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03-14-2004, 12:53 PM #1
Greater Israel: A Dream Closer to Fulfillment
by Abid Ullah Jan
A terrible, terrible time is ahead. Nevertheless, we are so indulged in our personal affairs and so mesmerized by the "mainstream" media´s onslaught and biased presentation of the international issues that we fail to see beyond what it wants us to see.
We fail to see that the US and Israel are well on their course to materialize the Zionist dream of Greater Israel and fulfill God´s promise to Abraham in the Bible: "To your descendants I give this land from the River of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates."
The US and Israel, self-deluded into the most-superior-states syndrome, are set to surpass all previous records of bloodletting in human history. They have set a stage. They have acquired all the required resources. They have turned the UN into more irrelevancy than its predecessor, the League of Nations. And they have made the rest of the world more helpless before their outlaw behavior than it was before Hitler in the late 1930s. Yet the world lives with a hope that things will change for better.
Things are not going to change for better. No one can stop the upcoming bloodshed in the Middle East because no one is ready to act for better. The so-called world leaders know; the UN knows and people all over the world smell the unfolding bloody adventures in the Middle East, but the seeming helplessness on all sides is making the upcoming bloodshed inevitable.
to see the rest of the article: edited by MilitiaGuy; 03-14-2004 at 12:58 PM.
03-14-2004, 01:02 PM #2
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It will end up being WW3.......We are getting close to the Apocalypse.
03-14-2004, 01:19 PM #3
03-14-2004, 01:29 PM #4
Originally Posted by decadbal
In the end regardless of what we believe, everyone is entitled to their opinion...
03-14-2004, 01:34 PM #5
i didnt know we were, thanks for the enlightenment
03-14-2004, 01:55 PM #6
Originally Posted by decadbal
03-14-2004, 03:52 PM #7
Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
I hope the FBI reads your crap posts and takes your ass to guantanamo bay.
03-14-2004, 04:23 PM #8
Ah yes. Another one who lives in yesterday complaining today and not planning for tomorrow.
03-14-2004, 04:38 PM #9
Everyone has opinions. Myself being of arabic descent always come across negativity. People just dont understand all the facts and honestly I dont blame them because the media does not tell all sides of a story.
Political subjects are real sensitive and I rather not see any threads about stuff like this...just my opinion though.
03-14-2004, 04:50 PM #10
No one cares.
03-14-2004, 04:53 PM #11
I care but like I said its a real sensitive subject. Last thing that is needed when talking about this is immaturity.
03-14-2004, 05:43 PM #12
Originally Posted by Ammar
Yah, I'm no fan of US MidEast policy. I don't think either Bush or Kerry has a plan to fix things over there; they're too much indebted to special interests here in the US.
Usually when ya criticise US MidEast policy, you're looked at like you're anti-Jewish . . . I personally don't think it's unreasonable to have Israel move back to the boundries given it by the UN in 1947 (there's been several resolutions in the UN for Israel to do this, with the only objectors being Israel and the US), and for Israel to withdraw all of its settlements built outside of its borders (again, several UN resolutions passed, the only objectors are the US and Israel), and for Israel to tear down the wall they're building up to 9 miles inside Palestinian territory (same UN resolution situation).
Israel got around $9 Billion in foreign aid from the US last year, the arabs see this and conclude that the US supports Israeli policy, and so, they hate the US too.
It ain't rocket science.
But politics and big business being what it is today, with 6 multi-national corporations controlling 90% of the what you see in the US news, we don't get the complete story. Just the stuff that's profitable for the companies, and that ususally means not upsetting Washington politicians who regulate their markets . . .
The crazy thing is that in about 50 (or 100 years at the very latest) Isreal's ethnic Palestinian population will exceed the Jewish population, and then they can start electing their own folks to run the government. When Palestinians run the Israeli government, you can bet the current conflict will disappear. The big problem then will be what the minority Jews will end up doing . . .
