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  1. #41
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i got the Pfizer.

    headache and stiff neck, thats it. headache gone, neck still stiff as son of a botch but all good.

    Congrats on following through brother.

    Who knows what we stuck ourselves with, but fuck it, we’re all on borrowed time
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I'm not sure the natural immunity is guaranteed. I know someone that had Covid twice, not vaccinated then and still not now. First time was pretty bad, then the second 3 months or so later wasn't as bad. Younger, fit but evidently high risk for exposure. I'm guessing that this is how the vaccine would work: if you get it after vaccination (or having it already), the second bout would not be so bad because the body will have seen it before and know how to fight it.

    But man, I'm so far from being a doctor, the doctor's office is a dot on the horizon.
    It seems there are quite a few who are getting Covid after getting the vaccine also. I know a few people who got Covid and one of them pretty severe but he is also the same one who gets the flu Severe every 3-4 years and swears he almost died.

    I also know someone who got the vaccine and died the next day from a blood clot. Ill stick with no shot as long as possible.

  3. #43
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It seems there are quite a few who are getting Covid after getting the vaccine also. I know a few people who got Covid and one of them pretty severe but he is also the same one who gets the flu Severe every 3-4 years and swears he almost died.

    I also know someone who got the vaccine and died the next day from a blood clot. Ill stick with no shot as long as possible.

    I believe you should have that right. The vaccine is no different than the hormones we inject. We all react differently. Yes there’s a bell curve and most people fall within some sort of standard deviation, that’s just medicine. There are always outliers and folks who don’t fall between the line…like the poor person with the blood clot, we just never truly know how the human body will react.

    I do know that freedoms are being tested every day and if you don’t want to get the vaccine then no one should be able to force it upon you. So much of it is so reactionary.

    I’m starting to rant and don’t even remember my fucking point, but God Bless America damnit

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  4. #44
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    If your friend got a blood clot from the vaccine, he surely would have gotten one from COVID itself. I think this was just a coincidence, nothing more.

    If you think of how many nurses and doctors have worked overtime and seen thousands of patients succumb to COVID… and all the articles we read of hospital workers getting sick and dying, it’s not just us that we are affecting by not getting the vaccine. People fail to realize the big picture. Again, COVID has nothing to do with freedom. Only in America is freedom the center point of the vaccine. It’s hard for me to understand that mentality…
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  5. #45
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    With all due respect TMO, how do you draw the conclusion that if someone gets a blood clot from the vaccine then they certainly would’ve gotten a blood clot from Covid? I’m struggling to wrap my head around that one and it feels like conjecture.

    You know what else is fundamental in the United States, being able to have differences in opinion. You are certainly entitled to yours and although I don’t have to agree with or even understand it, I have to respect it.

    Vaccine opposition is nothing new in this country. If I remember correctly, you don’t have children…correct? I ask because one of the first things you’re faced with as a new parent is a daunting schedule of vaccinations as soon as your baby enters the world. Vaccines for diseases both old and new and vaccines that have been demonstrated to cause autism.

    You’re villainized if you don’t choose them all, although I’ve seen firsthand medical professionals disagree around not only the scheduling but also about the importance of the risk/reward ratio to a newborn infant. Look at the correlation rate between infant vaccines and autism, it’s staggering.

    I recognize that MMR and polio aren’t the driving force behind a worldwide pandemic, but it does illustrate the highly contested history of inoculations that had been occurring in this country for a long time.

    The news says the delta variant has this massive impact on children, yet we aren’t vaccinating them, I send my kids to public schools where they risk exposure (as well as just being in public) they wear their masks and wash their hands but they don’t come under the same scrutiny as an adult for not being vaccinated.

    NONE of us know the long term complications of these vaccines (or the preservatives that are in them), and we’re all spoon fed the same information. It’s up to us to disseminate what is pressing and what isn’t. The pandemic has also been politicized and people have made their stands. Most of us aren’t front line medical workers so we don’t have the same exposure rates. We aren’t impacting the system by choosing not to be vaccinated, as long as we are safe and making good healthy choices, we should be allowed to decide for ourselves what goes in and out of our bodies.

    Where do you draw the line regarding what the government can enforce? I also respect businesses that enforce vaccination cards as that is their right as well.

    Regardless of the choices we make, we have to be ready to accept the consequences and there’s just not enough data that says you are negatively impacting society as a whole by choosing not to be vaccinated. Who knows, in 10 years we may be the ones wishing we would’ve made a different choice.

