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Thread: Circumcision

  1. #41
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    Don't. Let your son decide later on in life. It's HIS body, not yours, not your wife's. Why any parent would make a life altering decision on their son's PENIS is beyond me. Forgetting about pain is no excuse to inflict it on others, especially YOUR SON'S GENITALS. If a girl doesn't like you because of a tiny piece of skin that increases sexual pleasure for both you and her, that is not the kind of girl you want to be with.

    "My daddy decided to let a doctor cut off my foreskin because, ummm, I wouldn't remember it and some girl might not like it later in life. Now sex isn't as pleasurable for me but it's ok, I don't remember it. Just like that time he apparently beat me when I was 6 months old, but it's ok because I don't remember it so I still love him."
    True it is his choice but ask any man who did it later in life and they'll tell you they wish it was done when they were born or not at all. It's extremely painful later in life.

  2. #42
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    True it is his choice but ask any man who did it later in life and they'll tell you they wish it was done when they were born or not at all. It's extremely painful later in life.
    Yes but they are also the men that wanted it done anyways. of course they are going to wish they didn't have the pain of removing it now or the money to do it.

  3. #43
    spywizard's Avatar
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    sexual mutilation of the genitals is wrong... mmmkkkkkk

    if the child were a female, she'd be dead set against cutting the clit right?? guess because it's a girl and she is one..

    but when it comes to taking sexual gratification from a male she still controls it's ok??
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  4. #44
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  5. #45
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    sexual mutilation of the genitals is wrong... mmmkkkkkk

    if the child were a female, she'd be dead set against cutting the clit right?? guess because it's a girl and she is one..

    but when it comes to taking sexual gratification from a male she still controls it's ok??
    Thank you! As usual your wisdom prevails

  6. #46
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    it really depends on where you live on whats the norm. What kid or person wants to be abnormal?
    Also, yes he could get it done when he is older. But as said its more painful and traumatic then. What ridicule will he go through before that?
    Also i dont know at what age he will realize his is different. But what 10 or 15 year old boy wants to have a conversation with mom and dad on mhy there penis is different. Or about getting it fixed.

    It never had crossed my mind saying i wish i wasnt circumcised. I doubt any boy growing up is going to be upset about having it done as a baby. But i would think if he does get picked on, he will resent you for not having it done.
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  7. #47
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Don't. Let your son decide later on in life. It's HIS body, not yours, not your wife's. Why any parent would make a life altering decision on their son's PENIS is beyond me. Forgetting about pain is no excuse to inflict it on others, especially YOUR SON'S GENITALS. If a girl doesn't like you because of a tiny piece of skin that increases sexual pleasure for both you and her, that is not the kind of girl you want to be with.

    "My daddy decided to let a doctor cut off my foreskin because, ummm, I wouldn't remember it and some girl might not like it later in life. Now sex isn't as pleasurable for me but it's ok, I don't remember it. Just like that time he apparently beat me when I was 6 months old, but it's ok because I don't remember it so I still love him."
    Every one has said their piece on this, but you said it the best..IMO.

  8. #48
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    LOOK! I repeat my earlier statement that it's your choice. My following comments have NOTHING to do with trying to influence your decision one way or the other, only to dispute some of these bunk statements.

    1) It feels better for the dude (how the hell would anyone know that FOR A FACT? I can only tell you what mine feels like and therfore I can't compare my feeling to anyone elses)

    2) It feels better for the chick (most of a womens nerve endings that give them vaginal pleasure are found in the first 4 inches of thew vaginal cavity, While girth may play an important part in the pleasure of women due to the increased pleasure on those nerve endings length is more mental than physical and the addition or subtraction of a liitle piece of skin at the tip is hardly going to change anything. If anything the ridge formed around the head might offer additional pleasure during the passing back and forth in that first four inches. I know this cause it's about all the further I get lol)

    3)Uncurcumcised penises Are more sensative (again how is this determined without 1 person having experienced it both ways. Honestly my thought would tell me it's quite the opposite. For example my nipples have been super sensative my whole life and they have never been covered by a piece of skin).

    4)Your son might resent not being able to choose. (that argument goes both ways. He may just as easily be upset that you didn't do it at birth and now at 15 or 16 he wants it done and it's major surgery)

    I played high school and college football, I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps Infantry and I have vacationed at nude resorts. I have seen many penises and a very, very low % of American men have uncurcumcised penises. If your in the US and you have no religious issue with curcumsision then why set your son of for ANY chance of ridicule and teasing, frkn kids are tough on each other. That's it for me I'm out. Good luck with your decision. He will love you know matter what!