And this means that the likelihood of an apocalyptic end-time war as described in the Bible is very unlikely to occurr in the next few hundred years (probably never).
Anyway, current US MidEast policy is absolutely stupid, does not press for justice for the oppressed, and does nothing but piss off the folks who have the #1 commodity the US needs to support its economy. But then, what else could you expect from a bunch of **** politicians?
03-14-2004, 07:07 PM #13
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For starters M'guy. If only the people here realised the significance of your avatar here I believe you'd be banned without a second thought.
As regards a greater Israel, with this weeks Madrid bombing, Bali, and the WTC I might call you out on Islam's aim's for a greater Islamic world through terror. The first time I served in Lebanon (1988) I told people this day would come, but I was called a Zionist etc..
And American financial backing of Israel!, big deal go research what financial backing they give the Pals, and their Arab brothers. Plus unlike the financial backing America gives Israel, it (Israel) will never turn that money to fund terror attacks against the free world.
You people make me sick to my stomach, I swear to good god you do, and if I was an American on this board, given its recent history under the flag of terror you use in your avatar I'd be spitting blood for your banning.
Oh yeah, I've experienced what that flag means buddy.. Check it out in the back ground of this photo before you call me out on it.
03-14-2004, 07:09 PM #14
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Plus, I believe Cycleon warned you before about your anti-American postings, or was it PT?. Same difference really given your avatar.
03-14-2004, 07:17 PM #15
Im so tired of the Middle East's ****. Wheres a good tactical nuke when you need one?
03-15-2004, 01:16 AM #16
Originally Posted by BOUNCER
Israel was caught spying on the US a few years ago, evidently they were stealing US nuclear secrets to swap with the Soviet Union for increased emigration quotas. Yes, it's not quite a terror attack, but it sure ain't in the best interests of Americans . . .
Do a Yahoo search on Israel spy and you'll come up with lots of interesting stuff like this:
Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.
-- s n i p --
Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.
03-15-2004, 01:21 AM #17
I hold no special love for the Jews or Israel..but if they took over the entire Mid-East..I wouldnt somewhat of an improvment.
03-15-2004, 03:00 AM #18
Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
If Militiaguy's avatar is as bad as Bouncer says it is, I don't think I want to know what it means.I'll refrain from replying to his post because it will be to no end, and I rarely see Militiaguy engage in debate, anyways. He posts his "propaganda" and leaves.
03-15-2004, 04:03 AM #19
Of course the US still owes Israel a good kick in the butt for the USS Liberty incident...
03-15-2004, 07:03 AM #20
Everytime i read this thread i get more mad. Your avatar makes me want to hate you even more. What do you think your actions will acomplish? You do nothing but unite us in our hate for you. What did blowing up the world trade
center get you? A kick in the ass, thats what! It's like poking a bee hive with a stick, seems like a good idea until the bee's come out and sting you good.
Eventualy people like you will be destroyed. The americans could destroy your
entire country with one small nuke. Look what happened to hiroshima and nagasaki when the japanese thought it would be a good idea to bomb pearl harbour. I bet they weren't too happy when they were running down the street in flames.
03-15-2004, 07:12 AM #21
Originally Posted by Symian
Serbian...patch is from the SDG/SSJ..Arkan's Tigers..Protector of Christians. The script is cyrillic, but also serb..Blood is not water (Blood is thicker than water)
03-15-2004, 07:47 AM #22
Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
Hey Bama, We've got NO love for u either prick!
03-15-2004, 07:52 AM #23
Originally Posted by BamaSlamma
03-15-2004, 08:03 AM #24
Aww come on..he wasnt that bad!
03-15-2004, 08:08 AM #25
This is another subject that if let go on, i will probably get banned. I will say this. If you don't like America and our policies, do as Johnny Depp and get the **** out. I promise you wont be missed.
03-15-2004, 08:46 AM #26
Originally Posted by mart651
Um, seems to me that at patriotic American would stick around and try to fix things that were wrong.