    For the record, I’m vaccinated. I have my reasons as to why but I certainly am not against anyone that chooses not to, again foundational principles of freedom on which this nation was founded. At least in my opinion which can choose not to agree with because it’s your choice

  6. #46
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If your friend got a blood clot from the vaccine, he surely would have gotten one from COVID itself. I think this was just a coincidence, nothing more.
    Even if you're 100% right guess what? It's by NO means guaranteed that he would have ever been exposed to covid, much less that he would have contracted it.

    This is something people don't seem to understand, the math NEVER backs taking a vax based on the KNOWN, REAL data. Your probability of dying from COVID isn't .5%, it's that times your probability of being exposed, times your probability of contracting if you're exposed. Those values are NEVER 1, so the probability ends up being miniscule. And that probability has to be compared to HUGE unknown that the medical community and vaccine manufacturers have every reason to downplay, the probability of having a bad vax reaction.

    You can claim up and down that that 2nd value is known and small, but it's not 3-4 0's leading small like the other.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If your friend got a blood clot from the vaccine, he surely would have gotten one from COVID itself. I think this was just a coincidence, nothing more.
    Possibly it had nothing to with the vaccine or the virus. It could've been a undiagnosed genetic disorder?

    So many variables.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If your friend got a blood clot from the vaccine, he surely would have gotten one from COVID itself. I think this was just a coincidence, nothing more.

    If you think of how many nurses and doctors have worked overtime and seen thousands of patients succumb to COVID… and all the articles we read of hospital workers getting sick and dying, it’s not just us that we are affecting by not getting the vaccine. People fail to realize the big picture. Again, COVID has nothing to do with freedom. Only in America is freedom the center point of the vaccine. It’s hard for me to understand that mentality…
    Although I disagree with your initial statement, I’ll say this. I am so happy my wife retired from healthcare last year, largely so that she has less exposure to Covid. Regrettably, many of our friends are still in the profession. They really do not appreciate the added risk to their health and their families health with the increased exposure to unvaccinated individuals. They are also struggling with the battle of sympathizing with them as patients when suddenly they realize they now need help. It’s also a legitimate concern IF we want to hang out together. OK, we got it, before the vaccination was available, we bit the bullet socially like “everyone”. But, now? Our friends are fed up as it’s lose lose. Oh yeah treat the unvaccinated that now want help and as a bonus, continuously worry that you are going to spread it to your family and friends. So back to the isolation game.

    I retired from teaching high school last year and later found out that this Summer a few of my coworkers quit prematurely to avoid the shit storm of this school year. There was greater cohesiveness last year with everyone doing distant learning as there was a peace of mind that as the students and their family members were infected, you were safe interacting with them on line. Already this year, the very first week, one of my vaccinated teacher friends got Covid. Another profession that you are at greater risk for exposure because your job involves helping others.

    Sure, in both situations nobody is forcing them to do that job & they are free to change professions to help protect themselves and their loved ones, but seriously?

  9. #49
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    ok fellas, who here is vaccinated and which one?

    Please leave the politics out, regardless what you think.

    I am looking for honest replys by only people who have been vaccinated. Im really on the fence and want to hear from you fellas.
    I take it we moved on from Moose initial request?
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  10. #50
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    never move on from big Moose babe.

  11. #51
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    With all due respect TMO, how do you draw the conclusion that if someone gets a blood clot from the vaccine then they certainly would’ve gotten a blood clot from Covid? I’m struggling to wrap my head around that one and it feels like conjecture.
    From everything I've heard and seen, there have been people who have had clotting issues and cardiovascular issues in general following bouts with COVID itself. The only reports I've seen about the vaccine causing clots have been speculation and have been disproven. The following link describes what ingredients are in each of the vaccines... the only active ingredient is the mRNA.


    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Vaccine opposition is nothing new in this country. If I remember correctly, you don’t have children…correct? I ask because one of the first things you’re faced with as a new parent is a daunting schedule of vaccinations as soon as your baby enters the world. Vaccines for diseases both old and new and vaccines that have been demonstrated to cause autism.
    No vaccines have been demonstrated to cause autism. I took courses in microbiology and biochem about 7 years ago at the University of Pittsburgh (where I got my undergrad in business earlier), and one of the case studies we examined as a class was the idea that vaccines cause autism. I don't remember all the details, but the final conclusion was that there is no relation between the two. There is no direct causation. It's like saying I caused my dad to get grey hairs by getting taller... yes I was growing while his hair was greying, but that doesn't mean my getting taller caused him to grey. That's a false correlation, same in this case (imo).

