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  1. #201
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by claytonfarley
    I am sorry I posted this so late. I do have feedback, and I hope it is not deleted.

    My story is long guys.

    I have been a member of steroid .com a long time ago, when it was anabolic review. Since I support the website, I bought clenbuterol and T3 from lion nutrition ( It was in addition to my diet I get from SwoleCat.

    I started using my T3 at first, even with diet, I saw no results. I bought T3 tablets from British dragon before, they were amazing, all the right side effects. Lion T3 gave me no side effects and no help in fat burning.

    Please don't think I am putting down anabolic review or the sponsors, I love this website, I just want to give feedback that is true.

    My story goes on. I later started using clenbuterol, after my 2nd dose of the day. I started having heart murmurs. I was rushed to the hospital and suffered a minor heart attack. After my recover in the hospital, my loved ones found the clenbuterol and took it to the local DEA office. I did not want this, but my wife's little brother is an office. The DEA agent (my inlaw) came to my hospital and asked me a lot of questions. I had no choice and gave up the website and information. He told me it was illegal for me to take or purchase this and for the company to sell it. Ok, there I was, after a heart attack being attacked by my own relatives.

    He took all my clenbuterol and other lion products along with invoices. After 3 to 4 weeks, he asked me to come in to his office, he said they tested all the compounds and the dosages on the bottle of clenbuterol were wrong. The test showed it was 957mcg of clenbuterol per Milliliter. He said this is why I got the heart attack. I took one milliliter thinking it was 200mcg.

    He said he already filed charges via his head office and is putting this on investigation.

    I have to go now, my wife is here.

    who the **** is this?

  2. #202
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC

    Just have to say you are one of the coolest dudes on here. You have helped me manyh times and I have nothing but respect for you.
    I agree with this comment on Giantz11. Thanks for all your help in the supplement forum.

  3. #203
    EastCoaster's Avatar
    EastCoaster is offline Banned
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    I'm not going to touch the Lion issue because I've never ordered from them, so I cant personally speak about them. I only know what I've read.

    Moving on...

    Brian... what the hell happened here? This board used to be overflowing with not only knowledge, but great members who'd do everything and anything to help you. I'm looking around, not just in this thread, but the whole board, and all I'm seeing is a bunch of smartass who have only been board members for less than a year, but think they are VETS.

    I started here at AR, and I've met a lot of great members who I consider friends without even meeting them... so I know you have too, most of them are the same people I'm talking about.

    Brian, why did you make this board? This board was made 6 years ago with the sole purpose of helping and educating people on steroid use , and the game. So why are we losing the most knowledgable members? Yes, they might not agree on the advertising of the board, but advertising is NOT what this board is supposed to be about. You're getting rid of the member quality, and the newbie smartass are no subsitute for members like Mass Junkie and Buff.

    I'm extremely mad about the Buff banning... I've personally had Buff help me with matters that had nothing to do with him, and were even maybe out of his power... but somehow, someway, he helped me. He made my problem become his problem. Buff not only does this for me, but for many people. Brian you lost not only a great supporter, helper, and knowledgable person in Buff, but a class act type of guy... and you know i'm right.

    Remember what this board is about Brian. With no knowledge, you have no board, and at the rate I've seen people (VETS, MODS) getting banned, there wont be much left around here.

  4. #204
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Nice post DD..

    I have no doubt 80% of the vets and mods here are genuinally trying to help educate and keep the memebers safe. I know this because I have had great conversations with many of them and they have helped me out beyond what I expected. If I sent them a PM it was answered promptly and professionaly and they were always very down to earth and cool.

    With that said there are a few Vets that I have tried contacting many imes Via PM and they never would respond back. I even did a search and found them posting at the times I was pmming them. It was like they didn't care. I won't mention any names though.

