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  1. #121
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I would say no, in fact I am going to keep 150 mg also tomorrow and then, if nothing changes, I will go back down to 100 mg ed.
    interesting...let us know if you feel any change..

    im at 50mg/ed now of proviron ...with prop(700mg)/eq(600mg)/anavar (100mg) didnt start the anavar yet and might stick with 80mg on that..from reading your log.

    i want to increase my proviron dosage to 100mg/day, but i dont want the hairloss from dht sides..thats my only concern, but is the difference worth it from 50 to 100?


  2. #122
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    interesting...let us know if you feel any change..

    im at 50mg/ed now of proviron ...with prop(700mg)/eq(600mg)/anavar (100mg) didnt start the anavar yet and might stick with 80mg on that..from reading your log.

    i want to increase my proviron dosage to 100mg/day, but i dont want the hairloss from dht sides..thats my only concern, but is the difference worth it from 50 to 100?

    Yes, there is a difference between 50 and 100 mg ed.
    Regarding your hairloss fear, if it did not show up at 50, hardly will at 100.
    Baldness comes from chromosome X, basically from your mother.

  3. #123
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Yes, there is a difference between 50 and 100 mg ed.
    Regarding your hairloss fear, if it did not show up at 50, hardly will at 100.
    Baldness comes from chromosome X, basically from your mother.
    i might boost it up 100mg...

    prob is my whole family has hair except my moms father....

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    i might boost it up 100mg...

    prob is my whole family has hair except my moms father....
    I can only wish you good luck:

    "September 29, 2006

    Tough question to answer! The genetics of male pattern baldness (MPB) isn't that well understood. Which means it is hard to predict whether or not you'll pass the timing of your MPB on to your sons.

    One of the things that makes MPB so hard to figure out is that it is so common. 20% of men in their 20's, 50% of men in their 50's and 90% of men in their 90's have MPB. It is almost like we should be studying why some men don't go bald!

    If you aren't careful with these kinds of numbers, you can run into all sorts of problems. Imagine a study that looks at 50-year-old men and their 90-year-old fathers.

    You'd have half the dads with sons who were balding just by random chance. So you might conclude that dads pass their balding patterns on to their sons.

    But you might be wrong. Because balding is so common, it is the timing that matters not whether or not you are balding.

    So what does the latest research show? The most recent work suggests that a big part of men's MPB comes from mom's side of the family and not dad's.

    We've all heard that you can tell whether or not you'll go bald by looking at the men on your mom's side of the family. This is based on a study done in 1916! In 2005, a German group used modern genetic approaches to show that the conclusion of this study is at least partly true.

    The German group looked at the DNA of 391 people including 201 men that were balding. These folks were from 95 separate families.

    The researchers then compared the DNA of balding people with people not balding and looked for differences. What they found was that balding folks more often had certain differences on their X chromosome.

    Changes in the AR gene on the X chromosome are associated with male pattern baldness.

    As you'll probably remember, the X is one of the chromosomes that help determine if you are a boy or a girl. If you have two X's, then you are a girl. An X and a Y means that you are a boy.

    And one other thing. Boys get their X chromosome only from their mothers. Dad gives boys the Y that makes them male and mom gives them the X with 1200 or so genes needed to be alive.

    So the DNA changes that make MPB happen earlier come from mom and her X chromosome. Where exactly on the X chromosome are the DNA changes that lead to MPB? They are all in the androgen receptor (AR) gene.

    Many of the characteristics associated with being a male happen because of the interaction of testosterone (and its derivatives) with AR. AR turns genes on or off when testosterone is around.

    The fact that AR is involved in MPB makes sense in a lot of ways. Men with male pattern baldness tend to have different levels of testosterone . Also, one of the treatments for male pattern baldness is something called Propecia.

    Propecia works by changing the amount and potency of testosterone. In other words, Propecia changes how a balding man's AR gene works.

    Easy as pie. Men get their X chromosome from mom and certain DNA changes on the X chromosome lead to early onset MPB. If only it were this easy!

