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Thread: Non Social Dstancing SNITCHES

  1. #161
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    . You set up a straw man, that you then can easily knock down.
    I studied Latin logic , homeschooled my kids and taught them school of thought from Parmenides. its no "straw man" , you shall see

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I studied Latin logic , homeschooled my kids and taught them school of thought from Parmenides. its no "straw man" , you shall see
    I back up everything I say

    Non Social Dstancing SNITCHES-img_0355.jpg

    want to debate logic with me now .. politics, I read all the books.. I'm a dumb ass from the sticks, I show my success. lol. I back up what I say !!

  3. #163
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    CH27 .. you have not backed up a thing. you just keep talking shit. the only thing you've backed up is that your a trump hater. ok fine. what else is there to you

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I've already proven that its actually your brain thats lazy .. all anyone has to do is look through the threads you started to realize this.

    you accuse me of being a "red neck" back woods hick .. yet I'm probably 10x as successful in my short life as you are, and 20x smarter . yet "I'm the red neck back woods dumb ass" .. lol, you are hilarious .

    thats all you got left now eh . ridicule my writing style ,, lol you are unreal . grasping at straws now.
    you could never beat me at anything in your life, ever. never could stand close to me in anything.

    heck , now that we've proven I am far more successful, have far superior intellect and knowledge. have more discipline to study the facts.
    now lets see who has the better physique .
    Attachment 178818

    come on post something up , lets see what you got .

    lets see who picks up the sexier women too while we are at it
    Attachment 178819

    I'm just messing with you now . but you got to lose this idea that I'm some red neck living in the swamps, you have not got a clue about me
    If you read my posts over time, you would see that I admit that I am 220 lbs, all fat, zero muscle. I have no psysique. I havent touched a weight since high school gym class 40 years ago. I am just an older guy on TRT due to hypogonadism caused by long term prescription medication use. Again, a straw man argument on your part.

    I wont comment on the women due to the fact that one or both (depending on your state) may be your wife. But you would aslo know by reading my posts that skinny and pale are not on my list of hot looks.

    I dont know where you live, but I see it is very different from where I live and grew up. To each his own. I like to be near civilization. 5 minute drive to whatever I might need to buy. walk to public transportation to get to the center of the city, the capital of the world, in my opinion.

    I dont think bad of you. I am just messing with you on this thread. our different outlook on life is likely due to our different life experience. It is interesting to me to hear the points of view of others from different areas of the country. Its when folks political opinions go against their self interest that I wonder where the disconnect is.
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  5. #165
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    I did say something about being an elitist a bit further back. I guess I was pretty on point. That garish, braggadocious display of wealth sets you apart from most of us here.

    I live on a 40' x 100' plot of land. I can smell what my neighbor is cooking on his grill. When I open my car door in the driveway, I always hit my neighbors fence. I'll admit that i dont have that much material wealth, But I am happy and consider myself successful.

    My salary has continued all the while of this shutdown. I putter around the yard occasionally welding, or toil in my basement shop machining in my spare time for amusement. God has blessed me to be content and satisfied as a lowly government worker enjoying more blessings than I could ever deserve.
    I think exactly like him and live in a duplex.
    I have more in tools than a home though and I clawed my way here from the most impoverished place per capita in the US.

    When I have a heart attack at 45 or 50 years old though I will have a fucking Empire. And hell won't stand in my way. I still haven't filed taxes because that's the thing I dread most is the US government trying to fuck a guy out of a self-made living that works five times as hard as any employed bitch could ever dream of. All because a bunch of socialists pussies I think they are entitled to some sort of cut from my Sacrifice. I am a redneck. I work in the city. I can do every single fucking thing you can accept better and more efficient and I could do ten thousand things that you wouldn't dream of doing. That's a fucking guarantee
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  6. #166
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Well everyone else was having fun and fucking off I was working five times as hard to get away from having someone barking orders at me. I succeeded. I am the highest rated in my area and I have a reputation that is impeccable because I crawled through the sludge and busted my ass and no one could deny what I did whenever they saw me work. It's the same as my buddy that just help me out. He would also agree with every single thing GH just said

    I also had to lay my life on the line every day for years. The only reason I am here is by God's grace alone. I won't live to be old this shit is taking a toll on me but it was my dream and I was going to be damned if I was going to be normal. I'm sure someday some little cunt ass hired bitch will call me an elitist as well. Whatever little non hacking fuck does will have no clue the hell I have been through just to get where I am.

