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Thread: New Zealand shooting

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    New Zealand shooting

    You guys hear about this yet? I just found out about what happened and i dont watch the news usually
    WTF is going on with the world
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    You guys hear about this yet? I just found out about what happened and i dont watch the news usually
    WTF is going on with the world
    Nothing that hasn't gone on since the dawn of mankind. Its just thrown all over media which is in our face constantly.

    No more mass shootings and firearms death today than ever which is strange because there are 3x as many guns.

    Here is why they sensationalize it....

    Attachment 175996

    There have been stupid ass extremists of every creed and color since the beginning if time.
    Any moron dumb enough to try and promote racial supremacy etc is just another retard that will accomplish nothing.

    It amazes me how there can never be a single news story that is not politicized to cater to left tendancies or to the right.

    Sheep eat it up.
    Cant be a psycho, it must be the opposing political partys fault. This is why I dont watch the news.
    Just dishonors the victims, gives a jackass attention he doesn't deserve, and turns into a political shit show.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    pretty sure there was a Pro bodybuilding show in New Zealand this last weekend.. why didn't that make the News
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  4. #4
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    pretty sure there was a Pro bodybuilding show in New Zealand this last weekend.. why didn't that make the News
    Sure hope that no one from Oxygen was killed. Wait, too soon . . . . .
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Nothing that hasn't gone on since the dawn of mankind. Its just thrown all over media which is in our face constantly.

    No more mass shootings and firearms death today than ever which is strange because there are 3x as many guns.

    Here is why they sensationalize it....

    Attachment 175996

    There have been stupid ass extremists of every creed and color since the beginning if time.
    Any moron dumb enough to try and promote racial supremacy etc is just another retard that will accomplish nothing.

    It amazes me how there can never be a single news story that is not politicized to cater to left tendancies or to the right.

    Sheep eat it up.
    Cant be a psycho, it must be the opposing political partys fault. This is why I dont watch the news.
    Just dishonors the victims, gives a jackass attention he doesn't deserve, and turns into a political shit show.
    That's what everyone is telling me and this has always gone on but i think this is different. I don't watch the news or media at all and this is the first shooting in about a year that i actually found out about and have looked into, this is a sick fucking thing and i cant believe the media is running with it and this guy isn't even dead?? WTF

    Also, i think for myself i may have to start watching the news or something because i had no idea this was going on and i was very rude/aggressive in public the other day so now its making me rethink how i act. I have to be a sheep

    I'm sitting here right now for hours, discussing this in discord for a while now and i am disgusted this type of shit happens. I heard there was another shooting some months ago but like i said i usually always ignore the news or any shooting/violent story i stay away from that because i dont need to know what happened, or what this guys name is. I still dont know his name but i have seen a few photos and just looks like some white dude in new zealand
    I dont understand this shit tbh, wtf is going on in society and is this being done on a mass scale or is it the news reporting this constantly that brings in fear.

    idk what to say tbh, this is a fucked up thing that happened and i usually never look into these stories because i dont want to know
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  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    whats probably not going to make the news is the 50 or so people that will be shot and killed on the streets of Chicago this month . you won't hear about it because Chicago is an anti gun city, and despite all their anti gun laws now has the highest homicide and gun crimes rate. thats because only the criminals carry guns there and the law abiding citizens cannot... you won't hear a thing about these deaths because they have no anti gun agenda or political agenda they can push with it . in fact, they don't even want you to know about it I'm sure.
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  7. #7
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    All over the world, the Muzzies are pushing. This is what it looks like when a kafir gets fed up and pushes back.
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    That's what everyone is telling me and this has always gone on but i think this is different. I don't watch the news or media at all and this is the first shooting in about a year that i actually found out about and have looked into, this is a sick fucking thing and i cant believe the media is running with it and this guy isn't even dead?? WTF

    Also, i think for myself i may have to start watching the news or something because i had no idea this was going on and i was very rude/aggressive in public the other day so now its making me rethink how i act. I have to be a sheep

    I'm sitting here right now for hours, discussing this in discord for a while now and i am disgusted this type of shit happens. I heard there was another shooting some months ago but like i said i usually always ignore the news or any shooting/violent story i stay away from that because i dont need to know what happened, or what this guys name is. I still dont know his name but i have seen a few photos and just looks like some white dude in new zealand
    I dont understand this shit tbh, wtf is going on in society and is this being done on a mass scale or is it the news reporting this constantly that brings in fear.

    idk what to say tbh, this is a fucked up thing that happened and i usually never look into these stories because i dont want to know
    Attachment 175997

    Its not more of a problem. Its half as big of a problem as when I was a kid.

