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Thread: Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  1. #281
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by wham_sucker
    hey man, great thread.

    i was wondering if you knew how liver toxic clen can be if at all?

    Thx guys. Clen is not known to be liver toxic at within our dosage ranges.

  2. #282
    Jiesel's Avatar
    Jiesel is offline Associate Member
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    ur the man for being a clen guru

  3. #283
    fatrock's Avatar
    fatrock is offline Member
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    Clenbuterol is a very interesting and remarkable compound. It is not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic. Clenbuterol, above all, has a strong anti-catabolic effect, which means it decreases the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell, consequently causing an enlargement of muscle cells. For this reason, numerous athletes use Clenbuterol after steroid treatment to balance the resulting catabolic phase and thus obtain maximum strength and muscle mass. A further aspect of Clenbuterol is its distinct fat-burning effect. Clenbuterol burns fat without dieting because it increases the body temperature slightly, forcing the body to burn fat for this process. Due to the higher body temperature Clenbuterol magnifies the effect of anabolic /androgenic steroids taken simultaneously, since the protein processing is increased.

  4. #284
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    the anti catabolic effects are based on animal studies. Human studies have not showed clen to be anabolic or even anti catabolic. It is all based on heresay from those who use it.

  5. #285
    shark333's Avatar
    shark333 is offline Associate Member
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    hey bro does this go for females to ?

  6. #286
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    ^which bit^ if you mean the dosing ect then I would suggest females start at 20mcg and work up from there. Many females have reported being hyper sensitive to clen , They have complained of sicknes/vomiting at higher doses.

  7. #287
    Seal4life's Avatar
    Seal4life is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up Outstanding Post

    Thanks for taking the time to write all that I referred it to my friends as well. I just learned so much, again thanks.

  8. #288
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    i read this thread everynight before i go to bed. ha

  9. #289
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    beast i was interested on the kind of diet you were following while on clen .
    My gf is going to be using it for fat loss purposes and i would like to know what should her carb macros look like?
    I mean a lot of people like to keep their carbs low while on clen, when others choose to keep them in moderate ranges, but what really is better when aiming for maximum fatloss with minimum muscle loss?
    Thanx in advance bro

  10. #290
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by mamias20918756
    beast i was interested on the kind of diet you were following while on clen .
    My gf is going to be using it for fat loss purposes and i would like to know what should her carb macros look like?
    I mean a lot of people like to keep their carbs low while on clen, when others choose to keep them in moderate ranges, but what really is better when aiming for maximum fatloss with minimum muscle loss?
    Thanx in advance bro
    I have used clen while in pct and for cutting. im guessing you would be more interested in the cutting use. I usually carb cycle, last cut low carb day was about 80g carbs 400g pro 80g fat and high day would have been 300g carbs 300g pro 80g fat.
    A copy of my current diet (although i have started cutting so a few tweaks have been made) can be seen here.
    I am now carb cycling using the off days as low carb days.

  11. #291
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta
    thanx bro ur diet log is very interesting, i'll keep an eye on it

    Thanx again bro and good luck with ur pct

  12. #292
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    BEAST! if i take benadryl everynight to go to sleep is it going to effect my muscles?

  13. #293
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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  14. #294
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by oc pitbull
    BEAST! if i take benadryl everynight to go to sleep is it going to effect my muscles?
    not as far as i am aware.

  15. #295
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    I love this thread. Every answer you could ever need. Clen is great.

  16. #296
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    ya i cant wait

  17. #297
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    Hi beast!

    I spoke to a fiend of mine who used clen several years ago and i asked how he used it.

    he told me he was using it 2 days on, and 2 days off.

    have you ever tried this method ? is it any good ?


  18. #298
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    yes that method used to be very popular. However new methods are far more effective. There really is no longer any need for off time with the addition of anti-histamines to the cycle. Even without using anti-histamines 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off makes much more sense as it gives you a longer run on the clen and allows you to build dose slowly.

  19. #299
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    ok, thx.

    i got another question for you, since you have done both i would like your opinion on it.

    im looking into doeing my first AS cycle soon, and im thinking of doing the clen first, to loos some fat, and then do the AS.

    what would give me best results you think ?
    doing the clen first, then the AS, or the other way around...?