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    NONE of us know the long term complications of these vaccines (or the preservatives that are in them), and we’re all spoon fed the same information. It’s up to us to disseminate what is pressing and what isn’t. The pandemic has also been politicized and people have made their stands. Most of us aren’t front line medical workers so we don’t have the same exposure rates. We aren’t impacting the system by choosing not to be vaccinated, as long as we are safe and making good healthy choices, we should be allowed to decide for ourselves what goes in and out of our bodies.
    I can tell you that my mom(endocrinologist), along with many other medical professionals (doctors, surgeons, nurses) that I know personally have all said the same thing: get vaccinated. I don't know who the doctors are that are saying not to get vaccinated... they are certainly the minority. [/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Where do you draw the line regarding what the government can enforce? I also respect businesses that enforce vaccination cards as that is their right as well.

    Regardless of the choices we make, we have to be ready to accept the consequences and there’s just not enough data that says you are negatively impacting society as a whole by choosing not to be vaccinated. Who knows, in 10 years we may be the ones wishing we would’ve made a different choice.
    I agree 100%. Maybe my views are a little harsh, but how about if someone chooses to not get vaccinated (barring anyone with a compromised immune system, other medical conditions), and they end up needing to be hospitalized, the hospital can deny them service. Because, in all honesty, it's not just healthcare workers who are impacted by people coming in with COVID, it's the people who are suffering from numerous other health conditions or accidents who do not get a bed at the hospital or have to wait on a list and end up dying because the hospitals are full of people who CHOSE not to get the vaccine. Fine, the hospital should CHOOSE to deny them service. Simple as that. Live by the gun, die by the gun.

    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    For the record, I’m vaccinated. I have my reasons as to why but I certainly am not against anyone that chooses not to, again foundational principles of freedom on which this nation was founded. At least in my opinion which can choose not to agree with because it’s your choice
    I always say what I think, and while I don't think the government should (in this case) mandate the vaccine, I do think it's really really stupid to not get it at this point. We have over 1,000 people a day dying from COVID... 94% of them are unvaccinated.

    This is from the North Carolina Department of Health:

    How many people are dying of blood clots from the vaccine? The only way it would make sense to not get the vaccine is if 1,000 people a day were dying from the vaccine. I'm a logical person, and this is just simple math and statistics. People can choose to do whatever they want, but I'm not going to support unfounded claims and outright lies perpetuated by the media to stir up speculation and increase views at the expense of the health of the general public.

    I've seen countless articles of Drs and nurses dying from COVID, who have succumbed after repeated exposure to the virus. Some of my mother's close friends in the medical field have suffered those consequences. Those medical professionals that spent years developing their careers are now in a grave or in ashes. Some have had to suffer from lingering heart issues after falling ill and recovering and some can no longer work or their work has been affected. Their patients and the people they would have helped can no longer gain any benefit from their knowledge and experience. People who have had cancer or other serious illnesses, such as yourself or Samson, could not get in the hospitals because of the pandemic. There are people who died because of other's stupidity and refusal to comply with a very reasonable response to a pandemic.

    I don't have sympathy for ignorance, nor do I have fear of offending anyone who I believe is clearly in the wrong when all I state are statistics. I have a very strong moral compass and I've always prided myself on being able to discern right from wrong, and good from bad. A member on here who works in the medical field has already stated the dire situation faced by many hospitals throughout the country. The evidence is all over the place. My mother, a physician, said it quite plainly: "If they're stupid, let them die."

  12. #52
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    Did you know that 75% of all statistics are made up on the spot?
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  13. #53
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    I’m sure your time in microbiology and biochemistry as an undergraduate coupled with being the son of an endocrinologist makes you a leading authority on vaccinations but I will simply disagree with you again.

    For the record, my father is an internist and I’ve worked in big pharma for the last 20 years. Does that have any relevance in this discussion? Nope…

    Show me a molecule designed to fit a need, secured with proper funding and I’ll find you a study to back it up. Surely they taught you that in business school?
    Remember Purdue pharma and all of the studies they had on the safety of OxyContin? Hmmmm, billion dollar drug companies who massively profit on a worldwide pandemic would never fudge statistics would they? Look at Moderna’s stock price in March of 2020 and look at it today. There are fortunes to protect.