    The difference is when I was a kid most of the country didnt have a clue how a computer worked or have the internet.

    Now it is propagandized to its fullest extent.

    I remember when I met my ex wife and later my gf, they both believed more American soldiers had died in the modern middle east crisis than in any war in history. This is not because they had leftist tendancies. It was because it was thrown in their face every day how evil mr Bush was and how wrong the wars were.

    I explained that we had single battles in WW2 where more americans were lost than in 20 years of fighting in the middle east. My God... my ex argued how wrong and stupid I was.

    My point is look at the amount of guns and population now but the sharp decrease. Now shooting deaths hold steady.

    No it is not worse that someone was shot today than in the Jonesboro shooting. It is just propagandized to the point that it makes people believe there should be something done about it in terms of gun control etc. Every single thing like this (yes it is terrible) is propagandized into an absolute dire epidemic that must immediately be dealt with.

    Bathroom saftey

    All things that kill more people than guns but cant be politicized like guns, racial tension, or the stance of potus.

    Lol! Remember back in the 90's everone blamed DOOM the video game for kids shooting up schools?

    My 8 year old beats my ass on Gears of War 4 now.
    He wont be shooting up a school and my house is full of loaded and unlocked guns that he has shot.

    The only thing changing today is lack of morality/chastizing thereof and lack of true conviction. Even psychos are getting less common.

    1995 us population:266 million
    Today: 324 million
    1995 firearms sales:4.3 million
    2014: 10.8 million. (2014 was newest I had from atf)

    See what I am saying?
    Problem is getting much much less common per capita and per gun.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-16-2019 at 02:53 AM.
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    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    whats probably not going to make the news is the 50 or so people that will be shot and killed on the streets of Chicago this month . you won't hear about it because Chicago is an anti gun city, and despite all their anti gun laws now has the highest homicide and gun crimes rate. thats because only the criminals carry guns there and the law abiding citizens cannot... you won't hear a thing about these deaths because they have no anti gun agenda or political agenda they can push with it . in fact, they don't even want you to know about it I'm sure.
    The police killed that many people? That’s horrible.

  10. #10
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    This guy was a ticking time bomb.

    New Zealand's gun laws are ridiculously strict but he still found a way. And the silly shape of this thing was a loophole in the law banning rifles with pistol grips (how stupid a law is that?). In addition to Tours and Lepanto, one of the dates prominently featured on the opposite side was 1683, the year the Muslim invaders were stopped at the gates of Vienna.

    Hitler's "14 words" are: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

    People in a murderous rage are going to find a way. The Muslim Chechens who seized the school in Beslan, Russia in 2004 intended to do mass murder by gasoline. If Russian special forces hadn't intervened, they would have burned all 1100 hostages to death. 334 still died because of gunfire and explosions during the rescue attempt.

    Which brings up a point. Whenever a hostage rescue attempt is made -- and this goes for American police/SWAT rescues as well -- the top priority is killing all the hostage takers. It's a bonus if any of the hostages survive but job one is to kill all the perps.
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  11. #11
    CA_DXB_85 is offline Associate Member
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    We live in a disgusting world where some people still think they are better than others becsuse of skin color or religion... Fucking morons!
    The shittiest part is the majority of the mass shootings that are pushed heavily on media have a political agenda...
    R.I.P to all those innocent lives and condolences to their families
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    That's what everyone is telling me and this has always gone on but i think this is different. I don't watch the news or media at all and this is the first shooting in about a year that i actually found out about and have looked into, this is a sick fucking thing and i cant believe the media is running with it and this guy isn't even dead?? WTF

    Also, i think for myself i may have to start watching the news or something because i had no idea this was going on and i was very rude/aggressive in public the other day so now its making me rethink how i act. I have to be a sheep

    I'm sitting here right now for hours, discussing this in discord for a while now and i am disgusted this type of shit happens. I heard there was another shooting some months ago but like i said i usually always ignore the news or any shooting/violent story i stay away from that because i dont need to know what happened, or what this guys name is. I still dont know his name but i have seen a few photos and just looks like some white dude in new zealand
    I dont understand this shit tbh, wtf is going on in society and is this being done on a mass scale or is it the news reporting this constantly that brings in fear.

    idk what to say tbh, this is a fucked up thing that happened and i usually never look into these stories because i dont want to know
    Whats your discord

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    sent pm...
    I dont use discord often though, i check in sometimes
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    sent pm...
    I dont use discord often though, i check in sometimes
    It is a disgusting thing.
    Takes a totally closed off evil mind to do something like that pos did

  15. #15
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    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t endorse this guy or any murderer.