    And yes I have been divorced. I was never home and I was just a hired bitch then. I was in my mid twenties and nearly had my home paid for with acreage. I used to get home from work and have a day off and nothing to do and I would sit on my Barn Loft steps and cry. I begged for the opportunity to prove my potential. I just didn't have the resources. Now I do. That in itself is a dream come true. My ex-wife will die alone in a fucking trailer house smoking Pall Malls waiting on her government check. I will die much younger and leave something behind. A legacy.

    Its never been about what others see though. I just cant live a life not exercising my full potential. I never wanted guarantees or the easy way. Always wanted to walk through hell and prove my ability above others.

    I suppose some think success shouldn't be rewarded but robbed... Well... Kinda kills the incentive. If my reward for walking through hell is a worse hell, I am still gonna do it.

    I am not your typical boss though.
    Its hardwired into me from going hungry and having no resources. This is my direction and nothing is guaranteed but whatever I create I will have earned it while fending off leeches.
    Last edited by The road; 05-17-2020 at 09:05 PM.
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  7. #167
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I back up everything I say

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    want to debate logic with me now .. politics, I read all the books.. I'm a dumb ass from the sticks, I show my success. lol. I back up what I say !!
    More photos of books. Seems you feel the need to prove things. We know you can read. You dont need to keep posting photos of books.

    Voodoo dolls are useless against Christians, so good luck with that.

    Since you seem to brag about material things, i guess you have no need for the old saying about a camel and the eye of a needle.

    My idea of success and yours are likely a bit different. The family I am surrounded with makes me realize I am successful. The church I am active in also. The community things my mason lodge does, like the food pantry, the mentoring of charter school teens in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The "feed the hungry" program every thanksgiving. Thats how I measure my success, not in material wealth.

    You might do those things also, if so, good. They might mean nothing to you, again cool. We each have our own standard of success. Yours is not mine, and mine is probably not yours.

    You might think church is a crutch for weak minded folks. Many do. its OK. You might say "F the homeless, they made poor choices". "It should be every man for himself". To each his own.

    You keep accumulating material things to further your "success", and I will do what I do to further mine. You are probably happy. I sure am.

    PS. - For a smart guy, you should know how to post photos on threads so they are not sideways or upside down.
    Last edited by C27H40O3; 05-17-2020 at 09:03 PM.

  8. #168
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    By the way, I do appreciate the help you always give on this board, even though I see you will not be giving any to me anymore. I can at least learn be reading your posts to others. Your dissertations on AI's are particularly enlightening.

  9. #169
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    CH27 .. you have not backed up a thing. you just keep talking shit. the only thing you've backed up is that your a trump hater. ok fine. what else is there to you
    See, thats my point. I dont have to back up a thing. I give my opinion. Life as I see it everyday. Your mileage may vary. You can take it or leave it. Its irrelevant to me either way.

  10. #170
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Fuck the homeless.
    They made poor choices.

  11. #171
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    I volunteer at a homeless shelter church group.
    How bout you?
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  12. #172
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    i bet you give the crackhead on the corner 20 or 100 bucks and feel good or expect the government to do that.

  13. #173
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post
    I did say something about being an elitist a bit further back. I guess I was pretty on point. That garish, braggadocious display of wealth sets you apart from most of us here.

    I wont comment on the women due to the fact that one or both (depending on your state) may be your wife. But you would aslo know by reading my posts that skinny and pale are not on my list of hot looks.

    I dont know where you live, but I see it is very different from where I live and grew up. To each his own. I like to be near civilization. 5 minute drive to whatever I might need to buy. walk to public transportation to get to the center of the city, the capital of the world, in my opinion.

    I dont think bad of you. I am just messing with you on this thread. our different outlook on life is likely due to our different life experience. It is interesting to me to hear the points of view of others from different areas of the country. Its when folks political opinions go against their self interest that I wonder where the disconnect is.
    you kept calling me a 'swamp' red neck.. a hick. surrounded by more trees then people. a hillbilly, etc.. which I don't even find insulting at all. red necks are the most noble of all people on the face of the planet.
    I paid it no attention.

    BUT then you called me "EUROPEAN" and essentially non American. thats the shit I took offense to.

