have to have all the facts...i know who the players are (Moe, Larry and Curly). Been there...done that.

    Prosecutors...FEDERAL PROSECUTORS lose cases all the time. Now if Federal Prosecutors lose cases all the time...State Prosecutors do worse. They are charging Z precisely BECAUSE of political pressure.

    The prosecutor can charge and prosecute on Murder 2....but the Jury can Dennie Murder 2, and recommend Manslaughter in their decision.

    No offense...just sayin

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont want to debate it. Neither of us know all the facts. for every thing you pointed out there is a counter argument. Only the prosecutor knows all the evidence. And this is a very high profile case. So i cant see them over charging and taking the risk of loosing. IMO they must feel like they can win murder 2 or they would have charged man slaughter.
    You been charged with Murder in a International spotlight case...and your attorney got all the charges dropped? I personally, don't believe they have much that can overcome eye-witnesses who say they saw TM ontop of Z beatin his arse. Unless a surprise witness come forth...and says that Z was pushing and punching TM before they got to the ground....they ain't got much to go on. And the facts that i looked at...with the time line and footsteps of Z...backup his testimony.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    They certainly have more than we know about, or they wouldn't have brought a charge. I've been in rather serious trouble before, facing multiple felony charges and got off clean. If I were Zimmerman, and using my lawyer this charge would be thrown out before making it to trial IF what we know is indeed the only evidence. I believe that there is more evidence/to the story than we know about at current time.
    This is what is known as a Kangaroo court case. Florida has what’s known as the Sunshine Law. It is the law that says all government activities are virtually open to the public. Cameras are virtually always n the courtroom. This trial will be a trial on television. It will be a joke...and i wouldn't be surprised if this prosecutor turns out to be the Next Marcia Clark.

    She actually opened her meeting with the Family of TM with Prayer?

    Jesus...she needs prayer to prove her case?

    No doubt his prosecution will galvanize supporters of gun rights associations across the country. People generally don't like to see someone (they believe) railroaded and if they can do something to help right a wrong (in their opinion) such as making a donation for defense many may do that.

    No offense....just saying.

    This is a BS wag-the-dog case being handled by a bunch of hypocritical flunkies.

    This government...this the worse i've ever seen.
    Last edited by tcw; 04-12-2012 at 12:01 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    riots will happen like in LA 1992 if he is found innocent.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    he'll never be convicted of that charge... for sure..
    Yup, should have gone for manslaughter.
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  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=tcw;5972394]What is absolutely asinine is Eric Holder the Attorney General, appointed by Obama (happens to be Black) is not prosecuting the Black Panthers for For putting a "dead-or-alive" bounty on Zimmerman? Which is a felony, by the way.

    Also, why did he drop the charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP? got the Chief of the New Black Panthers, a fckin hate group....making Racist statements against Whites and nothing is done.

    also any media/media personnel( nbc or msnbc) that intentionally misrpresented facts should be charged....that was blatent when they left out the 911 caller asking what race was trayvon so that he would look like a racist...might have been the first piece of the snowball

  23. #23
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    What is absolutely asinine is Eric Holder the Attorney General, appointed by Obama (happens to be Black) is not prosecuting the Black Panthers for For putting a "dead-or-alive" bounty on Zimmerman? Which is a felony, by the way.

    Also, why did he drop the charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP? got the Chief of the New Black Panthers, a fckin hate group....making Racist statements against Whites and nothing is done.

    also any media/media personnel( nbc or msnbc) that intentionally misrpresented facts should be charged....that was blatent when they left out the 911 caller asking what race was trayvon so that he would look like a racist...might have been the first piece of the snowball
    That really annoys me about the media. I also worry about this guy getting a fair trial. Finish his trial then sue the media? And can't believe nothing is being done about the bounty, anyone conspiring to commit murder or similar should be charged and threat taken care of immediately.

