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  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    I guess we should give awards to all Alaskan crab fisherman based on that then!
    I meant it more as you shouldn't demand respect for putting on a vest everyday when you opted in to the job. No more than the trash man or the fishermen. If you make the decision to go into a career you know involves risks, that is your decision.

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    I meant it more as you shouldn't demand respect for putting on a vest everyday when you opted in to the job. No more than the trash man or the fishermen. If you make the decision to go into a career you know involves risks, that is your decision.
    I's a job! Thats it...but on the same any of those other jobs garner so much DISRESPECT? Does the trash man get spit on? Have garbage thrown in his lawn and his tires flattened on his vehicles because he did a great job of picking up the garbage? Does the fisherman get death threat phone calls to his wife and kids because he brought home a good catch?

    I think it's one thing to assume certain risks but it's a whole nother thing to walk a mile! I know I have never called the trash man to come pick up my garbage then assaulted him while he did it!

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    I see no difference! They are both performing a dangerous job and risking their lives to protect the citizens they serve! They BOTH are well aware of the risks associated. Why does one get elevated to hero status and one gets spit on! Because one has the ability to take away your freedom when you get caught doing something you shouldn't do!

    Military personel have notbeen drafted since Nam...they know the risks associated with their job. They are paid a wage (a poor one at that) and put their life in harms way to protect their countries citizens! Are they NOT heroes? Damn right they are! The biggest reason that 2/3 qualifie as heroes to you is your personal feeling towards the proffesion as a whole which means you do indeed lump them all together! Their are bad fireman and horrible you chastise them as a whole. How many military ppl have been charged with crimes because they shot inoccent ppl and commited crimes against ppl? you blame the US military as a whole?
    Because all fireman are putting their life on the line, I'm sorry sitting in a speed trap on the side of the highway isnt putting your life on the line.
    fireman arent harrasing people. And alot of fireman are Volunteers. Cops for the most point like you said are jaded and going into a situation thinking the worst. so they treat even the innocent people that way. And im sorry cops abuse their power for personal gain alot more then fireman.

    Yes everyone makes a mistake, even the military and soldier are held responsible. How many cops get off on shit because they justify it as a mistake, or some other BS. oh yea they get suspended with pay while its investigates. lol
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  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    Because all fireman are putting their life on the line, I'm sorry sitting in a speed trap on the side of the highway isnt putting your life on the line.
    fireman arent harrasing people. And alot of fireman are Volunteers. Cops for the most point like you said are jaded and going into a situation thinking the worst. so they treat even the innocent people that way. And im sorry cops abuse their power for personal gain alot more then fireman.

    Yes everyone makes a mistake, even the military and soldier are held responsible. How many cops get off on shit because they justify it as a mistake, or some other BS. oh yea they get suspended with pay while its investigates. lol
    The guy sitting at the speed trap could be responding to the suicidal subject call 10 minutes later! Traffic stops are the one of the leading killers of never know who you are encountering in that vehicle or how badly they want to avoid being caught doing whatever they are doing!

    Funny how one minute it's just doing your job and the next it's refered to as harrament! Just depends on the situation and what side of the fence you stand on...I doubt cops "harrass" alot of law abiding, no problem causing, normal, day to day citizens! With each 15 minute "harassment" comes 4 hours of reports! Yeah...that spounds like something worth doing for no reason!

    What personal gain is there? You think there is a bonus and a free blender for the most tickets written!

    I think alot of the things you find appauling are things that were more common place 20 years ago no doubt! I also think again as I said in the thread about the cop giving the boots to the homeless guy! You are only seeing an extremely small cross section when you see the news repprts and youtube videos and get a glock in your chest! It's litteraly a drop in the bucket comapred to the number of normal, day to day good guys just doing the job and making surte they get home every night!

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I's a job! Thats it...but on the same any of those other jobs garner so much DISRESPECT? Does the trash man get spit on? Have garbage thrown in his lawn and his tires flattened on his vehicles because he did a great job of picking up the garbage? Does the fisherman get death threat phone calls to his wife and kids because he brought home a good catch?

    I think it's one thing to assume certain risks but it's a whole nother thing to walk a mile! I know I have never called the trash man to come pick up my garbage then assaulted him while he did it!
    Agreed. I don't feel that LE deserves the lumped disrespect that they get. There are assholes everywhere, not just in LE. Personally I've only had one occasion where I was outright disrespected by an officer and it was a CO in county about a year ago. First time I'd ever been picked up and didn't know how things worked and when I asked about my phone call after several hours of waiting the CO responded like he was just looking for a reason to put my face in the bricks. Granted from what I observed during my hours there it seemed like most of the guys there were the same way, and I actually watched excessive force used several times for unwarranted reasons. I mean no more than 15 seconds between a command and the time it took to slam a kid into the floor really? Now in public ( traffic stops) it's a different story I've always gotten and given respect.

