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  1. #321
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin

    All I want to know is where all the people who think his products suck are


    With a simple search... here they are, the first 2 are from today. SwoleCat called Lion out because he said he was test results. SC asked for them to be posted and Lion hasnt responded. Enjoy

    I only know what I read, and I just found several members where who are or have been unhappy with lion.

    T3 or Clen????

    order recieved!!

    I tried clen from ARR

    does arr t3 work for you?

    Question For LION--Order Issue

    Can anyone vouch for T3?

  2. #322
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    East Coaster... VETTE made most of the mods and vets of today.
    Fair enough

  3. #323
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    East Coaster... VETTE made most of the mods and vets of today.
    You made me a mod though, so I just want people HERE to know that.

    As well, I had no idea about Vette and his research company idea, that is news to me as well.

    Anyhow, after your posting of this news, I felt it imperative for people to know that you brought me on board long before Vette was an Admin.


  4. #324
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    So has none of this got anything to do with the presence of BSA in Lion's IGF?

  5. #325
    ollie1 is offline Junior Member
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    Come on guys...dont stop I just got out the popcorn and put on the slippers. Anybody got a good pick of Arnold? Im going to post it in the pics forum just in case I ever get carlos ticked

  6. #326
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    With a simple search... here they are, the first 2 are from today. SwoleCat called Lion out because he said he was test results. SC asked for them to be posted and Lion hasnt responded. Enjoy

    I only know what I read, and I just found several members where who are or have been unhappy with lion.

    T3 or Clen????

    order recieved!!

    I tried clen from ARR

    does arr t3 work for you?

    Question For LION--Order Issue

    Can anyone vouch for T3?
    Thanks, I know Sys Admin called me out on that one, but you saved me the trouble of searching for the bad ones.


  7. #327
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Swole.. I dont want to get this thread off track, but YES... I did make you a mod and I did it when the Senior mods at the time were hearing none of it.

    You are a fantastic mod and if you stepped down for any reason, it would weaken the board.

    Now... back to the drilling.....

  8. #328
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    So has none of this got anything to do with the presence of BSA in Lion's IGF?


  9. #329
    Heywood Jablome's Avatar
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    Last edited by Heywood Jablome; 02-27-2006 at 04:46 PM.

  10. #330
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    With a simple search... here they are, the first 2 are from today. SwoleCat called Lion out because he said he was test results. SC asked for them to be posted and Lion hasnt responded. Enjoy
    I only bumped a request in that thread where I became involved w/diet issues.
    I never called anyone out, please get your stories correct.


  11. #331
    Perrypup's Avatar
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    LMAO @ Sys Admin ( Back to the Drilling )

  12. #332
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Thanks, I know Sys Admin called me out on that one, but you saved me the trouble of searching for the bad ones.


    NO.. my point WAS THIS:

    for every BAD one you find... WE HAVE 30 good ones! THATS MY POINT. If it were 5 bad 10 good, Lion would be a memory at AR. That IS NOT the case.


  13. #333
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    For those of you who pm'ed me asking me why I have not responded here (even got two e-mails), here is the reason.......

    I have no reason TO reply. What people are doing (leaving) is their own decision. Do I know anything about any products and if they are truly legit or not? No. Do I want to know this? No. I don't recommend any ancillary company to anyone, and I never have, so there is no reason for me to really care. If people have questions and need to check places like Lion and other ancillary companies out, they pm other mods/vets who in the know about that stuff. I have never messed with any UGL's of any sort, never will, and have no reason to be involved in any way/shape/form with discussion about such places.

    I got involved yesterday in a thread in the ARR product review forum because Lion had instructed a member to "take out the serving of oatmeal" from his diet, and that would allow the clen to work. (One of a few threads about not responding to the clen administration). I don't care if you are Dan Duchaine or Jesus himself, when I see bogus advice given in an area that I excel and have expertise/education in (Nutrition/Fitness/Health), I will not sit idle and let advice like that go by. That has been my only involvement with Lion in any way/shape/form, and it will stay that way. I continued to challenge him on his dietary suggestions, but eventually was told that the reasoning can only be attained by being a paying client. Yes, news to me, I had no idea Lion was a trainer or whatever, I thought he sold ancillaries. So, I dropped the subject because it was obvious what advice was good, and what was totally whack.

    Again, this is in regards to dietary principles and such, not about what products don't work. The clen could be good or bad, I don't give a shit, but taking out oatmeal doesn't make ANY CLEN work better/worse. They are totally un-related.......I don't like wool over my eyes, and there never shall be any.

    You all enjoy, I have work to do around here in the forums I specialize in.

    Peace the f*ck out,


    I saw that thread swole...kind of wierd. Also, I asked Lion for a picture of himself in that thread, since he also charges for his nutritional advice. Haven't seen one yet.

    I simply would just like to know the truth. Is Lion full of shit or not? Many people having problems, many reports of abuse from Lion regarding testing, now bad advice being given out. Can we simply see a picture of this guy and his proof? Can he proove anything?