Like all those folks who stirred up lots of S--- in the south and getting shot for simple stuff like voting rights and equal schools for blacks.
Ya, one thing about equal rights is, once you let some folks have 'em, pretty soon everyone is gonna want 'em . . .
The folks who put on the Vietnam War now admit that it was a bad idea, a big f'in mistake that cost over 50,000 American lives, and a heckuva lot more Asian lives. Back in those days, they used to say, "America-love it or leave it," and it turns out that those people who uncritically supported the government were supporting a bunch of idiots. Of course, they didn't know this at the time, but it's the way things turned out to be.
The lesson learned from the Vietnam War should be to "Always question authority." If more people had done so and discovered that that war was a big mistake, and if they had contacted their elected officials to voice their opinion, American troops would have spent fewer days there, and fewer Americans would have been killed.
Folks rag on Bill Clinton for not having served in the military. Seems to me that he was smart enough to see what the war really was, and did the intelligent thing and protested it. Kerry did the same thing, once his time in the military was up . . . but that's neither here nor there . . .
The point is that in this country if you don't like the way things are going, you have the right to speak up and voice your opinion. If you see that things are going horribly wrong, it's pretty much your patriotic duty to speak up.
Kudos to the patriots who see America's shortcomings and work to fix them. Razz-berries to easily irritated pseudo-patriots who would abridge the right for American Citizens to seek improvements in government.
03-15-2004, 08:53 AM #27
As usual, you have some good points but in this situation none of them apply.
You can believe that it is better for us to back the Palestinians all you like. Myself, I will follow blindly behind the bible and hope Israel takes over the Middle East.
Originally Posted by Tock
03-15-2004, 09:43 AM #28
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Originally Posted by BOUNCER
Militia guy,
I firmly believe that ALL people have a right to be free and live productive lives. But should a certain group of people keep carrying out terrorist attacks no MY country, then this is what THEIR country will look like. Beautiful, huh?
03-15-2004, 10:41 AM #29
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Tock, read 'Spy Catcher' the US spied on the UK, and the UK on the US etc.. It happens. Bama, Arkan was a war criminal and got his dues.
03-15-2004, 10:46 AM #30
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Gearhead, your not an old fart, I was there in '88 !!
03-15-2004, 11:20 AM #31
Originally Posted by BOUNCER
03-15-2004, 12:43 PM #32
Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
03-15-2004, 02:48 PM #33
Originally Posted by BOUNCER
03-15-2004, 02:54 PM #34
Originally Posted by chrisAdams
03-15-2004, 02:55 PM #35
Originally Posted by jon rock
03-15-2004, 03:33 PM #36
Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
What is Hezbollah?
Hezbollah is a Lebanese group of Shiite militants that has evolved into a major force in Lebanon's society and politics. It opposes the West, seeks to create a Muslim fundamentalist state modeled on Iran, and is a bitter foe of Israel. The group's name means “party of God.”
Is Hezbollah a terrorist group?
Yes. Hezbollah and its affiliates have planned or been linked to a lengthy series of terrorist attacks against America, Israel, and other Western targets. These attacks include:
a series of kidnappings of Westerners, including several Americans, in the 1980s;
the suicide truck bombings that killed more than 200 U.S. Marines at their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983;
the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847, which featured the famous footage of the plane's pilot leaning out of the cockpit with a gun to his head;
and two major 1990s attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina—the 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy (killing 29) and the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center (killing 95).
Is Hezbollah sponsored by any states?
Yes, Iran and Syria. The group receives “substantial amounts of financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid from Iran and Syria,” the State Department reports. Hezbollah was founded as a catspaw for Iran, Middle East experts say. While Iran gave Hezbollah more funding and support in the 1980s than in the 1990s, it still often gives Hezbollah its orders and its ideological inspiration. And because Lebanon has been under Syrian control since 1990, Hezbollah could not operate in Lebanon without Syria's approval, Middle East experts say.