  9. #49
    AXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    LOOK! I repeat my earlier statement that it's your choice. My following comments have NOTHING to do with trying to influence your decision one way or the other, only to dispute some of these bunk statements.

    1) It feels better for the dude (how the hell would anyone know that FOR A FACT? I can only tell you what mine feels like and therfore I can't compare my feeling to anyone elses)

    2) It feels better for the chick (most of a womens nerve endings that give them vaginal pleasure are found in the first 4 inches of thew vaginal cavity, While girth may play an important part in the pleasure of women due to the increased pleasure on those nerve endings length is more mental than physical and the addition or subtraction of a liitle piece of skin at the tip is hardly going to change anything. If anything the ridge formed around the head might offer additional pleasure during the passing back and forth in that first four inches. I know this cause it's about all the further I get lol)

    3)Uncurcumcised penises Are more sensative (again how is this determined without 1 person having experienced it both ways. Honestly my thought would tell me it's quite the opposite. For example my nipples have been super sensative my whole life and they have never been covered by a piece of skin).

    4)Your son might resent not being able to choose. (that argument goes both ways. He may just as easily be upset that you didn't do it at birth and now at 15 or 16 he wants it done and it's major surgery)

    I played high school and college football, I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps Infantry and I have vacationed at nude resorts. I have seen many penises and a very, very low % of American men have uncurcumcised penises. If your in the US and you have no religious issue with curcumsision then why set your son of for ANY chance of ridicule and teasing, frkn kids are tough on each other. That's it for me I'm out. Good luck with your decision. He will love you know matter what!
    I can't say I disagree with you. Brother you have to make your own decision. I don't resent my parents for it.

    Good luck either way and congrats on the new baby soon.

  10. #50
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Well I think we have given op enough to think about on this To snip or not to snip that is the question...

  11. #51
    JD250's Avatar
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    Oh for Christ sake man!!!! Seriously, do you EVER remember looking at your dick and being pissed off at your parents for not letting you make a decision about it? REALLY????? This is about the POWER to make a decision and not be bossed around by your wife and MIL....MILs do suck, that's for sure but this isn't a big issue......snipped or not doesn't matter at all outside of the LOOKS thing in which case I would snip that foreskin and go brag to your buddies how big the little guys weiner is at such a young age and forget this nonsense. Find another issue to slap the MIL into shape over, don't worry my friend there will be many in your lifetime.

  12. #52
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I know I have lots of times. Most though are in porn from Eastern Block Nations like Yugoslavia. All of belami productions is uncircumcised men. Not to mention french porn and british as well. Now American porn yes there are few men for the most part that are uncircumcised. But think about it since most men in America have been chopped there aren't many choices for the porn industry except circumcised. I think that mentality is slowly changing though. Here is an article for OP to read..

    Bottom line though is that no matter what I or anyone else says, the final decision is up to you and your wife...
    right on bro i get it now...i had no idea that being uncircusized is more normal in the rest of the world..if i offended anyone then i am sorry...

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    right on bro i get it now...i had no idea that being uncircusized is more normal in the rest of the world..if i offended anyone then i am sorry...
    I cant imagine anyone being offended by you posting your opinon here. We are all here to learn and understand each others ideas and opinions. It's all cool at least as far as I'm concerned and besides as you know this is the almost anything goes lounge..

  14. #54
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    Damn I rattled my trap sooo much and forgot the most important thing here! CONGRATS MAN!!!!!!

    (I'm such a curcumcised d#$k)

  15. #55
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    Here is some interesting reading for all of you on here about what happens to the foreskin after circumcision. You would absolutely be surprised as it isn't thrown away but is used in products. Read the following article for yourself...

  16. #56
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  17. #57
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    My wife and I went back and forth about it non stop, we decided against it.

  18. #58
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I would like to know what the control for this study was. Unless you are an adult male who has had both and experienced intercourse both ways then how the hell would 1 person know what another did or did not feel. This study is BS!

    Come on DSM...from a LOOKS standpoint????
    You ever hear of science?

    You do know there are ways to restore your foreskin right? There are groups of men all over the net that have successfully restore theirs 100%. Search for "the tugger" and you will see what I mean. So there were people in te study I read that gave their personal opinions on the effect it had in them. I am not posting the study right now because I'm on my iPhone.
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  19. #59
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You ever hear of science?