    I remember when I was first told about sushi (or oysters) & had it for the first time and found it delicious. How could something so disgusting be so good?

    I imagine when the idea of “mass” murdering started, whenever it “started”, it was equally deplorable. But give it a few times, the unending media exposure, perhaps a the idea becomes desensitized. Hell, that’s my take. Just my 02. with appropriate condolences of course.

    When I first started teaching, when a disgruntled kid came in with that look on his face & his hands buried in those deep pockets of a sweatshirt, was I thinking gun?

    This shit ain’t getting better.
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    XnavyHMCS is offline Senior Member
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    In light of what the shooter did, retrospectively it is easy to label him a psychopath, etc... Yet, if one takes the time to read his "manifesto", it can be surmised that he was perhaps quite lucid; a gross portion of what he said was true...

    In my view, this killing is only going to be the beginning... Look for the next one to occur in the States.

    Paybacks are a b**** they say...
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    This guy was a ticking time bomb.

    New Zealand's gun laws are ridiculously strict but he still found a way. And the silly shape of this thing was a loophole in the law banning rifles with pistol grips (how stupid a law is that?). In addition to Tours and Lepanto, one of the dates prominently featured on the opposite side was 1683, the year the Muslim invaders were stopped at the gates of Vienna.

    Hitler's "14 words" are: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

    People in a murderous rage are going to find a way. The Muslim Chechens who seized the school in Beslan, Russia in 2004 intended to do mass murder by gasoline. If Russian special forces hadn't intervened, they would have burned all 1100 hostages to death. 334 still died because of gunfire and explosions during the rescue attempt.

    Which brings up a point. Whenever a hostage rescue attempt is made -- and this goes for American police/SWAT rescues as well -- the top priority is killing all the hostage takers. It's a bonus if any of the hostages survive but job one is to kill all the perps.
    Surprised there wasn’t an 88 scrawled into the trigger.
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  18. #18
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    From The Daily Caller:

    PRATT: What Media Won’t Tell You About The New Zealand Massacre

    Erich Pratt | Gun Owners of America

    News of the New Zealand shooting brought the usual calls for gun control in the United States. And while the mainstream media is helping fuel the prejudice against gun rights, their greatest bias is in what they refuse to print.

    True to form, here are at least three things the media will not tell you about New Zealand’s shooting.

    First, New Zealand has far greater gun control than we have in the United States.

    New Zealand requires gun-owner licensing, registration for certain guns, universal background checks and more.

    Authorities will even investigate gun buyers by interviewing family members before issuing licenses. So-called “assault weapons” are legal, but heavily restricted.

    Taken together, the country’s gun control far exceeds what we have in the United States. And yet their extreme restrictions did not stop a bad guy from using firearms to commit a heinous massacre last week.

    The failure of gun control is not unique to New Zealand. Consider Venezuela, where gun confiscation of all private firearms was followed by a horrendous spike in crime, making the country one of the most dangerous places on the planet.

    People there not only fear violent mobs, but their government, as well. And yet the U.S. media routinely fails to make the connection between gun control and the lack of safety — whether it be Venezuela, New Zealand or this country.

    Second, the shooter broke off the attack only after being confronted with a weapon.

    That’s right, a potential victim at the second mosque grabbed an unloaded shotgun and threw it at the shooter. This shattered his car window which presumably made him think that he was being fired upon. The killer sped off, and lives were undoubtedly saved. But few outlets have mentioned this.

    Likewise, the mainstream media have steadfastly ignored the many legitimate examples of self-defense in this country where good guys use loaded guns to bring attacks to a halt.

    For this reason, few people know that FBI reports on active shooters show several examples where armed civilians either stopped or prevented mass shootings in recent years.

    These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. FBI “active shooter” reports show that when a gun owner is present, mass shootings are either prevented or mitigated 94 percent of the time.

    But the mainstream media is silent when it comes to good guys with guns.