    Hospitals would never fudge admittance rates or cause of death to secure funding of equipment, would they?

    Big pharma, hospitalizations, drugs/vaccines and insurance companies are all in it for the sheer altruism of bettering humanity, I know.

    I don’t need an article to understand mRNA, I live it every day. Any idea what they put in it to keep it on the shelves? I didn’t see that in that article and the FDA allows proprietary information to be withheld from package inserts. The federal government would never mislead us either, would they? Their only goal is to help humanity as well.

    Have you visited these hospitals or is all of your fact finding from reading newsprint? The media would never lead us astray, would they?

    I’m sure you’ll come back with me needing a tinfoil hat but before you do, you need to think outside of the constructs of academia and media.

    There is ALWAYS an agenda at play and if you think public health is at the center of it, then there’s no need for us to banter back and forth.

    You’re a staunch believer of your opinion, which I respect and you’re far from being an idiot, but I don’t have to agree with you and I’ll stand by what I’ve said and heard as well. I’m in the medical community daily as well and I can tell you that a close friend who is the chief pathologist of our county, would disagree with much of what you’ve stated.

    To each his own though, and again the beauty of the freedom of the thought and the freedom of speech.

    Can you believe mother fuckers prefer Pepsi over Coca Cola? I can’t even wrap my head around that one. Again, people like what they like and believe what they want to believe.


    (For the record I am in NO way anti-vax, I am anti-thinking and definitely agree with your mom that if they’re that dumb, let them die. However a choice is a choice and we need to protect the freedoms in them. Should we be like China and limit the amount of children we can have or limit their screen times. I certainly don’t think so)
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 08-31-2021 at 05:22 PM.
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  14. #54
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    I'd just like to point out the absurdity of a bunch of guys who will inject themselves with stuff made in some guy's bathtub questioning vaccines because "we don't know what's in it".
    Yes, I've brewed my own gear for a decade, but I was also first in line to get the Moderna vaccine.
    FWIW, I've personally tended to hundreds of patients very sick from Covid. Still haven't met anyone who even claimed to have a vaccine injury. And of those patients who caught Covid despite being vaccinated, they were all super old/immunocompromised or had been vaccinated recently and thus did not have adequate antibodies yet.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I’m sure your time in microbiology and biochemistry as an undergraduate coupled with being the son of an endocrinologist makes you a leading authority on vaccinations but I will simply disagree with you again.

    For the record, my father is an internist and I’ve worked in big pharma for the last 20 years. Does that have any relevance in this discussion? Nope…

    Show me a molecule designed to fit a need, secured with proper funding and I’ll find you a study to back it up. Surely they taught you that in business school?
    Remember Purdue pharma and all of the studies they had on the safety of OxyContin? Hmmmm, billion dollar drug companies who massively profit on a worldwide pandemic would never fudge statistics would they? Look at Moderna’s stock price in March of 2020 and look at it today. There are fortunes to protect.

    Hospitals would never fudge admittance rates or cause of death to secure funding of equipment, would they?

    Big pharma, hospitalizations, drugs/vaccines and insurance companies are all in it for the sheer altruism of bettering humanity, I know.

    I don’t need an article to understand mRNA, I live it every day. Any idea what they put in it to keep it on the shelves? I didn’t see that in that article and the FDA allows proprietary information to be withheld from package inserts. The federal government would never mislead us either, would they? Their only goal is to help humanity as well.

    Have you visited these hospitals or is all of your fact finding from reading newsprint? The media would never lead us astray, would they?

    I’m sure you’ll come back with me needing a tinfoil hat but before you do, you need to think outside of the constructs of academia and media.

    There is ALWAYS an agenda at play and if you think public health is at the center of it, then there’s no need for us to banter back and forth.

    You’re a staunch believer of your opinion, which I respect and you’re far from being an idiot, but I don’t have to agree with you and I’ll stand by what I’ve said and heard as well. I’m in the medical community daily as well and I can tell you that a close friend who is the chief pathologist of our county, would disagree with much of what you’ve stated.

    To each his own though, and again the beauty of the freedom of the thought and the freedom of speech.

    Can you believe mother fuckers prefer Pepsi over Coca Cola? I can’t even wrap my head around that one. Again, people like what they like and believe what they want to believe.


