Quote Originally Posted by xjay1234 View Post
I don't care WHO you are.

Hitting me and it ROCKS ME, WOBBLES ME, HURTS ME!

Human reaction you will hit that person MALE or FEMALE right BACK!!!!

Maybe you enjoyed taking asswhippings from skanks at School and whatever else.

But just as we teach boys @ a young age to not hit girls!

GIRLS need to be taught that is it NOT OKAY to hit boys! Just cos he is not allowed hit you doesn't give you the right to hit him! Cos that is bullying! That's what it is!

Now if a man hits a feminine woman for shits an giggles he is a punk and he is a bitch and needs to be dealt with.

But I can understand FULLY a man losing it with a skant whore!

But people will behave and act as if they have NO IDEA what I am saying
I guess if you keep company with skanks then you probably get what's coming to you

I choose to surround myself with quality people