    These changes are not enough by themselves to lead to baldness. We know this because there were men in the study who had these DNA changes but were not going bald. And vice versa.

    What is going on is that there is probably more than one gene involved in male pattern baldness. And these other genes can come from mom and/or dad.

    So an important part of balding comes from mom's side of the family because of the AR gene. These changes are not enough, though. Other unknown genes may affect whether or not DNA changes in the AR gene will cause baldness. And there may even be some sort of trigger needed from the environment.

    This is why it is hard to predict whether or not you will pass your balding on to your son. What does his grandpa on his mom's side look like? If he has a full head of hair, then maybe the odds are less for your sons. Maybe."

  5. #125
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    Took blood work and estradiol is at 150 in a range of 20-47!!!
    PRL is at 15,12 in a range of 2,64-13,13.

    I will post tonight all the results.

    Just took, 0.25 mg Cabergoline and 12.5 mg Exemestane.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I would say no, in fact I am going to keep 150 mg also tomorrow and then, if nothing changes, I will go back down to 100 mg ed.
    Hi BJJ, what changes do you expect?

  7. #127
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    I meant to sleep deeply at night.
    That did not happen last night, I did not sleep well again and sweated a lot in spite of the reduction of testosterone .

    I already cut mesterolone to 100 mg ed from today.

  8. #128
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    Blood Work, Blood Pressure & Spermatic Cytoanalysis during Test Suspension Cycle

  9. #129
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    Very Detailed, thanks...

  10. #130
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    From tomorrow, I am going to get rid of cabergoline but keeping exemestane at 25 mg ed for around 10 days (before bed).

    Since that type of AI is responsible for raising the testosterone levels , I will also reduce the daily injection of test susp to 70 mg ed.

    Ten days like this and I will get a new BW to check the situation.

    My target is to lower the estradiol, keep the progesterone stable and reduce the prolactin.

  11. #131
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    took your advice just upped the priviron from 50mg a day to 100mg...

    just took my first a.m. dose of 50mg..ill let you know how i like the difference..

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    took your advice just upped the priviron from 50mg a day to 100mg...

    just took my first a.m. dose of 50mg..ill let you know how i like the difference..
    Good Luck

  13. #133
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    how do you think my cholesterol and liver values will change from proviron at 100mgs and anavar at 100mgs day?

    im running the anavar the last 8 weeks and proviron for 12..

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    how do you think my cholesterol and liver values will change from proviron at 100mgs and anavar at 100mgs day?

    im running the anavar the last 8 weeks and proviron for 12..
    The var will affect your cholesterol vales for sure.
    Try to eat as clean as possible and use EFAs.

    Regarding your liver, I will quote you a message I wrote lastly:

    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    wow ALT levels are through the roof. maybe anavar is more hepatotoxic then thought?
    Till, YGT and AP are within limits, the liver is fine:

    GAMMA (YGT): 32 u/ltr [15 - 85]__________________________27
    ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 96 u/ltr [50 - 136]________________57

  15. #135
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the info...

    yeah i def eat clean and use EFAs, i also got two supplements for cholesterol, so hopefully they wont get too far out of range...

  16. #136
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    so far i like the 100mg priviron dose, its a nice increase from 50mg....

    definately more hardness.

  17. #137
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    I decided to start injecting 3 times per day to reduce the tiredness induced by the test susp after the injection. (20 mg x 3)

    If I fail in this way, I will inject once per day before bed. (60 mg x 1)
    Last edited by BJJ; 04-26-2010 at 02:53 AM.

  18. #138
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    haha fat head

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by corestorm View Post
    haha fat head
    Interesting argumentation.
    Your semantic would be interesting to know.

  20. #140
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    hey my fellow bjj bro lol i've done a few cycles now and haven't had to do ed injections yet my next cycle is prop and tren ed how is it going to effect my training in jiu jitsu but i also practice muay thai i have a feeling its gonna be not so fun lol

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by CageFX413^FAA View Post
    hey my fellow bjj bro lol i've done a few cycles now and haven't had to do ed injections yet my next cycle is prop and tren ed how is it going to effect my training in jiu jitsu but i also practice muay thai i have a feeling its gonna be not so fun lol
    Hardly, you will be able to fight both arts.
    In my case, I almost gave up training bjj because of the pain I had in my calfs, thighs, femoral biceps and forearms.