  14. #334
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Swole.. I dont want to get this thread off track, but YES... I did make you a mod and I did it when the Senior mods at the time were hearing none of it.

    You are a fantastic mod and if you stepped down for any reason, it would weaken the board.

    Now... back to the drilling.....
    I thank you for your trust in me and for your compliment!


  15. #335
    symatech's Avatar
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    Whether vette was going to start his own research company or not I have no idea. He never said one word to me about it and that's a fact. I'm sure that vette doesn't have all the accounts questioning lions products. Are you saying that everything bad said about lion (and there is a lot of it) was all fabricated by vette? I stepped down because I really don't have the time, and things are only going to get super busy for me in the next year+. I talked to him about stepping down a few days before any of this even happened!

    Do you honestly believe that I am leaving because vette is gone? I was working on getting out before you made the thread in the other forum about stepping down. Like I said, I love this place, and it really has enriched my life. But honestly if voicing a legitimate concern for the wellbeing and safety of the members you are supposed to help means being discredited or ostracized then I'm genuinely shocked.

    I didn't know vette was leaving, or anybody else and I was still stepping down. You mean to tell me that all the mods and vets are stepping down because vette asked them to? At least in the other time all the mods stepped down it was so they could make money. You think we'd give up something we love so much to make no money with vettes non-existent supplement company?

    Common man, I've always respected this place as a business and you for running it, but to discredit those who are leaving for moral concerns by insinuating that they are leaving for money or some ****ed up internet loyalty is ludicrous.

  16. #336
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I only bumped a request in that thread where I became involved w/diet issues.
    I never called anyone out, please get your stories correct.


    My story is correct. He said he had lab reports, and you bumped and asked for the report too. Correct story

  17. #337
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    So has none of this got anything to do with the presence of BSA in Lion's IGF?

  18. #338
    ollie1 is offline Junior Member
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    On a serious note this is getting kind of stupid. People (such as myself) who are truly nobodies on this site are saying WTF***! These people who are usually very professional and respectable are acting like a bunch of playground punks. I get on this site everyday to read the posts and replies from people and it looks as though things are changing. It would be a shame if so.

  19. #339
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    NO.. my point WAS THIS:

    for every BAD one you find... WE HAVE 30 good ones! THATS MY POINT. If it were 5 bad 10 good, Lion would be a memory at AR. That IS NOT the case.

    Brian, my question earlier was where are the more experienced bros at on this? I'm not talking about the vets/mods banned or leaving, I'm talking about all the others in addition.

    People that have been around for a while have been leary of Lion for a lot longer than vette has been considering starting up his own company.



  20. #340
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    So has none of this got anything to do with the presence of BSA in Lion's IGF?
    I'm still curious about this comment

  21. #341
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto

    There is a report about this from a test that was supposed to have been done my a chemist, it reported BSA. I havent seen a lab report for it though

  22. #342
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    NO.. my point WAS THIS:

    for every BAD one you find... WE HAVE 30 good ones! THATS MY POINT. If it were 5 bad 10 good, Lion would be a memory at AR. That IS NOT the case.

    I couldnt agree more. I never once stated that there were more good than bad and you are speculating if you think that is my opinion. I just feel that you are approaching the issue the wrong way. You, as the site admin., are endorsing Lion's products by letting him sponsor the site. People buy his products because YOU allow him to be a sponsor. Even if there is only 10 complaints out of 100, I would think it would be your resonsibility to look into the issue because your name is attached to Lion's. I know if I was being sonsored by somone and thus lead others to purchase their products and were not happy I would go to the sponsor and say wtf is up. Get some test results and find out if everything is legit not based on word of mouth but actual results.


  23. #343
    symatech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    I'm still curious about this comment
    that is my primary concern with lion. I won't post the others.

  24. #344
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    that is my primary concern with lion. I won't post the others.
    I actually heard this last night but didn't want to say anything until I nes it was true

  25. #345
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    There is a report about this from a test that was supposed to have been done my a chemist, it reported BSA. I havent seen a lab report for it though
    This is my primary reason for not commenting on this thread. I have seen posts on several boards but not an actual lab test. There is a difference.

    I have never used Lions Products nor have any intentions on doing so anytime soon. Not because of feedback but more so b/c I have been getting them elsewhere for years...........

    As far as some of the other guys stepping down it's a shame. They and we(members) made this a better place. Sad to see them go..............
    Last edited by SPIKE; 02-27-2006 at 04:52 PM.

  26. #346
    system admin is offline Owner
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    NO. I am NOT saying ANYTHING at all about having any knowlege about his research. What I am saying is how funny that he tells me and lion one thing about his products (in a good way) and then tells all of you staff members (or rather... DOES NOT tell the other staff members) that his shit is good. He tells me LIONS stuff is good but he has a bad attitude...

    Whats up with that. Why not step in to save LIONS name. I have PM's, AOL text...