  20. #300
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    If you are overweight then the first thing you need to do is sort out your diet so it is 100%. Then think about clen when you plateau on your cutting diet. When you reach a reasonalbe BF it may be time for AS. Check out my "things to consider" FAQ in sig.

  21. #301
    billyd is offline New Member
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    Smile Clen

    I want to thank Beast for the great post on clen .I'm 57 years old 5' 11" was 213 Body fat was 18%.I could not loose my love handles no matter how much cardio i did.I'm on my 8th day of a clen cycle.I lost 10lbs.and my body fat is down to 16%.The fat around my waist is melting away.I'm starting to see my abs.I started at 60mcg for the 1st 3 days,last 5 days at 80mcg.I split my dosage 4 hours apart.The side affects are more tolerable for me with a split dosage.I took all 80mcg 1 day and i was to wired.Side affects are not to bad slight shaking of the hands,little back cramps if i get up to fast i get real lightheaded.I think i'll stay with 80mcg for the rest of my cycle.Total 1 month.On the 3rd week i'll do the benadryl at nite.I take 5 grams of taurine a day and 500mgs of potassium a day.This must help with the cramping.Mine has been slight.Thanks again for the great post
    Last edited by billyd; 02-14-2007 at 01:12 PM.

  22. #302
    athlete20's Avatar
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    This is what I'll be running very soon and I was wondering if Clen would be ok to add to the PCT?

    Sostenol 250:

    Week 1: AI Cycle Support (x2 servings)
    Week 2: AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 3: Sostenol 250 (x1)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed), ***only if gyno-issues should arise
    Week 4: Sostenol 250 (x2)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed)
    Week 5: Sostenol 250 (x2)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed)
    Week 6: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 7: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 8: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 9: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)

    Week 6: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 7: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 8: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 9: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)

    I will also be taking taurine (2-3g/day) for back pumps and additional Milk Thistle just to be safe. And for lethargy, I will be taking Ester Vitamin C (6g/day) and Vitamin E (400 IU pre/post workout). Ceatine will be used during PCT.

  23. #303
    athlete20's Avatar
    athlete20 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by athlete20
    This is what I'll be running very soon and I was wondering if Clen would be ok to add to the PCT?

    Sostenol 250:

    Week 1: AI Cycle Support (x2 servings)
    Week 2: AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 3: Sostenol 250 (x1)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed), ***only if gyno-issues should arise
    Week 4: Sostenol 250 (x2)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed)
    Week 5: Sostenol 250 (x2)/AI Cycle Support (x2)/***Arimidex (0.5mg/ed)
    Week 6: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 7: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 8: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)
    Week 9: PCT*/AI Cycle Support (x2)

    Week 6: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 7: Clomid (105mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 8: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)
    Week 9: Clomid (70mg), Aromasin (25mg)

    I will also be taking taurine (2-3g/day) for back pumps and additional Milk Thistle just to be safe. And for lethargy, I will be taking Ester Vitamin C (6g/day) and Vitamin E (400 IU pre/post workout). Ceatine will be used during PCT.


  24. #304
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    yes clen would be fine to add as long as you are aware of all possible sides associated with its use.

  25. #305
    GOT FIGHT? is offline Junior Member
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    Thi Should Be An Automatic Read For Any Clen Posts In The Future

  26. #306
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is the worst post I've ever read! Haha, you know I'm jokin'... Good job PB.

  27. #307
    jaim91 is offline New Member
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    If the bottle my friend has is Ventripulmin, which is 0.025 mg/ml, would her dosages start at 1 ml?? (which I believe to be equivalent to 25 mcg)

  28. #308
    HSFootball's Avatar
    HSFootball is offline Associate Member
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    You never answered if clen is a steroid or not.

  29. #309
    ffernan274 is offline New Member
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    perfect beast thanks for the information I went to arr since you wrote of approved sites and ordered the clen and t3 combo you wrote some people claim to be inmune to clen I might be one as well but I will find out when this product comes then I will know if I bought bad (fake) clen before! thanks

  30. #310
    firefighteremt153 is offline New Member
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    im confused, what is T3 and is it something i should be taking when i start my clen ?

