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Hello Roman! Great to hear you again! Okay this will be my last reply to you as well, you have been respectful so I will be respectful as well.
I will try and make this short as I can but it will be hard!
It seems to me that the people you speak with about religion (Christianity in particular) have given you the Bible (similar to me) and tell you to BELIEVE.
Well I am not like that, mate INVESTIGATE!
Don't just accept that Jesus died on the cross in Jerusalem, INVESTIGATE!
I have no issue with you questioning all of this, why? Because questioning everything will bring you closer to God consciousness.
If you want to find or know God question EVERYTHING until you get to the most high.
The problem with some of the people that present The Bible or Quran (which is Satan's book) is to question NOTHING and I think you have come across that a lot.
We are blessed in today's world to be able to travel to Israel so you can INVESTIGATE that Jesus really did die on the cross.
Go to Egypt and investigate for sure that Pharaoh was a real person that had the Israelites enslaved.
Go to Turkey and find out if Noah's Ark really did exist.
Because if this is all true (which it is) then the Preacher, the Pastor, the Priest would have NO issue with that.
Say if a woman is raped and you are the unfortunate suspect, and you need to take a DNA test to prove you didn't raper her. You wouldn't mind taking the DNA test because you know it will show you are innocent.
Say if you are an Olympic powerlifter and you need to take a blood test to prove you have no banned substances, you won't mind taking the test, because you are clean.
Same with Christianity! Investigate! But more importantly VISIT THESE PLACES! And see with your own eyes for sure.
Let me give you an example.
When I was in Palestine, after going to Jesus' major we went to Milk Grotto where Mary hid out with baby Jesus, and our tour guide told us this was where Mary hid out and that the white marks we saw on the caves where from Mary's breast when she breast feed baby Jesus.
Now I smelt a rat only because I felt that milk mark on a rock would not last 2000+ years later like that.
Now I suppose I would have questioned this, however I was not certain that this was the case, and because Catholicism has got a hold on Palestine, Israel I was not sure to believe that part.
But being there I could question that for myself, and see for myself to really legitimise.
Questioning my friend along with visiting and research brings you much closer to the most high.
I am far from insecure about my beliefs why cos you can investigate my beliefs and a majority of it can be legitimised.
What we must remember is that are human beings and as human beings we only know so much. There are mysteries out there that we want to know. I want to know what was around PRE Adam and Eve? Was there really such a thing as PRE ADAMITES? It is not in the Bible but I would love to know. We hear Scientist speak about certain living things that lived on earth 90k years ago (Which pre dates the Bible significantly) The Bible's span of time is about 6-7k years of human time from Genesis to Revelation.
MANY fascinating mysteries that we would love to know, and it is human nature to want to know! However the truth of the matter our level of comprehension is not anywhere near the same level as the most high's comprehension.
Somebody once asked (I don't think it was this thread) well if God already knows what will happen in the end then what is the point?
Just like you asked about Jesus knowing what was going to happen to him and what he would have to to and that Judas was going to stab him in the back he knew this already. And what was going to happen.
All part of the plan.
But the truth is that religion can be the biggest BLOCK in getting towards God.
Why believe in God, when you can know God? Why believe Jesus died on the cross when you can know it?
Our intellectually facility definitely helps us to get to God and once you have investigated, researched, visited and legitimized it all then you are there with the most high and will be in scripture wanting to know more and be saved.
I want to go to Israel again soon, so I can further research and see things again, infact what I may do is put my pictures of when I was in Israel and Palestine for people to see.
There is more I want to add but it will turn into a dissertation!
But last point so when we see what is going on in the news today with certain trumpets that have been sounded! What is happening in the middle east.
Turkey wanting to try and be peace mediator between Israel and Palestine and the Bible says that the Anti Christ's seat will be in TURKEY.
That is why when the 7 peace treaty with Israel and Palestine is signed THAT IS A MASSIVE SIGN!!!
These are Biblical prophecies.
That is why it is so intriguing with what is happening with the middle east and ISIS now spreading (they will spread now that is it)
Turkey wanting to become the old Ottoman Empire. It all comes together.
I don't know if this will happen in our lifetime, but Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia nations to watch out for.
But it has been great going back and forth with you.
I hope you get closer to God consciousness!
I think as more news down the month comes out of the middle east it may open you up more to believe that what the Bible is pointing you in the right direction.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)