    Then, there’s the next thing the media will never do — and that is to point the finger at themselves.

    Criminal psychologists have begged the media to stop printing the pictures and names of mass murderers. [I've been preaching this since the terrorist attacks of the 80s - Juice].

    Why? Because subsequent investigations have shown that several shooters were specifically intending to commit their evil deeds, in part, using media coverage as way to become immortalized.

    The list of shooters includes, but is not limited to, the criminals who attacked John Lennon, President Reagan and Rep. Gabby Giffords; those who assaulted the Columbine, Sandy Hook and Parkland schools; and many more.

    These villains have used the media as their “useful idiots,” hoping that the media will lionize them, even in their deaths.

    The same is true with last week’s massacre down under. The killer’s own manifesto reveals his fascist views. And that he wanted his crime — and the ensuing media coverage — to bring renewed calls for gun control in New Zealand and the United States.

    The media clearly plays an unwitting role, at best. But finding a story where they will point to themselves as culpable is about as rare as a World Series title for the Chicago Cubs.

    And yet it gets worse, as there are many examples where press coverage actually incites violence. For example:

    * The Obama Justice Department determined that the words “hands up, don’t shoot” were never uttered in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. [Toldja so! - Juice] This determination only came after the media had repeated the false, resulting in death and millions of dollars in damage, as a result of angry mobs rioting in the streets.

    * In 1992, the press reported on the acquittal of four Los Angeles police officers who had engaged in brutal treatment of Rodney King. Those reports, while accurate, enraged residents of Los Angeles to such a degree that rioters killed 63 people and damaged over a billion dollars of property.

    * And then there was the great riot from early in the 20th century. The press reported that several African-Americans had allegedly raped white women in Atlanta. These reports sparked a race riot in 1906 when dozens of blacks were murdered, and over a hundred more were seriously wounded. A subsequent investigation later “blamed the riot on inflammatory journalism.”

    So the press — whether accurately or inaccurately reporting the news — has fueled mayhem and death. How convenient that the media avoids any accountability by shifting the focus away from themselves and, instead, calls for Second Amendment restrictions.

    Another fact the media won’t tell you is that researchers in the British Journal of Criminology studied Australia’s crime rates and concluded the “gun buy-back and restrictive legislative changes had no influence on firearm homicide in Australia.”

    And news outlets in that country have reported that police departments around the nation routinely fail to report all the crime statistics which, of course, produces the appearance of lower crime rates.

    One thing is for sure. Given that New Zealand already registers semi-automatic firearms, officials will now have a target list which they can turn into a gun confiscation list.

    But just as gun confiscation failed to stop mass killings and mass shootings in Australia, it will most certainly not make the people any safer.

    Just ask the people of Venezuela.

    Erich Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America, a grassroots lobby defending the Second Amendment and representing over two million gun owners.
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    Wouldn't have been as much of an outcry if a minority killed 50 non-minorities . Getting to the point where a minority can murder your family and if you have a problem with that you're wrong and racist and oppressive and this and that lmao.

    Yeah it's not right to kill 50 people but that is far as I will go, won't kiss any group's ass. No group is less important or more important in regards to murdering them. (In 2019 that is, thousands of years ago is quite a different story.)
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-20-2019 at 05:49 PM.
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    I actually watched the video of the shooting this morning. Quite disturbing.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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    All this originating from us pathetic humans being unable to think rationally about the creation of this existence.This human race was a failure. Violence is part of animal existence but not to the insane extent we have pushed it to.

    Any logic or pure feelings we animals should have has been completely destroyed by a corrupted impure world. it's completely disgusting. No way the Germans at Auschwitz could have done the shit they did without the cocktails of amphetamines barbiturates and whatever other impure mind warping substance.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-21-2019 at 02:39 PM.

  23. #23
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    . No way the Germans at Auschwitz could have done the shit they did without the cocktails of amphetamines barbiturates and whatever other impure mind warping substance.
    Seriously? You don’t need that shit to torture & kill. All you need in your mind is hatred and/or the train of thought that this person or group of people needs to be eradicated. Approved public torture and killing have been around for hundreds of years. In this case, by approved, I mean this guy has fans (not me) and lots of them. As Beetle pointed out, apparrantly Allah doesn’t have issues as well. Too bad the dude in the mosque wasn’t wearing a bomb, or he could have ended it (instead of throwing the shot-gun), but I’m sure Allah doesn’t approve of bombs in his mosque, only outside, when killing the infidels.