    For the Guys that always helped me out...Giantz you are one cool bro, Jayhova My personal friend off the board and he always has peoples safetey in mind first, Pinnacle Believe it or not , Nark You are the man, Omega cool ass dude and I can go on and on.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    just for the record,this is the PM I sent to our SYSTEM ADMIN.

    like i stated,i dont use lion products,i dont use UGL gear anymore either so i have nothing invested hear.
    you cant deny the posts on the VET board though,these are some knowledgable people.Im not posting anything I have read because I do believe there are 3 sides to every story,yours,mine and the truth but I believe in the meantime instead of acting as if the alligations arent there.lets post them as they are and have an independent test done to confirm or deny the rumors.I dont want to see anyone get hurt,physically that is. just for the sake of someone making a profit....thats all.


  5. #205
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    But seriously, those of you who know me know i am a good guy. The rest just keep argueing.. I have a business to run ill be back later tonight. And im sure i will have 100 insults waiting for me.

    remember this
    how in the world can you possible go from this

    Well considering you had said in a past post you went to jail for a long period of time

    to this;

    Originally Posted by tranzit
    You had mentioned in a post where somone said they are doing 5 years that it was nothing.. and would go by fast. I asumed you had been in jail if you were going to make a coment like that.

    I'm not jumping on you tranzit but you said this bs about me last friday. i told you then i'd be back on monday for you to explain why you say...i wrote i was in jail for a long time. then later you say you assumed. srry bro but you should be banned imo for making bs statements

  6. #206
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    LOL those are strong words from a Midget homosexual who knows next to nothing about AAS but has a vet spot becouse hes buddie buddie with Nark and co. And FYI ohh yeh i did insult him. After he insulted me.
    Dude you are a straight up DICK!

    Now you are bringing people's sexual prefernce into this? You know nothing about class and respect.

    Now say what you want about me because you are defensive as hell but that was uncalled for.

  7. #207
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    I'm not going to touch the Lion issue because I've never ordered from them, so I cant personally speak about them. I only know what I've read.

    Moving on...

    Brian... what the hell happened here? This board used to be overflowing with not only knowledge, but great members who'd do everything and anything to help you. I'm looking around, not just in this thread, but the whole board, and all I'm seeing is a bunch of smartass who have only been board members for less than a year, but think they are VETS.

    I started here at AR, and I've met a lot of great members who I consider friends without even meeting them... so I know you have too, most of them are the same people I'm talking about.

    Brian, why did you make this board? This board was made 6 years ago with the sole purpose of helping and educating people on steroid use , and the game. So why are we losing the most knowledgable members? Yes, they might not agree on the advertising of the board, but advertising is NOT what this board is supposed to be about. You're getting rid of the member quality, and the newbie smartass are no subsitute for members like Mass Junkie and Buff.

    I'm extremely mad about the Buff banning... I've personally had Buff help me with matters that had nothing to do with him, and were even maybe out of his power... but somehow, someway, he helped me. He made my problem become his problem. Buff not only does this for me, but for many people. Brian you lost not only a great supporter, helper, and knowledgable person in Buff, but a class act type of guy... and you know i'm right.
    Remember what this board is about Brian. With no knowledge, you have no board, and at the rate I've seen people (VETS, MODS) getting banned, there wont be much left around here.

    i coulden't agree more about this buff87 is a stand up guy and has helped me out a lot when i first started. And he gained nothing out of it

  8. #208
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    Saying stuff like that will get you banned bro.
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Dude you are a straight up DICK!

    Now you are bringing people's sexual prefernce into this? You know nothing about class and respect.
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #209
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    Wow. What a physique!

  10. #210
    smiler is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    is that tranzit? lol

  11. #211
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.

    come on carlos... give the man credit. it takes a lot of balls to post ugly ass pictures like that

  12. #212
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.

    lmfao i like the posing

  13. #213
    Papi93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    15 years of experience?

  14. #214
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    come on carlos... give the man credit. it takes a lot of balls to post ugly ass pictures like that

  15. #215
    BIGRTHABETTR is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    You got to be kidding, all that smoke but no fire

  16. #216
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.
    LMAO. Man that is hilarious. In another post he was saying how he had a couple inches and 20 pounds on someone else, not that hard when you are 50 lbs overweight lol. I have never had a direct problem with tranzit but he has always seemed like an angry dude who serves no real purpose on the board. Anyways, not my problem.
    I cant even comment on the rest of the thread. I have read the entire thing and I am just in shock at what is happening and still dont understand the whole situation so It would be wrong for me to comment on it. I would like someone to explain it all if possible.