    (For the record I am in NO way anti-vax, I am anti-thinking and definitely agree with your mom that if they’re that dumb, let them die. However a choice is a choice and we need to protect the freedoms in them. Should we be like China and limit the amount of children we can have or limit their screen times. I certainly don’t think so)
    100% there is incentive for the vaccine companies to push out more vaccines, and then booster shots, etc. No doubt about it. It's profit for them. However, we cannot ignore the world-wide statistics and say that "75% of statistics are made up on the spot." So are those 1,000 people dying every day fake? And the rest of the world? Are they also in on the scam? I find it very hard to believe that hospitals, with the multitude of professionals working there everyday, convened, across the nation and across borders, to lie, all for $. I guess my mother, her colleagues and friends, and every other person who I've come across that works in the healthcare sector is lying to me.

    I think the biggest scam is certain people from the media making this political and making it "us vs them," or a fight for freedom. Trump held a rally in Alabama where the attendees booed him for suggesting that they should get the vaccine. It's because they've been brainwashed by news and media outlets into believing that vaccines/masks/mandates are a way of government control and that by not getting the vaccine or wearing a mask, they are somehow fighters of freedom. That's absolutely false.

    When I say my mom is a physician and I have some medical knowledge through my studies, I'm doing it to qualify my statements. If someone has a different opinion, they can qualify themselves as well. I'm not going to listen to someone who says something with no evidence or logic to back it up. I think you and I have essentially the same view on this, because we both believed in the vaccine enough to get it, and we both believe that the government should not mandate it. What we disagree on is the perception of the vaccine or its implications. There's room for discussion on that, for sure.
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  16. #56
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    I was being silly about the statistics statistic

    You’re a smart guy brother and you have my respect
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I was being silly about the statistics statistic

    You’re a smart guy brother and you have my respect
    Damn it, I wasn't smart enough to catch the joke, apparently. You too, man, you have all my respect. Glad we can talk about these things live civilized men, even though we're supposed to be roid headz.
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  18. #58
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    I somehow found myself on a soapbox today and somehow positioned myself as not only being anti-vax but also a conspiracy theorist as well.

    Not my intentions and not even my beliefs. Somehow my message of defending personal liberties went off the deep and for that I’m sorry.

    I don’t discount the statistics, I don’t discount the weak and the immuno compromised, I don’t discount the strain on the healthcare system and I don’t discount the need for public compliance. I also sure as shit didn’t intend this to be a partisan issue and am not trying to undermine anyone’s intelligence or experience on this subject.

    All I was trying to do (before I somehow wildly rambled off course) was to defend someone freedoms about what they choose to put into their systems and the need to protect civil liberties…especially in today’s trying times.

    I also don’t believe in government mandated healthcare policies and worry when those lines begin to blur. If the government truly cared that much, then tobacco (and big tobacco companies) as well as liquor, BPA’s, plastics and any other number of countless strains on the health care system would be outlawed and mandated too. That’s why public healthcare and social medicine will never work in my opinion, way too many variables. Also there are too many dollars at stake.
    Where do we draw the line?

    Does that make sense? And yes, dollars are always at stake, I don’t think we can ever lose sight of that or the special interest groups that are associated with this and every other healthcare initiative.

    Again, I didn’t mean to shake what is already a very delicate cage and certainly took this topic way the fuck off course.

    I should’ve done as Moose requested…stated “Moderna, no real side effects” and shut the fuck up.

    No sure who pissed in my Wheaties today, but I’ve been ranting like an lunatic for a little while now and I’m climbing off the soapbox.


  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    I somehow found myself on a soapbox today and somehow positioned myself as not only being anti-vax but also a conspiracy theorist as well.

    Not my intentions and not even my beliefs. Somehow my message of defending personal liberties went off the deep and for that I’m sorry.

    I don’t discount the statistics, I don’t discount the weak and the immuno compromised, I don’t discount the strain on the healthcare system and I don’t discount the need for public compliance. I also sure as shit didn’t intend this to be a partisan issue and am not trying to undermine anyone’s intelligence or experience on this subject.

    All I was trying to do (before I somehow wildly rambled off course) was to defend someone freedoms about what they choose to put into their systems and the need to protect civil liberties…especially in today’s trying times.

    I also don’t believe in government mandated healthcare policies and worry when those lines begin to blur. If the government truly cared that much, then tobacco (and big tobacco companies) as well as liquor, BPA’s, plastics and any other number of countless strains on the health care system would be outlawed and mandated too. That’s why public healthcare and social medicine will never work in my opinion, way too many variables. Also there are too many dollars at stake.
    Where do we draw the line?