    You do know there are ways to restore your foreskin right? There are groups of men all over the net that have successfully restore theirs 100%. Search for "the tugger" and you will see what I mean. So there were people in te study I read that gave their personal opinions on the effect it had in them. I am not posting the study right now because I'm on my iPhone.
    That doesn't validate the control at all. You are talking aboutr a group of men who have had foreskin sewn BACK on? A)seems pointless B) the act of sewing it back on and the fact that it had been removed once changes the nerve endings all together. I am not saying that it's better with or better without but the only way to really know is for a sexually active male WITH to have it removed as an adult and compare how it felt before and after.

  20. #60
    frank13's Avatar
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    it's the 21st century have him circumcised don't be a heathen

  21. #61
    Razor is offline Banned
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    you dont like turkey bacon?

  22. #62
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    no i love turkey bacon but this is my punishment for talking about it to much

  23. #63
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by frank13 View Post
    no i love turkey bacon but this is my punishment for talking about it to much
    lol man that sucks

  24. #64
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    An interesting thing to think about. How many DILDOS do you see that are uncurcumcised? reason being?????

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    An interesting thing to think about. How many DILDOS do you see that are uncurcumcised? reason being?????
    DILDOS are plastic not human beings

  26. #66
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    My point is that the general public apparently finds circumcised penises more appealing so there is not a market for dildos with foreskin

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    My point is that the general public apparently finds circumcised penises more appealing so there is not a market for dildos with foreskin
    o well great point then

  28. #68
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Why Should I Care about Masculine Sensitivity?

    We’re not talking about HER feelings, we’re talking about YOURS. As doctors are learning, sensitivity at the head of the penis is a key component of male sexual response.
    Urologists call it the ‘trigger reflex.’ Nerve endings in the tip of the penis are the gateway to the buildup to orgasm. Ever had an erection but not been able to reach orgasm? It happens to a lot more guys a lot more often than you might think. Loss of the ‘trigger’ reflex may be to blame, as those crucial nerve endings are covered by layers of old, dead skin. The keratin, or protein, layer of the stratum corneum is thicker on circumcised men than on uncircumcised men.
    CIRCUMserum is formulated to rehydrate and condition your glans to bring back those searing feelings of ecstasy with your partner.
    Doctors are learning that circumcision can reduce sensitivity of the glans in adulthood, affecting sexual pleasure and performance. Men who have been circumcised in adulthood report considerable loss of sensitivity and sexual pleasure.
    Besides the removal of nerve-dense and reflexogenic tissue, callousing on the exposed glans is another factor in sensitivity reduction. The buildup of a keratin layer on the outer surface of the circumcised glans is a documented phenomenon, and reduces sensation of the underlying subcutaneous nerves.
    *The rise in erectile dysfunction in older men may be linked to loss of sensitivity in the exposed glans due to three factors:
    1) removal of nerve-dense reflexogenic skin in infancy
    2) callousing of the exposed glans due to rubbing on clothing and other materials
    3) dryness of the exposed glans resulting from constant exposure to air and evaporation

    And on another note, many guys using steroids develop desensitized erectile dysfunction..... this product may or may not be a fix.. I ordered the shit, my wife although loves the sex, has her satisfaction in 7-10 minutes.. when it takes me 20-30 to reach orgasam when it used to be quicker is becoming an issue..
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  29. #69
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    Why Should I Care about Masculine Sensitivity?

    We’re not talking about HER feelings, we’re talking about YOURS. As doctors are learning, sensitivity at the head of the penis is a key component of male sexual response.
    Urologists call it the ‘trigger reflex.’ Nerve endings in the tip of the penis are the gateway to the buildup to orgasm. Ever had an erection but not been able to reach orgasm? It happens to a lot more guys a lot more often than you might think. Loss of the ‘trigger’ reflex may be to blame, as those crucial nerve endings are covered by layers of old, dead skin. The keratin, or protein, layer of the stratum corneum is thicker on circumcised men than on uncircumcised men.
    CIRCUMserum is formulated to rehydrate and condition your glans to bring back those searing feelings of ecstasy with your partner.
    Doctors are learning that circumcision can reduce sensitivity of the glans in adulthood, affecting sexual pleasure and performance. Men who have been circumcised in adulthood report considerable loss of sensitivity and sexual pleasure.
    Besides the removal of nerve-dense and reflexogenic tissue, callousing on the exposed glans is another factor in sensitivity reduction. The buildup of a keratin layer on the outer surface of the circumcised glans is a documented phenomenon, and reduces sensation of the underlying subcutaneous nerves.
    *The rise in erectile dysfunction in older men may be linked to loss of sensitivity in the exposed glans due to three factors:
    1) removal of nerve-dense reflexogenic skin in infancy
    2) callousing of the exposed glans due to rubbing on clothing and other materials
    3) dryness of the exposed glans resulting from constant exposure to air and evaporation

    And on another note, many guys using steroids develop desensitized erectile dysfunction..... this product may or may not be a fix.. I ordered the shit, my wife although loves the sex, has her satisfaction in 7-10 minutes.. when it takes me 20-30 to reach orgasam when it used to be quicker is becoming an issue..
    Interesting read...I bow down. Damn my parents for cutting me lol. Just wish they would not have cut soooo much!

