Thread: Tai's Free Cycle Advice...
03-13-2008, 04:49 PM #161
03-13-2008, 07:19 PM #162
03-13-2008, 07:35 PM #163
03-14-2008, 12:48 AM #164Associate Member
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Gotcha.. so basically deca dick only occurs when running no testosterone at all during a deca cycle? well i revised everything you suggested except for the Drol/Halo switch .. question - can caber reverse gyno or does it only prevent it.. if it doesn't reverse it would be pointless to have it on hand in case the symptons flare up so if thats the case ill have letro on hand .. i read Merc's estrogen thread and it seems like AI's really hinder gains atleast according to that study ... and you don't approve frontloading test? i thought it was a must in order to get sufficient amounts in the early stages of the cycle? and you assure me that running test 250mg/wk while doing Deca and Tren will NOT fvuk with my dick?? i'm trustin u on that one
Last edited by Elexecution; 03-15-2008 at 03:00 AM.
03-14-2008, 01:56 AM #165
03-14-2008, 09:01 AM #166
Tai...Here is my cycle and question to critique. 41yrs old 5' 9.5" 165lbs(I know lite but I will explain) 14%bf. First cycle was test e. 500mg/wk 10wks pct(tamox and aromasin ). Used the cycle more for strength than size. Was happy with cycle.
This is my second cycle and chose OT and Test e. run together. OT-7wks/60mgs/ed Test e 500mg/wk 10 or 12 wks. My question is this, I started the OT and am in 9th day. Get my Test e. tomorrow and wanted to know if I should wait next cycle to run the test or can I still run it with this cycle? I know you are wondering why I started without the test, and my thinking was, I know OT is weak and wanted to give it a head start. Was that stupid? I am looking for the strength aspect from this cycle and seems from research this two cmpds will work great together. As for the being lite, my screen name will give a hint of my profession and to much unwanted weight gain I don't want so I am dictating that with my diet.
All help appreciated. Thanks Bro.
03-14-2008, 11:10 AM #167
I had some bloodwork taken as a baseline before I started with the Test-Cyp.
My total Test level was a scanty 97. Pathetic.
I did my first injection on Wednesday at 150mgs.
Wouldn't you think that I need a little more than that to get my levels up to something more respectable for a 40 year old? I'm going to put in an e-mail to my doctor today.
03-15-2008, 12:12 AM #168
Hey Tai I got a quick one for ya: If All I ever wanted to run is Test, would that be enough for me to see steady gains, say for the next 5 cycles I run?
I think I wana start out at 250mg/wk for my first one, 500 for second one. After that...?
Thanks in adv. All words of wisdom are much appreciated...
03-17-2008, 10:48 AM #170
hey tai...for a Test, Tren , Deca cycle what should I have on hand incase of side effects? Cabergoline, Letro, Nolva, Arimidex ? I know that they are used in "just incase" scenarios but Id like to have them on hand, just wanted to know which ones and how much of it should I use incase I run into estrogen or prolactin issues.
I also wanted to ask you if you think I should front load deca even though I am using a low dose of 200mg/wk?
03-17-2008, 10:48 AM #171
1st Cycle
1-12 Test C 500mg
1-4 M1T 30 mg ED
2nd Cycle
1-12 Test C 625 mg
1-4 DBOL 50mg ED
Proposed 3rd Cycle
1-12 Test E 500mg
1-10 Tren E 400mg or EQ 1-10 (cant decide on which one)
1-4 Epistane 30mg ED
1-12 Letro .50 mg ED
PCT consisting of
1-4 Letro 1.25 mg
1-4 Clomid 100mg
1-4 novla 40 mg
Last Cycle was 16 months ago
12 months ago did a MDHT/4ad cycle of 5 weeks
Do I need to take T3 with the tren?
How does this look?
03-17-2008, 07:33 PM #172
theres no prob in starting an oral before you get test assuming your going to run a complete cycle... theres also no real issues w/ oral only cycles imo.. aas is aas.. just make sure you accomodate other compounds/ancillaries to battle any sides induced by suppression/aromatization.
test is not a STRENGTH related aas imo.. if your going for strength look to potent DHT's and 19nor compounds
me...? nope, adding aas to a cutting diet regiment only prevents a greater % of catabolism.
if you are more of amature state then yes it is more possible to add LBM while in a calorie deficite state
03-17-2008, 07:36 PM #173
Ninja Tai, do you enjoy the use of orals?
I know you prefer Dbol or Drol but how often do you use them personally?
