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    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Any addicts here using aas?

    So I've been clean for a short period of time now (about 6 months). I've cycled once before about 6 yrs ago. I was planning on running a cycle in december of this yr. I have another 6-8wks of cutting then lean bulk and cut again before December.

    What are other addicts opinion/history w running cycles? How much clean time should I hve before I cycle? What is narcotics anonymous' view?

    I wasn't goin to run anything exotic or extreme. Just a test prop cycle.

  2. #2
    warmouth is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    So I've been clean for a short period of time now (about 6 months). I've cycled once before about 6 yrs ago. I was planning on running a cycle in december of this yr. I have another 6-8wks of cutting then lean bulk and cut again before December.

    What are other addicts opinion/history w running cycles? How much clean time should I hve before I cycle? What is narcotics anonymous' view?

    I wasn't goin to run anything exotic or extreme. Just a test prop cycle.
    Congrats on getting sober. Stay that way and live one day at a time. My recommendation to you would be to work on your sobriety first and lock it down. Get it through to yourself you're done with the narcos. Give it time before you jump back in as to not cause any type of need to use because its so easy, so to speak. Good luck to you.

  3. #3
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    Congrats on getting sober. Stay that way and live one day at a time. My recommendation to you would be to work on your sobriety first and lock it down. Get it through to yourself you're done with the narcos. Give it time before you jump back in as to not cause any type of need to use because its so easy, so to speak. Good luck to you.
    Hi this is crazy mike. Old crazy mike 61 yrs. Clean 1yr 4 months and 2 days. I just got home NOW from a hernia operation and don't feel up to this. I will address this in a day. But in short "Warmouth" has said it right. Your not clear enough yet to think this out. I think it to be dangerous to your sobriety so soon. I'll continue later. AA would have a fit but that's not the reason. It's about you and only you . I have suggestions. If you want we can PM in a day or so, or not,. Good luck ...crazy mike nite

    PS: my obsession was gone, GONE and today it is fvcking haunting me with the meds I have to take. I fvckin hurt
    Last edited by crazy mike; 03-11-2013 at 07:46 PM.

  4. #4
    trenhead1 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm a complete twat that's been on past 2 years on and off that is I'd run a cycle run pct then a month max I'd be jabbing again but after this cycle I'm gonna try and crack the habit to once a year or something with a bit more knowledge I was munching dianobol like tic taks at around 30 % body fat and only training arms I'm not proud off what I've done but learn from ure mistakes I suppose

  5. #5
    tdoe11's Avatar
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    I have a little over Sven years clean and sober. Now I'm totally mentally addicted to aas. Haha. Seriously though. I would wait dude. I once had three years sober and I ran a cycle. Complications of the cycle ended me up in the ER. They gave me a shot of morphine while I was in there and I was baaaaaaack on a good one. It was really hard to get clean again. If I wouldn't of cycled I wouldn't of ended up relapsing. It's kinda like a shady grey area dude. Pray about it.

  6. #6
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    My sponsor told me he couldn't sponsor me if I was on aas. I told him I would get another sponsor. Then I went out

  7. #7
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    So I've been clean for a short period of time now (about 6 months). I've cycled once before about 6 yrs ago. I was planning on running a cycle in december of this yr. I have another 6-8wks of cutting then lean bulk and cut again before December.

    What are other addicts opinion/history w running cycles? How much clean time should I hve before I cycle? What is narcotics anonymous' view?

    I wasn't goin to run anything exotic or extreme. Just a test prop cycle.
    Damn, i want to help but we have a strict "No rec drug talk" policy here.

    Let me ask how long have you been training? What goals do you have in mind?

    From your pics, you've made nice progress.

  8. #8
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Damn, i want to help but we have a strict "No rec drug talk" policy here.

    Let me ask how long have you been training? What goals do you have in mind?

    From your pics, you've made nice progress.
    Sorry pete, I didn't know how far, I could go with it. But I did tell him we could pm, OK?. Aas I said gotta get back and sleep. I hurt but :0

  9. #9
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Sorry pete, I didn't know how far, I could go with it. But I did tell him we could pm, OK?. Aas I said gotta get back and sleep. I hurt but :0
    You're fine, Crazy Mike.

  10. #10
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Damn, i want to help but we have a strict "No rec drug talk" policy here.

    Let me ask how long have you been training? What goals do you have in mind?

    From your pics, you've made nice progress.

    I understand the no rec talk here. That's why I'm not bringing up any of my using history.