    Does that make sense? And yes, dollars are always at stake, I don’t think we can ever lose sight of that or the special interest groups that are associated with this and every other healthcare initiative.

    Again, I didn’t mean to shake what is already a very delicate cage and certainly took this topic way the fuck off course.

    I should’ve done as Moose requested…stated “Moderna, no real side effects” and shut the fuck up.

    No sure who pissed in my Wheaties today, but I’ve been ranting like an lunatic for a little while now and I’m climbing off the soapbox.

    It's all good, I do the same shit. I've been trying to detach myself from things I cannot change, but sometimes they still get me. You have a good point about the government not mandating the ban on tobacco, liquor, cigarettes, etc. I guess they figure they can tax those things and earn income, while there's not much they can tax when it comes to COVID. I mean, they could tax the vaccine, but that would look pretty bad on them. I'm not even sure, there may already be a tax for all I know. With health insurance, I think some things need to be privatized, and some need to be socialized. I think the more people that are pitching in, the more there will be for everyone... but I believe competition and diversity leads to progress. Having a one-minded approach can only lead to stagnation and complacency over time, imo. The whole thing is complex and convoluted. I'm just glad weed got legalized in my state so I can smoke and forget the world exists. Everything else, f it. Peace brother!
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  20. #60
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    Something we can agree on!!

    This is for you then….

    Let me know when you want to come visit me in Colorado, I’ll send you home with a couple of mason jars of some beautiful flower. Congrats on your state embracing the future.

    Want me to go on a rant? Let’s talk about antiquated drug laws and the income off of locking people up.

    Ok ok, I won’t get back on the box

    This is after my summer harvest and a trim party I had.

    I don’t smoke that much (I prefer to eat it) but the whole cancer experience awoken my inner green thumb and now I do this just to give it away to patients in need. Although legal, it’s still expensive.

    Fills my bucket and I love playing Johnny Appleseed


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  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If your friend got a blood clot from the vaccine, he surely would have gotten one from COVID itself. I think this was just a coincidence, nothing more.

    If you think of how many nurses and doctors have worked overtime and seen thousands of patients succumb to COVID… and all the articles we read of hospital workers getting sick and dying, it’s not just us that we are affecting by not getting the vaccine. People fail to realize the big picture. Again, COVID has nothing to do with freedom. Only in America is freedom the center point of the vaccine. It’s hard for me to understand that mentality…
    What if they had never gotten covid or just a mild care? What if it was later and by that time the blood clot was taken care of? I think you are reaching just a bit.

    I have several friends who work in the medical field and in the covid field. Some are getting the vaccine just to keep their job. A few are opting to get out and my friend who was working in testing field of covid has changed jobs due to the mandates and is not planning on getting it.

    No conspiracy theories, I have no idea what it will or may do down the road but if we are supposed to learn from our past most all vaccines even FDA approved have had multiple issues the first few years and some still do but have been rebranded or given new precautions. Wasnt it Viagra that was FDA approved for blood pressure medication. Yeah once in a while something good comes out of a mistake.

    I may bet in line someday but it wont ever be the front of the line. Ill wait as long as possible
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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Something we can agree on!!

    This is for you then….

    Let me know when you want to come visit me in Colorado, I’ll send you home with a couple of mason jars of some beautiful flower. Congrats on your state embracing the future.

    Want me to go on a rant? Let’s talk about antiquated drug laws and the income off of locking people up.

    Ok ok, I won’t get back on the box

    This is after my summer harvest and a trim party I had.

    I don’t smoke that much (I prefer to eat it) but the whole cancer experience awoken my inner green thumb and now I do this just to give it away to patients in need. Although legal, it’s still expensive.

    Fills my bucket and I love playing Johnny Appleseed


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    Nice looking stuff. Reminds me of my 80s. My job/security clearance puts a damper on partaking although I have tried what was considered high end CBC oils to help with the pain management but it has the opposite effect on my unfortunately.
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  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Have you visited these hospitals or is all of your fact finding from reading newsprint? The media would never lead us astray, would they?

    I’m sure you’ll come back with me needing a tinfoil hat but before you do, you need to think outside of the constructs of academia and media.

    There is ALWAYS an agenda at play and if you think public health is at the center of it, then there’s no need for us to banter back and forth.
    Funny you should mention that. I have a friend who has visited many of the hospitals in Seattle, Idaho, Montana and a few other states during the height of the pandemic and recently again. He just asked like he belonged and went wing to wing and found the same things, Nothing. If anything slower than normal and in each town when visiting restaurants/bars the same things, no panic and no one knows what the media is taking about.