03-15-2004, 03:55 PM #37
God **** it...Syria is my homeland, supporting terrorists now???
Anyways this subject is getting way outta hand IMO. People are real stubborn when it comes to politics. I can say when I was in the middle east this past summer Hezbollah and other groups such as Hamas were very well known and respected. Not everyone likes them but if you speak out, you know what happens.
03-15-2004, 04:06 PM #38
Hezbollah is an Islamic struggle movement.Its emergence is based on an ideological, social, political and economical mixture in a special Lebanese, Arab and Islamic context .
As a result of this background Hezbollah went through various decisive moments in its history. With the most important moment being in 1982 the year of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon. This invasion led to the occupation of the capital Beirut making it the second Arab capital to be occupied during the Arab-“Israeli” conflict, with Jerusalem being the first. This crossroad speeded up the presence of Hezbollah as a struggle movement that is totally affiliated in the long complicated and complex fight against the Zionist enemy. The starting point of that struggle being the Zionist occupation of Palestine, and then to many of the Arab lands in Egypt, Syria and Jordan leading up to Lebanon. All that led to the establishment of the identity of Hezbollah as a struggle movement against the Zionists. Add to that many social, economical, political and cultural ideals of the Shiaa in Lebanon. Another very important factor that developed Hezbollah was the establishment of the Islamic Revolution in Iran that was led by the late Imam Khomeini. This revolution consolidated new concepts in the field of Islamic thought mainly the concept of Willayat Al-Faqih. The revolution also generalized Islamic expressions against the west such as arrogance, the great Satan, hypocrites and the oppressed.
With this crossroad and with the historic tie between the Shiaas in Lebanon and in Iran, which is a doctrinal tie. As well as of the reason that Iran hosts the second most important religious school of the Shiaa in Qom with the second being the Al-Najaf school in Iraq. But because of many obvious reasons Qom has occupied the number one Shiaa school in the world today.
Due to that it was only normal for the ideological doctrine in Iran to take root in Lebanon. This tie was very quickly translated on the ground by direct support from the Islamic Republic of Iran through its revolutionary guards and then to Hezbollah that was resisting the “Israeli” occupation.
This religious and ideological tie between Hezbollah and Iran following the revolution with its stance towards the Zionist entity had a great effect on releasing vital material and moral support to Hezbollah. This support speeded up the acknowledgement of making Hezbollah one of the leading struggle movements against the Zionists. But during and after 1985 Hezbollah was the only such movement in this field.
It was not by cheer coincidence that Hezbollah turned into a struggle movement against the “Israeli” occupation. Because Hezbollah’s ideological ideals sees no legitimacy for the existence of “Israel” a matter that elevates the contradictions to the level of existence. And the conflict becomes one of legitimacy that is based on religious ideals. The seed of resistance is also deep in the ideological beliefs of Hezbollah, a belief that found its way for expression against the Zionist occupation of Lebanon. And that is why we also find the slogan of the liberation of Jerusalem rooted deeply in the ideals of Hezbollah. Another of its ideals is the establishment of the an Islamic Government.
The Islamic Resistance was able to direct very painful blows to the Zionist enemy forcing them to withdraw step by step. One of the principal withdrawals is that of 1985 leading up to the withdrawal from the Christian area Jezzine. And finally leaving the enemy with no choice but to withdraw completely as a final solution to their problems.
Hezbollah also used one of its own special types of resistance against the Zionist enemy that is the suicide attacks. These attacks dealt great losses to the enemy on all thinkable levels such as militarily and mentally. The attacks also raised the moral across the whole Islamic nation.
It is also vital to state here, that the resistance gained high credibility amongst the people and in all official statuses, both locally and internationally. The US also once stated that the resistance is a justified movement in facing the “Israeli” occupation.
The resistance also established an internal national axis in a way that was never witnessed in Lebanon before. This matter is of vital interest when we notice how Lebanon is divided into various religions, sects, ideologies, societies, cultures etc.