    Goal for now is to cut down another 12lbs, then lean bulk for Aprox 4 months then cut for 9-12 weeks.

    I've been training on and off for about 12yrs. Consistently now for 6 months. Cut down from 250lbs to now 202lbs.

  11. #11
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Yea I'm taking it one day at a time and running my program.

    I'm kind of torn about it cause one part of me says if I live my program I need to surrender to my higher power and give up my control. But the other part says I'm not getting high from aas and its directed at a positive goal.

    By the time I plan on cycling I will have over a yr clean.

    In the end my sobriety is number 1 in my life so I want to get as many opinions as possible. Cause if people w real experience start telling me its a horrible idea then ill listen. But if its a sponsor who has no experience w aas then its harder to really believe.

  12. #12
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Please lets talk again maybe morrow nite by PM system...crazy mike

    In all forums and with all meetings etc...we must recognize and yield to the singleness of
    Last edited by crazy mike; 03-11-2013 at 07:55 PM.

  13. #13
    Emerald's Avatar
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    I wouldn't use AAS if I was an addict, ever. I know this is a highy debatable subject, but I believe that if you are at risk for intoxicants steroids can be addictive.

  14. #14
    trenhead1 is offline Associate Member
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    Don't u guys find tren becomes a addiction is say I'm more addicted to tren than aas it gives me so much power and makes me look so sick but does the opposite to me head if it wernt such a powerful drug I'd stay on for eternity

  15. #15
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    I would have to argue that there is an addictive side to Tren and I do not mean mental.

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    My problem is I stopped everything and turned to juice. I hope I can come off and not start using xxxxx. I think I'll be okay, but yet again I been running juice for almost 5 months. Now at least at a low dosage.

    Good luck OP, keep focused.

  17. #17
    RoadToHuge's Avatar
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    You replaced one addiction with another.

    Very common for us with addictive personalities.. Which most of us here are..

  18. #18
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    You replaced one addiction with another.

    Very common for us with addictive personalities.. Which most of us here are..

    Ain't that the truth

  19. #19
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToHuge View Post
    You replaced one addiction with another.

    Very common for us with addictive personalities.. Which most of us here are..
    True that man. I've never had substance issues but its because I know I have an addictive personality and once ya start... It's all over. Just take it a day at a time and be really careful. AAS can certainly jut replace an addiction and it can be just as harmful, if not more, when abused.

  20. #20
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Addiction is the disease of more...proceed with caution my friend.

  21. #21
    blake170's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup
    Addiction is the disease of more...proceed with caution my friend.

    I've been clean 9 1/2 years. Some people are ok on aas, some aren't. It's hard to say what a "proper" amount of clean time would be. If you say that your recovery really does come first, then maybe wait until one year clean. Train like a beast during that time.
    There are those would say using aas IS a relapse. Be careful not to argue the point, that tends to out you in a corner. Pick some people (sponsor) that you trust, make decisions based on sharing with trusted guys and prayer. Be honest with yourself, and those around you.
    Honestly, I've sponsored dozens of guys over the years, and if it were one of those guys asking this question; first I'd say I'm proud of you for asking BEFORE making the decision, second...I'd say that the fact that you're questioning it is good enough reason to put it off. Proving to yourself that you can cycle and stay clean is nowhere near as gratifying as proving to yourself that you can abstain from cycling to put your recovery first.

    Good luck, and congratulations on getting clean.

  22. #22
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Addiction is the disease of more...proceed with caution my friend.
    ^^nail on the head! 5yrs sober in june.. be careful..

  23. #23
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    I agree w both of u. Because my addiction/obsession just transforms. Right now its lifting. Which is awesome cause I've Completly transformed my body. But I know it can quickly transform to something more problematic.

    I guess I should try to forget about it. Cause I've already mapped out my cycle and pct, when I should order eveything ect. Thus beginning the obsessive part.

  24. #24
    ppwc1985's Avatar
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    Hey, recovered addict here. Though we are never really recovered. I would wait till your strong and confident in your recovery. Different ppl do things different. I only used NA for the first 45 days, than just dependent on my higher power. I don't know you but I've seen alot military addicts since recovery, trying to lend my ex. There are weak minded ppl and stronger minded ppl. I would decide which you are cause you know if your honest with yourself. If your the weak minded, just stick with some supplements and leave the gear alone cause its not worth your life. Good luck if you need to talk, plenty here has called out pm me if need to talk or advice, and saying what your addiction was don't matter cause I. The end they all the same, they rob you of your money, your pride, your dignity, your mind and body. It's the devil in disguise.