  17. #217
    SS1476's Avatar
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  18. #218
    BIGRTHABETTR is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Head_101

  19. #219
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Tranzit and everyone else keep the insults to yourselves or people will be banned..................

  20. #220
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Doesn't bother me. I was just insulted by the God of bodybuilding.


    I will give up my trophies and go home now.

    I love how Carlos handles his business. He doesn't play petty word games but he gets you back nice lol

  21. #221
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    LMAO. Man that is hilarious. In another post he was saying how he had a couple inches and 20 pounds on someone else, not that hard when you are 50 lbs overweight lol. I have never had a direct problem with tranzit but he has always seemed like an angry dude who serves no real purpose on the board. Anyways, not my problem.
    I cant even comment on the rest of the thread. I have read the entire thing and I am just in shock at what is happening and still dont understand the whole situation so It would be wrong for me to comment on it. I would like someone to explain it all if possible.

  22. #222
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Wow. What a physique!
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  23. #223
    BIGRTHABETTR is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    LMAO. Man that is hilarious. In another post he was saying how he had a couple inches and 20 pounds on someone else, not that hard when you are 50 lbs overweight lol..


  24. #224
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.

  25. #225
    Join Date
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    toys for twats truck
    damn 96 peeps in this thread?!?!?

  26. #226
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.
    touche bubba!

  27. #227
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.
    LOL....... I'm a midgit as well only 5'7" and proud of it!

  28. #228
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.
    Childish or not he got owned...LOL get rid of your trophies now and hand them over to the 15 year vet...LOL

  29. #229
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    LOL....... I'm a midgit as well only 5'7" and proud of it!
    Damn skippy! I'm 5'6" and proud of it!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #230
    Iron_Head_101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I apologize that was childish of me. But midget homosexuals... We bite back.

  31. #231
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Damn skippy! I'm 5'6" and proud of it!

    i'am only 5,6 dose this make me a midgit ?

  32. #232
    system admin is offline Owner
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    DEVLDOG... I could NOT have said it fuking better!


    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    I wasnt aware of any others.

    This needs to be addressed or it will never go away.Lion is able to post on the board,will be interesting when/if he does.

    as I stated to the PM to the big guy,why not do an independent test and post results.ofcourse these dont really mean shit either as the batch tested could be from wherever.

    how bout this,to all that use these products and have no complaints.good for you and keep ordering.and to those who dont like them,go elsewhere.and as far as the other info floating around,have your products tested randomly if you are so inclined.and alway..USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

  33. #233
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    i'am only 5,6 dose this make me a midgit ?
    Iam 5' 10 I was kinda wondering if that puts me in the tall midget category..

  34. #234
    Papi93's Avatar
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    I'm 6 feet tall, what do I win?

  35. #235
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    i'am only 5,6 dose this make me a midgit ?
    No, i love your height Am only 5'8.

  36. #236
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    i'am only 5,6 dose this make me a midgit ?
    yes a midgit bi-sexual that cannot spell!!!

  37. #237
    Smedman101's Avatar
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    I am here all the time and read alot!! I see alot of you guys on and here what you say and know!!! bwtf..... what the hell is going here... Ive been gone for a week adn dam this place went crazy!!!!!

  38. #238
    Iron_Head_101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    No, i love your height Am only 5'8.

    I can feel the love.....

  39. #239
    BIGRTHABETTR is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    i'am only 5,6 dose this make me a midgit ?
    Makes you my love midget.

  40. #240
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smedman101
    I am here all the time and read alot!! I see alot of you guys on and here what you say and know!!! bwtf..... what the hell is going here... Ive been gone for a week adn dam this place went crazy!!!!!
    well currently were talking about how tall people are.

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