    But at the same time during those traffic stops adrenalin starts pumping (I'm sure for both parties involved) and if LE comes at someone in an aggressive manner then the fight or flight mechanism kicks in. Which means the person being confronted will either sit there and deal with it or become aggressive as well. Granted it works both ways with that and if a person becomes aggressive with LE then it comes right back to them.

    But a few assholes on either side of the spectrum can and will ruin it for everyone on both sides.

  6. #366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle;63***05
    Agreed. I don't feel that LE deserves the lumped disrespect that they get. There are assholes everywhere, not just in LE. Personally I've only had one occasion where I was outright disrespected by an officer and it was a CO in county about a year ago. First time I'd ever been picked up and didn't know how things worked and when I asked about my phone call after several hours of waiting the CO responded like he was just looking for a reason to put my face in the bricks. Granted from what I observed during my hours there it seemed like most of the guys there were the same way, and I actually watched excessive force used several times for unwarranted reasons. I mean no more than 15 seconds between a command and the time it took to slam a kid into the floor really? Now in public ( traffic stops) it's a different story I've always gotten and given respect.

    But at the same time during those traffic stops adrenalin starts pumping (I'm sure for both parties involved) and if LE comes at someone in an aggressive manner then the fight or flight mechanism kicks in. Which means the person being confronted will either sit there and deal with it or become aggressive as well. Granted it works both ways with that and if a person becomes aggressive with LE then it comes right back to them.

    But a few assholes on either side of the spectrum can and will ruin it for everyone on both sides.
    True words! I know CO's can get aggresive...never done it but I suppose after dealing with turds all day you lump them all together as well! Meaning, not every person arrested is a bad person.....

  7. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    The guy sitting at the speed trap could be responding to the suicidal subject call 10 minutes later! Traffic stops are the one of the leading killers of never know who you are encountering in that vehicle or how badly they want to avoid being caught doing whatever they are doing!

    Funny how one minute it's just doing your job and the next it's refered to as harrament! Just depends on the situation and what side of the fence you stand on...I doubt cops "harrass" alot of law abiding, no problem causing, normal, day to day citizens! With each 15 minute "harassment" comes 4 hours of reports! Yeah...that spounds like something worth doing for no reason!

    What personal gain is there? You think there is a bonus and a free blender for the most tickets written!

    I think alot of the things you find appauling are things that were more common place 20 years ago no doubt! I also think again as I said in the thread about the cop giving the boots to the homeless guy! You are only seeing an extremely small cross section when you see the news repprts and youtube videos and get a glock in your chest! It's litteraly a drop in the bucket comapred to the number of normal, day to day good guys just doing the job and making surte they get home every night!

    maybe because i've traveled more, been out more i've seen more.
    I've been in vacation resort towns and had cops pull up and yell out the car window to find someplace to go or you'll gett arrested. While i was standing there doing nothing for 5 mins waiting for someone to come back with change to pay the parking meter.
    Been pulled over and harassed for a car stereo being to loud,BS, since it was a stock car radio, but i was also 22 driving a 40k+ car. talk to like shit and ask to search the car, then when said no, why what are you hiding? again on the strip of a resort town where on the street you can hear the arcades, amusement rides and all the noise but my stock radio was to loud. Please.

    Yea cops abuse power for personal gain. im not talking bonuses.
    you know often i get at my club you not letting me in for free im a cop? cops i know who speed everyplace because they know they will get away with it, or worse drive drunk. cause they can flash their badge and get away with it.
    Fvck my friend use to park and a badge on his dashboard so he didnt have to pay the parking meter.
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  8. #368
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    lets see what else. Had a cop stop me and my girlfriend at the time while walking from one club to another. Because i had a water bottle in my hand and he thought it may be something else. Took both of our licenses. Patted me down, was a complete douche bag. Because it was just water and after he smelled it said well maybe there is crushed up drugs in there. Since obviously it wasnt alcohol.
    Next weekend my girl is out with her friends and sees the same cop. He stops her and asks her out. He said he knew there was nothing in the water, just wanted to see who she was and if she was local and stuff.
    Yea cops dont harass law abiding citizens. and i could go on with shit that just happened to me or i personally know about because i had to cop do something for me. So you dont think there is 100x the amount i havent witnessed dailey
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  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1;63***67
    lets see what else. Had a cop stop me and my girlfriend at the time while walking from one club to another. Because i had a water bottle in my hand and he thought it may be something else. Took both of our licenses. Patted me down, was a complete douche bag. Because it was just water and after he smelled it said well maybe there is crushed up drugs in there. Since obviously it wasnt alcohol.
    Next weekend my girl is out with her friends and sees the same cop. He stops her and asks her out. He said he knew there was nothing in the water, just wanted to see who she was and if she was local and stuff.
    Yea cops dont harass law abiding citizens. and i could go on with shit that just happened to me or i personally know about because i had to cop do something for me. So you dont think there is 100x the amount i havent witnessed dailey
    Woe...wait! Cops can get in strip clubs for free?