    Nazis? Auschwitz? Largely they used cyanide (not that horribly barbaric). Ever read what we did to many of the blacks BEFORE they were strung up? Now that was gruesome. Yet, it was party time for entire families, hell, bring a picnic & buy postcards as souvenirs to charish the moment.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Ever read what we did to many of the blacks BEFORE they were strung up? Now that was gruesome. Yet, it was party time for entire families, hell, bring a picnic & buy postcards as souvenirs to charish the moment.
    I think its funny if an American does it the its "WE".

    Also 99% of the shit spouted about black torture is newly fabricated to further racial disparity that does not exist.

    Ever see what Shaka of the Zulu was doing to Africans at the time they were purchased by the dutch and sold to the US?

    No you didnt because colleges neglect history that does not fit the agenda that whitey is a big meany like no other has been.

    "We"didnt do shit to Africans and yes, "we" should have left them to Shaka to sort out their own diffeences. You want a new perspective talk with a fifth generation white African farmer.

    I am expected to be apologetic for Africans living in a civilized society when they have clearly demonstrated over thousands of years that when left to their own accord they have only been capable of mass genocide of their own tribes, which is the most complex form of government they have been able to exact? Strongest tribe wins there. You still see it today over here in black neighborhoods but whitey gets the blame for holding them back.


    Cream rises and shit sinks.
    No need to go around hating or declaring some fucked up ideal of supremacy.

    Truth always shows itself in the end.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-21-2019 at 08:37 PM.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I think its funny if an American does it the its "WE".

    Also 99% of the shit spouted about black torture is newly fabricated to further racial disparity that does not exist.

    Ever see what Shaka of the Zulu was doing to Africans at the time they were purchased by the dutch and sold to the US?

    No you didnt because colleges neglect history that does not fit the agenda that whitey is a big meany like no other has been.

    "We"didnt do shit to Africans and yes, "we" should have left them to Shaka to sort out their own diffeences. You want a new perspective talk with a fifth generation white African farmer.

    I am expected to be apologetic for Africans living in a civilized society when they have clearly demonstrated over thousands of years that when left to their own accord they have only been capable of mass genocide of their own tribes, which is the most complex form of government they have been able to exact? Strongest tribe wins there. You still see it today over here in black neighborhoods but whitey gets the blame for holding them back.


    Cream rises and shit sinks.
    No need to go around hating or declaring some fucked up ideal of supremacy.

    Truth always shows itself in the end.
    Got this book at home that discusses this, interesting pics (it’s an actual picture book of real lynchings; hint, not for the kids) showing your “fabrications”.

    My comment was not exclusive to blacks, but was intended to suggest that killings such as these are nothing new and not really exclusive to the “unstable” or “extreme”.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Got this book at home that discusses this, interesting pics (it’s an actual picture book of real lynchings; hint, not for the kids) showing your “fabrications”.

    My comment was not exclusive to blacks, but was intended to suggest that killings such as these are nothing new and not really exclusive to the “unstable” or “extreme”.
    I see.
    It grinds my gears that most kids today are asked where the colinial slaves originated from and they will say "The West Indies".

    No that was a trading post of the dutch.

    They came from central and western Africa and were SOLD TO THE DUTCH BY BLACK AFRICANS.

    Right about the time slave importation was banned in 1807 Shaka of the Zulu was at war with surrounding tribes and killing/enslaving/raping millions!

    But we are supposed to take 100% of the flack because we bought people being sold by their own.
    About 350,000 of them.

    Its always that damn whitey.
    Nothing of the moors...
    Nothing of shaka...

    Just a bunch of shit slug at the ones who were successful.

    Fuckin 2,000,000 died in the civil war over 350k original importations.

    Gawd damn that whitey for taking them out of mass genocide and brining them to a developing country where over a million died liberating them so they could cause massive white flight from the cities and point their fingers and say.... "SSSSLLLLLAAAAAVVVEEEERRRYYYY! RAAAACIIIIISSST! HOLDIN ME BACK!"

    I misunderstood you prox and sorry for the rant but I am so sick of the race card shit its not funny. This is my pet peeve.

    Shakas favorite torture...