    Stop watching the news or listening to the radio and get out there with open eyes. All these people I have mentioned come over regularly for the last 10+ years. No masks.

    Yes its a real thing and yes it's blow up 100x IMO

  24. #64
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    I find it hilarious that monsterone completely ignored my infallible analysis.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    I find it hilarious that monsterone completely ignored my infallible analysis.
    Maybe if you take a long look at those bags of bud you will forget about it. If that pic won’t make you want some smoke with your coffee idk what will.

    too bad they can’t put some sustained release THC in the shots I’m sick of the divisiveness within our country and can’t wait for it to get more normal, if that ever happens.
    Last edited by DinAZ; 09-01-2021 at 08:50 AM.
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  26. #66
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    somebody say smoke?

  27. #67
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Brother, that is admirable of you. I know a lot of folks need every bit of help they can get.

    Plus, the risk reward for driving across state lines to sell it in a less enlightened state is NOT worth it!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Brother, that is admirable of you. I know a lot of folks need every bit of help they can get.

    Plus, the risk reward for driving across state lines to sell it in a less enlightened state is NOT worth it!
    I don’t love all AZ laws but gun laws and MMJ laws are good. It blows my mind how the cannabis industry has moved from black market to “legal”. The stuff we would have to do for cannabis 15-20 years ago is nuts compared to today. I say legal loosely because I know a couple dispensary owners and it is still a very “grey market” behind the scenes but as long as taxes are paid no one seems to care. Money makes the world to round.
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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    I don’t love all AZ laws but gun laws and MMJ laws are good. It blows my mind how the cannabis industry has moved from black market to “legal”. The stuff we would have to do for cannabis 15-20 years ago is nuts compared to today. I say legal loosely because I know a couple dispensary owners and it is still a very “grey market” behind the scenes but as long as taxes are paid no one seems to care. Money makes the world to round.
    We’ve got so many dispensaries around us, it’s so nice. Found the perfect strain to suit me and all is fine. But let me tell ya, this stuff is night & day from what I had in the 70’s, holy smokes!

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Brother, that is admirable of you. I know a lot of folks need every bit of help they can get.

    Plus, the risk reward for driving across state lines to sell it in a less enlightened state is NOT worth it!

    Appreciate that Cylon. I grew my first plant at the recommendation of some nurses in the oncology suite. After talking with some older patients and the aides, I found out that although recreational and medical weed was readily available, it was still really expensive. I needed a Covid hobby and something to take my mind off of the rigors of chemo and radiation.

    Well I started getting pretty good at it and found myself really enjoying it! I take all of the flower and either pass it out to some folks I met in mason jars or I take it to this nurse I met that makes butters, candies and tinctures and then she distributes it to patients in need.

    I’ve even received thank you cards and lots of hugs. It fills my bucket for sure. It’s funny too because I was never a big pot head and I look like a law enforcement. Definitely don’t judge a book by its cover

    Most of what I grow is heavy indicas (pain and sleep) but I’ve grown a few sativas lately and a few hybrids. I have 5 plants I just pulled that are curing and another 5 that should be ready at the end of the month.

    Not sure how long I’ll keep it up, but I’m enjoying the new hobby and definitely addicted to the joy I get when I pass it out

    (Getting ready for the next round)

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  31. #71
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    People are going to start calling you Santa Clause!

    Keep up your good deeds. I enjoyed pot recreationally when I was younger and quit for years. Now I mainly just use it for nerve pain and sleep.

    Crazy how we go from illegal pot to stores all over town here, and now Ketamine and psilocybin are now being used by some clinicians for therapy. Never thought I’d see that day.

    This is where I want to complain about how AAS are still illegal, but they aren’t hard to get and this isn’t Sweden, so whatever.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinAZ View Post
    People are going to start calling you Santa Clause!

    Keep up your good deeds. I enjoyed pot recreationally when I was younger and quit for years. Now I mainly just use it for nerve pain and sleep.

    Crazy how we go from illegal pot to stores all over town here, and now Ketamine and psilocybin are now being used by some clinicians for therapy. Never thought I’d see that day.

    This is where I want to complain about how AAS are still illegal, but they aren’t hard to get and this isn’t Sweden, so whatever.