    I showed pics of my successful life,, coming from a poor family, working my way up the blue collar trades and building an empire for myself and my family and employing lots of people just to prove to you I was a true American, no damn European .
    it wasn't to "brag". it was just to back up what I say, work hard be smart study everything and help other people and care for other people and success will follow.
    why am I ridiculed for that.. now I'm a bragger asshole just cause you forced me to prove to you I wasn't what you thought I was and some swamp thing or European faggot.
    now I'm a bad guy for backing up my success being a red blooded hard working American.. !!?? wtf

    next , two hot Latina women with curves and round asses .. now you want to say "skinny and pale is not your thing" ,, lol, your ridiculous, you know that right .. the exact opposite of skinny and pale , is Latinas with curves.
    omg, are you delusional ? seriously.. I know you probably need help with your TRT , but seriously, you may need mental help for real

    and you keep bringing up this , you live next to the epicenter of society in the city ,, and I still supposedly live in the woods.
    wtf, where you getting this delusion from.

    look, I live minutes away from the national forest and millions of miles of the most open space mountains in the country in one side of me.. I also live next to two awesome golf courses, a country club, and multi million dollar homes all around me.. everyone drives a Tesla or a 4matic Mercedes or Range Rover. . down the road from me is 3 military bases, the Air Force academy , the strongest national command center military base on the planet.. also NASA and lockeed Martin .. a bicycle ride will get me to tons of buildings that do nothing buy high end technology research.
    my neighbors are retired Air Force and generals..
    I'm not in the 'sticks'.. um I can ride my bike to a super wal-mart and a Home Depot ,, I nationally recognized hospital and cancer center.. an airport with some of the best private jets in the country.
    I could go on and on.

    the porsche dealer here is the biggest porsche dealer in the country . we supply more Porsches then anyone else. want a ferrai instead. um yeah thats just up the road.

    I don't get this bullshit you have in your head.. that you live close to NY city and that makes you special somehow . !!! that place is a slum. you have people living on the streets and dying homeless inside of subways. you live in a hell hole, you yet you brag about it.

    your delusional .. you need to come experience real American success and freedom
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  14. #174
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    ^ having said all that ... I'd still like to live in the middle of Wyoming on 1000 acres alone . in a log cabin with some guns, a squat rack, a fireplace and some good books, and everyone just leave me the fuck alone
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  15. #175
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Meanwhile that crackhead on the corner abandoned her daughter who was taken in by a church group and adopted before she could reach the system. This was after her grandmother was killed by a giant oak I removed for free with the same church group.

    Crutch.... Yep.
    Just a crutch.

    But big brother was there waiting to put her in foster care where her chance of rape increases 100 fold and childhood death increases 20 fold.
    They would have been so helpful in turning her into her mother if she lived through it.

    Just like every other failed ass pos gov program.

  16. #176
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    I think its fun tearing apart socialists and atheists.
    They are just too stupid to know defeat until a rifle butt stamps out their illusions.
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  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Prox- with all due respect- you stated we don’t have enough tests. SD has set a record each of the last three days for testing.
    I find it hard to believe that we are setting records and the rest of the state doesn’t have enough.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Charger, the testing capacity is improving, but again there are regional discrepancies, ok? I’ve said this, just like I’ve said there now needs to be a varied approach to reducing the stay at home policies. Ournumbers are still climbing. My wife and others will be treating out-patients this week, because of the push to open things up, some of that is due to the freedom and rights protests and rhetoric. To know for sure as a care giver, you would have to have tests for everyone. That’s frightening & unfair to the caregiver, these what if’s. Temperature taking is not a sure thing in determining if a patient is infected. However at this time to have everyone tested prior to coming into therapy (or other services) is simply not in place, nor could that have been anticipated and planned for prior.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ^ having said all that ... I'd still like to live in the middle of Wyoming on 1000 acres alone . in a log cabin with some guns, a squat rack, a fireplace and some good books, and everyone just leave me the fuck alone
    Lotta shit I like to do in town though.
    I have lived isolated. Its ok for a bit. Self sufficiency is the greatest but once a month or so a guy needs to rendezvous and get fucked up.

  19. #179
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    I'm still searching for that atheist ran homeless shelter.
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  20. #180
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    Shit I would like someone to give me the name of one decent University today that wasn't started on Christian values and then hijacked buy a bunch of dumbfucks that think knowing very little of existing physics that somehow there can't be a God in their beliefs are Superior because they don't believe God can exist.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I think its fun tearing apart socialists and atheists.
    They are just too stupid to know defeat until a rifle butt stamps out their illusions.
    as usual , we are still going to have to carry them out of the fox hole and save their asses at the end of the day.. when shit hits the fan and their utopia is gone and their bullshit comes to reality ,, we are going to be the ones to save their asses.
    we always have. and we always will . no matter how much they despise us along the way
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  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Fuck the homeless.
    They made poor choices.
    You know, I struggle with this homeless issue, cause so many of ours out here are vets. The camps we have by us in the parks and wooded areas are insanely complex and huge.