    Now, I only inject triceps, traps, lats and pects and I am fine but it was a hard path to cope with.

    Be prepared to reduce your mma training, lol.

  22. #142
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    Tomorrow, I will get rid of mesterolone for the entire day.
    I just did my third injection today but, referring to the tiredness just after the test susp dose, it does not seem to be related to the quantity of the test injected.
    Last edited by BJJ; 04-26-2010 at 02:57 PM.

  23. #143
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Tomorrow, I will get rid of mesterolone for the entire day.
    I just did my third injection today but, referring to the tiredness just after the test susp dose, it does not seem to be related to the quantity of the test injected.
    do you think its anavar related? did you have the same feeling on your anavar only cycle?

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    do you think its anavar related? did you have the same feeling on your anavar only cycle?
    No, absolutely not.
    I had times when I felt tired but in this cycle is too strong.
    I could quit it if I had not the will to figure out what the problem is.

  25. #145
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    strange...i get tired occasionally and im using priviron, but not like you are expierencing..

    and u are now taking e-stane? so your estrogen is lower..has it got any better since u started with it?

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    strange...i get tired occasionally and im using priviron, but not like you are expierencing..

    and u are now taking e-stane? so your estrogen is lower..has it got any better since u started with it?
    Not much I would say. I do not think to be related to estrogens otherwise the problem would have been solved by now.

  27. #147
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    Without mesterolone seems to be better so far.
    Let's see in the following hours and tonight.

  28. #148
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    Swollen finger problem solved.
    Swollen Finger

  29. #149
    tronics is offline Associate Member
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    you figure out what made it swell up or did it just go away? hows the tired feeling now that priviron is out 2 days now?

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by tronics View Post
    you figure out what made it swell up or did it just go away? hows the tired feeling now that priviron is out 2 days now?
    I will post the weekly report in about a minute.
    All the answers there.

  31. #151
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    Post 7th Week

    Day 1
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.327
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Stomachache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Delt (22g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 60 DIA (mmHg), 68 BPM [morning]

    Day 2
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.374
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Light headache, Tummy ache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu), Loperamide (16 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (22g 1¼")

    Day 3
    50 mg mes
    Kcal: 2.001
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea, Tummy ache, Flatulence, Light headache
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: None

    Day 4
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.296
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 5
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.106
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Headache, Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1¼")

    Day 6
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.301
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Flatulence
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Thigh (23g 1¼")

    Day 7
    60 mg test prop / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.691
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Flatulence, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Glute (23g 1")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.156

    After a tough beginning where I experienced severe diarrhoea, my organism seems to have accepted the oil dissolved with the testosterone propionate , ethyl oleate (Testosterone Propionate Cycle Started but...).
    Regarding strength, I did not notice any important improvement so far.
    Starting from week 2 till week 8, I will inject 500 mg weekly of boldenone undecylenate (250x2), to experiment with the stamina effect and to avoid tendons injury since I am also practising Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

    Day 8
    70 mg test prop / 250 mg eq / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.665
    Training: Cardio 30', Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Light headache, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Trap (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 50 DIA (mmHg), 74 BPM [morning]

    Day 9
    70 mg test prop / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.705
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light headache, Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (75000 iu)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 10
    60 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.493
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Light bloating
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Tricep (25g ⅝") - L Delt (23g 1")

    Day 11
    70 mg test susp / 250 mg eq / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.591
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Bicep (25g ⅝") - R Bicep (25g ⅝") - L Calf (23g 1¼")

    Day 12
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.406
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Anal burning
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Calf (23g 1¼") - R Glute (23g 1¼")