  25. #25
    s.e.bowen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    So I've been clean for a short period of time now (about 6 months). I've cycled once before about 6 yrs ago. I was planning on running a cycle in december of this yr. I have another 6-8wks of cutting then lean bulk and cut again before December.

    What are other addicts opinion/history w running cycles? How much clean time should I hve before I cycle? What is narcotics anonymous' view?

    I wasn't goin to run anything exotic or extreme. Just a test prop cycle.
    I've been clean and sober now about 27 months.
    I submerged myself in the program and went to meetings every night for the first 18 months. I spent a lot of time and effort on building a good foundation. I try to live a spiritual life, and of course I fail quite often. But I keep plugging away. I got a support network of guys I talk to every day.
    Life is good when I get out of the way.
    All that being said I waited about 19 months before taking the aas plunge. I don't think there is anything wrong with aas use as long as you put your spiritual life first.
    And with that being said only you can answer that question.
    Congratulations on your 6 months!
    I wish the best of luck to you!


  26. #26
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Ive been sober 10 years now, when I quit drinking is when I started going to the gym. So now Im addicted to the gym but things could be worse, I believe you need to keep on working out natural and keep working you're program.

  27. #27
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Thanks to all of u that responded. It's good to get multiple pov and opinions.

    I am working my steps and living more spiritual but by no means do I have a solid foundation yet.

    I will wait until I have 1 year clean and then I will revisit the idea. If I want to and think I'm ready I will. If the desire is Gone and I'm happy w my gains then I won't.

    Also if I do decide to I will prob have around 18 months cause of planning/prepping and making sure I have a few months w no travel. I say this cause I travel a shit load and that would hurt my routine.

    Thanks again guys. Hope to talk to u guys soon

  28. #28
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    I started cycling 10 months ago, and I just did 3 cycles. 1 Hdrol cycle and 2 test-tren cycles. went up from 72kg to lean 84kg.
    this is my last week cycle, I'll do proper PCT, and in June, I'll start again my summer cycle, 12 weeks. Am I addict? don't know, I never had problems so I went from use to abuse. but I swear, this summer will be my last cycle, until next summer.
    no winter-bulking-cycle anymore.

  29. #29
    John Andrew's Avatar
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    AA and NA are full of deceit! I used AA for 2 years some 30 years ago. They call me a dry drunk, They say I will relapse and one day come back into the fold.

    My decision was made when I realized that if I was going to replace alcohol with meetings and GOD!! I would rather die! I stopped drinking to start living. My life includes the use of steroids and the only time I ever regretted any drug use was when my back was broken and I was given morphine for 3 weeks. I hated not sleeping the month after, since then i have not allowed the use of morphine by doctors and my last 4 surgical procedures have been done under local anesthetics.

    As for the concept of a sponsor and other 12 step programmes! I think they stop people from recovery. Sure we may need help and support at first, everybody has times in life where support is crucial but to allow a group to attempt to brainwash you is just suicide. Good luck. John

  30. #30
    poppz's Avatar
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    personally ,i think you should cycle and get your mind on something positive. just take advice from here on your cycle and get your mind off the other stuff.

  31. #31
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Don't want to go back to edit but it was 46 years of using NOT 6. Of course it wasn't like the last 4 then 2 then 6 months then detox. But to tell you Juced porchop, I'm good. the obsession is and has been gone. I don't really have triggers anymore but taking some for surgery brought it all back home. I had a tough week to get that thought and the trigger to go away once again. But I woke up one day and I tell you, IT WAS GONE. Yep just like it came it was gone. You CANNOT understand if you have never been there and for me, it was mine, my experience my body, my mind and so the other addicts don't know what I was going thru because we are our own persons our own minds and bodies. Like my tolerance is was my tolerance and the dosage was mine specifically. Going thru the entire week and a half of an intended script, in just in 4 days, and not to get high, I sear I never got high, I only masked the pain. I did not relapse. I thank my God for that. I am still an addict not just because they say, but my testimony tells the story. I don't drink and I take no drugs. aas being a drug, I do not take aas as a drug, I don't take my psych medicine as drugs. I take medications in my mind, and get pissed off at the attitude by others that I still am doing drugs. Technically of course, but my semantics aloues me to get past the drug issue of my thoughts and mind classifying my medicine needed as medicine. AAS is a science around an athlete doing them as carefully as I can wih each cycle being for a specific purpose in my bodybuilding. At 61 after years off my attitude is I AM A BODYBUILDER at heart I participate in this sport as would a competitor. aas is not form me to get high it is for bodybuilding and if one (me) doesn't plug in diet and hard A$$ workouts why do them. I will shove that addiction of the mind altering, substances out the door, out of my life out of my thoughts and live a healthy life. How many years do I have. I mean lets get real train for ten more and 71, sh!t then 5 more and 76....I can't think that way even though I am running an up hill battle against time (age). Fvck the other drvgs I'll be healthy with the gym and aas EVEN if I am addicted to aas. I feel good , people complement me even if I'm not what I should be or want to be YET. If aas make this possible such is life because without the meds of today many people would be not so well off and unhappy etc.... Thanks for your time guys, grateful ....crazy mike
    Last edited by crazy mike; 03-30-2013 at 01:08 PM.