  23. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I'm still searching for that atheist ran homeless shelter.

    thats called a concentration camp .. Hitler made those popular
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  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    I think its fun tearing apart socialists and atheists.
    They are just too stupid to know defeat until a rifle butt stamps out their illusions.

    How’s work going? Who are your new clients now that you’ve got the bucket and I’m guessing, expanding a bit. I reckon you only take $ from conservative, God fearing folk. You give them a questionnaire before you come out for an estimate

  25. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    You know, I struggle with this homeless issue, cause so many of ours out here are vets. The camps we have by us in the parks and wooded areas are insanely complex and huge.
    "Vets" doesn't mean they made any better choices. Churches still do a shit ton more for them than atheists and fucking socialist

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    thats called a concentration camp .. Hitler made those popular
    Go USA, we taught him, I have the very edition of the book he called his bible.

  27. #187
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    God damn every single major Hospital in this country was started from a Christian Mission

  28. #188
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    Yeah fuck those Christians they don't know shit it's just a crutch

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Go USA, we taught him, I have the very edition of the book he called his bible.
    The Communist Manifesto?

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    "Vets" doesn't mean they made any better choices. Churches still do a shit ton more for them than atheists and fucking socialist

    You’re saying choosing to defend our country wasn’t a good or prudent choice?

  31. #191
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    Where is that atheist founded Hospital? And I don't mean Private Practice

  32. #192
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    You’re saying choosing to defend our country wasn’t a good or prudent choice?
    That's not what made them homeless dumb shit

  33. #193
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    No, eugenics. We were the world leaders and funded the Nazis. We started the shit, they admired us for it. Like I said, go USA! Still sterilizing Native American woman into the 1970’s, those red skin heathen demons.

  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    That's not what made them homeless dumb shit

    Really, you’re sure. It was among their life choice & every choice leads you down a path. Seems like that choice lead them down the wrong path road.

  35. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    How’s work going? Who are your new clients now that you’ve got the bucket and I’m guessing, expanding a bit. I reckon you only take $ from conservative, God fearing folk. You give them a questionnaire before you come out for an estimate
    prox, brother.. you are missing a few things.

    Shepards don't have a "favorite sheep" per se. they don't even think twice about supposedly ONLY taking care of 'their own'. they don't look at the world that way .. there is no nepotism or favoritism with a true Shepard. . we will help everyone. period. everyone, no matter race or creed or anything else.
    at the end of the day , we just want to kick the holy mother fucking shit out of and rip the heads off of and shit down the throat and destroy the mother fucking WOLVES .. forever. and ever and ever.. killl them all , with our bare hands rip their heads off . destroy destroy destroy , kill kill kill the damn wolves.

    we have no bias for the sheep. we will help them all no matter what ... we just want 5 minutes alone in a room with a damn wolve that would even dare to harm a sheep, no matter what creed or breed that sheep is from, doesn't matter. we will protect and help them all.. we just want to kill the wolves

  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Really, you’re sure. It was among their life choice & every choice leads you down a path. Seems like that choice lead them down the wrong path road.
    Wrong path?
    If you believe that and are a vet then you should probably wallow in your candy ass tears until you starve to death.

  37. #197
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    " my only regret was that I couldn't kill more of the little gook bastards"

    Jesse King. One of the last us horse calvarymen in World War 2 based out of the Philippines. He smokes cigars on one lung and died at 80 years old after creating a giant farm. And two more kids that served in the military one of which serve in Vietnam and shared the same mentality

    PTSD is absolute fucking horseshit

  38. #198
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    i bet you give the crackhead on the corner 20 or 100 bucks and feel good or expect the government to do that.
    No, I asked them why they have no money. I ask where they live, and why are they far that from home. I tell them I know they are going to drink or smoke it up. SOmetimes I say maybe they can give me a few bucks. If they ask again, I just say "I got nuthin for you, partner", and they respectfully walk off, not wanting to waste any more time.

  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Wrong path?
    If you believe that and are a vet then you should probably wallow in your candy ass tears until you starve to death.
    Hey, you said they made the wrong choices, not me.

  40. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    No, eugenics. We were the world leaders and funded the Nazis. We started the shit, they admired us for it. Like I said, go USA! Still sterilizing Native American woman into the 1970’s, those red skin heathen demons.
    If you ever spend any time on an Indian Reservation you would probably realize most of them are evil motherfukers

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