Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
Why alter your hCG schedule?
I personally say yes. While the chance for shutdown is nil, your connective tissue is still relatively untrained and more susceptible to injury when adding mass/strength quickly. However, I would like others' opinions on this as well, as it's not something I've looked into extensively. Perhaps a shorter blast would be more suitable?

How were your gains, or what "difference" did you note?
I just read something from Dr. Crisler about this theory. The idea is that the Cyp from day 1 (injection day) begins to taper off most significantly on days 5 and 6, right before your next injection. The hCG is supposed to give you a slight mood boost, a sort of substitute for the declining (albeit still normal) test levels.
That is why I was taking the 1000iu on days 5 and 6