  24. #24
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    from what i remember the poster for him wasnt dead or alive. Either way it was wrong and should not have been done. But think that more bs that media is running with. Just like some of the pics of treyvone with tatoo's looking all like a thug werent him or were proved to be photo shoped. But the media was showing them until it was proved.
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  25. #25
    JP-MAN is offline Banned
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    they charged him to settle the masses..

    no way in hell he is convicted of second degree, no way...

    and dont get me started on eric holder.....

  26. #26
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    total bullshit, charged by media pressure and asshole black polititions who don't know facts just race. if it was a black killing a white the media and black opportunists like fat ass sharpton & jesse jackson wouldn't say a word. this country is ****ed!

  27. #27
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    What is absolutely asinine is Eric Holder the Attorney General, appointed by Obama (happens to be Black) is not prosecuting the Black Panthers for For putting a "dead-or-alive" bounty on Zimmerman? Which is a felony, by the way.

    Also, why did he drop the charges of voter intimidation against the NBPP? got the Chief of the New Black Panthers, a fckin hate group....making Racist statements against Whites and nothing is done.

    Hey Gix....i don't have to have all the facts...i know who the players are (Moe, Larry and Curly). Been there...done that.

    Prosecutors...FEDERAL PROSECUTORS lose cases all the time. Now if Federal Prosecutors lose cases all the time...State Prosecutors do worse. They are charging Z precisely BECAUSE of political pressure.

    The prosecutor can charge and prosecute on Murder 2....but the Jury can Dennie Murder 2, and recommend Manslaughter in their decision.

    No offense...just sayin

    You been charged with Murder in a International spotlight case...and your attorney got all the charges dropped? I personally, don't believe they have much that can overcome eye-witnesses who say they saw TM ontop of Z beatin his arse. Unless a surprise witness come forth...and says that Z was pushing and punching TM before they got to the ground....they ain't got much to go on. And the facts that i looked at...with the time line and footsteps of Z...backup his testimony.

    This is what is known as a Kangaroo court case. Florida has what’s known as the Sunshine Law. It is the law that says all government activities are virtually open to the public. Cameras are virtually always n the courtroom. This trial will be a trial on television. It will be a joke...and i wouldn't be surprised if this prosecutor turns out to be the Next Marcia Clark.

    She actually opened her meeting with the Family of TM with Prayer?

    Jesus...she needs prayer to prove her case?

    No doubt his prosecution will galvanize supporters of gun rights associations across the country. People generally don't like to see someone (they believe) railroaded and if they can do something to help right a wrong (in their opinion) such as making a donation for defense many may do that.

    No offense....just saying.

    This is a BS wag-the-dog case being handled by a bunch of hypocritical flunkies.

    This government...this the worse i've ever seen.
    Moulies can do whatever they want, and it will never be considered unjust or racist. If a white man looks at a black guy for more than a second, it's a lawsuit and hate crime. This is total bullshit.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I bolded this post. Some of this is gross misinformation with too much emotion by it that you seem more focussed on the colour of peoples skin as opposed to the actual crime.

    You seem so convinced that the U.S. government does nothing but keep whitey down, that you probably forgot that Shawn Tyson, a black teenager was given a mandatory life sentence last week for the killing of two british, very white, tourists. Happy?
    well, did he kill them? was it self defense? whats the correlation to this thread?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    from what i remember the poster for him wasnt dead or alive. Either way it was wrong and should not have been done. But think that more bs that media is running with. Just like some of the pics of treyvone with tatoo's looking all like a thug werent him or were proved to be photo shoped. But the media was showing them until it was proved.
    Is this Photo-shopped?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	90979164-wanted-dead.2.jpg 
Views:	136 
Size:	62.1 KB 
ID:	121929

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcw View Post
    i agree both sides manipulated everything. They shouldn't have used a pic from many years ago. So i really dont believe or know what to believe as true about this case.
    The prosecutor can see all the evidence and choose murder 2. So she knows more then us.
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    well, did he kill them? was it self defense? whats the correlation to this thread?
    They walked into the wrong part of the neighbourhood, he originally was robbing them at gun point, and I think he was "co-erced" by his gang to kill them as some ****ed up right of passage.