    Day 13
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.300
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Anal burning
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: L Forearm (25g ⅝") - L Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 14
    70 mg test susp / 250 mg eq / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.402
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Anal burning, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Loperamide (6 mg), Neomycin (50000 iu)
    Injection Site: R Pect (23g 1¼") - R Trap (23g 1") - L Pect (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.651

    On day 8, I increased the daily intake of testosterone propionate up to 70 mg for a total of 490 mg weekly.
    On day 9, I increased the daily intake of mesterolone up to 75 mg for a total of 525 mg weekly.
    On day 10, I swapped the testosterone propionate for the suspension.
    On day 11, I increased the daily intake of testosterone suspension up to 70 mg for a total of 490 mg weekly.
    On day 12, strength finally showed up. I think it came a little late because of the diarrhoea problems I had to cope with, which still come and go.

    Day 15
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.672
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (1 g)
    Injection Site: L Delt (23g 1¼") - R Delt (23g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 123 SYS (mmHg), 52 DIA (mmHg), 68 BPM [morning]

    Day 16
    70 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.695
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Fexofenadine Hydrochloride (180 mg)
    Injection Site: R Lat (23g 1") - L Lat (23g 1¼")

    Day 17
    80 mg test susp / 75 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.670
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Bicep (25g ⅝") - L Bicep (25g ⅝")

    Day 18
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.648
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Thigh (23g 1") - R Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 19
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.777
    Training: Chest, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Fem Bicep (23g 1") - R Fem Bicep (23g 1")

    Day 20
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.966
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Chest (23g 1¼") - R Chest (23g 1¼")

    Day 21
    80 mg test susp / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.181
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Glute (22g 1¼") - R Glute (22g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.944
    Total Injections So Far: 34

    On day 17, I increased the daily quantity of testosterone suspension up to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    On day 18, I got rid of boldenone undecylenate since the arachis oil was also causing the persistent diarrhoea I had since the beginning of this cycle. Also, I increased the daily intake of mesterolone up to 100 mg, for a weekly total of 700 mg.
    Finally, it seems I can concentrate on my diet.
    Once I raised the mesterolone up to 100 mg ed, I felt more lean and vascularized.

    Day 22
    80 mg test susp / 60 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.442
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")
    Blood Pressure: 119 SYS (mmHg), 50 DIA (mmHg), 64 BPM [morning]

    Day 23
    80 mg test susp / 60 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.073
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Loss of appetite
    Additional Drugs: Ephedrine (90 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Calf (25g ⅝")

    Day 24
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.031
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Severe pulsating pain on my calf injection sites, which prevented me from walking
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Calf (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 25
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.701
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Light fever, Face and hands swelling, Calfs pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (4 g)
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g 1") - R Trap (25g 1")

    Day 26
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.715
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Calfs pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (2 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1") - R Pect (23g 1")

    Day 27
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.898
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Loss of appetite, Face swelling
    Additional Drugs: Paracetamol (2 g)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1") - R Lat (23g 1")

    Day 28
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.205
    Training: Chest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (50000 iu), Fexofenadine Hydrochloride (180 mg)
    Injection Site: L Fem Bicep (23g 1") - R Fem Bicep (23g 1")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 4.009
    Total Injections So Far: 48

    Randomly this week, after injecting testosterone suspension I felt a burst of heat.
    I am definitely growing.

    Day 29
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.572
    Training: Back
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Carbocisteine (2,7 g), Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 128 SYS (mmHg), 56 DIA (mmHg), 67 BPM [morning]

    Day 30
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.345
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough
    Additional Drugs: Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1") - L Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 31
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.498
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ephedrine (90 mg), Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 32
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.015
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis, Cough, Diarrhoea
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Ephedrine (90 mg), Neomycin (50000 iu), Budesonide (2 mg), N-acetyl-L-cysteine (600 mg)
    Injection Site: L Trap (25g ⅝") - R Trap (25g ⅝")

    Day 33
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.351
    Training: Cardio 30'
    Sides: Cough
    Additional Drugs: Neomycin (100000 iu), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 34
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.927
    Training: Shoulders
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1") - R Lat (23g 1")

    Day 35
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 4.055
    Training: Biceps & Triceps, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.823
    Total Injections So Far: 62

    Since a few days a noticed a little shrinkage of my right testicle during the evening hours. Then, the morning after its size goes back to normal. With these occurences, I think I will not use HCG .