    LION is being HATED ON... PERIOD. None of this bullshit was going around until just recently.

    You were a good mod anyway Symatech. Dont take things the wrong way. Im the only one standing here and my aggresiveness is full on.


    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    Whether vette was going to start his own research company or not I have no idea. He never said one word to me about it and that's a fact. I'm sure that vette doesn't have all the accounts questioning lions products. Are you saying that everything bad said about lion (and there is a lot of it) was all fabricated by vette? I stepped down because I really don't have the time, and things are only going to get super busy for me in the next year+. I talked to him about stepping down a few days before any of this even happened!

    Do you honestly believe that I am leaving because vette is gone? I was working on getting out before you made the thread in the other forum about stepping down. Like I said, I love this place, and it really has enriched my life. But honestly if voicing a legitimate concern for the wellbeing and safety of the members you are supposed to help means being discredited or ostracized then I'm genuinely shocked.

    I didn't know vette was leaving, or anybody else and I was still stepping down. You mean to tell me that all the mods and vets are stepping down because vette asked them to? At least in the other time all the mods stepped down it was so they could make money. You think we'd give up something we love so much to make no money with vettes non-existent supplement company?

    Common man, I've always respected this place as a business and you for running it, but to discredit those who are leaving for moral concerns by insinuating that they are leaving for money or some ****ed up internet loyalty is ludicrous.

  27. #347
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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  28. #348
    LeanMeOut's Avatar
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    One up on you
    Sorry about that last post from Vette, that was actually from me. I was cookied in still from when I fixed a board problem for Brian a long ass time ago.

    This is what I posted:

    WOW.... that is all I have to say about EVERYTHING.

    Community Veteran?? Guess I got demoted lol

  29. #349
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Just for the record guys...

    Dont think AR is going down hill... We have been here 100 times before and it goes with change. Look at the other threads if you need to see a positive atmosphere. Its amazing how many people are helping each other in the other threads.


  30. #350
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    A.R. is like herpes....most people keep that shit around for life.


  31. #351
    system admin is offline Owner
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    LMO.. eveyone got demoted that didnt participate any longer. Was not personal


  32. #352
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Just for the record guys...

    Dont think AR is going down hill... We have been here 100 times before and it goes with change. Look at the other threads if you need to see a positive atmosphere. Its amazing how many people are helping each other in the other threads.

    I agree. This board is the best and always pulls through these issues. These things happen sometimes, its ife IMHO.

    Lets drop this sh*t and get back to what were best at. Sharing AS knowledge and helping those in need.

    I'm done with this thread.

  33. #353
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by system admin
    Just for the record guys...

    Dont think AR is going down hill... We have been here 100 times before and it goes with change. Look at the other threads if you need to see a positive atmosphere. Its amazing how many people are helping each other in the other threads.

    this is good to hear, no matter what new information or research springs up its good to know that AR will hopefully stay up and running, cause as this thread keeps going on and more and more respected mods, and vets keep posting about this topic i was beginning to have my doubts about the future of this place.

  34. #354
    EastCoaster's Avatar
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    i posted a link of somebody complaining of being double charged.

  35. #355
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Thats real smart bud.. did you just jump in or did you actually read the previous posts? I DONT NEED LION HERE.... I CHOOSE TO BECAUSE I SEE NO REASON NOT TO

  36. #356
    cb25's Avatar
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    AZ to MA...depends on whe
    well said AI.

    a little combative, but well said.

    edit: oops, you all missed it b/c it was deleted. but he made some very good points.
    Last edited by cb25; 02-27-2006 at 05:02 PM.

  37. #357
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    BSA = Bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be used as a diluent or a blocking agent in numerous applications including ELISAs (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), blots and immunohistochemistry. In restriction digests, BSA is used to stabilize some enzymes during digestion of DNA and to prevent adhesion of the enzyme to reaction tubes and other vessels. This protein does not affect other enzymes that do not need it for stabilization.


  38. #358
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I agree. This board is the best and always pulls through these issues. These things happen sometimes, its ife IMHO.

    Lets drop this sh*t and get back to what were best at. Sharing AS knowledge and helping those in need.

    I'm done with this thread.
    I agree, this thread is giving me a headache

  39. #359
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastCoaster
    i posted a link of somebody complaining of being double charged.
    Sorry Eastcoaster... you have not posted in 2.5 months. Looks like your a trouble maker. Later

    Neither of us will lose sleep im sure


  40. #360
    symatech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    BSA = Bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be used as a diluent or a blocking agent in numerous applications including ELISAs (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), blots and immunohistochemistry. In restriction digests, BSA is used to stabilize some enzymes during digestion of DNA and to prevent adhesion of the enzyme to reaction tubes and other vessels. This protein does not affect other enzymes that do not need it for stabilization.

    What you are referring to are in vitro assays not in vivo, the difference is astronomical. In vitro is like in a petri dish, in vivo is in a living organism.

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