    Impalement as a method of torture and execution involves the body of a person being pierced with a long stake. The penetration could be through the sides, through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth. This method leads to a painful death, sometimes taking days. The stake would often be planted in the ground, leaving the impaled person suspended to die.
    In some forms of impalement, the stake would be inserted so as to avoid immediate death, and would function as a plug to prevent blood loss. After preparation of the victim, perhaps including public torture and rape, the victim was stripped and an incision was made in the perineum between the genitals and rectum. A stout pole with a blunt end was inserted. A blunt end would push vital organs to the side, greatly slowing death.
    The pole would often come out of the body at the top of the sternum and be placed against the lower jaw so that the victim would not slide farther down the pole. Often, the victim was hoisted into the air after partial impalement. Gravity and the victim's own struggles would cause him to slide down the pole.

    But yeah a hundred or so slaves in the US were tortured horrendously.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-21-2019 at 10:40 PM.
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  27. #27
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    Interesting perspective and information from The DiploMad 2.0 (too long and fiddly to repost here; follow the hotlink if you're so inclined).

    The upshot:

    We will see more of these drifting manifesto-boys if the relentless war on men and on traditional Western culture and values does not cease.

  28. #28
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    Hey Obs, no problem. Entirely my fault by introducing something not directly related.

    My point was that although the shooting was dispicable, I personally think it is being over dramatized as historically far worse has been done in the name of hatred & prejudice and done so by individuals that you would not associate as being "extreme", "radical", "crazy", "disturbed", etc.
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Seriously? You don’t need that shit to torture & kill. All you need in your mind is hatred and/or the train of thought that this person or group of people needs to be eradicated. Approved public torture and killing have been around for hundreds of years. In this case, by approved, I mean this guy has fans (not me) and lots of them. As Beetle pointed out, apparrantly Allah doesn’t have issues as well. Too bad the dude in the mosque wasn’t wearing a bomb, or he could have ended it (instead of throwing the shot-gun), but I’m sure Allah doesn’t approve of bombs in his mosque, only outside, when killing the infidels.

    Nazis? Auschwitz? Largely they used cyanide (not that horribly barbaric). Ever read what we did to many of the blacks BEFORE they were strung up? Now that was gruesome. Yet, it was party time for entire families, hell, bring a picnic & buy postcards as souvenirs to charish the moment.
    My point is our unnatural and impure creations and mindset correlates to the level of atrocity we are able to commit. Goes against the will of the universe itself.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I think its funny if an American does it the its "WE".

    Also 99% of the shit spouted about black torture is newly fabricated to further racial disparity that does not exist.

    Ever see what Shaka of the Zulu was doing to Africans at the time they were purchased by the dutch and sold to the US?

    No you didnt because colleges neglect history that does not fit the agenda that whitey is a big meany like no other has been.

    "We"didnt do shit to Africans and yes, "we" should have left them to Shaka to sort out their own diffeences. You want a new perspective talk with a fifth generation white African farmer.

    I am expected to be apologetic for Africans living in a civilized society when they have clearly demonstrated over thousands of years that when left to their own accord they have only been capable of mass genocide of their own tribes, which is the most complex form of government they have been able to exact? Strongest tribe wins there. You still see it today over here in black neighborhoods but whitey gets the blame for holding them back.


    Cream rises and shit sinks.
    No need to go around hating or declaring some fucked up ideal of supremacy.

    Truth always shows itself in the end.
    Bro you're not allowed to state facts that's fuqin racist didn't ya hear? How about all the incredibly fucked up shit in Africa where children are given Ak47s and RPGs and the terrorism is completely ridiculous. That seems to be solely perpetrated... By those that inhabit Africa... Racism tho!
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    Ultimate cherry on top? You are a "HORRIBLE PERSON!!!" if you think it's pretty insane that the muslim prayer book LITERALLY SAYS to kill non-believers. If you have a problem with other people wanting to kill you then YOU are the bad one in 2019! You have to accept everyone! "Well we don't have to believe all of it!",so practically people saying that admit their religion is a hoax. K.

    Fuck it I'll make my own religion where it's normal to behead anyone that pisses me off. Anyone has a problem with it sorry but.. 2019! Also my gender will be changed from "male" to "black transgender muslim washing machine with 2 dicks".

    My hormone replacement therapy for transitioning will include no less than 15g of test a week and 100mg of superdrol 4 times a day. I will harvest a few spare livers from some white people and keep them on hand.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-22-2019 at 02:36 PM.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Hey Obs, no problem. Entirely my fault by introducing something not directly related.