    Day 36
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.543
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1") - R Pect (23g 1")
    Blood Pressure: 131 SYS (mmHg), 51 DIA (mmHg), 76 BPM [evening]

    Day 37
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.346
    Training: Back, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Ephedrine (120 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 38
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.609
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")
    Blood Work, Blood Pressure & Spermatic Cytoanalysis:

    Day 39
    80 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.701
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: R Thigh (23g 1") - L Thigh (23g 1")

    Day 40
    90 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.960
    Training: Chest, Abs
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Trap (23g 1") - R Trap (23g 1")

    Day 41
    90 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 150 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.515
    Training: Nil
    Sides: Light fever
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Pect (23g 1¼") - R Pect (23g 1¼")

    Day 42
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 150 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.492
    Training: Legs
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Diazepam (10 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.595
    Total Injections So Far: 76

    I noticed that ten hours of continuous sleep are necessary to wake up full of energy and well rested.
    At day 40, I increased the daily dose of testosterone suspension to 90 mg, for a total of 630 mg weekly.
    At day 41, I increased the daily ingestion of mesterolone to 150 mg, for a total of 1.050 mg weekly.
    At day 42, I decreased the daily dose of testosterone suspension to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    At day 42, I increased the daily ingestion of oxandrolone to 80 mg, for a total of 560 mg weekly.
    Regarding sides, nothing to report so far except lethargy and light fever when pinned 90 mg of testosterone suspension.
    Also, dosing mesterolone more than 100 mg ed, seems not to bring any improvements.

    Day 43
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 12.5 mg exe / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.687
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Light fever, Thigh pain
    Additional Drugs: Ketoprofen Foam (1 g), Nimesulide (100 mg)
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")
    Blood Pressure: 105 SYS (mmHg), 42 DIA (mmHg), 73 BPM [evening]

    Day 44
    80 mg test susp / 80 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.50 mg cab
    Kcal: 2.861
    Training: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 45
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.177
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Tiredness, Swollen finger (middle, right hand)
    Additional Drugs: Nil
    Injection Site: L Tricep (25g ⅝") - R Tricep (25g ⅝")

    Day 46
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 100 mg mes / 25 mg exe / 0.25 mg cab
    Kcal: 3.668
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Swollen finger (middle, right hand)
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Vardenafil (10 mg)
    Injection Site: R Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 47
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 125 mg mes / 25 mg exe
    Kcal: 3.875
    Training: Biceps & Triceps
    Sides: Swollen finger (middle, right hand)
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - L Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 48
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa
    Kcal: 3.373
    Training: Rest
    Sides: Nil
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg)
    Injection Site: L Delt (25g ⅝") - R Delt (25g ⅝") - L Delt (25g ⅝")

    Day 49
    60 mg test susp / 70 mg oxa / 50 mg mes
    Kcal: 3.439
    Training: Chest, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    Sides: Allergic Rhinitis
    Additional Drugs: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride (120 mg), Cetirizine (5 mg), Diazepam (20 mg)
    Injection Site: L Lat (23g 1¼") - R Lat (23g 1¼")