Today, Hezbollah is one of the most prominent Lebanese political parties that has its presence in the parliament with 8 MPs.
Hezbollah today also commands respect politically after it proved its strength with its presence by respecting the values of others in the field.
Hezbollah also sees itself committed in introducing the true picture of Islam, the Islam that is logical. Committed to introduce the civilized Islam to humanity.
Hezbollah also sees itself committed in introducing the Islam that is confidant in achieving justice, as well as introducing the Islam that protects all human rights. Introducing the Islam that supports education, the Islam that offers medical support. Hezbollah also has its own cultural plan to attract and convince through civilized and humanitarian means as specified in the human rights laws, far from any use of violence or coercion.
It should also be clear that the kind of Islam that Hezbollah seeks is a civilized one that refuses any kind of oppression, degradation, subjugation and colonization. Hezbollah also stretches its arm of friendship to all on the basis of mutual self-respect.
The Islamic path that Hezbollah follows is one of a message that aims to establish peace and justice to all humanity whatever their race or religion. Hezbollah does not have a problem with anyone, but it feels responsible towards him or her to clarify the true Islam far away of any fanaticism.
Hezbollah does not wish to implement Islam forcibly but in a peaceful and political manner, that gives the chance to the majority to either accept or refuse. If Islam becomes the choice of the majority only then will it be implemented. If not it will then continue to co-exist with others on the basis of mutual understanding using peaceful methods to reach peaceful solutions. And that is how the case should be to the non-Islamists as well.
article taken from: edited by MilitiaGuy; 03-15-2004 at 04:11 PM.
03-15-2004, 04:40 PM #39
Thats just a bunch of BS! I see in what u have posted u call the Jewish people "the Zionists" and Americans "the great Satan" Sounds like ur spewing hatred to me?!? And u have some nerve saying in ur last paragraph........"that Hezbollah will continue to co-exist with others on the basis of mutual understanding using peaceful methods to reach peaceful solutions. And that is how the case should be to the non-Islamists as well."
Was it peaceful when a suicide truck bomber killed more than 200 U.S. Marines at their barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983? I dont think so!! And was it peaceful in 1994 Hezbollah bombed a Jewish community center killing 95 men, women and children.? I dont think so!!!
You may try and hide behind all ur BS! But me and others around the world really know what Hezbollah stands for!!
03-15-2004, 05:21 PM #40
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Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
What a crock of crap. Fact, Ehid Barak, in his pre-election campaign said he'd withdraw his troops from Lebanon inside of 2 yrs. In 2000 he withdraw them, only 6 months inside his premiership, why?, because he didn't need them (the IDF) on the ground in Lebanon anymore. He could turn Lebanon into a giant carpark with aerial bombardment alone, not to mention arty fire from the Golan, and 155mm and 175mm fire from the PVP's insode of Israel. As for running the IDF from Lebanon, HA, ok venture down to Naqoura and discover just how far you are from Israel your party are!.
As for Hezbollah, how about the US general kidnapped in Beirut and found murdered in Kirbat-slim (sp'ing) [he was hung by the Hezbollah. YOUR party] And I remember after 9/11 YOUR party [again] paraded their jubilee in the streets to celebrate their joy at what happened at teh WTC.
You know there's a few things which sicken me about Hezbollah. Your constant celebration of mass-murder against western targets, your hypocracy of America and yet I've never met an arab in Lebanon (hezbollah or otherwise) who've ever refused a US$ from me!. Your cowardly attacks on Israel with remote controlled Katusha rockets, why not stand and fight if your cause is so just?. Why take all the males over 12 from the Tibnine orphanage and put them into a Hezbollah run orphanage behind Al-Yatun? is it to turn them into future terrorists againt western targets?...
I could go on at the risk of boring 99% of the people here, but unlike them I've vast experience of Lebanon, Hezbollah, Amal and the whole situ there in Lebanon and the middle east. Still wanna debate?
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