03-17-2008, 07:36 PM #174
actually i would say in 3 days your test levels would be smoking... just an assumption since everyone metabolizes the esters differently so your blood plasma levels could be anyones guess.. only future bloodwork will tell. 150mg administered on a weekly basis would make your test levels extremely high. especially by week 2 u will be a horndog w/ raging hardons in no time.
wow.... tai made a thread with out ambien i have been gone for a while.
03-17-2008, 07:40 PM #176
nope, not if ur growing.. i have ran test at about 12g/wk (yes almsot 2g ED) and the gains were nothig to brag about infact they were very similar to 500mg/wk
in all honesty you would be better off.. health wise and monetary wise using additional compounds (dht's and nor's) in conjunction w/ lower doses of test
i use orals like dbol and drol for cutting honestly lol..
for 3 reasons
1) very potent and greatly reduce any catabolism
2) i, do not bloat on them so i can still judge my body composition fairly accurately.
3) the appetite suppression they induce is a godsend to curving any type of craving.
other then that i do not feel the sides effects of orals warrent the gains they yield.
03-17-2008, 07:42 PM #177
letro is only thing i know that can reduce/reverse gyno to minimal size.
trt dosing scheme of test of even 100mg/wk is ore than enough to prevent any sexual disorders from the suppressiveness of no compsounds
i dont know much bout AI's hindering gains.. i never use em.. since i dont suffer from gyno.. i know letro can nerf libido easily.. more so than nor groups w/o test... merc's got a boatload of great studies so i would go w/ his judgement on this one.
03-17-2008, 07:46 PM #178
replace letro w/ arimidex or aromasin for sure for your pct.
you do not NEED t3 w/ tren.. i never take it and i do just fine.. if ur dieting hard and need to compensate for that mild thyroidic suppression..sure add a replacement dose of T3.. personally i hate T3 and T4 they make me feel like shit.
i'd also replace epistane w/ a REAL DHT imo.. i have heard many unhappy reviews bout it.. but thats just me.
LoL yeah, i keep shit serious outside the lounge.. but inside.. i more R'Tard than nelson from the simpsons.
03-17-2008, 07:56 PM #179
Tai, what is the best dose to run Tren Ace at to get the absolute most out of your cycle in terms on strength and size?
Also, what is the best dose of test prop to run. I've heard best to keep low but if i run it higher will my gains be higher or will this just negatively effect my possible gains from the Tren,
03-17-2008, 07:57 PM #180
letro has always worked more than enough for me in any progesterone/prolactin issue.. bromo is relaly good i like it alot as well, lot more mild than letro w/ actual health benefits.
i hate caber.. just absolutly hate it.
i really doubt you will have any issues if you keep ur test at a manigable dose.
2.5-5mg of bromo would be most ideal
03-17-2008, 07:58 PM #181
03-17-2008, 07:59 PM #182
03-18-2008, 10:28 AM #183
Did i miss anyone's Q's?
03-18-2008, 02:05 PM #184
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WOW, this is by far one of the best thread I have ever read
03-18-2008, 02:12 PM #185
Whats up Rana?
03-18-2008, 02:38 PM #186Junior Member
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Hi Taiboxa
35yrs old today... 5ft 9" 195lbs 20% BF.... down from 27% BF
I have been trainning for 2yrs and since sept 2007 i have at the gym monday to Friday with saturday and sunday off.
My diet is good and so is my workout routine. I run for 15mins to warmup and then do my cardio for 30-45mins after my workout.this is done 3-4 times a week....
I feel like i can not tone up and drop down to 15% BF. I have been directed by a few people in regards to cycle advise but after getting much conflicting advise i have been more confused then ever.
I feel like i am hitting a wall and it is frustrating me that no matter how i diet and how i workout i can not look any more defined.
I have looked into a Anavar only cycle, and i am now thinking maybe Clen is the way to go.
I really need some good solid advise here. My only draw back is that i am terrified of needles so i was kind of looking to an oral only cycle and i know that all the pro's here really dont like the oral only cycle. I have made this investment of working so hard that if needed i will suckit up and take it.
I do have kind of a cholestorol issuse, and i am on medication for it ( fenofibrate ) but my last time at the DR's we did a blood test and all looked good. goes to show everyone that diet and exersise is key to health.
any advise would be great...
03-18-2008, 03:24 PM #187
yoo taiboxa
Im gonna be starting a 10 week cycle in the next couple weeks here maybe i could get some critisism from you. I know there might be problems with it and im hoping you could let me know. my first and last cycle wast last year and i was soo happy with the results but i messed up and didnt take any PCT for some reason... so i lost most of my gains and now im looking to get them back.