    My point was that although the shooting was dispicable, I personally think it is being over dramatized as historically far worse has been done in the name of hatred & prejudice and done so by individuals that you would not associate as being "extreme", "radical", "crazy", "disturbed", etc.
    I just felt lik ranting you are completely right
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  33. #33
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    The Truth About Guns blog (which tends to post a lot of bullshit about guns) says there's a NZ-based gun forum where they're saying that the NZ police have begun going to homes and confiscating autoloading long guns. They're also visiting gun clubs and gun ranges asking people to rat out their fellow gun guys who might have an unlicensed weapon.

    And there's also been one death, apparently some Russian nutjob who saw the police coming to his house and feared he was going to be deported back to mother Russia (and jail), so he killed himself.
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    In that New Zealand forum, they're reporting that construction sites in NZ are at a standstill because they can't get enough PVC pipe. Gun owners are buying it all up to make watertight containers from to bury their guns in.

    Some years ago, during one of the cyclical demoncrat gun-grabbing scares, a company was advertising gun burying kits in all the gun magazines. It was PVC tubing, PVC glue, cosmoline and desiccant. The company name was BATF, which stood for Bury All Thy Firearms.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    The Truth About Guns blog (which tends to post a lot of bullshit about guns) says there's a NZ-based gun forum where they're saying that the NZ police have begun going to homes and confiscating autoloading long guns. They're also visiting gun clubs and gun ranges asking people to rat out their fellow gun guys who might have an unlicensed weapon.

    And there's also been one death, apparently some Russian nutjob who saw the police coming to his house and feared he was going to be deported back to mother Russia (and jail), so he killed himself.
    I did similar once.

    Knock on door...

    I opened it and saw two cops.
    I immediately slammed door.

    I threw my phone in the garbage disposal and smashed into my computer. Cops came in and I had my hard drive out hammering it.

    I said, "What now bitch!!? You GOOOOOT NOOOOTHIIIIING!"

    One of them said "Your dog got loose, its running around mainstreet."
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  36. #36
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    Not here.
    Thought it was funny.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails New Zealand shooting-img_2344.jpg  
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  37. #37
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    The Kiwis have written a new law that reflects their newfound hoplophobia. It also bans pump-action shotties that either have a tubular magazine that can hold more than five rounds or a detachable magazine. It also bans all magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds.

  38. #38
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    Kiwis, law-abiding citizens that they be, have turned in a total of thirty-seven guns. 37.

    Not stated in the linked article but I had read elsewhere that New Zealanders own 1.3 million-ish guns.

    Fucking slackers. That's only one gun per four people. America has twice as many guns as it does people (illegal fucking aliens included). And could use some more.

    Also now government officials have decided they're going to pay for the guns they're taking, and fretting about how to come up with the money.

    This line particularly caught my eye:

    ...It could cost up to $300m to set what is wrong, right....
    Sorry Jafa, but no amount of money will put right the sin against man and men of depriving them of the right and ability to safeguard my family. And apparently all but 37 New Zealanders agree with me.
    Last edited by Beetlegeuse; 04-02-2019 at 10:34 PM.
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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beetlegeuse View Post
    Kiwis, law-abiding citizens that they be, have turned in a total of thirty-seven guns. 37.

    Not stated in the linked article but I had read elsewhere that New Zealanders own 1.3 million-ish guns.

    Fucking slackers. That's only one gun per four people. America has twice as many guns as it does people (illegal fucking aliens included). And could use some more.

    Also now government officials have decided they're going to pay for the guns they're taking, and fretting about how to come up with the money.

    This line particularly caught my eye:

    Sorry Jafa, but no amount of money will put right the sin against man and men of depriving them of the right and ability to safeguard my family. And apparently all but 37 New Zealanders agree with me.
    They will just slowly imprison them as they catch them.

    1.3 million guns need to march to their capital. They dont need to protest. Just drag the politicians into the street and shoot them.

    They wont attack a crowd like that. It would be a war crime. The crowd would be whatever the hell they want to be.

    Gun control would no longer be a topic in that country afterward. Sadly though people wont organize to do anything but bitch, the same as here.

  40. #40
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    Excellent read guys with all the facts that you have put out there. Some I did not know and some I did't. It's nice to know we have a community with so many people that are still able to think for themselves and not be brainwashed by our liberal media.

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