  32. #32
    against_grain is offline Junior Member
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    I have experience with this.

    While your body is dependent on opiates- there are several clear studies showing that your Natural Test will be REDUCED. As a person recovering from a dependancy, your muscle mass and body will likely be less strong than before.

    Also, your state of mind, self-esteem, sex-drive would all be lower while you were dependent on opiates. At least mine was.

    A cycle of test would be a good way to improve your mood, self-esteem, sex-drive, etc. I think it would help get you more focused on your body and positive aspects of your life.

  33. #33
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    I was 4 and a half years clean in the program and had completed the steps was sponsoring people and doing service before I took the aas plunge and haven't regretted it.

    Build your foundation of recovery and if at anytime you feel like you want to use work the program forget the aas and keep your focus at the end of the day not much good being built like a tank if you start using again

  34. #34
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    Clean and sober quite some time but I have never taken AAS.

  35. #35
    Larz1 is offline New Member
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    Congrats on kickin man. Opiates kicked my axx for a few years before I snapped out of it.
    I went into a real simple cycle, and it helped me with my mood etc.
    Its been a year, and now I'm getting back into AAS.
    Everybody is different, so take your time.

  36. #36
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    As aas does by making you aggressive in the gym, appetite, and energy, for me it has been the best thing for my recovery. Being retired I have something very important for me to live for an that the striving to get bigger, look better, bee proud of my physique when I walk into a room or a store or at home. I eat better and so Its a new life, I am so much happier I have something to do and look for every day. I look forward to going to the gym each day and I can run circles around so many younger guys in the gym. ...crazy mike

  37. #37
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Yea I'm also I the same situation and has been flooding myself with fitness info and any thing I can do to get ready to start my cycle and I can tell I'm going at it as hard as I did my addiction but **** if getting big is the worst I am doing then I'm not doing to bad also I don't consider roids effect us from the neck up in my opinion so we should be good needles are the worst I can see ex addicts having issues with so if that was your deal try sticking to oral only and that's my only advice

  38. #38
    Burnout's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    So I've been clean for a short period of time now (about 6 months). I've cycled once before about 6 yrs ago. I was planning on running a cycle in december of this yr. I have another 6-8wks of cutting then lean bulk and cut again before December. What are other addicts opinion/history w running cycles? How much clean time should I hve before I cycle? What is narcotics anonymous' view? I wasn't goin to run anything exotic or extreme. Just a test prop cycle.
    ................I cant tell you how much this post has just helped me. Thank you. Follow your True Will.

  39. #39
    harley121's Avatar
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    I have found replacing a harmful obsession (narcotics) with a healthy one (fitness/ bodybuilding) has been a good thing for me personally. Have not cycled yet since clean but am on TRT. The routine or 2 pins of Test C/ 2 pins of hGC and focusing on diet has allowed to continue to recover from addiction while being focused on something healthy for me.

  40. #40
    mr.slippyfist69's Avatar
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    it's good to see so many senior members with experience chime in on this for you bro. When I was injured in the Marine Corps the first thing they did was feed me op's and that shit went on too long and opened the door to all types of other issues. We all know drinking and using is murder on your mind body and soul and I say put as much distance between your last use as possible. I used the rooms to get sober years ago and IMHO it's a cult full of many bottom feeders that pray on people coming in there in tremendous pain and confusion. Your only trading one selfish behavior for another going to places like that, 90 meetings in 90 days and then it ends up taking over your whole life and pushing away friends and family that may drink once and awhile. Be careful and play the tape all the way though before deciding where to go with this. I agree with others on this thread and say, train like a animal, keep a clear mind and when the time is right to use AAS go right ahead but you know who and what you are so talk with others that are savvy and be aware of the slow slip back into that place where you want to use again. ----Good luck my brother

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