    Right? There all these boutique shaman type places too with MDMA, Ketamine, and mushrooms where they’re conducting PTSD retreats. I think it’s amazing but never in a million years did I think I’d see the day. It’s always been big pharma with Prozac, Paxil and Wellbutrin. It’s nice to see alternative therapy

    Never thought marijuana would be a billion dollar industry either with billboards and store fronts. Of course it’s ok to pump pain pills, narcotics and anxiolytics into the hands of million of patient creating new addicts daily…but hey, those are prescription so that’s ok. WTF?

    It’s all crazy when you think about it.

    I think I took the vaccine thread WAY the fuck off course but this is a nice discussion
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  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Right? There all these boutique shaman type places too with MDMA, Ketamine, and mushrooms where they’re conducting PTSD retreats. I think it’s amazing but never in a million years did I think I’d see the day. It’s always been big pharma with Prozac, Paxil and Wellbutrin. It’s nice to see alternative therapy

    Never thought marijuana would be a billion dollar industry either with billboards and store fronts. Of course it’s ok to pump pain pills, narcotics and anxiolytics into the hands of million of patient creating new addicts daily…but hey, those are prescription so that’s ok. WTF?

    It’s all crazy when you think about it.

    I think I took the vaccine thread WAY the fuck off course but this is a nice discussion
    It was getting to politics or politics so I think you did us all a favor
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  34. #74
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    The last thing I wanted and I own my part in it. It got really ugly here too for awhile, so I know better. We all have a heightened awareness and sensitivity to it now, more than ever.

    I was trying to undo what I was causing
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  35. #75
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    only fitting that a thread I started turns to legal smoke talk.

    love seeing everyone tell me about vaccine stuff, had alot of old dogs come out.

    appreciate it again fellas
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  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Right? There all these boutique shaman type places too with MDMA, Ketamine, and mushrooms where they’re conducting PTSD retreats. I think it’s amazing but never in a million years did I think I’d see the day. It’s always been big pharma with Prozac, Paxil and Wellbutrin. It’s nice to see alternative therapy

    Never thought marijuana would be a billion dollar industry either with billboards and store fronts. Of course it’s ok to pump pain pills, narcotics and anxiolytics into the hands of million of patient creating new addicts daily…but hey, those are prescription so that’s ok. WTF?

    It’s all crazy when you think about it.

    I think I took the vaccine thread WAY the fuck off course but this is a nice discussion
    I always got super paranoid off pot and it made me feel kind of schitzo. But for those who benefit from it, it's nice to have alternative to pharma. Especially if it can solve the problem with less (or no) harmful side-effects.

  37. #77
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    Smoking it can make me really paranoid too…that’s why I’ve taken to eating it. It takes a lot longer to kick in, but when it does I feel it more in my body than in my head. The indica strains help too as I’ve found the sativa’s are definitely more mentally “activating” and I’m not wanting to hide under my bed, debating about calling my mom for help.
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  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    Smoking it can make me really paranoid too…that’s why I’ve taken to eating it. It takes a lot longer to kick in, but when it does I feel it more in my body than in my head. The indica strains help too as I’ve found the sativa’s are definitely more mentally “activating” and I’m not wanting to hide under my bed, debating about calling my mom for help.
    I got this 500mg cookie before from a dispensary. So I hate half of it.... Then felt like I probably didn't get enough, so I ate the other half. Then drank a glass of milk and took a nap. When the high kicked in, it was so intense it woke me up. And I got all of the same effects that smoking it did minus the irritated lungs and throat.

    Drugs an alcohol (sans gear) are just not for me.

  39. #79
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    500 mgs is an insane amount!! I do 10 mgs, tops and I’m 255#

    I don’t do good with booze either. Before this pain pill debacle I was pretty much straight edge minus the gear. Not because I wanted to be, just because I’m a shit drunk (and hangovers are awful) and never been big on drugs, just don’t like the way they make me feel. Even with weed, it’s touch and go but I will say the herb has helped me get off the opiates and for that I’m grateful

    I’ve done my fair share of experimentation and had a bout where I thought I was Tony Montana but that was bad news too
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  40. #80
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    That’s the thing with drugs. If you don’t like them it’s no fun and if you like them too much it’s a problem.

    As far as THC: I think we will see more value in legitimate medical uses in the future. Icy hot and CBD don’t help me much but full spectrum THC/CBD body rubs work very well for me.

    If one was already making edibles Imagine making a salve would be a similar process. Here rec users can buy flower and edibles but it takes a medical card just to buy a salve lol.

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