  31. #311
    kungen1234 is offline Junior Member
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    T3 is a thyroidhormone, the most "potent" one. It can be taken with clen , however it should really be considered when you've stopped losing fat in your diet, since most likely it's your thyroidlevels that are shot all to hell. However, if this is for recreational fatloss you should consider androgens and a diet. T3 and clen is after all best used for contest preparation.

    As for me, i'll never touch clen again, I developed chronic atrial fibrillation that persisted for 6 months before I was treated by being shocked with a defibrillator twice under anesthesia. This of course does not mean that you will experience the same thing as I did, im just pertaining that it MIGHT happen. My other stats at that time was 232lbs 18%BF 22yrs old 6'2 male.
    I was running my first ever clen cycle Week1: 50mcg Week 2: 100mcg Week 3:100mcg Week4:150mcg

    The atrial fibrillation didnt hit me in anyway, I just noticed that my heart beat was funny one day short after the clen cycle, and it never went away for the following 6 months. I had to eat a bloodthinner for 8weeks before they would remit me to the electroconversion, and continue to eat it 4 weeks postprocedure.

    Of course I could not workout during these 6 months, too much a risk with both bloodclots and other potential cardiac emergencies. Couple that inactivity with a lower diet and all my gains went out the window. Im now thanks to the fact that the procedure actually worked(first time they shocked me the atrial fibrillation still persisted) that im picking up the scraps. And I will have to think about this and be precautious for the rest of my life. High BP must be avoided at all costs, and that can become tricky when you use anabolic androgenic steroids .

    Morale of the story? There are possible acute cardiac risks associated with clenbuterol , they are to some extent documented with scientific case-studies of unintentional overdoses of clenbuterol, where surprise surprise the condition in question is atrial fibrillation! They are however much more intense and severe than in my case and thus treated as an emergency(which basically means they had more severe and noticeable symptoms and rushed to the ER where they were defibrillated on spot, it is riskfree to defibrillate within 48hrs in terms of bloodclots forming. So if you DO notice any heart irregularities during your clencycle RUSH to the hospital, unless you ENJOY eating a blood-thinner for >8wks before being treated).
    Last edited by kungen1234; 03-06-2007 at 07:06 PM.

  32. #312
    firefighteremt153 is offline New Member
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    thanks kungen, yeah done alot of research on the clen and i am aware of the pros and cons. so what kind of an androgen do you recommend? im not really familier with them.

  33. #313
    kungen1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Doesnt really matter per se, as long as you have a calorie deficit almost any androgen will suffice to keep the nitrogen balance positive.

    However, popular choices are DHT-derivatives, such as masteron , trenbolone , winstrol etc. They are popular since they do not aromatize into estrogen, hence do not contribute to accumulating water-retention during the cycle giving you a "hard" look while shedding fat.

  34. #314
    Juciy Gear's Avatar
    Juciy Gear is offline New Member
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    This is a great thread! Thanks Beast!

  35. #315
    mahdi is offline New Member
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    i want to know how i should use clen /t3 combo???
    i should pump it in my oral or i should mix it by another jiuce ... and then drink it??
    please advise

  36. #316
    WontQuit is offline New Member
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    Just out of curiosity....

    If your diet is spot on, and you are losing weight, you are strict about workouts etc...

    Why couldnt you take Clen to boost your metabolism and help shed the pounds?

    I am not sure why this would be a problem?

    People take Ephedrine, Yohimbe, Caffine etc... all the time to lose weight. It seems to me that Clen is just a stronger stimulant than those.

    Am I wrong?

  37. #317
    ITripMidgets is offline Junior Member
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    PerfectBeast I have a question for you.....I read the entire thread and noone asked you this....If you are comfortable running 140mcg/day then why do you even pyrmid up the dose anymore. Why don't you go to 140mcg/day strait away?

    Just wondering because I used clen before and 80mcg was good for me so I was just gonna use that amount again starting on the first day.

    Any Input?

  38. #318
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  39. #319
    midnightman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the hard work!

  40. #320
    Rukuss79 is offline New Member
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    I take an albuterol inhaler as needed, which is like 3 to 4 times a day. Im gonna assume my tolerance for clen would be higher? My bp is like usually 139/87, im 23 6'4" 330lbs, high body fat, diet starts with clen, and my training is 45 mins of lifting and cardio 3x a week. Im contemplating Clen and any info would be helpful, even tough criticsm. Thanks.

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