  30. #70
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    Interesting arguments.

    I dont have one and there is no way in hell I would consider sewing one back on (tugger). I'm perfectly happy with the way it is. Functions just fine and feels great. lol I like the way it looks also. I have only seen a few uncircumcised ones and always though it looks weird. although some of you have seen them in porns I have not. I have also heard from a few girls who shyed away from guys because they were not circumcised.

    If I had a boy I would have him circumcised because it's what I'm familiar with and have never experienced or know anyone who has experienced any negative effects from it.

  31. #71
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    Some of these "studies" are horse shit.....lets see the references and the controls used......I'm just saying...I've also heard that with the invent of the internet and the porn that's accessible because of it that many men are rubbing one out at least once a day and some men are doing it multiple times a day which in turn causes delayed which one seems more plausible, rubbing one out so much that you need more time to climax or your dick rubs against your undies too much so it takes you longer to climax........I find this whole discussion amusing at best with NO proof to substantially support either claim but if I had to choose using common sense, I would go with the rubbing one out too much scenario.

  32. #72
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    Had the same issue when my boy was born. I wanted it done because I am but the wife couldnt handle us doing that to him. After talking to the doctor i was ok with not having it done. His exact words were" when ur son becomes a teenager, 98 percent of boys his age will not be circumcised. Its fading out fast. I just wanted him to be like me but got over it.

  33. #73
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    I think this whole circumcision thing is barbaric. I could see it's purpose back in the day and why the Jewish people would incorporate "brisks" in to their faith (much like abstaining from pork), but times have changed. It's now the norm in the western-world to bathe every day with soap. We also got antibiotics if an infection does happen. The purpose circumcisions served is no longer relevant.

  34. #74
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    I actually held my son's little hand while they sexually mutilated him... both my daughters 28/30 and wife convinced me that an uncircumcised penis was ewwwwwwwww.. and since the 3 of them have seen way more of them than I... i went with their opinion..

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  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    That doesn't validate the control at all. You are talking aboutr a group of men who have had foreskin sewn BACK on? A)seems pointless B) the act of sewing it back on and the fact that it had been removed once changes the nerve endings all together. I am not saying that it's better with or better without but the only way to really know is for a sexually active male WITH to have it removed as an adult and compare how it felt before and after.
    I can see from your post you spent no time searching "the tugger." I will stop here.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    I actually held my son's little hand while they sexually mutilated him... both my daughters 28/30 and wife convinced me that an uncircumcised penis was ewwwwwwwww.. and since the 3 of them have seen way more of them than I... i went with their opinion..

    ant eater description..

    Poor little traumatized thing, oh yeah and the baby as well... But seriously if more of us were to watch the docs when they do this procedure I think more would agree not to have it done. Yes they will tell you the child will be too young to remember and wont really feel a thing and only cry for a short time and then whimper. But still it is your child, a newborn and someone is already wanting to change his looks before his first day on earth is up. And after it is done you have to keep medicine on it for a few days to avoid a nasty infection. If infection sets in then you run the risk of disfigurement or damage to the erectile tissue or worse if not controlled in time. Why even take the chance just because Aunt Hilda says all men in her family have it done as a ritual and your child will be no exception. Ok, I've voiced enough of my opinion on this.

  37. #77
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    Why take away something that nature intended to be there? And for all those saying that " It looks better" that's just plain ignorant. It just a fashion FAD, and honestly more and more people are realizing that in today's day and age. If a woman won't sleep with you because of not being circumcised .. Give that B*itch the boot , she obviously wasn't that right one.

  38. #78
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    I'm not circumcised and it's never bothered me or any of my girlfriends. I'm 27 by the way.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fllifter View Post
    Why take away something that nature intended to be there? And for all those saying that " It looks better" that's just plain ignorant. It just a fashion FAD, and honestly more and more people are realizing that in today's day and age. If a woman won't sleep with you because of not being circumcised .. Give that B*itch the boot , she obviously wasn't that right one.
    Yeah if she's not putting out because of that, then she's really didn't want to put out and was just looking for an excuse.

  40. #80
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    Nut hair is natural too.......

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