-20 years old
so im pretty lean, i eat right i have a meal plan and everything right now ive been workin out on and off for about 4 years. my last cycle was test cyp and tren for 10 weeks, but like i said no PCT.
this cycle is gonna be 10 weeks of test e 250 and EQ 300. I will do 500mg a week of test...(monday 1ml, and thursday 1ml) and 1ml of EQ monday thursday as well and i have clomid and arimidex for PCT i will do the arimadex on about week ED, to fight the bloat haha and then clomid 14 days after the last stick.
my end goal is to be 185 with body fat about 10% body fat wont be hard at all i have to drop 1%. Do you think the EQ is a good idea, maybe i should go with tren again? ive never really heard anything about EQ even on here not too many people seem to use it, is there a reason why?
if you could give me some input that would be great, thanks alot bro
03-18-2008, 04:39 PM #188
Dear tai...
im a 14yr old high school football player and im thinkn about a dbol /winny/halo/M1T/drol/SD cycle for 35wks. Will I need a PCT??? will I get big muscles???
03-18-2008, 05:20 PM #189
bub your in the wrong area..
aas is not they key by any means for what you are trying to achieve..
in my sig you see "Before you ever use AAS.. first go HERE and get your diet straight!!" click on the HERE it will take you to PerfectBeast's thread and i assure you he kan greatly help you.
Diet is over 80% of what happens to ones physique.. not aas.
03-18-2008, 05:27 PM #190
03-18-2008, 05:30 PM #191
03-18-2008, 05:40 PM #192
I'm 24, 6'3, 242lbs at the moment. Getting ready to cut I'm thinking about the cycle at the bottom of this post but here's my diet for reference and cardio will be done two times a day----once in the AM empty stomach and once at night<---45 low intensity minutes for both sessions
I have one cycle under my belt which is 500g Test E/400g EQ for 12 weeks.
7:00- 20g carbs, 49g pro from chicken breast
9:00—49g pro from chicken breast, 20g of fat from flax oil
12:00—49g pro from chicken breast
3:00—49 pro chicken breast, 15g fat from flax oil
5:00—22g of whey mixed with 19g of carbs from plain oatmeal (pre workout shake)
9:00-- PWO (post work out) shake is 66g of whey with 50g of malto and 50g of dextrose
10:00—40g casein protein and go to sleep
Macros are 324g pro/141g carbs/40g fat for a total of 2208 cals.
This cutter cycle:
6 Weeks:
Test Prop 250mg/wk
Tren Ace 300mg/wk
Winstrol 350mg/wk
DBol 25mg ED week 1-4<-----take the dbol out and add deca accordingly?????????
Last edited by Clayguy; 03-18-2008 at 05:44 PM.
03-18-2008, 07:18 PM #193
k i'll do that thanks guy
03-18-2008, 07:42 PM #194
03-18-2008, 07:44 PM #195
03-18-2008, 07:56 PM #196
03-18-2008, 08:34 PM #197
03-18-2008, 08:47 PM #198
Ok so here is what i have planned so far:
1-10 Tren Ace @ 100mg ED
1-12 Test Prop @ 50mg ED
Now i not sure what to run alongside this and i want your opinion Tai, Masteron or Winny and at what dosages for maximum results?
Which will cut me up more from your experience provided diet is in check.
Also, should i take Letro during cycle or just keep on hand in case of gyno signs?
03-19-2008, 12:35 AM #199
so i upped my PCT to Nolva, clomid, armimadex and hcg .
i'll take 20mg nolva on the day of my last stick for a 4 weeks, the clomid 14 days after at 100mg a day for 2 weeks and then 50mg a day for 1 week, the arimadex throughout the cycle for the bloat and so my nips dont hurt, and the hcg i bought 5000iu and that should be good for 10 days so do that everyday for 10 days and im good yeah?
03-19-2008, 04:02 AM #200
Hi again Tai Lord.
I'm currently on a bulk cycle of TestE/Deca /Drol and I have 4 weeks last.
I'm looking forward to start my cutter once I'll be fully recovered, but I'm actually 17%bf and wanted to cut a bit before start the cutter, to maximize its results. SO...
Can I add some T3 for the last 4 weeks or am I going to hinder my mass and bulk gains?
How will be the right dosage to not risk to cataboize muscles? I'm being at 500mg ot test weekly btw. I'm also planning to take Clen starting the day after last inj. of test and include it for PCt too.
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