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Thread: New forum - Talk, Movies, Guns Etc.

  1. #321
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    Would any of you plot to semi-accidentally shoot me if I come on this 50k acre hunting trip?
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  2. #322
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    Would any of you plot to semi-accidentally shoot me if I come on this 50k acre hunting trip?

    What? No. Ammo is hard to get and expensive
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  3. #323
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What? No. Ammo is hard to get and expensive
    I’ll chip in $2

  4. #324
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What? No. Ammo is hard to get and expensive ;)
    No shit. I haven't bought ammo in years. Just after Trump got elected and prices and availability started coming back down and in stock, I stocked up on quite literally a life time supply of reloading gear. It's highly unlikely that I'll ever have to buy any of my primary calibers ever again. But just last week I had a buddy tell me that everywhere was out locally. I gave him a list of about 7or8 websites that I've used in the past. Even in the heat of the Trump/Clinton election, these places had plenty of ammo. He told me all the sites I recommended were out. I thought, no freaking way. So I spent the next hour or so looking for him some 9mm and holy shit!!! Everywhere is least out of range ammo. I found some high dollar hollow points but nothing for plinking. I finally said fuck it and told him to stop by the house after work. I ended up giving him 500 rounds. I told my wife, "that 10k I spent doesnt seem like such a bad anymore, does it". She rolled her eyes. She just doesn't get it. She loves to shoot and she's damn good at it, but our brains are wired different when it comes to setting priorities. I mean, here I am trying to have ammo set back for plinking on a rainy day, and she's over here wanting to make sure we keep food on the table for the kids. Meh, she's far less fun than I am. Hahaha

  5. #325
    Beetlegeuse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What? No. Ammo is hard to get and expensive
    Not to mention them hounds need to be fed.

  6. #326
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    What? No. Ammo is hard to get and expensive
    My words are free and will use them to protect myself.
    For example:

    I will yell

    Contact left. Engaging. Reloading. Threats down. Threats down.
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  7. #327
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Its so pathetic. Even i get speachless. And he is sending others to talk me into joining.
    Maaan.. Cant believe i spent so much time with this looser...
    How many new threads each week... 2???

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    I was his first ban, and nobody will ever be able to take this away from me. I can lay in my grave staring at the inside door of my coffin knowing that I was the first.
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  8. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I was his first BJ, and nobody will ever be able to take this away from me. I can lay in my grave staring at the inside door of my coffin knowing that I was the first.

    I've hooked up with a few chicks that had this same attitude. I can assure you that it wasn't as memorable for me as it was for them. I'm sure Obs has already forgotten about it. haha

  9. #329
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I was his first ban, and nobody will ever be able to take this away from me. I can lay in my grave staring at the inside door of my coffin knowing that I was the first.
    Flaw in your plan unless you get buried alive.
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  10. #330
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I was his first ban, and nobody will ever be able to take this away from me. I can lay in my grave staring at the inside door of my coffin knowing that I was the first.

    You can aim higher than that, I have faith in you
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  11. #331
    slfmade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    You can aim higher than that, I have faith in you
    I don't know Kimbo...Perhaps he's peaked?

  12. #332
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    I was his first ban, and nobody will ever be able to take this away from me. I can lay in my grave staring at the inside door of my coffin knowing that I was the first.
    What tf is that supposed to mean? U was the first who sucked his dick and he just had to upload pics from it and got himself banned that way?
    Dont wanna be a fly in your soup there bro, but lord of the Shits has all responsibility himself.
    Guys tries to lick my ass all the time, but im not stupid enough to upload the pornografic illustrations from it.
    Obsi did and now he has to focus all his energy on that once in a month thread he got. I think he rather would prefer the death row.

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  13. #333
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Hey.. Who altered my headline???
    Damned lefties...

    But agreed, dont give him free commercial.

    4 MORE YEARS!!!

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  14. #334
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