    Daily Average KCalories Intake: 3.440
    Total Injections So Far: 92

    At day 43, I decreased the daily dose of mesterolone to 100 mg, for a total of 700 mg weekly. Also, I started taking either cabergoline and exemestane to reduce the high amount of estrogens accumulated so far in this cycle.
    At day 45, I got rid of cabergoline but kept exemestane at 25 mg ed for about ten days (before bed). Also, I reduced the daily injection of testosterone suspension to 60 mg, for a total of 420 mg weekly (due to the androgenic affinity of exemestane). Furthermore, I reduced the daily intake of oxandrolone to 70 mg.
    At day 45, I started to ingest either oxandrolone and mesterolone at breakfast and lunch since I have problems to sleep at night, whereas I keep the ingestion of exemestane before bed.
    At day 46, I started taking exemestane in the morning at breakfast before the testosterone suspension injection.
    At day 47, I found a monograph explaining my finger problem was due to exemestane ( Also, I decided to start pinning 3 times per day to see if I notice any difference.
    At day 48, I got rid of mesterolone to see if it has something to do with the lethargy problem after the injection. In fact, I felt better during the entire day and slept deeply the following night.
    At day 49, my swollen finger problem solved by itself (Swollen Finger). Also, I added again mesterolone at 50 mg ed to see if I can cope with that amount.
    I got rid of my legs as injection spots, too much pain to cope with in the following days.
    I decided to stop growing. 100 Kg is more than enough and noticed that above that weigth I have problems to perform Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Diet will be changed accordingly.
    Last edited by BJJ; 04-30-2010 at 02:24 AM.

  32. #152
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Added again 50 mg of mesterolone daily and it seems to be fine again.

  33. #153
    BJJ's Avatar
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    STATS:___________________________________Day 21_________________________Day 35__________________________Day 52
    36 Years Old, 187 cm (6'2" ft)
    Body Weight: 93,8 kg (206 lbs)__________________95,7 kg (210 lbs) +2,02%________100 kg (220 lbs) +6,61%__________100 kg (220 lbs)
    Body Fat: 13%________________________________13%___________________________14% +7,69%____________________13%
    Body Water: 63,7%____________________________62,5% -1,88%__________________62% -2,74%____________________63,3% -0,63%

  34. #154
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    STATS:___________________________________Day 21_________________________Day 35__________________________Day 52
    36 Years Old, 187 cm (6'2" ft)
    Body Weight: 93,8 kg (206 lbs)__________________95,7 kg (210 lbs) +2,02%________100 kg (220 lbs) +6,61%__________100 kg (220 lbs)
    Body Fat: 13%________________________________13%___________________________14% +7,69%____________________13%
    Body Water: 63,7%____________________________62,5% -1,88%__________________62% -2,74%____________________63,3% -0,63%
    Well Done, you've manged to drop your BF% keep up the good work...

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadeed View Post
    Well Done, you've manged to drop your BF% keep up the good work...
    Thanks, even though I do not want to grow anymore because I felt too heavy while rolling.
    100 Kg is enough for me.

  36. #156
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    Starting from today exemestane @ 25 mg eod and bumping oxandrolone to 80 mg ed.

  37. #157
    Jumbo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Yes, I used nothing but Mesterolone so far.
    I started @ 75 mg ed now up to 125 mg ed and noticed that 100 is the base, at least for me.
    Do you find you are more comfortable using mesterlone as an ai rather than arimidex ? I don't like the negative impact on lipids and igf-1 with arimidex; how does mesterlone compare on regards to that and maintaining e2 levels, any rebound?

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumbo18 View Post
    Do you find you are more comfortable using mesterlone as an ai rather than arimidex? I don't like the negative impact on lipids and igf-1 with arimidex; how does mesterlone compare on regards to that and maintaining e2 levels, any rebound?
    Look at my blood work to have the proper answer.
    In any case, I use exemestane instead of anastrozole.

    My cycle was a heavy one since I reached almost 1g per week of a long ester test (compared to what I injected, 90 mg ed of test susp).
    So, mestrolone can be of help but cannot stop the aromatazing process.
    Since a couple of weeks I use aromasin and I am fine with it.
    Once in a while I combine also cabergoline since my PRL was too high.

  39. #159
    Jumbo18 is offline Associate Member
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    Why did your prolactin come high I didn't see any 19nors in this log?

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jumbo18 View Post
    Why did your prolactin come high I didn't see any 19nors in this log?
    PRL can increase in condition of overtraining, that is why a cross check with cortisol and ACTH gives a good view of the overall situation.

    Also, a severe raise in estrogens (due to aromatization) can produce a raise in prolactin.

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