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1;63***90
    Woe...wait! Cops can get in strip clubs for free?
    some do give a discount or free cover
    we give half off and some cops will bitch about paying half
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  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    some do give a discount or free cover
    Gixx....if I fly to Florida and offer free physicals to your girls, can I get in free?????

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Gixx....if I fly to Florida and offer free physicals to your girls, can I get in free?????
    only if you bring your prescription pad for me
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  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    only if you bring your prescription pad for me
    I could work with that!

  14. #374
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    Quick question when it comes to abused power though. Just last week a guy I work with was passing through GA on his way back here. So he gets turned around trying to ride the back roads home and turns around in a random driveway. The owner of the driveway runs him down and pulls him over ( for suspicious behavior) by flashing his lights when he got behind him. The driveway owner then calls in an officer to perform the traffic stop. During this stop my co-worker is arrested for driving on a revoked. However in the end it turns out the driveway owner is a magistrate in a different county and not authorized to perform a stop in the first place.

    Now my co-worker has an attorney and going to fight it in court. What would your take on this situation be?

    I know the guy was in the wrong for driving without a license, but should this magistrate be arrested and charged with impersonating an officer (not likely) and the co-worker be dismissed of the charges since they were brought about by a violation of his rights?

  15. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Woe...wait! Cops can get in strip clubs for free?
    .....and I'm supposed to believe you didn't know this already???

  16. #376
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    Quick question when it comes to abused power though. Just last week a guy I work with was passing through GA on his way back here. So he gets turned around trying to ride the back roads home and turns around in a random driveway. The owner of the driveway runs him down and pulls him over ( for suspicious behavior) by flashing his lights when he got behind him. The driveway owner then calls in an officer to perform the traffic stop. During this stop my co-worker is arrested for driving on a revoked. However in the end it turns out the driveway owner is a magistrate in a different county and not authorized to perform a stop in the first place.

    Now my co-worker has an attorney and going to fight it in court. What would your take on this situation be?

    I know the guy was in the wrong for driving without a license, but should this magistrate be arrested and charged with impersonating an officer (not likely) and the co-worker be dismissed of the charges since they were brought about by a violation of his rights?
    OK..going off of your explanation. The magistrate did nothing to impersonate an officer and the guy had no responsibility to stop! But since he did and an officer was called to investigate suspicious activity...he is screwed!

    Your co-workers rights were not violated as he had no obligation to stop or remain with the magistrate and could have driven away! He made the choice to stick around. Keep in mind also that in many states the judge is a law enforcement official and has charging authority!

  17. #377
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    .....and I'm supposed to believe you didn't know this already???
    Hell no...i'm there to have fun...I wouldnt WANT them to know! Screw that!

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    OK..going off of your explanation. The magistrate did nothing to impersonate an officer and the guy had no responsibility to stop! But since he did and an officer was called to investigate suspicious activity...he is screwed!

    Your co-workers rights were not violated as he had no obligation to stop or remain with the magistrate and could have driven away! He made the choice to stick around. Keep in mind also that in many states the judge is a law enforcement official and has charging authority!
    But he was not informed that he was only a magistrate. He only found that out when he reviewed his copy of the ticket with the attorney. During the "stop" he was lead to believe he was dealing with an officer. And he is not listed as a magistrate for the county in which the stop occurred. Does he still have charging authority in that county if not employed by that county.
    Last edited by Dpyle; 02-13-2013 at 05:07 PM.

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpyle View Post
    But he was not informed that he was only a magistrate. He only found that out when he reviewed his copy of the ticket with the attorney. During the "stop" he was lead to believe he was dealing with an officer. And he is not listed as a magistrate for the county in which the stop occurred. Does he still have charging authority in that county if not employed by that county.
    More than likely yes..I can only speak of the state I'm in but there is no such thing as jurisdiction in this state! Often time judges have to hear cases in other courts due to conflicts of interest so I'm going to guess that he does. If he wasn't dressed as an officer, say he was an officer or pretend he was an officer then he did not do anything wrong. Again...your friend did not have to stop because someone was flashing their headlights at him! I'm sure the officer who arrived issued the citation and since he was called there tgo investigate and your friend was stopped...he is screwed!

  20. #380
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    Video of the shootout

    The cops are so incompetent...I've played paintball with 12 years old who can shoot better.
    Last edited by Shsm; 02-14-2013 at 06:32 AM.

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