    The reason I made a point is because Sholva started this thread by basically saying "this is only getting air time because a white guy shot a black kid and not the other way round", which is not true as I have demonstrated. I don't know how much air time Shawn Tyson got in the states, but it's been a pretty big thing in the news over here in the UK.

    If it's any consolation, how this whole thing has been handled by the US Media is in huge poor taste and in poorer taste by the President using this as a means of scoring some cheap brownie points.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    They walked into the wrong part of the neighbourhood, he originally was robbing them at gun point, and I think he was "co-erced" by his gang to kill them as some ****ed up right of passage.

    The reason I made a point is because Sholva started this thread by basically saying "this is only getting air time because a white guy shot a black kid and not the other way round", which is not true as I have demonstrated. I don't know how much air time Shawn Tyson got in the states, but it's been a pretty big thing in the news over here in the UK.

    If it's any consolation, how this whole thing has been handled by the US Media is in huge poor taste and in poorer taste by the President using this as a means of scoring some cheap brownie points.
    agree with all that

    and until u mentioned it i never heard of the tyson incident

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    agree with all that

    and until u mentioned it i never heard of the tyson incident
    Exactly, I mean "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon", i mean get the **** outta here. If he had a son, he wouldn't even be living in that part of the world and would likely be groomed to be yet another rich, elitist prick.

    The problem with the West now, is that guys like us, who are from working or middle class backgrounds, have become beholden to the rich elite and the wasters that just drain the system by being on welfare and benefits. In that sense neither group is that much alike, and guys like us, slap bang in the middle, support both these groups financially. It really makes me sick.

    EDIT: Likely the reason that Shawn Tyson has got virtually no air time over in the States is probably because of the whole Trayvon thing.

    That's the Media for you.

  34. #34
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I would convict for manslaughter but not 2nd degree murder. From the tapes and the one eye witness it sounds like Zimmerman was getting his ass beat.
    Agree, manslaughter is even questionable. He will walk. To much evidence it was self defense. He should of listened to the 911 dispatch and not followed. But that is not illegal.

  35. #35
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    didnt ppl question the 911 caller saying we dont need you to do that(follow)...are 911 operators police/give orders to guards, etc.?

  36. #36
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    ^^^^ I read a story about that. The operators will often advise, but not command people to do things. They will primarily try to keep the caller out of danger.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    They walked into the wrong part of the neighbourhood, he originally was robbing them at gun point, and I think he was "co-erced" by his gang to kill them as some ****ed up right of passage.

    The reason I made a point is because Sholva started this thread by basically saying "this is only getting air time because a white guy shot a black kid and not the other way round", which is not true as I have demonstrated. I don't know how much air time Shawn Tyson got in the states, but it's been a pretty big thing in the news over here in the UK.

    If it's any consolation, how this whole thing has been handled by the US Media is in huge poor taste and in poorer taste by the President using this as a means of scoring some cheap brownie points.
    Zimmerman isn't a white guy but yet they continue to claim it was a racist incident. It would be interesting to know what would have happened if it had been the other way around though. I had never heard of Shawn Tyson until you posted about him and I doubt if many here from the states had either. You are right though about it all being handled in poor taste though. Even though the civil rights act was passed in 1964, there are always some small group somewhere ready to fan the flames of perceived racism where ever they can. It's sad that there are still those who are so easily manipulated into the pot. But Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are good at what they do, stir up controversy...remember Tawanna Brawley? and it gives them more political miles especially if the outcome is in their favor and it keeps them in the spotlight at the expense of victims.

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    Blablabla.. skim skim skim.. reference my earlier post. No f way he gets convicted of murder 2. Mangslaughter, sure.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    ...remember Tawanna Brawley?
    I am old enough to remember that. What a mess.

  40. #40
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    Zimmerman walks, cities will burn, the black panthers will kill whitey at random........of course the DOJ will make damn sure that the trial doesn't happen until after the election.....lock and load!!

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